compiler haxe setlocal omnifunc=vaxe#HaxeComplete let run_once = 0 if (!run_once) " Start a server the first time a hx file is edited if g:vaxe_cache_server && ! exists('g:vaxe_cache_server_pid') call vaxe#StartCacheServer() endif " Utility variable that stores the directory that this script resides in "Load the first time a haxe file is opened let s:plugin_path = escape(expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/../python/', '\') if has("python3") exe 'py3file '.s:plugin_path.'/' elseif has("python") exe 'pyfile '.s:plugin_path.'/' endif " load special configuration for vim-airline if it exists if (exists("g:loaded_airline") && g:vaxe_enable_airline_defaults ) function! AirlineBuild(...) if &filetype == 'haxe' let w:airline_section_c = \ '%{VaxeAirlineProject()}' \. ' %{pathshorten(fnamemodify(vaxe#CurrentBuild(), ":."))}' \. ' [%{vaxe#CurrentBuildPlatform()}] ' \. g:airline_left_alt_sep \. ' %f%m' endif endfunction call add(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs, function('AirlineBuild')) endif endif function! VaxeAirlineProject() return exists("g:vaxe_hxml") ? '★ ' : '☆ ' endfunction " we need to show single entry completions for haxe, because I use those for " info messages on occasion if (g:vaxe_completeopt_menuone) setlocal completeopt+=menuone endif