function! python_imports#filename2module(filename) " Figure out the dotted module name of the given filename " Look at the file name of the module that contains this tag. Find the " nearest parent directory that does not have Assume it is " directly included in PYTHONPATH. let pkg = fnamemodify(a:filename, ":p") let root = fnamemodify(pkg, ":h") " normalize paths let pythonPathsNorm = [] for path in g:pythonPaths let path_without_slash = substitute(expand(path), "/$", "", "") call add(pythonPathsNorm, path_without_slash) endfor let found_dir = "" let found_path = "" while 1 if index(pythonPathsNorm, root) != -1 let found_path = root break endif if found_dir == "" && !filereadable(root . "/") let found_dir = root " note: can't break here! PEP 420 implicit namespace packages don't have, " so we might find the actual package root in a parent directory beyond this one, via pythonPathsNorm endif let newroot = fnamemodify(root, ":h") if newroot == root break endif let root = newroot endwhile if found_path != "" let root = found_path else let root = found_dir endif let pkg = strpart(pkg, strlen(root)) " Convert the relative path into a Python dotted module name let pkg = substitute(pkg, "\\", "/", "g") " Handle Windows paths let pkg = substitute(pkg, "[.]py$", "", "") let pkg = substitute(pkg, ".__init__$", "", "") let pkg = substitute(pkg, "^/", "", "") let pkg = substitute(pkg, "^site-packages/", "", "") let pkg = substitute(pkg, "/", ".", "g") " Get rid of the last module name if it starts with an underscore, e.g. " zope.schema._builtinfields -> zope.schema let pkg = substitute(pkg, "[.]_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", "", "") return pkg endfunction function! python_imports#filename2package(filename) let module = python_imports#filename2module(a:filename) let pkg = python_imports#package_of(module) return pkg endfunction function! python_imports#package_of(module) let pkg = substitute(a:module, '[.]\=[^.]\+$', '', '') return pkg endfunction function! python_imports#is_stdlib_module(name) " Does a:name refer to a standard library module? if has_key(g:pythonBuiltinModules, a:name) return 1 elseif g:pythonStdlibPath == "" return 0 elseif filereadable(g:pythonStdlibPath . "/" . a:name . ".py") return 1 elseif filereadable(g:pythonStdlibPath . "/" . a:name . "/") return 1 elseif filereadable(g:pythonStdlibPath . "/lib-dynload/" . a:name . ".so") return 1 elseif filereadable(g:pythonStdlibPath . "/lib-dynload/" . a:name . g:pythonExtModuleSuffix) return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! python_imports#maybe_reload_config() if has('python') || has('python3') " XXX: wasteful -- I should check if the file's timestamp has changed " instead of parsing it every time pyx import python_imports pyx python_imports.parse_python_imports_cfg() endif endfunction function! python_imports#find_place_for_import(pkg, name) " Find the appropriate place to insert a "from pkg import name" line. " Moves the actual cursor in the actual Vim buffer. " Go to the top (use 'normal gg' because I want to set the ' mark) normal gg if getline(line(".")) =~ '^"""' keepjumps silent! /^"""/ " Skip docstring, if it exists else keepjumps silent! /^"""/;/^"""/ " Skip docstring, if it exists endif keepjumps silent! /^import\|^from.*import/ " Find the first import statement nohlsearch if a:pkg == '__future__' return endif " Find the first empty line after that. NOTE: DO NOT put any comments " on the line that says `normal`, or you'll get 24 extra spaces here if getline(line(".")) =~ 'import\|"""\|^#' keepjumps normal } endif " Try to find an existing import from the same module, and move to " the last one of these let pkg = a:pkg while pkg != "" let stmt = "from ".pkg." " " look for an exact match first if search('^' . stmt, 'cnw') exec "keepjumps silent! /^".stmt."/;/^\\(".stmt."\\)\\@!/" nohlsearch break endif let stmt = "from ".pkg."." " try siblings or subpackages if search('^' . stmt, 'cnw') exec "keepjumps silent! /^".stmt."/;/^\\(".stmt."\\)\\@!/" nohlsearch break endif " If not found, look for imports coming from containing packages if pkg =~ '[.]' let pkg = substitute(pkg, '[.][^.]