let s:is_windows = has('win32') || has('win64') Describe gina#core Before all let Path = vital#gina#import('System.Filepath') let slit1 = Slit(tempname(), 1) let slit2 = Slit(tempname(), 1) let slit3 = Slit(tempname()) call slit1.write('A/foo.txt', []) call slit1.write('B/foo.txt', []) call slit1.write('C/foo.txt', []) call slit2.write('A/foo.txt', []) call slit2.write('B/foo.txt', []) call slit2.write('C/foo.txt', []) call slit3.write('A/foo.txt', []) call slit3.write('B/foo.txt', []) call slit3.write('C/foo.txt', []) call slit1.execute('add %s', slit1.path('A/foo.txt')) call slit1.execute('commit --quiet -m "First"') call slit1.execute('checkout -b develop') call slit1.execute('add %s', slit1.path('B/foo.txt')) call slit1.execute('commit --quiet -m "Second"') call slit1.execute('checkout master') call slit1.execute('add %s', slit1.path('C/foo.txt')) call slit1.execute('commit --quiet -m "Thrid"') call slit2.execute('add %s', slit2.path('A/foo.txt')) call slit2.execute('commit --quiet -m "Forth"') call slit1.execute('remote add ext %s', slit2.worktree) call slit1.execute('fetch ext') call slit1.execute('checkout -track -b ext/master remotes/ext/master') call slit1.execute('checkout master') End After all %bwipeout! End Before %bwipeout! End Describe #get() It returns an empty dictionary for a non git working-tree directory execute 'edit' fnameescape(slit3.worktree) let git = gina#core#get() Assert Equals(git, {}) End It returns a git instance for a git working-tree directory execute 'edit' fnameescape(slit1.worktree) let git = gina#core#get() Assert Equals(git.refname, slit1.refname) Assert Equals(git.worktree, slit1.worktree) Assert Equals(git.repository, slit1.repository) Assert Equals(git.commondir, '') End It returns a git instance for a git worktree directory if !g:git_support_worktree Skip This git does not support 'worktree' feature. endif let dirpath = Path.join(tempname(), 'valid-worktree') call slit1.execute('worktree add %s develop', dirpath) execute 'edit' fnameescape(dirpath) let git = gina#core#get() Assert Equals(git.refname, 'valid-worktree') Assert Equals(git.worktree, dirpath) Assert Equals(git.repository, Path.join( \ slit1.repository, 'worktrees', 'valid-worktree' \)) Assert Equals(git.commondir, slit1.repository) End if !s:is_windows Context symbolic link Before all function! Link(src, dst) abort call system(printf( \ 'ln -s %s %s', \ shellescape(a:src), \ shellescape(a:dst), \)) endfunction let symlink1 = Path.join(slit1.worktree, 'symlink_to_invalid') let symlink2 = Path.join(slit1.worktree, 'symlink_to_external') let symlink3 = Path.join(slit3.worktree, 'symlink_to_valid') call Link(Path.join(slit3.worktree, 'A', 'foo.txt'), symlink1) call Link(Path.join(slit2.worktree, 'A', 'foo.txt'), symlink2) call Link(Path.join(slit1.worktree, 'A', 'foo.txt'), symlink3) End It returns a git instance which the symlink file belongs " NOTE: The symlink1 points a file in invalid execute 'edit' fnameescape(symlink1) let git = gina#core#get() Assert Equals(git.refname, slit1.refname) Assert Equals(git.worktree, slit1.worktree) Assert Equals(git.repository, slit1.repository) Assert Equals(git.commondir, '') " NOTE: The symlink2 points a file in external execute 'edit' fnameescape(symlink2) let git = gina#core#get() Assert Equals(git.refname, slit1.refname) Assert Equals(git.worktree, slit1.worktree) Assert Equals(git.repository, slit1.repository) Assert Equals(git.commondir, '') End It returns a git instance which the original file belogns if the symlink file does not belong " NOTE: The symlink3 points a file in valid1 execute 'edit' fnameescape(symlink3) let git = gina#core#get() Assert Equals(git.refname, slit1.refname) Assert Equals(git.worktree, slit1.worktree) Assert Equals(git.repository, slit1.repository) Assert Equals(git.commondir, '') End End endif End Describe #get_or_fail() It throws an exception for a non git working-tree directory execute 'edit' fnameescape(slit3.worktree) Throws /No git repository/ gina#core#get_or_fail() End It returns a git instance for a git working-tree directory execute 'edit' fnameescape(slit1.worktree) let git = gina#core#get_or_fail() Assert Equals(git.refname, slit1.refname) Assert Equals(git.worktree, slit1.worktree) Assert Equals(git.repository, slit1.repository) Assert Equals(git.commondir, '') End End End