UTSuite [Mundo] Testing Toggling function! s:Setup()"{{{ exec 'edit test' call g:Goto('test') setlocal buftype=nofile endfunction"}}} function! s:Teardown()"{{{ if bufwinnr(bufnr('__Mundo__')) != -1 exec bufwinnr(bufnr('__Mundo__')) . 'wincmd w' quit endif if bufwinnr(bufnr('__Mundo_Preview__')) != -1 exec bufwinnr(bufnr('__Mundo_Preview__')) . 'wincmd w' quit endif if bufnr('__Mundo__') != -1 exec 'bwipeout ' . bufnr('__Mundo__') endif if bufnr('__Mundo_Preview__') != -1 exec 'bwipeout ' . bufnr('__Mundo_Preview__') endif if bufnr('test') != -1 exec 'bwipeout ' . bufnr('test') endif if bufnr('test2') != -1 exec 'bwipeout ' . bufnr('test2') endif endfunction"}}} function! s:TestToggleBasic()"{{{ call g:TypeLine("ONE") call g:TypeLineDone("TWO") MundoToggle Assert g:Contains("o [0]") Assert g:Contains("o [1]") Assert g:Contains("@ [2]") Assert !g:Contains("[3]") endfunction"}}} function! s:TestToggleBranches()"{{{ call g:TypeLineDone("ONE") silent! undo call g:TypeLineDone("TWO") MundoToggle " Make sure there is a branch next to state 2 call g:GotoLineContaining("[1]") Assert g:CurrentLineContains("|") " Make sure there is no branch next to states 0 and 2 call g:GotoLineContaining("[0]") Assert !g:CurrentLineContains("|") call g:GotoLineContaining("[2]") Assert !g:CurrentLineContains("|") " Make sure the branch point is directly above state 0 call g:GotoLineContaining("[0]") call g:MoveUp() Assert g:CurrentLineContains("|/") endfunction"}}}