--============================================================================= -- guide.lua --- Key binding guide for spacevim -- Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wang Shidong & Contributors -- Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- URL: https://spacevim.org -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} local log = require('spacevim.logger').derive('guide') local Key = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.keys') local cmp = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.compatible') local buffer = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.buffer') local VIM = require('spacevim.api').import('vim') local SL = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.statusline') local hl = require('spacevim.api.vim.highlight') -- all local values should be listed here: local desc_lookup = {} local cached_dicts = {} local reg = '' local winid = -1 local count = '' local toplevel = false local prefix_key local guide_group = {} local bufnr = -1 local prefix_key_inp = {} local lmap = {} local undo_history = {} local registered_name = {} -- the flag for guide help mode, the default is false local guide_help_mode = false local vis = '' -- local function without callout local wait_for_input local cursor_hilight_id = -1 local function create_cache() desc_lookup = {} cached_dicts = {} end function M.has_configuration() return desc_lookup ~= nil end function M.register_prefix_descriptions(key, dictname) if key == '<Space>' then key = ' ' end if desc_lookup == nil then create_cache() end if #key == 0 then desc_lookup['top'] = dictname elseif desc_lookup[key] == nil then desc_lookup[key] = dictname end end local function merge(dict_t, dict_o) local target = dict_t local other = dict_o for k, _ in ipairs(target) do if vim.fn.type(target[k]) == 4 and vim.fn.has_key(other, k) then if vim.fn.type(other[k]) == 4 then if vim.fn.has_key(target[k], 'name') then other[k].name = target[k].name end merge(target[k], other[k]) elseif vim.fn.type(other[k]) == 3 then if vim.g.leaderGuide_flatten == 0 or vim.fn.type(target[k]) == 4 then target[k .. 'm'] = target[k] end target[k] = other[k] if vim.fn.has_key(other, k .. 'm') and vim.fn.type(other[k .. 'm']) == 4 then merge(target[k .. 'm'], other[k .. 'm']) end end end end vim.fn.extend(target, other, 'keep') end local function create_target_dict(key) local topdict = {} local tardict = {} local mapdict = {} if desc_lookup['top'] ~= nil then topdict = cmp.fn.deepcopy(vim.api.nvim_eval(desc_lookup['top'])) if toplevel then tardict = topdict else tardict = topdict[key] or {} end mapdict = cached_dicts[key] merge(tardict, mapdict) elseif desc_lookup[key] ~= nil then tardict = cmp.fn.deepcopy(vim.api.nvim_eval(desc_lookup[key])) mapdict = cached_dicts[key] else tardict = cached_dicts[key] end return tardict end local function format_displaystring(map) vim.g['leaderGuide#displayname'] = map if vim.g['leaderGuide_displayfunc'] then for _, f in ipairs(vim.g['leaderGuide_displayfunc']) do pcall(f) end end local display = vim.g['leaderGuide#displayname'] vim.cmd('unlet g:leaderGuide#displayname') return display end local function escape_mappings(mapping) local rstring = vim.fn.substitute(mapping.rhs, [[\]], [[\\\\]], 'g') rstring = vim.fn.substitute(rstring, [[<\([^<>]*\)>]], '\\\\<\\1>', 'g') rstring = vim.fn.substitute(rstring, '"', '\\\\"', 'g') rstring = 'call feedkeys("' .. rstring .. '", "' .. mapping.feedkeyargs .. '")' return rstring end local function flattenmap(dict, str) local ret = {} for kv, _ in ipairs(dict) do if vim.fn.type(dict[kv]) == 3 then local toret = {} toret[str .. kv] = dict[kv] return toret elseif vim.fn.type(dict[kv]) == 4 then vim.fn.extend(ret, flattenmap(dict[kv], str .. kv)) end end return ret end local function add_map_to_dict(map, level, dict) if #map.lhs > level then local curkey = map.lhs[level + 1] local nlevel = level + 1 if not dict[curkey] then dict[curkey] = { name = vim.g.leaderGuide_default_group_name } elseif cmp.islist(dict[curkey]) and vim.g.leaderGuide_flatten == 1 then local cmd = escape_mappings(map) curkey = table.concat(map.lhs, '', level) nlevel = level if not dict[curkey] then dict[curkey] = { cmd, map.display } end elseif cmp.islist(dict[curkey]) and vim.g.leaderGuide_flatten == 0 then curkey = curkey .. 