require "spec_helper" describe "handles byte strings" do before(:all) { vim.command 'syn region pythonBytes start=+[bB]"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end=+$+ keepend contains=pythonBytesError,pythonBytesContent,@Spell' vim.command "syn match pythonBytesEscape '\\\\$'" } before(:each) { # clear buffer vim.normal 'gg"_dG' # Insert two blank lines. # The first line is a corner case in this plugin that would shadow the # correct behaviour of other tests. Thus we explicitly jump to the first # line when we require so. vim.feedkeys 'i\<CR>\<CR>\<ESC>' } it "it does not indent to bracket in byte string" do vim.feedkeys 'ireg = b"["\<Esc>' vim.echo('map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), "synIDattr(v:val, \"name\")")' ).should == "['pythonBytes']" vim.feedkeys 'o' indent.should == 0 end it "it indents backslash continuation correctly" do vim.feedkeys 'iwith foo, \<Bslash>\<Esc>' vim.echo('getline(".")').should == "with foo, \\" vim.echo('map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), "synIDattr(v:val, \"name\")")' ).should == "['pythonBytesEscape']" vim.feedkeys 'o' indent.should == 8 end end