--- title: "SpaceVim lang#markdown layer" description: "Edit markdown within vim, autopreview markdown in the default browser, with this layer you can also format markdown file." --- # [Available Layers](../../) >> lang#markdown - [Description](#description) - [Install](#install) - [formatting](#formatting) - [options](#options) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) ## Description This layer is for editing markdown file. ## Install To use this configuration layer, update custom configuration file with: ```toml [[layers]] name = "lang#markdown" ``` ## formatting SpaceVim use remark to formatting markdown file, so you need to install this program. You can install it via npm: ```sh npm -g install remark npm -g install remark-cli npm -g install remark-stringify ``` ### options **listItemIndent** How to indent the content from list items (`tab`, `mixed` or 1 , default: 1). - `'tab'`: use tab stops (4 spaces) - `'1'`: use one space - `'mixed'`: use `1` for tight and `tab` for loose list items **enableWcwidth** Enable/Disable wcwidth for detecting the length of a table cell, default is 0. To enable this option, you need to install [wcwidth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/wcwidth) **listItemChar** Bullet marker to use for list items (`'-'`, `'*'`, or `'+'`, default: `'-'`). ## Key bindings | Key bindings | mode | Descriptions | | ------------ | ------ | -------------------------- | | `SPC b f` | Normal | Format current buffer | | `SPC l ft` | Normal | Format table under cursor | | `SPC l p` | Normal | Real-time markdown preview |