'm' if not dict[curkey] then dict[curkey] = { name = vim.g.leaderGuide_default_group_name } end end if not cmp.islist(dict[curkey]) then add_map_to_dict(map, nlevel, dict[curkey]) end else local cmd = escape_mappings(map) if not dict[map.lhs[level]] then dict[map.lhs[level]] = { cmd, map.display } elseif not cmp.islist(dict[map.lhs[level]]) and vim.g.leaderGuide_flatten == 1 then local childmap = flattenmap(dict[map.lhs[level]], map.lhs[level]) for it, _ in pairs(childmap) do dict[it] = childmap[it] end dict[map.lhs[level]] = { cmd, map.display } end end end local function string_to_keys(input) log.debug('string_to_keys input:' .. input) local retlist = {} if vim.fn.match(input, [[<.\+>]]) ~= -1 then local si = 1 local go = true while si <= #input do if go then if string.sub(input, si, si) == ' ' then table.insert(retlist, '[SPC]') else table.insert(retlist, string.sub(input, si, si)) end else retlist[#retlist] = retlist[#retlist] .. string.sub(input, si, si) end if string.sub(input, si, si) == '<' then go = false elseif string.sub(input, si, si) == '>' then go = true end si = si + 1 end else for _, it in ipairs(vim.fn.split(input, [[\zs]])) do if it == ' ' then table.insert(retlist, '[SPC]') else table.insert(retlist, it) end end end log.debug('string_to_keys output:' .. vim.inspect(retlist)) return retlist end local function start_parser(key, dict) if key == '[KEYs]' then return '' end if key == ' ' then key = '<Space>' end local readmap = cmp.execute('map ' .. key, 'silent') local visual = false if vis == 'gv' then visual = true else visual = false end for _, line in ipairs(cmp.fn.split(readmap, '\n')) do local name = vim.fn.split(string.sub(line, 4, #line))[1] log.debug('name is:' .. name) log.debug('line is:' .. line) local mapd = cmp.fn.maparg(name, string.sub(line, 1, 1), 0, 1) if mapd.lhs == '\\' then mapd.feedkeyargs = '' elseif mapd.noremap == 1 then mapd.feedkeyargs = 'nt' else mapd.feedkeyargs = 'mt' end if mapd.lhs == '<Plug>.*' or mapd.lhs == '<SNR>.*' then goto continue end mapd.display = format_displaystring(mapd.rhs) mapd.lhs = cmp.fn.substitute(mapd.lhs, key, '', '') mapd.lhs = cmp.fn.substitute(mapd.lhs, '<Space>', ' ', 'g') mapd.lhs = cmp.fn.substitute(mapd.lhs, '<Tab>', '<C-I>', 'g') mapd.rhs = cmp.fn.substitute(mapd.rhs, '<SID>', '<SNR>' .. mapd['sid'] .. '_', 'g') if mapd.lhs ~= '' and mapd.display ~= 'LeaderGuide.*' then mapd.lhs = string_to_keys(mapd.lhs) if (visual and vim.fn.match(mapd.mode, '[vx ]') >= 0) or (not visual and vim.fn.match(mapd.mode, '[vx ]') == -1) then add_map_to_dict(mapd, 1, dict) end end ::continue:: end end ---@param v string key board string ---@return string # displayed string of each item local function get_displaystring(v) local desc = '' if lmap[v].name then desc = lmap[v].name else desc = lmap[v][2] or '' end local offset = string.rep(' ', 8 - #v) local displaystring if vim.g.spacevim_leader_guide_theme == 'whichkey' then displaystring = offset .. v .. ' -> ' .. desc else displaystring = offset .. '[' .. v .. '] ' .. desc end return displaystring end local function calc_layout() local ret = {} local smap = {} for k, v in pairs(lmap) do if v ~= 'name' then smap[k] = v end end ret.n_items = vim.fn.len(smap) local length = {} log.debug('smap is:' .. vim.inspect(smap)) for k, _ in pairs(smap) do table.insert(length, vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(get_displaystring(k))) end local maxlength = vim.fn.max(length) + vim.g.leaderGuide_hspace log.debug('maxlength is:' .. maxlength) if vim.g.leaderGuide_vertical == 1 then ret.n_rows = vim.fn.winheight(0) - 2 ret.n_cols = math.floor(ret.n_items / ret.n_rows) if