local a = vim.api local uv = vim.loop local lib = require "nvim-tree.lib" local log = require "nvim-tree.log" local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local core = require "nvim-tree.core" local M = {} local clipboard = { move = {}, copy = {}, } local function do_copy(source, destination) local source_stats, handle local success, errmsg source_stats, errmsg = uv.fs_stat(source) if not source_stats then log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy fs_stat '%s' failed '%s'", source, errmsg) return false, errmsg end log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy %s '%s' -> '%s'", source_stats.type, source, destination) if source == destination then log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy source and destination are the same, exiting early") return true end if source_stats.type == "file" then success, errmsg = uv.fs_copyfile(source, destination) if not success then log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy fs_copyfile failed '%s'", errmsg) return false, errmsg end return true elseif source_stats.type == "directory" then handle, errmsg = uv.fs_scandir(source) if type(handle) == "string" then return false, handle elseif not handle then log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy fs_scandir '%s' failed '%s'", source, errmsg) return false, errmsg end success, errmsg = uv.fs_mkdir(destination, source_stats.mode) if not success then log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy fs_mkdir '%s' failed '%s'", destination, errmsg) return false, errmsg end while true do local name, _ = uv.fs_scandir_next(handle) if not name then break end local new_name = utils.path_join { source, name } local new_destination = utils.path_join { destination, name } success, errmsg = do_copy(new_name, new_destination) if not success then return false, errmsg end end else errmsg = string.format("'%s' illegal file type '%s'", source, source_stats.type) log.line("copy_paste", "do_copy %s", errmsg) return false, errmsg end return true end local function do_single_paste(source, dest, action_type, action_fn) local dest_stats local success, errmsg, errcode log.line("copy_paste", "do_single_paste '%s' -> '%s'", source, dest) dest_stats, errmsg, errcode = uv.fs_stat(dest) if not dest_stats and errcode ~= "ENOENT" then a.nvim_err_writeln("Could not " .. action_type .. " " .. source .. " - " .. (errmsg or "???")) return false, errmsg end local should_process = true local should_rename = false if dest_stats then print(dest .. " already exists. Overwrite? y/n/r(ename)") local ans = utils.get_user_input_char() utils.clear_prompt() should_process = ans:match "^y" should_rename = ans:match "^r" end if should_rename then local new_dest = vim.fn.input("New name: ", dest) return do_single_paste(source, new_dest, action_type, action_fn) end if should_process then success, errmsg = action_fn(source, dest) if not success then a.nvim_err_writeln("Could not " .. action_type .. " " .. source .. " - " .. (errmsg or "???")) return false, errmsg end end end local function add_to_clipboard(node, clip) if node.name == ".." then return end for idx, _node in ipairs(clip) do if _node.absolute_path == node.absolute_path then table.remove(clip, idx) return a.nvim_out_write(node.absolute_path .. " removed to clipboard.\n") end end table.insert(clip, node) a.nvim_out_write(node.absolute_path .. " added to clipboard.\n") end function M.copy(node) add_to_clipboard(node, clipboard.copy) end function M.cut(node) add_to_clipboard(node, clipboard.move) end local function do_paste(node, action_type, action_fn) node = lib.get_last_group_node(node) if node.name == ".." then return end local clip = clipboard[action_type] if #clip == 0 then return end local destination = node.absolute_path local stats, errmsg, errcode = uv.fs_stat(destination) if not stats and errcode ~= "ENOENT" then log.line("copy_paste", "do_paste fs_stat '%s' failed '%s'", destination, errmsg) a.nvim_err_writeln("Could not " .. action_type .. " " .. destination .. " - " .. (errmsg or "???")) return end local is_dir = stats and stats.type == "directory" if not is_dir then destination = vim.fn.fnamemodify(destination, ":p:h") elseif not node.open then destination = vim.fn.fnamemodify(destination, ":p:h:h") end for _, _node in ipairs(clip) do local dest = utils.path_join { destination, _node.name } do_single_paste(_node.absolute_path, dest, action_type, action_fn) end clipboard[action_type] = {} return require("nvim-tree.actions.reloaders").reload_explorer() end local function do_cut(source, destination) log.line("copy_paste", "do_cut '%s' -> '%s'", source, destination) if source == destination then log.line("copy_paste", "do_cut source and destination are the same, exiting early") return true end local success, errmsg = uv.fs_rename(source, destination) if not success then log.line("copy_paste", "do_cut fs_rename failed '%s'", errmsg) return false, errmsg end utils.rename_loaded_buffers(source, destination) return true end function M.paste(node) if clipboard.move[1] ~= nil then return do_paste(node, "move", do_cut) end return do_paste(node, "copy", do_copy) end function M.print_clipboard() local content = {} if #clipboard.move > 0 then table.insert(content, "Cut") for _, item in pairs(clipboard.move) do table.insert(content, " * " .. item.absolute_path) end end if #clipboard.copy > 0 then table.insert(content, "Copy") for _, item in pairs(clipboard.copy) do table.insert(content, " * " .. item.absolute_path) end end return a.nvim_out_write(table.concat(content, "\n") .. "\n") end local function copy_to_clipboard(content) if M.use_system_clipboard == true then vim.fn.setreg("+", content) vim.fn.setreg('"', content) return a.nvim_out_write(string.format("Copied %s to system clipboard! \n", content)) else vim.fn.setreg('"', content) vim.fn.setreg("1", content) return a.nvim_out_write(string.format("Copied %s to neovim clipboard \n", content)) end end function M.copy_filename(node) return copy_to_clipboard(node.name) end function M.copy_path(node) local absolute_path = node.absolute_path local relative_path = utils.path_relative(absolute_path, core.get_cwd()) local content = node.nodes ~= nil and utils.path_add_trailing(relative_path) or relative_path return copy_to_clipboard(content) end function M.copy_absolute_path(node) local absolute_path = node.absolute_path local content = node.nodes ~= nil and utils.path_add_trailing(absolute_path) or absolute_path return copy_to_clipboard(content) end function M.setup(opts) M.use_system_clipboard = opts.actions.use_system_clipboard end return M