Include: ../include/setup.vader Execute (Ensure that temporary files are not being left around): new let maker = {'exe': 'true'} call neomake#Make(1, [maker]) AssertNeomakeMessage '\vUsing tempfile for unnamed buffer: "([^"]+)".' let tmpfile = g:neomake_test_matchlist[1] if neomake#has_async_support() Assert filereadable(tmpfile) else AssertNeomakeMessage printf('Removing temporary file: "%s".', tmpfile) endif new if !has('nvim') || has('nvim-0.2.0') " Neovim fails to reload it: Error: Vim(function):E127: Cannot redefine function <SNR>22_nvim_output_handler: It is in use runtime autoload/neomake.vim endif if neomake#has_async_support() NeomakeTestsWaitForFinishedJobs AssertNeomakeMessage 'Postponing final location list handling (in another window).', 3 Assert filereadable(tmpfile) endif doautocmd neomake VimLeave AssertNeomakeMessage 'Calling VimLeave.', 3 if neomake#has_async_support() AssertNeomakeMessage printf('Removing temporary file: "%s".', tmpfile) endif Assert !filereadable(tmpfile) bwipe bwipe " Restore if not profiling. if !v:profiling runtime autoload/neomake.vim endif