---@tag telescope.builtin ---@config { ['field_heading'] = "Options", ["module"] = "telescope.builtin" } ---@brief [[ --- Telescope Builtins is a collection of community maintained pickers to support common workflows. It can be used as --- reference when writing PRs, Telescope extensions, your own custom pickers, or just as a discovery tool for all of --- the amazing pickers already shipped with Telescope! --- --- Any of these functions can just be called directly by doing: --- --- :lua require('telescope.builtin').$NAME_OF_PICKER() --- --- To use any of Telescope's default options or any picker-specific options, call your desired picker by passing a lua --- table to the picker with all of the options you want to use. Here's an example with the live_grep picker: --- --- <code> --- :lua require('telescope.builtin').live_grep({ --- prompt_title = 'find string in open buffers...', --- grep_open_files = true --- }) --- -- or with dropdown theme --- :lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{ --- previewer = false --- }) --- </code> ---@brief ]] local builtin = {} -- Ref: https://github.com/tjdevries/lazy.nvim local function require_on_exported_call(mod) return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, picker) return function(...) return require(mod)[picker](...) end end, }) end -- -- -- File-related Pickers -- -- --- Search for a string and get results live as you type, respects .gitignore ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: root dir to search from (default: cwd, use utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to open buffer) ---@field grep_open_files boolean: if true, restrict search to open files only, mutually exclusive with `search_dirs` ---@field search_dirs table: directory/directories/files to search, mutually exclusive with `grep_open_files` ---@field glob_pattern string|table: argument to be used with `--glob`, e.g. "*.toml", can use the opposite "!*.toml" ---@field type_filter string: argument to be used with `--type`, e.g. "rust", see `rg --type-list` ---@field additional_args function|table: additional arguments to be passed on. Can be fn(opts) -> tbl ---@field max_results number: define a upper result value ---@field disable_coordinates boolean: don't show the line & row numbers (default: false) builtin.live_grep = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").live_grep --- Searches for the string under your cursor in your current working directory ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: root dir to search from (default: cwd, use utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to open buffer) ---@field search string: the query to search ---@field grep_open_files boolean: if true, restrict search to open files only, mutually exclusive with `search_dirs` ---@field search_dirs table: directory/directories/files to search, mutually exclusive with `grep_open_files` ---@field use_regex boolean: if true, special characters won't be escaped, allows for using regex (default: false) ---@field word_match string: can be set to `-w` to enable exact word matches ---@field additional_args function|table: additional arguments to be passed on. Can be fn(opts) -> tbl ---@field disable_coordinates boolean: don't show the line and row numbers (default: false) ---@field only_sort_text boolean: only sort the text, not the file, line or row (default: false) builtin.grep_string = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").grep_string --- Search for files (respecting .gitignore) ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: root dir to search from (default: cwd, use utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to open buffer) ---@field find_command function|table: cmd to use for the search. Can be a fn(opts) -> tbl (default: autodetect) ---@field follow boolean: if true, follows symlinks (i.e. uses `-L` flag for the `find` command) ---@field hidden boolean: determines whether to show hidden files or not (default: false) ---@field no_ignore boolean: show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. (default: false) ---@field no_ignore_parent boolean: show files ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, etc. in parent dirs. (default: false) ---@field search_dirs table: directory/directories/files to search ---@field search_file string: specify a filename to search for builtin.find_files = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").find_files --- This is an alias for the `find_files` picker builtin.fd = builtin.find_files --- Lists function names, variables, and other symbols from treesitter queries --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by kind of ts node you want to see (i.e. `:var:`) ---@field show_line boolean: if true, shows the row:column that the result is found at (default: true) ---@field bufnr number: specify the buffer number where treesitter should run. (default: current buffer) ---@field symbol_highlights table: string -> string. Matches symbol with hl_group builtin.treesitter = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").treesitter --- Live fuzzy search inside of the currently open buffer ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field skip_empty_lines boolean: if true we dont display empty lines (default: false) builtin.current_buffer_fuzzy_find = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").current_buffer_fuzzy_find --- Lists tags in current directory with tag location file preview (users are required to run ctags -R to generate tags --- or update when introducing new changes) ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: root dir to search from (default: cwd, use utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to open buffer) ---@field ctags_file string: specify a particular ctags file to use ---@field show_line boolean: if true, shows the content of the line the tag is found on in the picker (default: true) ---@field only_sort_tags boolean: if true we will only sort tags (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) builtin.tags = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").tags --- Lists all of the tags for the currently open buffer, with a