local misc = require('cmp.utils.misc') local api = require('cmp.utils.api') local keymap = {} ---Shortcut for nvim_replace_termcodes ---@param keys string ---@return string keymap.t = function(keys) return (string.gsub(keys, '(<[A-Za-z0-9\\%-%[%]%^@]->)', function(match) return vim.api.nvim_eval(string.format([["\%s"]], match)) end)) end ---Normalize key sequence. ---@param keys string ---@return string keymap.normalize = function(keys) vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('t', '(cmp.utils.keymap.normalize)', keys, {}) for _, map in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_get_keymap('t')) do if keymap.equals(map.lhs, '(cmp.utils.keymap.normalize)') then return map.rhs end end return keys end ---Return vim notation keymapping (simple conversion). ---@param s string ---@return string keymap.to_keymap = setmetatable({ [''] = { '\n', '\r', '\r\n' }, [''] = { '\t' }, [''] = { '\\' }, [''] = { '|' }, [''] = { ' ' }, }, { __call = function(self, s) return string.gsub(s, '.', function(c) for key, chars in pairs(self) do if vim.tbl_contains(chars, c) then return key end end return c end) end, }) ---Mode safe break undo keymap.undobreak = function() if not api.is_insert_mode() then return '' end return keymap.t('u') end ---Mode safe join undo keymap.undojoin = function() if not api.is_insert_mode() then return '' end return keymap.t('U') end ---Create backspace keys. ---@param count number ---@return string keymap.backspace = function(count) if type(count) == 'string' then count = vim.fn.strchars(count, true) end if count <= 0 then return '' end local keys = {} table.insert(keys, keymap.t(string.rep('', count))) return table.concat(keys, '') end ---Update indentkeys. ---@param expr string ---@return string keymap.indentkeys = function(expr) return string.format(keymap.t('set indentkeys=%s'), expr and vim.fn.escape(expr, '| \t\\') or '') end ---Return two key sequence are equal or not. ---@param a string ---@param b string ---@return boolean keymap.equals = function(a, b) return keymap.t(a) == keymap.t(b) end ---Register keypress handler. keymap.listen = function(mode, lhs, callback) lhs = keymap.normalize(keymap.to_keymap(lhs)) local existing = keymap.get_map(mode, lhs) local id = string.match(existing.rhs, 'v:lua%.cmp%.utils%.keymap%.set_map%((%d+)%)') if id and keymap.set_map.callbacks[tonumber(id, 10)] then return end local bufnr = existing.buffer and vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() or -1 local fallback = keymap.fallback(bufnr, mode, existing) keymap.set_map(bufnr, mode, lhs, function() local ignore = false ignore = ignore or (mode == 'c' and vim.fn.getcmdtype() == '=') if ignore then fallback() else callback(lhs, misc.once(fallback)) end end, { expr = false, noremap = true, silent = true, }) end ---Fallback keymap.fallback = function(bufnr, mode, map) return function() if map.expr then local fallback_expr = string.format('(cmp.u.k.fallback_expr:%s)', map.lhs) keymap.set_map(bufnr, mode, fallback_expr, function() return keymap.solve(bufnr, mode, map).keys end, { expr = true, noremap = map.noremap, script = map.script, nowait = map.nowait, silent = map.silent and mode ~= 'c', }) vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(keymap.t(fallback_expr), 'im', true) elseif not map.callback then local solved = keymap.solve(bufnr, mode, map) vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(solved.keys, solved.mode, true) else map.callback() end end end ---Solve keymap.solve = function(bufnr, mode, map) local lhs = keymap.t(map.lhs) local rhs = map.expr and (map.callback and map.callback() or vim.api.nvim_eval(keymap.t(map.rhs))) or keymap.t(map.rhs) if map.noremap then return { keys = rhs, mode = 'in' } end if string.find(rhs, lhs, 1, true) == 1 then local recursive = string.format('0_(cmp.u.k.recursive:%s)', lhs) keymap.set_map(bufnr, mode, recursive, lhs, { noremap = true, script = map.script, nowait = map.nowait, silent = map.silent and mode ~= 'c', }) return { keys = keymap.t(recursive) .. string.gsub(rhs, '^' .. vim.pesc(lhs), ''), mode = 'im' } end return { keys = rhs, mode = 'im' } end ---Get map ---@param mode string ---@param lhs string ---@return table keymap.get_map = function(mode, lhs) lhs = keymap.normalize(lhs) for _, map in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_keymap(0, mode)) do if keymap.equals(map.lhs, lhs) then return { lhs = map.lhs, rhs = map.rhs or '', expr = map.expr == 1, callback = map.callback, noremap = map.noremap == 1, script = map.script == 1, silent = map.silent == 1, nowait = map.nowait == 1, buffer = true, } end end for _, map in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_get_keymap(mode)) do if keymap.equals(map.lhs, lhs) then return { lhs = map.lhs, rhs = map.rhs or '', expr = map.expr == 1, callback = map.callback, noremap = map.noremap == 1, script = map.script == 1, silent = map.silent == 1, nowait = map.nowait == 1, buffer = false, } end end return { lhs = lhs, rhs = lhs, expr = false, callback = nil, noremap = true, script = false, silent = true, nowait = false, buffer = false, } end ---Set keymapping keymap.set_map = setmetatable({ callbacks = {}, }, { __call = function(self, bufnr, mode, lhs, rhs, opts) if type(rhs) == 'function' then local id = misc.id('cmp.utils.keymap.set_map') self.callbacks[id] = rhs if opts.expr then rhs = ('v:lua.cmp.utils.keymap.set_map(%s)'):format(id) else rhs = ('call v:lua.cmp.utils.keymap.set_map(%s)'):format(id) end end if bufnr == -1 then vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) else vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end end, }) misc.set(_G, { 'cmp', 'utils', 'keymap', 'set_map' }, function(id) return keymap.set_map.callbacks[id]() or '' end) return keymap