local M = {} function M.get_toplevel(cwd) local cmd = "git -C " .. vim.fn.shellescape(cwd) .. " rev-parse --show-toplevel" local toplevel = vim.fn.system(cmd) if not toplevel or #toplevel == 0 or toplevel:match "fatal" then return nil end -- git always returns path with forward slashes if vim.fn.has "win32" == 1 then toplevel = toplevel:gsub("/", "\\") end -- remove newline return toplevel:sub(0, -2) end local untracked = {} function M.should_show_untracked(cwd) if untracked[cwd] ~= nil then return untracked[cwd] end local cmd = "git -C " .. cwd .. " config --type=bool status.showUntrackedFiles" local has_untracked = vim.fn.system(cmd) untracked[cwd] = vim.trim(has_untracked) ~= "false" return untracked[cwd] end function M.file_status_to_dir_status(status, cwd) local dirs = {} for p, s in pairs(status) do if s ~= "!!" then local modified = vim.fn.fnamemodify(p, ":h") dirs[modified] = s end end for dirname, s in pairs(dirs) do local modified = dirname while modified ~= cwd and modified ~= "/" do modified = vim.fn.fnamemodify(modified, ":h") dirs[modified] = s end end return dirs end return M