snippet	background
alias	bg
    background: ${1};${2}

snippet	backattachment
alias	ba
    background-attachment: ${1};${2}

snippet	backcolor
alias	bc
    background-color: ${1};${2}

snippet	backimage
alias	bi
    background-image: ${1};${2}

snippet	backposition
alias	bp
    background-position: ${1};${2}

snippet	backrepeat
alias	br
    background-repeat: ${1};${2}

snippet	border
alias	b
    border: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-style
alias	bs
    border-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-color
alias	bc
    border-color: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-width
alias	bw
    border-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-bottom-width
alias	bbw
    border-bottom-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-top-width
alias	btw
    border-top-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-left-width
alias	blw
    border-left-width: ${1};${2}
snippet	border-right-width
alias	brw
    border-right-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-bottom-style
alias	bbs
    border-bottom-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-top-style
alias	bts
    border-top-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-left-style
alias	bls
    border-left-style: ${1};${2}
snippet	border-right-style
alias	brs
    border-right-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-bottom-color
alias	bbc
    border-bottom-color: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-top-color
alias	btc
    border-top-color: ${1};${2}

snippet	border-left-color
alias	blc
    border-left-color: ${1};${2}
snippet	border-right-color
alias	brc
    border-right-color: ${1};${2}

snippet	outline
alias	ol
    outline: ${1};${2}

snippet	outline-color
alias	oc
    outline-color: ${1};${2}

snippet	outline-style
alias	os
    outline-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	outline-width
alias	ow
    outline-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	color
alias	c
    color: ${1};${2}

snippet	direction
alias	d
    direction: ${1};${2}

snippet	letter-spacing
alias	ls
    letter-spacing: ${1};${2}

snippet	line-height
alias	lh
    line-height: ${1};${2}

snippet	text-align
alias	ta
    text-align: ${1};${2}

snippet	text-decoration
alias	td
    text-decoration: ${1};${2}

snippet	text-indent
alias	ti
    text-indent: ${1};${2}

snippet	text-transform
alias	tt
    text-transform: ${1};${2}

snippet	unicode-bidi
alias	ub
    unicode-bidi: ${1};${2}

snippet	white-space
alias	ws
    white-space: ${1};${2}

snippet	word-spacing
alias	ws
    word-spacing: ${1};${2}

snippet	font
alias	f
    font: ${1};${2}

snippet	font-family
alias	ff
    font-family: ${1:"Times New Roman",Georgia,Serif};${2}

snippet	font-size
alias	fs
    font-size: ${1};${2}

snippet	font-style
alias	fs
    font-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	font-weight
alias	fw
    font-weight: ${1};${2}

snippet	margin
alias	m
    margin: ${1};${2}

snippet	margin-bottom
alias	mb
    margin-bottom: ${1};${2}

snippet	margin-top
alias	mt
    margin-top: ${1};${2}

snippet	margin-left
alias	ml
    margin-left: ${1};${2}

snippet	margin-right
alias	mr
    margin-right: ${1};${2}

snippet	padding
alias	p
    padding: ${1};${2}

snippet	padding-bottom
alias	pb
    padding-bottom: ${1};${2}

snippet	padding-top
alias	pt
    padding-top: ${1};${2}

snippet	padding-left
alias	pl
    padding-left: ${1};${2}

snippet	padding-right
alias	pr
    padding-right: ${1};${2}

snippet	list-style
alias	ls
    list-style: ${1};${2}

snippet	list-style-image
alias	lsi
    list-style-image: ${1};${2}

snippet	list-style-position
alias	lsp
    list-style-position: ${1};${2}

snippet	list-style-type
alias	lst
    list-style-type: ${1};${2}

snippet	content
alias	c
    content: ${1};${2}

snippet	height
alias	h
    height: ${1};${2}

snippet	max-height
alias	mah
    max-height: ${1};${2}

snippet	max-width
alias	maw
    max-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	min-height
alias	mih
    min-height: ${1};${2}

snippet	min-width
alias	miw
    min-width: ${1};${2}

snippet	width
alias	w
    width: ${1};${2}

# For media query
snippet     media
abbr        @media ...
options     head
  @media ${1:condition} {

snippet     media-min-width
abbr        @media all and (min-width) {...}
options     head
  @media ${1:all} and (min-width: ${2:SIZE}) {

snippet     media-max-width
abbr        @media all and (max-width) {...}
options     head
  @media ${1:all} and (max-width: ${2:SIZE}) {