package testfile import package object SomeObject[A <: B] extends Implicits { type Booger[A] = A => Unit type SomeType = A <: B :> C type SomeOtherType = A ⇒ Thing type Something type Something <: SomethingElse type ParserContext = Context { type PrefixType = Parser } new Something#SomethingElse val GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS, CONNECT, PATCH = Value // Doesn't yet work val GET, HEAD: Value, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS, CONNECT, PATCH: Value = Value def x: Something#SomethingElse def hasFunctionType[A, B <: A, Z](f: A => B, g: (A, B) => Z): Unit = { println("Something") } val f: (Int, String) => Unit = (i: Int, s: String) => println(s"$i -- $s") val f: (Int, String) ⇒ Unit = (i: Int, s: String) ⇒ println(s"$i -- $s") } object Test { def test( param1: List[(Int, Int)], param2: List[Int]): List[Int] = { param2 match { case head :: tail => tail } } } case class ACaseClass(param1: Float = 14.23f) case object ACaseObject extends Something def x(): Unit = { case Something(a, b) => case SomethingElse() => case SomethingElseElse => } class ScalaClass(i: Int = 12, b: Trait[A, Trait[B, C]]) extends B with SomeTrait[A, B[String], D] { /** * I forgot comments! We spelcheck them. [[scala.Option]] * * {{{ * scala> This is a REPL line * scala> and this is another one * }}} * * <li></li> * * @param parameter Explanation of the parameter. Speling. * @return TODO */ val thing = "A String" // this is a trailing comment, spelchecked too [TODO] val thing = "A String with a \" in it" val intString = "A string with $stuff // and a comment in it" val intString = s"A string /* a comment and */ with $stuff and ${stuff} in it" val intString = s"""A string /* a comment and */ with $stuff and ${stuff} in it""" val intFString = f"A string with $stuff and ${stuff} and ${eval this}%-2.2f and $stuff%2d in it" val intFString = f"""A string with $stuff and ${stuff} and ${eval this}%-2.2f and $stuff%2d in it""" val otherThings = """|This is a string |that spans multiple lines. |""".stripMargin val intString = sql"select * from T where id = $id and name = ${name}" val intString = sql""" select * from T where id = $id and name = ${s"$name Jr"} and age > ${age + 10} """ val notImplemented = ??? implicit val somethingImplicit = true // Ripped off from Scalaz final def foldMap[B: Monoid](f: A => B = (a: A) => A): B = F.foldMap(self)(f) final def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = F.foldRight(self, z)(f) final def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = F.foldLeft(self, z)(f) final def foldRightM[G[_], B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => G[B])(implicit M: Monad[G]): G[B] = F.foldRightM(self, z)(f) final def foldLeftM[G[_], B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => G[B])(implicit M: Monad[G]): G[B] = F.foldLeftM(self, z)(f) final def foldr[B](z: => B)(f: A => (=> B) => B): B = F.foldr(self, z)(f) final def foldl[B](z: B)(f: B => A => B): B = F.foldl(self, z)(f) final def foldrM[G[_], B](z: => B)(f: A => ( => B) => G[B])(implicit M: Monad[G]): G[B] = F.foldrM(self, z)(f) val aChar = 'a' val anEscapedChar = '\\' val anotherEscapedChar = '\n' val aUnicodeChar = '\u00ab' val aSymbol = 'SomeSymbol def number = 0xAf903adeL def float = 1f def float = 1F def float = 1.1f def float = 1.1F def float = 231.1232f def float = 231.2321F def float = .2f def float = .2F def double = 1d def double = 1D def double = 1.1d def double = 1.1D def double = 231.1232d def double = 231.2321D def double = 231.2321 def double = .2d def double = .2 def double = .2D def exp = 1.2342e-24 def exp = 1e+24 var flarf: Int = 12 def flooger(x: String): Unit = println(42) private val booger = "Hithere" protected[this] def something[A](y: SomeTrait[A])(implicit shoot: Function[Int, String]): Long = 12 private final val do = done someVar match { case Flooger(thing, that, matches) => flender ! Message(hi, there, guys) case '"' => Bah } try { whatever } catch { case e: Throwable } finally { at the end } while (a == b) { } for (x <- somecall) { dothing } for { a <- futureCall1 b <- futureCall2 } yield (a, b) protected[package] something = null def receive = super.receive require(something == true) val q"This $is a $string" = something q"""return this $thing""" tq"""return this $thing""" tq"return this $thing" cq"""return this $thing""" cq"return this $thing" pq"""return this $thing""" pq"return this $thing" val something = s"""bar="foo"""" val something = f"""bar="foo"""" val something = """bar="foo"""" val something = s"Interpolatin' fancy expressions ${bar map (_.toString)}" def someFunc[A <: B, X =:= Y] val soManyEscapes = "\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t" // and a comment val soManyEscapes = """\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t""" // and a comment val soManyEscapes = s"\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t" // and a comment val soManyEscapes = f"\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t" // and a comment val soManyEscapes = s"""\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t""" // and a comment val soManyEscapes = f"""\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t""" // and a comment val soManyEscapes = "\\\"\u0031\n\b\r\f\t" // and a comment }