local query = require "vim.treesitter.query" local html_script_type_languages = { ["importmap"] = "json", ["module"] = "javascript", ["application/ecmascript"] = "javascript", ["text/ecmascript"] = "javascript", } local non_filetype_match_injection_language_aliases = { ex = "elixir", pl = "perl", sh = "bash", uxn = "uxntal", ts = "typescript", } local function get_parser_from_markdown_info_string(injection_alias) local match = vim.filetype.match { filename = "a." .. injection_alias } return match or non_filetype_match_injection_language_aliases[injection_alias] or injection_alias end local function error(str) vim.api.nvim_err_writeln(str) end local function valid_args(name, pred, count, strict_count) local arg_count = #pred - 1 if strict_count then if arg_count ~= count then error(string.format("%s must have exactly %d arguments", name, count)) return false end elseif arg_count < count then error(string.format("%s must have at least %d arguments", name, count)) return false end return true end ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _pattern string ---@param _bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@return boolean|nil query.add_predicate("nth?", function(match, _pattern, _bufnr, pred) if not valid_args("nth?", pred, 2, true) then return end local node = match[pred[2]] ---@type TSNode local n = tonumber(pred[3]) if node and node:parent() and node:parent():named_child_count() > n then return node:parent():named_child(n) == node end return false end, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _pattern string ---@param _bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@return boolean|nil local function has_ancestor(match, _pattern, _bufnr, pred) if not valid_args(pred[1], pred, 2) then return end local node = match[pred[2]] local ancestor_types = { unpack(pred, 3) } if not node then return true end local just_direct_parent = pred[1]:find("has-parent", 1, true) node = node:parent() while node do if vim.tbl_contains(ancestor_types, node:type()) then return true end if just_direct_parent then node = nil else node = node:parent() end end return false end query.add_predicate("has-ancestor?", has_ancestor, true) query.add_predicate("has-parent?", has_ancestor, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _pattern string ---@param bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@return boolean|nil query.add_predicate("is?", function(match, _pattern, bufnr, pred) if not valid_args("is?", pred, 2) then return end -- Avoid circular dependencies local locals = require "nvim-treesitter.locals" local node = match[pred[2]] local types = { unpack(pred, 3) } if not node then return true end local _, _, kind = locals.find_definition(node, bufnr) return vim.tbl_contains(types, kind) end, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _pattern string ---@param _bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@return boolean|nil query.add_predicate("has-type?", function(match, _pattern, _bufnr, pred) if not valid_args(pred[1], pred, 2) then return end local node = match[pred[2]] local types = { unpack(pred, 3) } if not node then return true end return vim.tbl_contains(types, node:type()) end, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _ string ---@param bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@return boolean|nil query.add_directive("set-lang-from-mimetype!", function(match, _, bufnr, pred, metadata) local capture_id = pred[2] local node = match[capture_id] if not node then return end local type_attr_value = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, bufnr) local configured = html_script_type_languages[type_attr_value] if configured then metadata.language = configured else local parts = vim.split(type_attr_value, "/", {}) metadata.language = parts[#parts] end end, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _ string ---@param bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@return boolean|nil query.add_directive("set-lang-from-info-string!", function(match, _, bufnr, pred, metadata) local capture_id = pred[2] local node = match[capture_id] if not node then return end local injection_alias = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, bufnr) metadata.language = get_parser_from_markdown_info_string(injection_alias) end, true) -- Just avoid some annoying warnings for this directive query.add_directive("make-range!", function() end, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _ string ---@param bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@param metadata table ---@return boolean|nil query.add_directive("downcase!", function(match, _, bufnr, pred, metadata) local text, key, value ---@type string|string[], string, string|integer if #pred == 3 then -- (#downcase! @capture "key") key = pred[3] value = metadata[pred[2]][key] else -- (#downcase! "key") key = pred[2] value = metadata[key] end if type(value) == "string" then text = value else local node = match[value] text = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, bufnr) or "" end if #pred == 3 then metadata[pred[2]][key] = string.lower(text) else metadata[key] = string.lower(text) end end, true) ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _pattern string ---@param _bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@param metadata table ---@return boolean|nil query.add_directive("exclude_children!", function(match, _pattern, _bufnr, pred, metadata) local capture_id = pred[2] local node = match[capture_id] local start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col = node:range() local ranges = {} for i = 0, node:named_child_count() - 1 do local child = node:named_child(i) ---@type TSNode local child_start_row, child_start_col, child_end_row, child_end_col = child:range() if child_start_row > start_row or child_start_col > start_col then table.insert(ranges, { start_row, start_col, child_start_row, child_start_col, }) end start_row = child_end_row start_col = child_end_col end if end_row > start_row or end_col > start_col then table.insert(ranges, { start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col }) end metadata.content = ranges end, true) -- Trim blank lines from end of the region -- Arguments are the captures to trim. ---@param match (TSNode|nil)[] ---@param _ string ---@param bufnr integer ---@param pred string[] ---@param metadata table query.add_directive("trim!", function(match, _, bufnr, pred, metadata) for _, id in ipairs { select(2, unpack(pred)) } do local node = match[id] local start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col = node:range() -- Don't trim if region ends in middle of a line if end_col ~= 0 then return end while true do -- As we only care when end_col == 0, always inspect one line above end_row. local end_line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, end_row - 1, end_row, true)[1] if end_line ~= "" then break end end_row = end_row - 1 end -- If this produces an invalid range, we just skip it. if start_row < end_row or (start_row == end_row and start_col <= end_col) then if not metadata[id] then metadata[id] = {} end metadata[id].range = { start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col } end end end, true)