*$', '', '') else break endif endwhile endf if v:version >= 801 || v:version == 800 && has("patch-499") function! s:taglist(tag, filename) return taglist(a:tag, a:filename) endf else function! s:taglist(tag, filename) return taglist(a:tag) endf endif function! python_imports#import_name(name, here, stay) " Add an import statement for 'name'. If 'here' is true, adds the statement " on the line above the cursor, if 'here' is false, adds the line to the top " of the current file. If 'stay' is true, keeps cursor position, otherwise " jumps to the line containing the newly added import statement. call python_imports#maybe_reload_config() " If name is empty, pick up the word under cursor if a:name == "" let name = expand("<cword>") else let name = a:name endif let alias = l:name let l:name = get(g:pythonImportAliases, alias, alias) " Look for hardcoded names if has_key(g:pythonImports, l:name) let pkg = g:pythonImports[l:name] elseif python_imports#is_stdlib_module(l:name) let pkg = '' else " Let's see if we have one tag, or multiple tags (in which case we'll " let the user decide) let tag_rx = "^\\C" . l:name . "\\([.]py\\)\\=$" let found = s:taglist(tag_rx, expand("%")) if found == [] " Give up and bail out echohl Error | echomsg "Tag not found:" l:name | echohl None return elseif len(found) == 1 " Only one name found, we can skip the selection menu and the " whole costly procedure of opening split windows. let pkg = python_imports#filename2module(found[0].filename) if found[0].kind == 'F' " importing an entire module let pkg = python_imports#package_of(pkg) endif else " Try to jump to the tag in a new window let v:errmsg = "" let l:errmsg = "" let l:oldfile = expand('%') let l:oldswb = &switchbuf set switchbuf=split let l:oldwinnr = winnr() try exec "stjump /" . tag_rx catch let l:errmsg = v:errmsg finally let &switchbuf = l:oldswb endtry if l:errmsg != "" " Something bad happened (maybe the other file is opened in a " different vim instance and there's a swap file) if l:oldfile != expand('%') close exec l:oldwinnr "wincmd w" endif return endif if l:oldfile == expand('%') " Either the user aborted the tag jump, or the tag exists in " the same file, and therefore import is pointless return endif " Look at the file name of the module that contains this tag. Find the " nearest parent directory that does not have Assume it is " directly included in PYTHONPATH. let pkg = python_imports#filename2module(expand("%")) let nonfile_tags = found->filter({idx, val -> val.kind != 'F'}) if expand("%:t") == l:name . ".py" && nonfile_tags == [] let pkg = python_imports#package_of(pkg) endif " Close the window containing the tag close " Return to the right window exec l:oldwinnr "wincmd w" endif endif if pkg == "" let line_to_insert = 'import ' . l:name elseif pkg == "__future__" && l:name == "print" let line_to_insert = 'from __future__ import print_function' else let line_to_insert = 'from ' . pkg . ' import ' . l:name endif if l:alias != l:name let line_to_insert .= ' as ' . l:alias endif " Find the place for adding the import statement if !a:here if search('^' . line_to_insert . '$', 'bcnw') " import already exists redraw echomsg l:name . " is already imported" return endif call python_imports#find_place_for_import(pkg, l:name) endif " Find out the indentation of the current line let indent = matchstr(getline("."), "^[ \t]*\\%(>>> \\)\\=") " Check if we're using parenthesized imports already let prev_line = getline(line(".")-1) let stopline = 0 if indent != "" && prev_line == 'from ' . pkg . ' import (' if l:alias != l:name let line_to_insert = l:name . ' as ' . l:alias . ',' else let line_to_insert = l:name . ',' endif let stopline = search(")", "nW") elseif indent != "" && prev_line =~ '^from .* import (' silent! /)/+1 nohlsearch if line(".") == line("$") && getline(line(".")-1) !~ ')' put ='' endif let indent = "" endif let line_to_insert = indent . line_to_insert " Double check with indent / parenthesized form if !a:here && search('^' . line_to_insert . '$', 'cnw', stopline) " import already exists redraw echomsg l:name . " is already imported" return endif " Add the import statement put! =line_to_insert " Adjust import location with isort if possible if !a:here && g:pythonImportsUseAleFix && exists(":ALEFix") == 2 ALEFix isort endif " Jump back if possible if a:stay normal `` endif " Refresh ALE because otherwise it gets all confused for a bit if exists(":ALELint") == 2 if exists(":ALEResetBuffer") == 2 ALEResetBuffer endif ALELint endif endf