# ============================================================================= # FILE: lsp.py # AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> # ============================================================================= import json import re from deoplete.source.base import Base LSP_KINDS = [ 'Text', 'Method', 'Function', 'Constructor', 'Field', 'Variable', 'Class', 'Interface', 'Module', 'Property', 'Unit', 'Value', 'Enum', 'Keyword', 'Snippet', 'Color', 'File', 'Reference', 'Folder', 'EnumMember', 'Constant', 'Struct', 'Event', 'Operator', 'TypeParameter', ] LSP_KINDS_WITH_ICONS = [ ' [text] ', ' [method] ', ' [function] ', ' [constructor]', 'ﰠ [field] ', '𝒙 [variable] ', ' [class] ', ' [interface]', ' [module] ', ' [property] ', ' [unit] ', ' [value] ', ' [enum] ', ' [key] ', ' [snippet] ', ' [color] ', ' [file] ', ' [refrence] ', ' [folder] ', ' [enumMember]', ' [constant] ', ' [struct] ', ' [event] ', ' [operator] ', ' [typeParameter]', ] class Source(Base): def __init__(self, vim): Base.__init__(self, vim) self.name = 'lsp' self.mark = '[lsp]' self.rank = 500 self.input_pattern = r'(\.|:|->)$' self.is_volatile = True self.vars = {} self.vim.vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_results'] = [] self.vim.vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_success'] = False self.vim.vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_requested'] = False self.vim.vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_prev_input'] = '' if 'deoplete#lsp#use_icons_for_candidates' not in self.vim.vars: self.vim.vars['deoplete#lsp#use_icons_for_candidates'] = False self.lsp_kinds = LSP_KINDS def gather_candidates(self, context): if not self.vim.call('has', 'nvim-0.5.0'): return [] prev_input = self.vim.vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_prev_input'] if context['input'] == prev_input and self.vim.vars[ 'deoplete#source#lsp#_requested']: return self.process_candidates() vars = self.vim.vars vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_requested'] = False vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_prev_input'] = context['input'] vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_complete_position'] = context[ 'complete_position'] # Note: request_candidates() may be failed try: params = self.vim.call( 'luaeval', 'vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()') self.vim.call( 'luaeval', 'require("candidates").request_candidates(' '_A.arguments)', {'arguments': params}) except Exception: pass return [] def process_candidates(self): candidates = [] vars = self.vim.vars results = vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_results'] if not results: return elif isinstance(results, dict): if 'items' not in results: self.print_error( 'LSP results does not have "items" key:{}'.format( str(results))) return items = results['items'] else: items = results use_icons = vars['deoplete#lsp#use_icons_for_candidates'] if use_icons: self.lsp_kinds = LSP_KINDS_WITH_ICONS for rec in items: if 'textEdit' in rec and rec['textEdit'] is not None: textEdit = rec['textEdit'] if ('range' in textEdit and textEdit['range']['start'] == textEdit['range']['end']): previous_input = vars['deoplete#source#lsp#_prev_input'] complete_position = vars[ 'deoplete#source#lsp#_complete_position'] new_text = textEdit['newText'] word = f'{previous_input[complete_position:]}{new_text}' else: word = textEdit['newText'] elif rec.get('insertText', ''): if rec.get('insertTextFormat', 1) != 1: word = rec.get('entryName', rec.get('label')) else: word = rec['insertText'] else: word = rec.get('entryName', rec.get('label')) # Remove parentheses from word. # Note: some LSP includes snippet parentheses in word(newText) word = re.sub(r'[\(|<].*[\)|>](\$\d+)?', '', word) item = { 'word': word, 'abbr': rec['label'], 'dup': 0, 'user_data': json.dumps({ 'lspitem': rec }) } if isinstance(rec.get('kind'), int): item['kind'] = self.lsp_kinds[rec['kind'] - 1] elif rec.get('insertTextFormat') == 2: item['kind'] = 'Snippet' if rec.get('detail'): item['menu'] = rec['detail'] if isinstance(rec.get('documentation'), str): item['info'] = rec['documentation'] elif (isinstance(rec.get('documentation'), dict) and 'value' in rec['documentation']): item['info'] = rec['documentation']['value'] candidates.append(item) return candidates