"" " @section git-rm, rm " @parentsection commands " This commands is to rm file contents to the index. For example, rm current " file to the index. " > " :Git rm % " < if has('nvim-0.9.0') function! git#rm#complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort return luaeval('require("git.command.rm").complete(vim.api.nvim_eval("a:ArgLead"), vim.api.nvim_eval("a:CmdLine"), vim.api.nvim_eval("a:CursorPos"))') endfunction else let s:JOB = SpaceVim#api#import('job') function! git#rm#run(files) abort if len(a:files) == 1 && a:files[0] ==# '%' let cmd = ['git', 'rm', expand('%')] else let cmd = ['git', 'rm'] + a:files endif call git#logger#debug('git-rm cmd:' . string(cmd)) call s:JOB.start(cmd, \ { \ 'on_exit' : function('s:on_exit'), \ } \ ) endfunction function! s:on_exit(id, data, event) abort call git#logger#debug('git-rm exit data:' . string(a:data)) if a:data ==# 0 if exists(':GitGutter') GitGutter endif echo 'done!' else echo 'failed!' endif endfunction function! git#rm#complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort return "%\n" . join(getcompletion(a:ArgLead, 'file'), "\n") endfunction endif