local a = vim.api local log = require "nvim-tree.log" local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local core = require "nvim-tree.core" local M = { current_tab = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage(), } function M.fn(name, with_open) if not core.get_explorer() then return end local foldername = name == ".." and vim.fn.fnamemodify(utils.path_remove_trailing(core.get_cwd()), ":h") or name local no_cwd_change = vim.fn.expand(foldername) == core.get_cwd() or M.options.restrict_above_cwd and foldername < vim.fn.getcwd(-1, -1) local new_tab = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local is_window = (vim.v.event.scope == "window" or vim.v.event.changed_window) and new_tab == M.current_tab if no_cwd_change or is_window then return end M.current_tab = new_tab M.force_dirchange(foldername, with_open) end function M.force_dirchange(foldername, with_open) local ps = log.profile_start("change dir %s", foldername) if M.options.enable and vim.tbl_isempty(vim.v.event) then if M.options.global then vim.cmd("cd " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(foldername)) else vim.cmd("lcd " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(foldername)) end end core.init(foldername) if with_open then require("nvim-tree.lib").open() else require("nvim-tree.renderer").draw() end log.profile_end(ps, "change dir %s", foldername) end function M.setup(options) M.options = options.actions.change_dir end return M