--- title: "SpaceVim lang#ipynb layer" description: "This layer adds Jupyter Notebook support to SpaceVim" --- # [Available Layers](../../) >> lang#ipynb <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [Description](#description) - [Features](#features) - [Install](#install) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Description This layer adds Jupyter Notebook support to SpaceVim. ## Features - syntax highlighting ## Install this layer includes vimpyter, to use this plugin, you may need to install notedown. ```sh pip install --user notedown ``` NOTE: if you are using windows, you need to add this dir to your \$PATH. `%HOME%\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\Scripts` To use this configuration layer, update custom configuration file with: ```toml [[layers]] name = "lang#ipynb" ``` ## Key bindings | Key bindings | Description | | ------------ | ------------------- | | `SPC l p` | insert python block | | `SPC l u` | update note book | | `SPC l j` | start jupyter | | `SPC l n` | start nteract |