"============================================================================= " FILE: handler.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= function! vimfiler#handler#_event_handler(event_name, ...) let user_context = get(a:000, 0, {}) let context = vimfiler#initialize_context(user_context) let path = vimfiler#util#substitute_path_separator( \ get(user_context, 'path', expand('<afile>'))) if filereadable(path) let source_name = 'file' let source_args = [path] else let ret = vimfiler#parse_path(path) let source_name = ret[0] let source_args = ret[1:] endif return s:on_{a:event_name}(source_name, source_args, context) endfunction function! s:on_BufReadCmd(source_name, source_args, context) " Check path. let ret = unite#vimfiler_check_filetype( \ [insert(a:source_args, a:source_name)]) if empty(ret) if !empty(unite#loaded_sources_list()) && a:source_name !=# 'file' " File not found. call vimfiler#util#print_error( \ printf('Can''t open "%s".', join(a:source_args, ':'))) endif doautocmd BufRead return endif let [type, info] = ret let bufnr = bufnr('%') let b:vimfiler = {} let b:vimfiler.source = a:source_name let b:vimfiler.context = a:context let b:vimfiler.bufnr = bufnr('%') if type ==# 'directory' call vimfiler#init#_vimfiler_directory(info, a:context) elseif type ==# 'file' call vimfiler#init#_vimfiler_file( \ a:source_args, info[0], info[1]) else call vimfiler#util#print_error('Unknown filetype.') endif if bufnr('%') != bufnr " Restore window. call vimfiler#util#winmove(bufwinnr(bufnr)) endif endfunction function! s:on_BufWriteCmd(source_name, source_args, context) " BufWriteCmd is published by :write or other commands with 1,$ range. return s:write(a:source_name, a:source_args, 1, line('$'), 'BufWriteCmd') endfunction function! s:on_FileAppendCmd(source_name, source_args, context) " FileAppendCmd is published by :write or other commands with >>. return s:write(a:source_name, a:source_args, line("'["), line("']"), 'FileAppendCmd') endfunction function! s:on_FileReadCmd(source_name, source_args, context) " Check path. let ret = unite#vimfiler_check_filetype( \ [insert(a:source_args, a:source_name)]) if empty(ret) if !empty(unite#loaded_sources_list()) && a:source_name !=# 'file' " File not found. call vimfiler#util#print_error( \ printf('Can''t open "%s".', join(a:source_args, ':'))) endif return endif let [type, info] = ret if type !=# 'file' call vimfiler#util#print_error( \ printf('"%s" is not a file.', join(a:source_args, ':'))) return endif call append(line('.'), info[0]) endfunction function! s:on_FileWriteCmd(source_name, source_args, context) abort " FileWriteCmd is published by :write or other commands with partial range " such as 1,2 where 2 < line('$'). return s:write(a:source_name, a:source_args, line("'["), line("']"), 'FileWriteCmd') endfunction function! s:write(source_name, source_args, line1, line2, event_name) abort if !exists('b:vimfiler') || !has_key(b:vimfiler, 'current_file') || !&l:modified return endif try setlocal nomodified call unite#mappings#do_action('vimfiler__write', \ [b:vimfiler.current_file], { \ 'vimfiler__line1' : a:line1, \ 'vimfiler__line2' : a:line2, \ 'vimfiler__eventname' : a:event_name, \ }) catch call vimfiler#util#print_error(v:exception . ' ' . v:throwpoint) setlocal modified endtry endfunction " Event functions. function! vimfiler#handler#_event_bufwin_enter(bufnr) abort if a:bufnr != bufnr('%') && bufwinnr(a:bufnr) > 0 let winnr = winnr() call vimfiler#util#winmove(bufwinnr(a:bufnr)) endif try if !exists('b:vimfiler') || \ len(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ 'winbufnr(v:val) == a:bufnr')) > 1 return endif let vimfiler = b:vimfiler if !has_key(vimfiler, 'context') return endif let context = b:vimfiler.context if context.winwidth > 0 execute 'vertical resize' context.winwidth let context.vimfiler__winfixwidth = &l:winfixwidth if context.split setlocal winfixwidth endif elseif context.winheight > 0 execute 'resize' context.winheight if line('.') < winheight(0) normal! zb endif let context.vimfiler__winfixheight = &l:winfixheight if context.split setlocal winfixheight endif endif let winwidth = (winwidth(0)+1)/2*2 if exists('vimfiler.winwidth') if vimfiler.winwidth != winwidth call vimfiler#view#_redraw_screen() endif endif finally if exists('winnr') call vimfiler#util#winmove(winnr) endif endtry endfunction function! vimfiler#handler#_event_bufwin_leave(bufnr) abort let vimfiler = getbufvar(str2nr(a:bufnr), 'vimfiler') if type(vimfiler) != type({}) return endif " Restore winfix. let context = vimfiler.context if context.winwidth > 0 && context.split let &l:winfixwidth = context.vimfiler__winfixwidth elseif context.winheight > 0 && context.split let &l:winfixheight = context.vimfiler__winfixheight endif endfunction function! vimfiler#handler#_event_cursor_moved() abort if !exists('b:vimfiler') return endif if line('.') <= line('$') / 2 || \ b:vimfiler.all_files_len == len(b:vimfiler.current_files) return endif " Update current files. let len_files = len(b:vimfiler.current_files) let new_files = b:vimfiler.all_files[ \ len_files : (len_files + winheight(0) * 2)] let b:vimfiler.current_files += new_files setlocal modifiable try call append('$', vimfiler#view#_get_print_lines(new_files)) finally setlocal nomodifiable endtry endfunction