local api = vim.api local uv = vim.loop local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local builders = require "nvim-tree.explorer.node-builders" local common = require "nvim-tree.explorer.common" local sorters = require "nvim-tree.explorer.sorters" local filters = require "nvim-tree.explorer.filters" local M = {} local function get_type_from(type_, cwd) return type_ or (uv.fs_stat(cwd) or {}).type end local function populate_children(handle, cwd, node, status) local node_ignored = node.git_status == "!!" while true do local name, t = uv.fs_scandir_next(handle) if not name then break end local nodes_by_path = utils.key_by(node.nodes, "absolute_path") local abs = utils.path_join { cwd, name } t = get_type_from(t, abs) if not filters.should_ignore(abs) and not filters.should_ignore_git(abs, status.files) and not nodes_by_path[abs] then if t == "directory" and uv.fs_access(abs, "R") then table.insert(node.nodes, builders.folder(node, abs, name, status, node_ignored)) elseif t == "file" then table.insert(node.nodes, builders.file(node, abs, name, status, node_ignored)) elseif t == "link" then local link = builders.link(node, abs, name, status, node_ignored) if link.link_to ~= nil then table.insert(node.nodes, link) end end end end end local function get_dir_handle(cwd) local handle = uv.fs_scandir(cwd) if type(handle) == "string" then api.nvim_err_writeln(handle) return end return handle end function M.explore(node, status) local cwd = node.cwd or node.link_to or node.absolute_path local handle = get_dir_handle(cwd) if not handle then return end populate_children(handle, cwd, node, status) local is_root = node.cwd ~= nil local child_folder_only = common.has_one_child_folder(node) and node.nodes[1] if vim.g.nvim_tree_group_empty == 1 and not is_root and child_folder_only then node.group_next = child_folder_only local ns = M.explore(child_folder_only, status) node.nodes = ns or {} return ns end sorters.merge_sort(node.nodes, sorters.node_comparator) return node.nodes end return M