ret.n_items ~= ret.n_rows then ret.n_cols = ret.n_cols + 1 end ret.col_width = maxlength ret.win_dim = ret.n_cols * ret.col_width else if vim.fn.winwidth(winid) >= maxlength then ret.n_cols = math.floor(vim.fn.winwidth(winid) / maxlength) else ret.n_cols = 1 end ret.col_width = math.floor(vim.fn.winwidth(winid) / ret.n_cols) ret.n_rows = math.floor(ret.n_items / ret.n_cols) if vim.fn.fmod(ret.n_items, ret.n_cols) > 0 then ret.n_rows = ret.n_rows + 1 end ret.win_dim = ret.n_rows end log.debug('layout is:' .. vim.inspect(ret)) return ret end local function get_key_number(key) if key == '[SPC]' then return 32 elseif key == '<Tab>' then return 9 else return cmp.fn.char2nr(key) end end local function compare_key(i1, i2) local a = get_key_number(i1) local b = get_key_number(i2) if a - b == 32 and a >= 97 and a <= 122 then return true elseif b - a == 32 and b >= 97 and b <= 122 then return false elseif a >= 97 and a <= 122 and b >= 97 and b <= 122 then if a == b then return false elseif a > b then return false else return true end elseif a >= 65 and a <= 90 and b >= 65 and b <= 90 then if a == b then return false elseif a > b then return false else return true end elseif a >= 97 and a <= 122 and b >= 65 and b <= 90 then return compare_key(cmp.fn.nr2char(a), cmp.fn.nr2char(b + 32)) elseif a >= 65 and a <= 90 and b >= 97 and b <= 122 then return compare_key(cmp.fn.nr2char(a), cmp.fn.nr2char(b - 32)) end if a == b then return false elseif a > b then return false else return true end end local function create_string(layout) local l = layout l.capacity = l.n_rows * l.n_cols local overcap = l.capacity - l.n_cols local overh = l.n_cols - overcap local n_rows = l.n_rows - 1 local rows = {} local row = 1 local col = 1 local crow = {} local smap = {} for k, _ in pairs(lmap) do if k ~= 'name' then table.insert(smap, k) end end table.sort(smap, compare_key) for _, k in ipairs(smap) do local displaystring = get_displaystring(k) crow = rows[row] or {} if #crow == 0 then table.insert(rows, crow) end -- if the displaystring is too long if #displaystring > l.col_width then table.insert(crow, string.sub(displaystring, 1, l.col_width - 5) .. '... ') else table.insert(crow, displaystring) table.insert(crow, string.rep(' ', l.col_width - vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(displaystring))) end if vim.g.leaderGuide_sort_horizontal == 0 then if row > n_rows then if overh > 0 and row < n_rows then overh = overh - 1 row = row + 1 else row = 1 col = col + 1 end else row = row + 1 end else if col == l.n_cols - 1 then row = row + 1 col = 0 else col = col + 1 end end end local r = { '' } local mlen = 0 for _, ro in ipairs(rows) do local line = table.concat(ro, '') table.insert(r, line) if vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(line) > mlen then mlen = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(line) end end table.insert(r, '') return r end local cursor_highlight_info local function highlight_cursor() cursor_highlight_info = hl.group2dict('Cursor') local hlinfo = { name = 'SpaceVimGuideCursor', guibg = cursor_highlight_info.guibg, ctermbg = cursor_highlight_info.ctermbg, } hl.hi(hlinfo) hl.hide_in_normal('Cursor') if vis == 'gv' then local _begin = vim.fn.getpos("'<") local _end = vim.fn.getpos("'>") local pos = {} if _begin[2] == _end[2] then pos = { { _begin[2], math.min(_begin[3], _end[3]), math.abs(_begin[3] - _end[3]) + 1 } } else pos = { { _begin[2], _begin[3], vim.fn.len(vim.fn.getline(_begin[2])) - _begin[3] + 1 }, { _end[2], 1, _end[3] }, } for _, lnum in ipairs(vim.fn.range(_begin[2] + 1, _end[2] - 1)) do table.insert(pos, { lnum, 1, vim.fn.len(vim.fn.getline(lnum)) }) end end cursor_hilight_id = vim.fn.matchaddpos('SpaceVimGuideCursor', pos) else cursor_hilight_id = vim.fn.matchaddpos('SpaceVimGuideCursor', { { vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.col('.'), 1 } }) end end local function remove_cursor_highlight() hl.hi(cursor_highlight_info) pcall(vim.fn.matchdelete, cursor_hilight_id) end