local config = require('cmp.config') local misc = require('cmp.utils.misc') local str = require('cmp.utils.str') local types = require('cmp.types') local api = require('cmp.utils.api') ---@class cmp.GhostTextView local ghost_text_view = {} ghost_text_view.ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('cmp:GHOST_TEXT') local has_inline = (function() return (pcall(function() local id = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ghost_text_view.ns, 0, 0, { virt_text = { { ' ', 'Comment' } }, virt_text_pos = 'inline', hl_mode = 'combine', ephemeral = true, }) vim.api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(0, ghost_text_view.ns, id) end)) end)() ghost_text_view.new = function() local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = ghost_text_view }) self.win = nil self.entry = nil vim.api.nvim_set_decoration_provider(ghost_text_view.ns, { on_win = function(_, win) return win == self.win end, on_line = function(_, _, _, on_row) local c = config.get().experimental.ghost_text if not c then return end if not self.entry then return end local row, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) if on_row ~= row - 1 then return end local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() if not has_inline then if string.sub(line, col + 1) ~= '' then return end end local text = self.text_gen(self, line, col) if #text > 0 then vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ghost_text_view.ns, row - 1, col, { right_gravity = false, virt_text = { { text, type(c) == 'table' and c.hl_group or 'Comment' } }, virt_text_pos = has_inline and 'inline' or 'overlay', hl_mode = 'combine', ephemeral = true, }) end end, }) return self end ---Generate the ghost text --- This function calculates the bytes of the entry to display calculating the number --- of character differences instead of just byte difference. ghost_text_view.text_gen = function(self, line, cursor_col) local word = self.entry:get_insert_text() if self.entry.completion_item.insertTextFormat == types.lsp.InsertTextFormat.Snippet then word = vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet(word) end word = str.oneline(word) local word_clen = vim.str_utfindex(word) local cword = string.sub(line, self.entry:get_offset(), cursor_col) local cword_clen = vim.str_utfindex(cword) -- Number of characters from entry text (word) to be displayed as ghost thext local nchars = word_clen - cword_clen -- Missing characters to complete the entry text local text if nchars > 0 then text = string.sub(word, vim.str_byteindex(word, word_clen - nchars) + 1) else text = '' end return text end ---Show ghost text ---@param e cmp.Entry ghost_text_view.show = function(self, e) if not api.is_insert_mode() then return end local c = config.get().experimental.ghost_text if not c then return end local changed = e ~= self.entry self.win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() self.entry = e if changed then misc.redraw(true) -- force invoke decoration provider. end end ghost_text_view.hide = function(self) if self.win and self.entry then self.win = nil self.entry = nil misc.redraw(true) -- force invoke decoration provider. end end return ghost_text_view