;; highlight queries. ;; See the syntax at https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/using-parsers#pattern-matching-with-queries ;; See also https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#parser-configurations ;; for a list of recommended @ tags, though not all of them have matching ;; highlights in neovim. [ "abort" "abs" "abstract" "accept" "access" "all" "array" "at" "begin" "declare" "delay" "delta" "digits" "do" "end" "entry" "exit" "generic" "interface" "is" "limited" "null" "of" "others" "out" "pragma" "private" "range" "synchronized" "tagged" "task" "terminate" "until" "when" ] @keyword [ "aliased" "constant" "renames" ] @storageclass [ "mod" "new" "protected" "record" "subtype" "type" ] @keyword.type [ "with" "use" ] @include [ "body" "function" "overriding" "procedure" "package" "separate" ] @keyword.function [ "and" "in" "not" "or" "xor" ] @keyword.operator [ "while" "loop" "for" "parallel" "reverse" "some" ] @repeat [ "return" ] @keyword.return [ "case" "if" "else" "then" "elsif" "select" ] @conditional [ "exception" "raise" ] @exception (comment) @comment @spell (string_literal) @string (character_literal) @string (numeric_literal) @number ;; Highlight the name of subprograms (procedure_specification name: (_) @function) (function_specification name: (_) @function) (package_declaration name: (_) @function) (package_body name: (_) @function) (generic_instantiation name: (_) @function) (entry_declaration . (identifier) @function) ;; Some keywords should take different categories depending on the context (use_clause "use" @include "type" @include) (with_clause "private" @include) (with_clause "limited" @include) (use_clause (_) @namespace) (with_clause (_) @namespace) (loop_statement "end" @keyword.repeat) (if_statement "end" @conditional) (loop_parameter_specification "in" @keyword.repeat) (loop_parameter_specification "in" @keyword.repeat) (iterator_specification ["in" "of"] @keyword.repeat) (range_attribute_designator "range" @keyword.repeat) (raise_statement "with" @exception) (gnatprep_declarative_if_statement) @preproc (gnatprep_if_statement) @preproc (gnatprep_identifier) @preproc (subprogram_declaration "is" @keyword.function "abstract" @keyword.function) (aspect_specification "with" @keyword.function) (full_type_declaration "is" @keyword.type) (subtype_declaration "is" @keyword.type) (record_definition "end" @keyword.type) (full_type_declaration (_ "access" @keyword.type)) (array_type_definition "array" @keyword.type "of" @keyword.type) (access_to_object_definition "access" @keyword.type) (access_to_object_definition "access" @keyword.type [ (general_access_modifier "constant" @keyword.type) (general_access_modifier "all" @keyword.type) ] ) (range_constraint "range" @keyword.type) (signed_integer_type_definition "range" @keyword.type) (index_subtype_definition "range" @keyword.type) (record_type_definition "abstract" @keyword.type) (record_type_definition "tagged" @keyword.type) (record_type_definition "limited" @keyword.type) (record_type_definition (record_definition "null" @keyword.type)) (private_type_declaration "is" @keyword.type "private" @keyword.type) (private_type_declaration "tagged" @keyword.type) (private_type_declaration "limited" @keyword.type) (task_type_declaration "task" @keyword.type "is" @keyword.type) ;; Gray the body of expression functions (expression_function_declaration (function_specification) "is" (_) @attribute ) (subprogram_declaration (aspect_specification) @attribute) ;; Highlight full subprogram specifications ;(subprogram_body ; [ ; (procedure_specification) ; (function_specification) ; ] @function.spec ;) ((comment) @comment.documentation . [ (entry_declaration) (subprogram_declaration) (parameter_specification) ]) (compilation_unit . (comment) @comment.documentation) (component_list (component_declaration) . (comment) @comment.documentation) (enumeration_type_definition (identifier) . (comment) @comment.documentation) ;; Highlight errors in red. This is not very useful in practice, as text will ;; be highlighted as user types, and the error could be elsewhere in the code. ;; This also requires defining :hi @error guifg=Red for instance. (ERROR) @error