local function guide_help_msg(escape) local msg if guide_help_mode then msg = ' n -> next-page, p -> previous-page, u -> undo-key' else msg = ' [C-h paging/help]' end if escape then return vim.fn.substitute(msg, ' ', '\\\\ ', 'g') else return msg end end local function updateStatusline() vim.fn['SpaceVim#mapping#guide#theme#hi']() local gname = guide_group.name or '' if #gname > 0 then gname = ' - ' .. string.sub(gname, 2) end local keys = prefix_key_inp local separators = { arrow = '', curve = '', slant = '', brace = '', fire = '', ['nil'] = '', } local sep = separators[vim.g.spacevim_statusline_separator] or separators.arrow SL.open_float({ { 'Guide: ', 'LeaderGuiderPrompt' }, { sep .. ' ', 'LeaderGuiderSep1' }, { M.getName(prefix_key) .. table.concat(keys, '') .. gname, 'LeaderGuiderName', }, { sep .. ' ', 'LeaderGuiderSep2' }, { guide_help_msg(false), 'LeaderGuiderFill' }, { string.rep(' ', 999), 'LeaderGuiderFill' }, }, true) end local function setlocalopt(buf, win, opts) for o, value in pairs(opts) do local info = vim.api.nvim_get_option_info2(o, {}) if info.scope == 'win' then vim.api.nvim_set_option_value(o, value, { win = win, }) elseif info.scope == 'buf' then vim.api.nvim_set_option_value(o, value, { buf = buf, }) end end end local function winopen() highlight_cursor() if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then bufnr = buffer.create_buf(false, true) end local opt = { relative = 'editor', width = vim.o.columns, height = 12, row = vim.o.lines - 14, col = 0, } if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1 then opt.hide = true end winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opt) guide_help_mode = false setlocalopt(bufnr, winid, { winhighlight = 'Normal:Pmenu,Search:', filetype = 'leaderGuide', number = false, relativenumber = false, list = false, modeline = false, wrap = false, buflisted = false, buftype = 'nofile', bufhidden = 'unload', swapfile = false, cursorline = false, cursorcolumn = false, colorcolumn = '', winfixwidth = true, winfixheight = true, }) return winid, bufnr end local function start_buffer() if not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) or not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then winid, bufnr = winopen() end local layout = calc_layout() local text = create_string(layout) if vim.g.leaderGuide_max_size then layout.win_dim = cmp.fn.min({ vim.g.leaderGuide_max_size, layout.win_dim }) end cmp.fn.setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 1) -- always in neovim >= 0.9.0 vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(winid, { relative = 'editor', width = vim.o.columns, height = layout.win_dim + 2, row = vim.o.lines - layout.win_dim - 4, col = 0, }) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, text) updateStatusline() cmp.fn.setbufvar(bufnr, '&modifiable', 0) vim.cmd('redraw') wait_for_input() end local function close_float_statusline() SL.close_float() end local function winclose() vim.api.nvim_win_close(winid, true) close_float_statusline() remove_cursor_highlight() end local function handle_input(input) if not cmp.islist(input) then lmap = input start_buffer() else winclose() prefix_key_inp = {} cmp.fn.feedkeys(vis .. reg .. count, 'ti') --- redraw! local ok, _ = pcall(vim.fn.execute, input[1]) if not ok then print(vim.v.exception) end end end local function page_down() if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(winid)[1] local height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(winid).height if cursor + height < vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, {cursor + height, 1}) else vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, {vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr), 1}) end end vim.cmd('redraw!') wait_for_input() end local function page_undo() if #prefix_key_inp then table.remove(prefix_key_inp) end if #undo_history > 0 then lmap = table.remove(undo_history) end start_buffer() end local function