" ___vital___ " NOTE: lines between '" ___vital___' is generated by :Vitalize. " Do not modify the code nor insert new lines before '" ___vital___' function! s:_SID() abort return matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') endfunction execute join(['function! vital#_dein#System#Job#Neovim#import() abort', printf("return map({'is_available': '', 'start': ''}, \"vital#_dein#function('%s_' . v:key)\")", s:_SID()), 'endfunction'], "\n") delfunction s:_SID " ___vital___ " http://vim-jp.org/blog/2016/03/23/take-care-of-patch-1577.html function! s:is_available() abort return has('nvim') && has('nvim-0.2.0') endfunction function! s:start(args, options) abort let job = extend(copy(s:job), a:options) let job_options = { \ 'stderr_buffered': v:false, \ 'stdout_buffered': v:false \ } if has_key(a:options, 'cwd') let job_options.cwd = a:options.cwd endif if has_key(a:options, 'env') let job_options.env = a:options.env endif if has_key(job, 'on_stdout') let job_options.on_stdout = funcref('s:_on_stdout', [job]) endif if has_key(job, 'on_stderr') let job_options.on_stderr = funcref('s:_on_stderr', [job]) endif if has_key(job, 'on_exit') let job_options.on_exit = funcref('s:_on_exit', [job]) else let job_options.on_exit = funcref('s:_on_exit_raw', [job]) endif let job.__job = jobstart(a:args, job_options) let job.__pid = s:_jobpid_safe(job.__job) let job.__exitval = v:null let job.args = a:args return job endfunction if has('nvim-0.3.0') " Neovim 0.3.0 and over seems to invoke on_stdout/on_stderr with an empty " string data when the stdout/stderr channel has closed. " It is different behavior from Vim and Neovim prior to 0.3.0 so remove an " empty string list to keep compatibility. function! s:_on_stdout(job, job_id, data, event) abort if a:data == [''] return endif call a:job.on_stdout(a:data) endfunction function! s:_on_stderr(job, job_id, data, event) abort if a:data == [''] return endif call a:job.on_stderr(a:data) endfunction else function! s:_on_stdout(job, job_id, data, event) abort call a:job.on_stdout(a:data) endfunction function! s:_on_stderr(job, job_id, data, event) abort call a:job.on_stderr(a:data) endfunction endif function! s:_on_exit(job, job_id, exitval, event) abort let a:job.__exitval = a:exitval call a:job.on_exit(a:exitval) endfunction function! s:_on_exit_raw(job, job_id, exitval, event) abort let a:job.__exitval = a:exitval endfunction function! s:_jobpid_safe(job) abort try return jobpid(a:job) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E900/ " NOTE: " Vim does not raise exception even the job has already closed so fail " silently for 'E900: Invalid job id' exception return 0 endtry endfunction " Instance ------------------------------------------------------------------- function! s:_job_id() abort dict if &verbose echohl WarningMsg echo 'vital: System.Job: job.id() is deprecated. Use job.pid() instead.' echohl None endif return self.pid() endfunction function! s:_job_pid() abort dict return self.__pid endfunction function! s:_job_status() abort dict try sleep 1m call jobpid(self.__job) return 'run' catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E900/ return 'dead' endtry endfunction if exists('*chansend') " Neovim 0.2.3 function! s:_job_send(data) abort dict return chansend(self.__job, a:data) endfunction else function! s:_job_send(data) abort dict return jobsend(self.__job, a:data) endfunction endif if exists('*chanclose') " Neovim 0.2.3 function! s:_job_close() abort dict call chanclose(self.__job, 'stdin') endfunction else function! s:_job_close() abort dict call jobclose(self.__job, 'stdin') endfunction endif function! s:_job_stop() abort dict try call jobstop(self.__job) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E900/ " NOTE: " Vim does not raise exception even the job has already closed so fail " silently for 'E900: Invalid job id' exception endtry endfunction function! s:_job_wait(...) abort dict let timeout = a:0 ? a:1 : v:null let exitval = timeout is# v:null \ ? jobwait([self.__job])[0] \ : jobwait([self.__job], timeout)[0] if exitval != -3 return exitval endif " Wait until 'on_exit' callback is called while self.__exitval is# v:null sleep 1m endwhile return self.__exitval endfunction " To make debug easier, use funcref instead. let s:job = { \ 'id': funcref('s:_job_id'), \ 'pid': funcref('s:_job_pid'), \ 'status': funcref('s:_job_status'), \ 'send': funcref('s:_job_send'), \ 'close': funcref('s:_job_close'), \ 'stop': funcref('s:_job_stop'), \ 'wait': funcref('s:_job_wait'), \}