--- title: "file API" description: "file API provides some basic functions and values for current os." --- # [Available APIs](../) >> file <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [values](#values) - [functions](#functions) - [Usage](#usage) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## values | name | description | | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | separator | The system-dependent name-separator character. | | pathSeparator | The system-dependent path-separator character. | ## functions | name | description | | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | `fticon(file)` | return the icon of specific file name or path | | `write(message, file)` | append message to file | | `override(message, file)` | override message to file | | `read(file)` | read message from file | | `ls(dir, if_file_only)` | list files and directorys in specific directory | | `updateFiles(files)` | update the contents of all files | ## Usage This api can be used in both vim script and lua script. **vim script:** ```vim let s:FILE = SpaceVim#api#import('file') echom S:FILE.separator ``` **lua script:** ```lua local file_api = require('spacevim.api').import('file') print(file_api.separator) ```