lua <<EOF
require'nvim-web-devicons'.setup {
 -- your personnal icons can go here (to override)
 -- you can specify color or cterm_color instead of specifying both of them
 -- DevIcon will be appended to `name`
 override = {
  zsh = {
    icon = "",
    color = "#428850",
    cterm_color = "65",
    name = "Zsh"
 -- globally enable different highlight colors per icon (default to true)
 -- if set to false all icons will have the default icon's color
 color_icons = true;
 -- globally enable default icons (default to false)
 -- will get overriden by `get_icons` option
 default = true;
 -- globally enable "strict" selection of icons - icon will be looked up in
 -- different tables, first by filename, and if not found by extension; this
 -- prevents cases when file doesn't have any extension but still gets some icon
 -- because its name happened to match some extension (default to false)
 strict = true;
 -- same as `override` but specifically for overrides by filename
 -- takes effect when `strict` is true
 override_by_filename = {
  ["vimrc"] = {
    icon = "",
    color = "#019833",
    name = ""
 -- same as `override` but specifically for overrides by extension
 -- takes effect when `strict` is true
 override_by_extension = {
  ["log"] = {
    icon = "",
    color = "#81e043",
    name = "Log"