local M = {} local util = require('format.util') local task = require('format.task') local custom_formatters = {} function M.format(bang, user_input, start_line, end_line) if not vim.o.modifiable then return util.msg('buffer is not modifiable!') end local filetype = vim.o.filetype local argvs = vim.split(user_input, '%s+') if bang and #argvs > 0 then filetype = argvs[1] end if filetype == '' then return util.msg('format: skip empty filetype') end local ok, formatter if custom_formatters[filetype] then formatter = custom_formatters[filetype] if formatter.exe and type(formatter.exe) == 'string' then util.info('using custom formatter:' .. formatter.exe) end end if not formatter then ok = pcall(function() local default = require('format.ft.' .. filetype) local formatname = default.enabled()[1] formatter = default[formatname]({ filepath = vim.fn.expand('%:p'), start_line = start_line, end_line = end_line, }) util.info('using default formatter:' .. formatname) end) if not ok then return util.msg('no formatter for ' .. filetype) end end task.run({ bufnr = vim.fn.bufnr(), stdin = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, start_line - 1, end_line, false), start_line = start_line - 1, end_line = end_line, formatter = formatter, }) end function M.setup(opt) if opt.custom_formatters and type(opt.custom_formatters) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs(opt.custom_formatters) do if type(v) == 'table' then custom_formatters[k] = v end end end end return M