scriptencoding utf-8 " fcitx.vim remember fcitx's input state for each buffer " Author: lilydjwg " Version: 1.2.6 " URL: " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Load Once: if &cp || exists("g:loaded_fcitx") || ( \ (!exists('$DISPLAY') || exists('$SSH_TTY') || has('gui_macvim')) \ && !exists('$FCITX_SOCKET')) finish endif if executable('fcitx5-remote') " currently python version does not support fcitx5 let g:fcitx_remote = 'fcitx5-remote' runtime so/fcitx.vim finish else let g:fcitx_remote = 'fcitx-remote' endif if has("python3") let python3 = 1 elseif has("python") let python3 = 0 else runtime so/fcitx.vim finish endif let s:keepcpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " this is quicker than expand() if exists('$FCITX_SOCKET') let s:fcitxsocketfile = $FCITX_SOCKET else let s:fcitxsocketfile = '/tmp/fcitx-socket-' . $DISPLAY if !filewritable(s:fcitxsocketfile) "try again if strridx(s:fcitxsocketfile, '.') > 0 let s:fcitxsocketfile = strpart(s:fcitxsocketfile, 0, \ strridx(s:fcitxsocketfile, '.')) else let s:fcitxsocketfile = s:fcitxsocketfile . '.0' if !filewritable(s:fcitxsocketfile) echohl WarningMsg echomsg "socket file of fcitx not found, fcitx.vim not loaded." echohl None finish endif endif endif endif let g:loaded_fcitx = 1 let pyfile = expand(':r') . '.py' if python3 exe 'py3file' pyfile au InsertLeave * py3 fcitx2en() au InsertEnter * py3 fcitx2zh() else exe 'pyfile' pyfile au InsertLeave * py fcitx2en() au InsertEnter * py fcitx2zh() endif " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Restoration And Modelines: unlet python3 unlet pyfile let &cpo=s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo