local utils = require("neo-tree.utils") local defaults = require("neo-tree.defaults") local mapping_helper = require("neo-tree.setup.mapping-helper") local events = require("neo-tree.events") local log = require("neo-tree.log") local file_nesting = require("neo-tree.sources.common.file-nesting") local highlights = require("neo-tree.ui.highlights") local manager = require("neo-tree.sources.manager") local netrw = require("neo-tree.setup.netrw") local M = {} local normalize_mappings = function(config) if config == nil then return false end local mappings = utils.get_value(config, "window.mappings", nil) if mappings then local fixed = mapping_helper.normalize_map(mappings) config.window.mappings = fixed return true else return false end end local events_setup = false local define_events = function() if events_setup then return end events.define_event(events.FS_EVENT, { debounce_frequency = 100, debounce_strategy = utils.debounce_strategy.CALL_LAST_ONLY, }) local v = vim.version() local diag_autocmd = "DiagnosticChanged" if v.major < 1 and v.minor < 6 then diag_autocmd = "User LspDiagnosticsChanged" end events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_DIAGNOSTIC_CHANGED, { diag_autocmd }, 500, function(args) args.diagnostics_lookup = utils.get_diagnostic_counts() return args end) local update_opened_buffers = function(args) args.opened_buffers = utils.get_opened_buffers() return args end events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_AFTER_SESSION_LOAD, { "SessionLoadPost" }, 200) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_BUFFER_ADDED, { "BufAdd" }, 200, update_opened_buffers) events.define_autocmd_event( events.VIM_BUFFER_DELETED, { "BufDelete" }, 200, update_opened_buffers ) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_BUFFER_ENTER, { "BufEnter", "BufWinEnter" }, 0) events.define_autocmd_event( events.VIM_BUFFER_MODIFIED_SET, { "BufModifiedSet" }, 0, update_opened_buffers ) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_COLORSCHEME, { "ColorScheme" }, 0) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_CURSOR_MOVED, { "CursorMoved" }, 100) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_DIR_CHANGED, { "DirChanged" }, 200, nil, true) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_INSERT_LEAVE, { "InsertLeave" }, 200) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_LEAVE, { "VimLeavePre" }) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_RESIZED, { "VimResized" }, 100) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_TAB_CLOSED, { "TabClosed" }) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_TERMINAL_ENTER, { "TermEnter" }, 0) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_TEXT_CHANGED_NORMAL, { "TextChanged" }, 200) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_WIN_CLOSED, { "WinClosed" }) events.define_autocmd_event(events.VIM_WIN_ENTER, { "WinEnter" }, 0, nil, true) events.define_autocmd_event(events.GIT_EVENT, { "User FugitiveChanged" }, 100) events.define_event(events.GIT_STATUS_CHANGED, { debounce_frequency = 0 }) events_setup = true events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_LEAVE, handler = function() events.clear_all_events() end, }) events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_RESIZED, handler = function() require("neo-tree.ui.renderer").update_floating_window_layouts() end, }) end local prior_window_options = {} --- Store the current window options so we can restore them when we close the tree. --- @param winid number | nil The window id to store the options for, defaults to current window local store_local_window_settings = function(winid) winid = winid or vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local neo_tree_settings_applied, _ = pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_get_var, winid, "neo_tree_settings_applied") if neo_tree_settings_applied then -- don't store our own window settings return end prior_window_options[tostring(winid)] = { cursorline = vim.wo.cursorline, cursorlineopt = vim.wo.cursorlineopt, foldcolumn = vim.wo.foldcolumn, wrap = vim.wo.wrap, list = vim.wo.list, spell = vim.wo.spell, number = vim.wo.number, relativenumber = vim.wo.relativenumber, winhighlight = vim.wo.winhighlight, } end --- Restore the window options for the current window --- @param winid number | nil The window id to restore the options for, defaults to current window local restore_local_window_settings = function(winid) winid = winid or vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() -- return local window settings to their prior values local wo = prior_window_options[tostring(winid)] if wo then vim.wo.cursorline = wo.cursorline vim.wo.cursorlineopt = wo.cursorlineopt vim.wo.foldcolumn = wo.foldcolumn vim.wo.wrap = wo.wrap vim.wo.list = wo.list vim.wo.spell = wo.spell vim.wo.number = wo.number vim.wo.relativenumber = wo.relativenumber vim.wo.winhighlight = wo.winhighlight log.debug("Window settings restored") vim.api.nvim_win_set_var(0, "neo_tree_settings_applied", false) else log.debug("No window settings to restore") end end local last_buffer_enter_filetype = nil M.buffer_enter_event = function() -- if it is a neo-tree window, just set local options if vim.bo.filetype == "neo-tree" then if last_buffer_enter_filetype == "neo-tree" then -- we've switched to another neo-tree window events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_BUFFER_LEAVE) else store_local_window_settings() end vim.cmd([[ setlocal cursorline setlocal cursorlineopt=line setlocal nowrap setlocal nolist nospell nonumber norelativenumber ]]) local winhighlight = "Normal:NeoTreeNormal,NormalNC:NeoTreeNormalNC,SignColumn:NeoTreeSignColumn,CursorLine:NeoTreeCursorLine,FloatBorder:NeoTreeFloatBorder,StatusLine:NeoTreeStatusLine,StatusLineNC:NeoTreeStatusLineNC,VertSplit:NeoTreeVertSplit,EndOfBuffer:NeoTreeEndOfBuffer" if vim.version().minor >= 7 then vim.cmd("setlocal winhighlight=" .. winhighlight .. ",WinSeparator:NeoTreeWinSeparator") else vim.cmd("setlocal winhighlight=" .. winhighlight) end events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_BUFFER_ENTER) last_buffer_enter_filetype = vim.bo.filetype vim.api.nvim_win_set_var(0, "neo_tree_settings_applied", true) return end if vim.bo.filetype == "neo-tree-popup" then vim.cmd([[ setlocal winhighlight=Normal:NeoTreeFloatNormal,FloatBorder:NeoTreeFloatBorder setlocal nolist nospell nonumber norelativenumber ]]) events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_POPUP_BUFFER_ENTER) last_buffer_enter_filetype = vim.bo.filetype return end if last_buffer_enter_filetype == "neo-tree" then events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_BUFFER_LEAVE) end if last_buffer_enter_filetype == "neo-tree-popup" then events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_POPUP_BUFFER_LEAVE) end last_buffer_enter_filetype = vim.bo.filetype -- there is nothing more we want to do with floating windows if utils.is_floating() then return end -- if vim is trying to open a dir, then we hijack it if netrw.hijack() then return end -- For all others, make sure another buffer is not hijacking our window -- ..but not if the position is "current" local prior_buf = vim.fn.bufnr("#") if prior_buf < 1 then return end local winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local prior_type = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(prior_buf, "filetype") if prior_type == "neo-tree" then local success, position = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, prior_buf, "neo_tree_position") if not success then -- just bail out now, the rest of these lookups will probably fail too. return end if position == "current" then -- nothing to do here, files are supposed to open in same window return end local current_tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local neo_tree_tabid = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(prior_buf, "neo_tree_tabid") if neo_tree_tabid ~= current_tabid then -- This a new tab, so the alternate being neo-tree doesn't matter. return end local neo_tree_winid = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(prior_buf, "neo_tree_winid") local current_winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() if neo_tree_winid ~= current_winid then -- This is not the neo-tree window, so the alternate being neo-tree doesn't matter. return end local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) log.debug("redirecting buffer " .. bufname .. " to new split") vim.cmd("b#") -- Using schedule at this point fixes problem with syntax -- highlighting in the buffer. I also prevents errors with diagnostics -- trying to work with the buffer as it's being closed. vim.schedule(function() -- try to delete the buffer, only because if it was new it would take -- on options from the neo-tree window that are undesirable. pcall(vim.cmd, "bdelete " .. bufname) local fake_state = { window = { position = position, }, } utils.open_file(fake_state, bufname) end) end end M.win_enter_event = function() local win_id = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() if utils.is_floating(win_id) then return end -- if the new win is not a floating window, make sure all neo-tree floats are closed manager.close_all("float") if M.config.close_if_last_window then local tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local wins = utils.get_value(M, "config.prior_windows", {})[tabid] local prior_exists = utils.truthy(wins) local non_floating_wins = vim.tbl_filter(function(win) return not utils.is_floating(win) end, vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(tabid)) local win_count = #non_floating_wins log.trace("checking if last window") log.trace("prior window exists = ", prior_exists) log.trace("win_count: ", win_count) if prior_exists and win_count == 1 and vim.o.filetype == "neo-tree" then local position = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(0, "neo_tree_position") local source = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(0, "neo_tree_source") if position ~= "current" then -- close_if_last_window just doesn't make sense for a split style log.trace("last window, closing") local state = require("neo-tree.sources.manager").get_state(source) if state == nil then return end local mod = utils.get_opened_buffers() log.debug("close_if_last_window, modified files found: ", vim.inspect(mod)) for filename, buf_info in pairs(mod) do if buf_info.modified then local buf_name, message if vim.startswith(filename, "[No Name]#") then buf_name = string.sub(filename, 11) message = "Cannot close because an unnamed buffer is modified. Please save or discard this file." else buf_name = filename message = "Cannot close because one of the files is modified. Please save or discard changes." end log.trace("close_if_last_window, showing unnamed modified buffer: ", filename) vim.schedule(function() log.warn(message) vim.cmd("rightbelow vertical split") vim.api.nvim_win_set_width(win_id, state.window.width or 40) vim.cmd("b" .. buf_name) end) return end end vim.cmd("q!") return end end end if vim.o.filetype == "neo-tree" then local _, position = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, 0, "neo_tree_position") if position == "current" then -- make sure the buffer wasn't moved to a new window local neo_tree_winid = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(0, "neo_tree_winid") local current_winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local current_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() if neo_tree_winid ~= current_winid then -- At this point we know that either the neo-tree window was split, -- or the neo-tree buffer is being shown in another window for some other reason. -- Sometime the split is just the first step in the process of opening somethig else, -- so instead of fixing this right away, we add a short delay and check back again to see -- if the buffer is still in this window. local old_state = manager.get_state("filesystem", nil, neo_tree_winid) vim.schedule(function() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() if bufnr ~= current_bufnr then -- The neo-tree buffer was replaced with something else, so we don't need to do anything. log.trace("neo-tree buffer replaced with something else - no further action required") return end -- create a new tree for this window local state = manager.get_state("filesystem", nil, current_winid) state.path = old_state.path state.current_position = "current" local renderer = require("neo-tree.ui.renderer") state.force_open_folders = renderer.get_expanded_nodes(old_state.tree) require("neo-tree.sources.filesystem")._navigate_internal(state, nil, nil, nil, false) end) return end end -- it's a neo-tree window, ignore return end M.config.prior_windows = M.config.prior_windows or {} local tabid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local tab_windows = M.config.prior_windows[tabid] if tab_windows == nil then tab_windows = {} M.config.prior_windows[tabid] = tab_windows end table.insert(tab_windows, win_id) -- prune the history when it gets too big if #tab_windows > 100 then local new_array = {} local win_count = #tab_windows for i = 80, win_count do table.insert(new_array, tab_windows[i]) end M.config.prior_windows[tabid] = new_array end end M.set_log_level = function(level) log.set_level(level) end local function merge_global_components_config(components, config) local indent_exists = false local merged_components = {} local do_merge do_merge = function(component) local name = component[1] if type(name) == "string" then if name == "indent" then indent_exists = true end local merged = { name } local global_config = config.default_component_configs[name] if global_config then for k, v in pairs(global_config) do merged[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(component) do merged[k] = v end if name == "container" then for i, child in ipairs(component.content) do merged.content[i] = do_merge(child) end end return merged else log.error("component name is the wrong type", component) end end for _, component in ipairs(components) do local merged = do_merge(component) table.insert(merged_components, merged) end -- If the indent component is not specified, then add it. -- We do this because it used to be implicitly added, so we don't want to -- break any existing configs. if not indent_exists then local indent = { "indent" } for k, v in pairs(config.default_component_configs.indent or {}) do indent[k] = v end table.insert(merged_components, 1, indent) end return merged_components end local merge_renderers = function(default_config, source_default_config, user_config) -- This can't be a deep copy/merge. If a renderer is specified in the target it completely -- replaces the base renderer. if source_default_config == nil then -- first override the default config global renderer with the user's global renderers for name, renderer in pairs(user_config.renderers or {}) do log.debug("overriding global renderer for " .. name) default_config.renderers[name] = renderer end else -- then override the global renderers with the source specific renderers source_default_config.renderers = source_default_config.renderers or {} for name, renderer in pairs(default_config.renderers or {}) do if source_default_config.renderers[name] == nil then log.debug("overriding source renderer for " .. name) local r = {} -- Only copy components that exist in the target source. -- This alllows us to specify global renderers that include components from all sources, -- even if some of those components are not universal for _, value in ipairs(renderer) do if value[1] and source_default_config.components[value[1]] ~= nil then table.insert(r, value) end end source_default_config.renderers[name] = r end end -- if user sets renderers, completely wipe the default ones local source_name = source_default_config.name for name, _ in pairs(source_default_config.renderers) do local user = utils.get_value(user_config, source_name .. ".renderers." .. name) if user then source_default_config.renderers[name] = nil end end end end M.merge_config = function(user_config, is_auto_config) local default_config = vim.deepcopy(defaults) user_config = vim.deepcopy(user_config or {}) local migrations = require("neo-tree.setup.deprecations").migrate(user_config) if #migrations > 0 then -- defer to make sure it is the last message printed vim.defer_fn(function() vim.cmd( "echohl WarningMsg | echo 'Some options have changed, please run `:Neotree migrations` to see the changes' | echohl NONE" ) end, 50) end if user_config.log_level ~= nil then M.set_log_level(user_config.log_level) end log.use_file(user_config.log_to_file, true) log.debug("setup") events.clear_all_events() define_events() -- Prevent accidentally opening another file in the neo-tree window. events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_BUFFER_ENTER, handler = M.buffer_enter_event, }) -- Setup autocmd for neo-tree BufLeave, to restore window settings. -- This is set to happen just before leaving the window. -- The patterns used should ensure it only runs in neo-tree windows where position = "current" local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("NeoTree_BufLeave", { clear = true }) local bufleave = function(data) -- Vim patterns in autocmds are not quite precise enough -- so we are doing a second stage filter in lua local pattern = "neo%-tree [^ ]+ %[1%d%d%d%]" if string.match(data.file, pattern) then restore_local_window_settings() end end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWinLeave" }, { group = augroup, pattern = "neo-tree *", callback = bufleave, }) if user_config.event_handlers ~= nil then for _, handler in ipairs(user_config.event_handlers) do events.subscribe(handler) end end highlights.setup() -- used to either limit the sources that or loaded, or add extra external sources local all_sources = {} local all_source_names = {} for _, source in ipairs(user_config.sources or default_config.sources) do local parts = utils.split(source, ".") local name = parts[#parts] local is_internal_ns, is_external_ns = false, false local module if #parts == 1 then -- might be a module name in the internal namespace is_internal_ns, module = pcall(require, "neo-tree.sources." .. source) end if is_internal_ns then name = module.name or name all_sources[name] = "neo-tree.sources." .. name else -- fully qualified module name -- or just a root level module name is_external_ns, module = pcall(require, source) if is_external_ns then name = module.name or name all_sources[name] = source else log.error("Source module not found", source) name = nil end end if name then default_config[name] = module.default_config or default_config[name] table.insert(all_source_names, name) end end log.debug("Sources to load: ", vim.inspect(all_sources)) require("neo-tree.command.parser").setup(all_source_names) -- setup the default values for all sources normalize_mappings(default_config) normalize_mappings(user_config) merge_renderers(default_config, nil, user_config) for source_name, mod_root in pairs(all_sources) do local module = require(mod_root) default_config[source_name] = default_config[source_name] or { renderers = {}, components = {}, } local source_default_config = default_config[source_name] source_default_config.components = module.components or require(mod_root .. ".components") source_default_config.commands = module.commands or require(mod_root .. ".commands") source_default_config.name = source_name source_default_config.display_name = module.display_name or source_default_config.name if user_config.use_default_mappings == false then default_config.window.mappings = {} source_default_config.window.mappings = {} end -- Make sure all the mappings are normalized so they will merge properly. normalize_mappings(source_default_config) normalize_mappings(user_config[source_name]) -- merge the global config with the source specific config source_default_config.window = vim.tbl_deep_extend( "force", default_config.window or {}, source_default_config.window or {}, user_config.window or {} ) merge_renderers(default_config, source_default_config, user_config) --validate the window.position local pos_key = source_name .. ".window.position" local position = utils.get_value(user_config, pos_key, "left", true) local valid_positions = { left = true, right = true, top = true, bottom = true, float = true, current = true, } if not valid_positions[position] then log.error("Invalid value for ", pos_key, ": ", position) user_config[source_name].window.position = "left" end end --print(vim.inspect(default_config.filesystem)) -- Moving user_config.sources to user_config.orig_sources user_config.orig_sources = user_config.sources and user_config.sources or {} -- apply the users config M.config = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default_config, user_config) -- RE: 873, fixes issue with invalid source checking by overriding -- source table with name table -- Setting new "sources" to be the parsed names of the sources M.config.sources = all_source_names if ( M.config.source_selector.winbar or M.config.source_selector.statusline ) and M.config.source_selector.sources and not user_config.default_source then -- Set the default source to the head of these -- This resolves some weirdness with the source selector having -- a different "head" item than our current default. -- Removing this line makes Neo-tree show the "filesystem" -- source instead of whatever the first item in the config is. -- Probably don't remove this unless you have a better fix for that M.config.default_source = M.config.source_selector.sources[1].source end -- Check if the default source is not included in config.sources -- log a warning and then "pick" the first in the sources list local match = false for _, source in ipairs(M.config.sources) do if source == M.config.default_source then match = true break end end if not match then M.config.default_source = M.config.sources[1] log.warn(string.format("Invalid default source found in configuration. Using first available source: %s", M.config.default_source)) end if not M.config.enable_git_status then M.config.git_status_async = false end -- Validate that the source_selector.sources are all available and if any -- aren't, remove them local source_selector_sources = {} for _, ss_source in ipairs(M.config.source_selector.sources or {}) do local source_match = false for _, source in ipairs(M.config.sources) do if ss_source.source == source then source_match = true break end end if source_match then table.insert(source_selector_sources, ss_source) else log.debug(string.format("Unable to locate Neo-tree extension %s", ss_source.source)) end end M.config.source_selector.sources = source_selector_sources file_nesting.setup(M.config.nesting_rules) for source_name, mod_root in pairs(all_sources) do for name, rndr in pairs(M.config[source_name].renderers) do M.config[source_name].renderers[name] = merge_global_components_config(rndr, M.config) end local module = require(mod_root) if M.config.commands then M.config[source_name].commands = vim.tbl_extend("keep", M.config[source_name].commands or {}, M.config.commands) end manager.setup(source_name, M.config[source_name], M.config, module) manager.redraw(source_name) end if M.config.auto_clean_after_session_restore then require("neo-tree.ui.renderer").clean_invalid_neotree_buffers(false) events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_AFTER_SESSION_LOAD, handler = function() require("neo-tree.ui.renderer").clean_invalid_neotree_buffers(true) end, }) end events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_COLORSCHEME, handler = highlights.setup, id = "neo-tree-highlight", }) events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_WIN_ENTER, handler = M.win_enter_event, id = "neo-tree-win-enter", }) --Dispose ourselves if the tab closes events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_TAB_CLOSED, handler = function(args) local tabnr = tonumber(args.afile) log.debug("VIM_TAB_CLOSED: disposing state for tabnr", tabnr) -- Internally we use tabids to track state but <afile> is tabnr of a tab that has already been -- closed so there is no way to get its tabid. Instead dispose all tabs that are no longer valid. -- Must be scheduled because nvim_tabpage_is_valid does not work inside TabClosed event callback. vim.schedule_wrap(manager.dispose_invalid_tabs)() end, }) --Dispose ourselves if the tab closes events.subscribe({ event = events.VIM_WIN_CLOSED, handler = function(args) local winid = tonumber(args.afile) log.debug("VIM_WIN_CLOSED: disposing state for window", winid) manager.dispose_window(winid) end, }) local rt = utils.get_value(M.config, "resize_timer_interval", 50, true) require("neo-tree.ui.renderer").resize_timer_interval = rt return M.config end return M