let s:WIN = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#window') nnoremap <silent> <F3> <cmd>NeoTreeFocusToggle<CR> augroup vfinit au! autocmd FileType neo-tree call s:nvim_tree_init() augroup END function! s:nvim_tree_init() abort nnoremap <silent><buffer> . :<C-u>lua require'nvim-tree.actions'.on_keypress('toggle_dotfiles')<Cr> endfunction lua <<EOF -- init.lua -- empty setup using defaults: add your own options require("neo-tree").setup({ close_if_last_window = true, -- Close Neo-tree if it is the last window left in the tab popup_border_style = "rounded", enable_git_status = true, enable_diagnostics = true, open_files_do_not_replace_types = { "terminal", "trouble", "qf" }, -- when opening files, do not use windows containing these filetypes or buftypes sort_case_insensitive = false, -- used when sorting files and directories in the tree sort_function = nil , -- use a custom function for sorting files and directories in the tree -- sort_function = function (a,b) -- if a.type == b.type then -- return a.path > b.path -- else -- return a.type > b.type -- end -- end , -- this sorts files and directories descendantly default_component_configs = { container = { enable_character_fade = true }, indent = { indent_size = 2, padding = 1, -- extra padding on left hand side -- indent guides with_markers = true, indent_marker = "│", last_indent_marker = "└", highlight = "NeoTreeIndentMarker", -- expander config, needed for nesting files with_expanders = nil, -- if nil and file nesting is enabled, will enable expanders expander_collapsed = "", expander_expanded = "", expander_highlight = "NeoTreeExpander", }, icon = { folder_closed = "", folder_open = "", folder_empty = "ﰊ", -- The next two settings are only a fallback, if you use nvim-web-devicons and configure default icons there -- then these will never be used. default = "*", highlight = "NeoTreeFileIcon" }, modified = { symbol = "[+]", highlight = "NeoTreeModified", }, name = { trailing_slash = false, use_git_status_colors = true, highlight = "NeoTreeFileName", }, git_status = { symbols = { -- Change type added = "", -- or "✚", but this is redundant info if you use git_status_colors on the name modified = "", -- or "", but this is redundant info if you use git_status_colors on the name deleted = "✖",-- this can only be used in the git_status source renamed = "",-- this can only be used in the git_status source -- Status type untracked = "", ignored = "", unstaged = "", staged = "", conflict = "", } }, }, -- A list of functions, each representing a global custom command -- that will be available in all sources (if not overridden in `opts[source_name].commands`) -- see `:h neo-tree-global-custom-commands` commands = {}, window = { position = vim.g.spacevim_filetree_direction, width = vim.g.spacevim_sidebar_width, mapping_options = { noremap = true, nowait = true, }, mappings = { -- ["<space>"] = { -- "toggle_node", -- nowait = false, -- disable `nowait` if you have existing combos starting with this char that you want to use -- }, ["<2-LeftMouse>"] = "open", ["o"] = "open", ["<esc>"] = "revert_preview", ["P"] = { "toggle_preview", config = { use_float = true } }, ["l"] = "open", ["s"] = "open_vsplit", -- ["S"] = "split_with_window_picker", -- ["s"] = "vsplit_with_window_picker", ["t"] = "open_tabnew", -- ["<cr>"] = "open_drop", -- ["t"] = "open_tab_drop", ["w"] = "open_with_window_picker", --["P"] = "toggle_preview", -- enter preview mode, which shows the current node without focusing ["h"] = "close_node", -- ['C'] = 'close_all_subnodes', ["z"] = "close_all_nodes", --["Z"] = "expand_all_nodes", ["a"] = { "add", -- this command supports BASH style brace expansion ("x{a,b,c}" -> xa,xb,xc). see `:h neo-tree-file-actions` for details -- some commands may take optional config options, see `:h neo-tree-mappings` for details config = { show_path = "none" -- "none", "relative", "absolute" } }, ["A"] = "add_directory", -- also accepts the optional config.show_path option like "add". this also supports BASH style brace expansion. ["d"] = "delete", ["r"] = "rename", ["y"] = "copy_to_clipboard", ["x"] = "cut_to_clipboard", ["p"] = "paste_from_clipboard", ["c"] = "copy", -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the optional config.show_path option like "add": -- ["c"] = { -- "copy", -- config = { -- show_path = "none" -- "none", "relative", "absolute" -- } --} ["m"] = "move", -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the optional config.show_path option like "add". ["q"] = "close_window", ["R"] = "refresh", ["?"] = "show_help", ["<"] = "prev_source", [">"] = "next_source", } }, nesting_rules = {}, filesystem = { filtered_items = { visible = false, -- when true, they will just be displayed differently than normal items hide_dotfiles = true, hide_gitignored = true, hide_hidden = true, -- only works on Windows for hidden files/directories hide_by_name = { --"node_modules" }, hide_by_pattern = { -- uses glob style patterns --"*.meta", --"*/src/*/tsconfig.json", }, always_show = { -- remains visible even if other settings would normally hide it --".gitignored", }, never_show = { -- remains hidden even if visible is toggled to true, this overrides always_show --".DS_Store", --"thumbs.db" }, never_show_by_pattern = { -- uses glob style patterns --".null-ls_*", }, }, follow_current_file = false, -- This will find and focus the file in the active buffer every -- time the current file is changed while the tree is open. group_empty_dirs = false, -- when true, empty folders will be grouped together hijack_netrw_behavior = "open_default", -- netrw disabled, opening a directory opens neo-tree -- in whatever position is specified in window.position -- "open_current", -- netrw disabled, opening a directory opens within the -- window like netrw would, regardless of window.position -- "disabled", -- netrw left alone, neo-tree does not handle opening dirs use_libuv_file_watcher = false, -- This will use the OS level file watchers to detect changes -- instead of relying on nvim autocmd events. window = { mappings = { ["<bs>"] = "navigate_up", ["."] = "set_root", ["<C-h>"] = function(state) vim.cmd('call SpaceVim#plugins#projectmanager#current_root()') end, ["H"] = "toggle_hidden", ["/"] = "fuzzy_finder", ["D"] = "fuzzy_finder_directory", ["#"] = "fuzzy_sorter", -- fuzzy sorting using the fzy algorithm -- ["D"] = "fuzzy_sorter_directory", ["f"] = "filter_on_submit", ["<c-x>"] = "clear_filter", ["[g"] = "prev_git_modified", ["N"] = { "add", -- this command supports BASH style brace expansion ("x{a,b,c}" -> xa,xb,xc). see `:h neo-tree-file-actions` for details -- some commands may take optional config options, see `:h neo-tree-mappings` for details config = { show_path = "none" -- "none", "relative", "absolute" } }, ["]g"] = "next_git_modified", }, fuzzy_finder_mappings = { -- define keymaps for filter popup window in fuzzy_finder_mode ["<down>"] = "move_cursor_down", ["<C-n>"] = "move_cursor_down", ["<up>"] = "move_cursor_up", ["<C-p>"] = "move_cursor_up", }, }, commands = {} -- Add a custom command or override a global one using the same function name }, buffers = { follow_current_file = true, -- This will find and focus the file in the active buffer every -- time the current file is changed while the tree is open. group_empty_dirs = true, -- when true, empty folders will be grouped together show_unloaded = true, window = { mappings = { ["bd"] = "buffer_delete", ["<bs>"] = "navigate_up", ["."] = "toggle_hidden", ["<Cr>"] = "set_root", } }, }, git_status = { window = { position = "float", mappings = { ["A"] = "git_add_all", ["gu"] = "git_unstage_file", ["ga"] = "git_add_file", ["gr"] = "git_revert_file", ["gc"] = "git_commit", ["gp"] = "git_push", ["gg"] = "git_commit_and_push", } } } }) EOF