--[[ Curl Wrapper all curl methods accepts url = "The url to make the request to.", (string) query = "url query, append after the url", (table) body = "The request body" (string/filepath/table) auth = "Basic request auth, 'user:pass', or {"user", "pass"}" (string/array) form = "request form" (table) raw = "any additonal curl args, it must be an array/list." (array) dry_run = "whether to return the args to be ran through curl." (boolean) output = "where to download something." (filepath) and returns table: exit = "The shell process exit code." (number) status = "The https response status." (number) headers = "The https response headers." (array) body = "The http response body." (string) see test/plenary/curl_spec.lua for examples. author = github.com/tami5 ]] -- local util, parse, request = {}, {}, nil -- Helpers -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- local F = require "plenary.functional" local J = require "plenary.job" local P = require "plenary.path" -- Utils ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- util.url_encode = function(str) if type(str) ~= "number" then str = str:gsub("\r?\n", "\r\n") str = str:gsub("([^%w%-%.%_%~ ])", function(c) return string.format("%%%02X", c:byte()) end) str = str:gsub(" ", "+") return str else return str end end util.kv_to_list = function(kv, prefix, sep) return vim.tbl_flatten(F.kv_map(function(kvp) return { prefix, kvp[1] .. sep .. kvp[2] } end, kv)) end util.kv_to_str = function(kv, sep, kvsep) return F.join( F.kv_map(function(kvp) return kvp[1] .. kvsep .. util.url_encode(kvp[2]) end, kv), sep ) end util.gen_dump_path = function() local path local id = string.gsub("xxxx4xxx", "[xy]", function(l) local v = (l == "x") and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random(0, 0xb) return string.format("%x", v) end) if P.path.sep == "\\" then path = string.format("%s\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\plenary_curl_%s.headers", os.getenv "USERPROFILE", id) else path = "/tmp/plenary_curl_" .. id .. ".headers" end return { "-D", path } end -- Parsers ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- parse.headers = function(t) if not t then return end local upper = function(str) return string.gsub(" " .. str, "%W%l", string.upper):sub(2) end return util.kv_to_list( (function() local normilzed = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do normilzed[upper(k:gsub("_", "%-"))] = v end return normilzed end)(), "-H", ": " ) end parse.data_body = function(t) if not t then return end return util.kv_to_list(t, "-d", "=") end parse.raw_body = function(xs) if not xs then return end if type(xs) == "table" then return parse.data_body(xs) else return { "--data-raw", xs } end end parse.form = function(t) if not t then return end return util.kv_to_list(t, "-F", "=") end parse.curl_query = function(t) if not t then return end return util.kv_to_str(t, "&", "=") end parse.method = function(s) if not s then return end if s ~= "head" then return { "-X", string.upper(s) } else return { "-I" } end end parse.file = function(p) if not p then return end return { "-d", "@" .. P.expand(P.new(p)) } end parse.auth = function(xs) if not xs then return end return { "-u", type(xs) == "table" and util.kv_to_str(xs, nil, ":") or xs } end parse.url = function(xs, q) if not xs then return end q = parse.curl_query(q) if type(xs) == "string" then return q and xs .. "?" .. q or xs elseif type(xs) == "table" then error "Low level URL definition is not supported." end end parse.accept_header = function(s) if not s then return end return { "-H", "Accept: " .. s } end -- Parse Request ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ parse.request = function(opts) if opts.body then local b = opts.body local silent_is_file = function() local status, result = pcall(P.is_file, P.new(b)) return status and result end opts.body = nil if type(b) == "table" then opts.data = b elseif silent_is_file() then opts.in_file = b elseif type(b) == "string" then opts.raw_body = b end end local result = { "-sSL", opts.dump } local append = function(v) if v then table.insert(result, v) end end if opts.compressed then table.insert(result, "--compressed") end append(parse.method(opts.method)) append(parse.headers(opts.headers)) append(parse.accept_header(opts.accept)) append(parse.raw_body(opts.raw_body)) append(parse.data_body(opts.data)) append(parse.form(opts.form)) append(parse.file(opts.in_file)) append(parse.auth(opts.auth)) append(opts.raw) if opts.output then table.insert(result, { "-o", opts.output }) end table.insert(result, parse.url(opts.url, opts.query)) return vim.tbl_flatten(result), opts end -- Parse response ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ parse.response = function(lines, dump_path, code) local headers = P.readlines(dump_path) local status = tonumber(string.match(headers[1], "([%w+]%d+)")) local body = F.join(lines, "\n") vim.loop.fs_unlink(dump_path) table.remove(headers, 1) return { status = status, headers = headers, body = body, exit = code, } end request = function(specs) local response = {} local args, opts = parse.request(vim.tbl_extend("force", { compressed = true, dry_run = false, dump = util.gen_dump_path(), }, specs)) if opts.dry_run then return args end local job = J:new { command = "curl", args = args, on_exit = function(j, code) if code ~= 0 then error( string.format( "%s %s - curl error exit_code=%s stderr=%s", opts.method, opts.url, code, vim.inspect(j:stderr_result()) ) ) end local output = parse.response(j:result(), opts.dump[2], code) if opts.callback then return opts.callback(output) else response = output end end, } if opts.callback then return job:start() else job:sync(10000) return response end end -- Main ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ return (function() local spec = {} local partial = function(method) return function(url, opts) opts = opts or {} if type(url) == "table" then opts = url spec.method = method else spec.url = url spec.method = method end opts = method == "request" and opts or (vim.tbl_extend("keep", opts, spec)) return request(opts) end end return { get = partial "get", post = partial "post", put = partial "put", head = partial "head", patch = partial "patch", delete = partial "delete", request = partial "request", } end)()