page_up() if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(winid)[1] local height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(winid).height if cursor - height > 1 then vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, {cursor - height, 1}) else vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, {1, 1}) end end vim.cmd('redraw!') wait_for_input() end local function handle_submode_mapping(cmd) guide_help_mode = false updateStatusline() if cmd == 'n' then page_down() elseif cmd == 'p' then page_up() elseif cmd == 'u' then page_undo() else winclose() end end local function submode_mappings(key) handle_submode_mapping(key) end local function warn_not_defined(mpt) vim.cmd('redraw') vim.api.nvim_echo({ { mpt[1], 'Comment' }, { mpt[2], 'Wildmenu' }, }, false, {}) end local function show_win(_) if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(winid, { hide = false }) end SL.show() end wait_for_input = function() log.debug('wait for input:') local t = Key.t if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1 then vim.fn.timer_start(10, show_win) end local inp = VIM.getchar() log.debug('inp is:' .. inp) if inp == t('<Esc>') then prefix_key_inp = {} undo_history = {} guide_help_mode = false winclose() vim.cmd('doautocmd WinEnter') elseif guide_help_mode then submode_mappings(inp) guide_help_mode = false elseif inp == t('<C-h>') then guide_help_mode = true updateStatusline() vim.cmd('redraw!') wait_for_input() else if inp == ' ' then inp = '[SPC]' else inp = Key.char2name(inp) end local fsel = lmap[inp] or '' if vim.fn.empty(fsel) == 0 then table.insert(prefix_key_inp, inp) table.insert(undo_history, lmap) handle_input(fsel) else winclose() vim.cmd('doautocmd WinEnter') local keys = prefix_key_inp local name = M.getName(prefix_key) local _keys = vim.fn.join(keys, '-') if vim.fn.empty(_keys) == 1 then warn_not_defined({ 'Key bindings is not defined: ', name .. '-' .. inp }) else warn_not_defined({ 'key bindings is not defined: ', name .. '-' .. _keys .. '-' .. inp }) end prefix_key_inp = {} guide_help_mode = false end end end local function get_register() if vim.fn.match(vim.o.clipboard, 'unnamedplus') >= 0 then return '+' elseif vim.fn.match(vim.o.clipboard, 'unnamed') >= 0 then return '*' else return '"' end end function M.start_by_prefix(_vis, _key) log.debug('start by prefix:' .. _key .. ' vis:' .. _vis) if _key == ' ' and vim.fn.exists('b:spacevim_lang_specified_mappings') == 1 then vim.g._spacevim_mappings_space.l = vim.b['spacevim_lang_specified_mappings'] end guide_help_mode = false -- _vis is 0 or 1 if _vis == '1' then vis = 'gv' else vis = '' end log.debug('vis is:' .. vis) if vim.v.count ~= 0 then count = vim.v.count else count = '' end if _key == ' ' then toplevel = true else toplevel = false end prefix_key = _key guide_group = {} if vim.v.register ~= get_register() then reg = '"' .. vim.v.register else reg = '' end if not cached_dicts[_key] or vim.g.leaderGuide_run_map_on_popup then cached_dicts[_key] = {} start_parser(_key, cached_dicts[_key]) end if desc_lookup[_key] or desc_lookup['top'] then lmap = create_target_dict(_key) else lmap = cached_dicts[_key] end start_buffer() end function M.start(_vis, _dict) if _vis == 'gv' then vis = 'gv' else vis = '' end lmap = _dict start_buffer() end function M.register_displayname(lhs, name) registered_name[lhs] = name end function M.displayfunc() if registered_name[vim.g['leaderGuide#displayname']] then vim.g['leaderGuide#displayname'] = registered_name[vim.g['leaderGuide#displayname']] end end function M.populate_dictionary(key, _) start_parser(key, cached_dicts[key]) end function M.parse_mappings() for k, v in ipairs(cached_dicts) do start_parser(k, v) end end function M.getName(key) if key == ' ' then return '[SPC]' elseif key == 'g' then return '[g]' elseif key == 'z' then return '[z]' elseif key == vim.g.spacevim_windows_leader then return '[WIN]' elseif key == '\\' then return '<leader>' else return '' end end return M