"============================================================================= " FILE: util.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! neocomplete#util#get_vital() abort "{{{ if !exists('s:V') let s:V = vital#neocomplete#new() endif return s:V endfunction"}}} function! s:get_prelude() abort "{{{ if !exists('s:Prelude') let s:Prelude = neocomplete#util#get_vital().import('Prelude') endif return s:Prelude endfunction"}}} function! s:get_list() abort "{{{ if !exists('s:List') let s:List = neocomplete#util#get_vital().import('Data.List') endif return s:List endfunction"}}} function! s:get_string() abort "{{{ if !exists('s:String') let s:String = neocomplete#util#get_vital().import('Data.String') endif return s:String endfunction"}}} function! s:get_process() abort "{{{ if !exists('s:Process') let s:Process = neocomplete#util#get_vital().import('Process') endif return s:Process endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#truncate_smart(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().truncate_skipping, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#truncate(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().truncate, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#strchars(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().strchars, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#wcswidth(string) abort "{{{ return strwidth(a:string) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#strwidthpart(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().strwidthpart, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#strwidthpart_reverse(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().strwidthpart_reverse, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#substitute_path_separator(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_prelude().substitute_path_separator, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#mb_strlen(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().strchars, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#uniq(list) abort "{{{ let dict = {} for item in a:list if !has_key(dict, item) let dict[item] = item endif endfor return values(dict) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#system(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_process().system, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#is_windows(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_prelude().is_windows, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#is_mac(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_prelude().is_mac, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#is_complete_select() abort "{{{ return has('patch-7.4.775') endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#get_last_status(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_process().get_last_status, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#escape_pattern(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_string().escape_pattern, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#iconv(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_process().iconv, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#uniq(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_list().uniq, a:000) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#sort_by(...) abort "{{{ return call(s:get_list().sort_by, a:000) endfunction"}}} " Sudo check. function! neocomplete#util#is_sudo() abort "{{{ return $SUDO_USER != '' && $USER !=# $SUDO_USER \ && $HOME !=# expand('~'.$USER) \ && $HOME ==# expand('~'.$SUDO_USER) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#glob(pattern, ...) abort "{{{ if a:pattern =~ "'" " Use glob('*'). let cwd = getcwd() let base = neocomplete#util#substitute_path_separator( \ fnamemodify(a:pattern, ':h')) execute 'lcd' fnameescape(base) let files = map(split(neocomplete#util#substitute_path_separator( \ glob('*')), '\n'), "base . '/' . v:val") execute 'lcd' fnameescape(cwd) return files endif " let is_force_glob = get(a:000, 0, 0) let is_force_glob = get(a:000, 0, 1) if !is_force_glob && a:pattern =~ '^[^\\*]\+/\*' \ && neocomplete#util#has_vimproc() && exists('*vimproc#readdir') return filter(vimproc#readdir(a:pattern[: -2]), 'v:val !~ "/\\.\\.\\?$"') else " Escape [. if neocomplete#util#is_windows() let glob = substitute(a:pattern, '\[', '\\[[]', 'g') else let glob = escape(a:pattern, '[') endif return split(neocomplete#util#substitute_path_separator(glob(glob)), '\n') endif endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#expand(path) abort "{{{ return expand(escape(a:path, '*?[]"={}'), 1) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#set_default(var, val, ...) abort "{{{ if !exists(a:var) || type({a:var}) != type(a:val) let alternate_var = get(a:000, 0, '') let {a:var} = exists(alternate_var) ? \ {alternate_var} : a:val endif endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#set_dictionary_helper(variable, keys, pattern) abort "{{{ for key in split(a:keys, '\s*,\s*') if !has_key(a:variable, key) let a:variable[key] = a:pattern endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#set_default_dictionary(variable, keys, value) abort "{{{ if !exists('s:disable_dictionaries') let s:disable_dictionaries = {} endif if has_key(s:disable_dictionaries, a:variable) return endif call neocomplete#util#set_dictionary_helper({a:variable}, a:keys, a:value) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#disable_default_dictionary(variable) abort "{{{ if !exists('s:disable_dictionaries') let s:disable_dictionaries = {} endif let s:disable_dictionaries[a:variable] = 1 endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#split_rtp(...) abort "{{{ let rtp = a:0 ? a:1 : &runtimepath if type(rtp) == type([]) return rtp endif if rtp !~ '\\' return split(rtp, ',') endif let split = split(rtp, '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs,') return map(split,'substitute(v:val, ''\\\([\\,]\)'', "\\1", "g")') endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#join_rtp(list) abort "{{{ return join(map(copy(a:list), 's:escape(v:val)'), ',') endfunction"}}} " Escape a path for runtimepath. function! s:escape(path) abort"{{{ return substitute(a:path, ',\|\\,\@=', '\\\0', 'g') endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#has_vimproc() abort "{{{ " Initialize. if !exists('g:neocomplete#use_vimproc') " Check vimproc. try call vimproc#version() let exists_vimproc = 1 catch let exists_vimproc = 0 endtry let g:neocomplete#use_vimproc = exists_vimproc endif return g:neocomplete#use_vimproc endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#dup_filter(list) abort "{{{ let dict = {} for keyword in a:list if !has_key(dict, keyword.word) let dict[keyword.word] = keyword endif endfor return values(dict) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#convert2list(expr) abort "{{{ return type(a:expr) ==# type([]) ? a:expr : [a:expr] endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#util#is_text_changed() abort "{{{ " Note: Vim 7.4.143 fixed TextChangedI bug. return v:version > 704 || v:version == 704 && has('patch143') endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker