#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Fail on unset variables and command errors
set -ue -o pipefail

# Prevent commands misbehaving due to locale differences
export LC_ALL=C

docker pull spacevim/vims

git fetch origin master:master

if [ "${LINT#vimlint}" != "$LINT" ]; then
  git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/syngan/vim-vimlint /tmp/vimlint
  git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ynkdir/vim-vimlparser /tmp/vimlparser
elif [ "${LINT#vint}" != "$LINT" ]; then
  pip install vim-vint
elif [ "${LINT#vader}" != "$LINT" ]; then
  git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim.git ~/.cache/vimfiles/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim
  C_OPTS="--prefix=$DEPS --with-features=huge --disable-gui --enable-pythoninterp"
  (git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vim/vim /tmp/vim &&
    cd /tmp/vim &&
    ./configure $C_OPTS &&
    make install)
elif [ "$LINT" = "jekyll" ]; then