preview ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: root dir to search from (default: cwd, use utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to open buffer) ---@field ctags_file string: specify a particular ctags file to use ---@field show_line boolean: if true, shows the content of the line the tag is found on in the picker (default: true) ---@field only_sort_tags boolean: if true we will only sort tags (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) builtin.current_buffer_tags = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__files").current_buffer_tags -- -- -- Git-related Pickers -- -- --- Fuzzy search for files tracked by Git. This command lists the output of the `git ls-files` command, --- respects .gitignore --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<cr>`: opens the currently selected file ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: specify the path of the repo ---@field use_git_root boolean: if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd (important for submodule) (default: true) ---@field show_untracked boolean: if true, adds `--others` flag to command and shows untracked files (default: false) ---@field recurse_submodules boolean: if true, adds the `--recurse-submodules` flag to command (default: false) ---@field git_command table: command that will be exectued. {"git","ls-files","--exclude-standard","--cached"} builtin.git_files = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__git").files --- Lists commits for current directory with diff preview --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<cr>`: checks out the currently selected commit --- - `<C-r>m`: resets current branch to selected commit using mixed mode --- - `<C-r>s`: resets current branch to selected commit using soft mode --- - `<C-r>h`: resets current branch to selected commit using hard mode ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: specify the path of the repo ---@field use_git_root boolean: if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd (important for submodule) (default: true) ---@field git_command table: command that will be exectued. {"git","log","--pretty=oneline","--abbrev-commit","--","."} builtin.git_commits = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__git").commits --- Lists commits for current buffer with diff preview --- - Default keymaps or your overriden `select_` keys: --- - `<cr>`: checks out the currently selected commit --- - `<c-v>`: opens a diff in a vertical split --- - `<c-x>`: opens a diff in a horizontal split --- - `<c-t>`: opens a diff in a new tab ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: specify the path of the repo ---@field use_git_root boolean: if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd (important for submodule) (default: true) ---@field current_file string: specify the current file that should be used for bcommits (default: current buffer) ---@field git_command table: command that will be exectued. {"git","log","--pretty=oneline","--abbrev-commit"} builtin.git_bcommits = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__git").bcommits --- List branches for current directory, with output from `git log --oneline` shown in the preview window --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<cr>`: checks out the currently selected branch --- - `<C-t>`: tracks currently selected branch --- - `<C-r>`: rebases currently selected branch --- - `<C-a>`: creates a new branch, with confirmation prompt before creation --- - `<C-d>`: deletes the currently selected branch, with confirmation prompt before deletion --- - `<C-y>`: merges the currently selected branch, with confirmation prompt before deletion ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: specify the path of the repo ---@field use_git_root boolean: if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd (important for submodule) (default: true) ---@field pattern string: specify the pattern to match all refs builtin.git_branches = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__git").branches --- Lists git status for current directory --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<Tab>`: stages or unstages the currently selected file --- - `<cr>`: opens the currently selected file ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: specify the path of the repo ---@field use_git_root boolean: if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd (important for submodule) (default: true) ---@field git_icons table: string -> string. Matches name with icon (see source code, make_entry.lua git_icon_defaults) builtin.git_status = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__git").status --- Lists stash items in current repository --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<cr>`: runs `git apply` for currently selected stash ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cwd string: specify the path of the repo ---@field use_git_root boolean: if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd (important for submodule) (default: true) ---@field show_branch boolean: if we should display the branch name for git stash entries (default: true) builtin.git_stash = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__git").stash -- -- -- Internal and Vim-related Pickers -- -- --- Lists all of the community maintained pickers built into Telescope ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field include_extensions boolean: if true will show the pickers of the installed extensions (default: false) ---@field use_default_opts boolean: if the selected picker should use its default options (default: false) builtin.builtin = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").builtin --- Opens the previous picker in the identical state (incl. multi selections) --- - Notes: --- - Requires `cache_picker` in setup or when having invoked pickers, see |telescope.defaults.cache_picker| ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field cache_index number: what picker to resume, where 1 denotes most recent (default: 1) builtin.resume = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").resume --- Opens a picker over previously cached pickers in their preserved states (incl. multi selections) --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-x>`: delete the selected cached picker --- - Notes: --- - Requires `cache_picker` in setup or when having invoked pickers, see |telescope.defaults.cache_picker| ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.pickers = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").pickers --- Use the telescope... ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_pluto boolean: we love pluto (default: false, because its a hidden feature) ---@field show_moon boolean: we love the moon (default: false, because its a hidden feature) builtin.planets = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").planets --- Lists symbols inside of `data/telescope-sources/*.json` found in your runtime path --- or found in `stdpath("data")/telescope/symbols/*.json`. The second path can be customized. --- We provide a couple of default symbols which can be found in --- https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-symbols.nvim. This repos README also provides more --- information about the format in which the symbols have to be. ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field symbol_path string: specify the second path. Default: `stdpath("data")/telescope/symbols/*.json` ---@field sources table: specify a table of sources you want to load this time builtin.symbols = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").symbols --- Lists available plugin/user commands and runs them on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_buf_command boolean: show buf local command (Default: true) builtin.commands = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").commands --- Lists items in the quickfix list, jumps to location on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field nr number: specify the quickfix list number builtin.quickfix = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").quickfix --- Lists all quickfix lists in your history and open them with `builtin.quickfix`. It seems that neovim --- only keeps the full history for 10 lists ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.quickfixhistory = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").quickfixhistory --- Lists items from the current window's location list, jumps to location on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) builtin.loclist = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").loclist --- Lists previously open files, opens on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field only_cwd boolean: show only files in the cwd (default: false) ---@field cwd_only boolean: alias for only_cwd builtin.oldfiles = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").oldfiles --- Lists commands that were executed recently, and reruns them on `<cr>` --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-e>`: open the command line with the text of the currently selected result populated in it ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.command_history = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").command_history --- Lists searches that were executed recently, and reruns them on `<cr>` --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-e>`: open a search window with the text of the currently selected search result populated in it ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.search_history = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").search_history --- Lists vim options, allows you to edit the current value on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.vim_options = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").vim_options --- Lists available help tags and opens a new window with the relevant help info on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field lang string: specify language (default: vim.o.helplang) ---@field fallback boolean: fallback to en if language isn't installed (default: true) builtin.help_tags = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").help_tags --- Lists manpage entries, opens them in a help window on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field sections table: a list of sections to search, use `{ "ALL" }` to search in all sections (default: { "1" }) ---@field man_cmd function: that returns the man command. (Default: `apropos ""` on linux, `apropos " "` on macos) builtin.man_pages = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").man_pages --- Lists lua modules and reloads them on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field column_len number: define the max column len for the module name (default: dynamic, longest module name) builtin.reloader = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").reloader --- Lists open buffers in current neovim instance, opens selected buffer on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_all_buffers boolean: if true, show all buffers, including unloaded buffers (default: true) ---@field ignore_current_buffer boolean: if true, don't show the current buffer in the list (default: false) ---@field only_cwd boolean: if true, only show buffers in the current working directory (default: false) ---@field cwd_only boolean: alias for only_cwd ---@field sort_lastused boolean: Sorts current and last buffer to the top and selects the lastused (default: false) ---@field sort_mru boolean: Sorts all buffers after most recent used. Not just the current and last one (default: false) ---@field bufnr_width number: Defines the width of the buffer numbers in front of the filenames (default: dynamic) builtin.buffers = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").buffers --- Lists available colorschemes and applies them on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field enable_preview boolean: if true, will preview the selected color builtin.colorscheme = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").colorscheme --- Lists vim marks and their value, jumps to the mark on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.marks = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").marks --- Lists vim registers, pastes the contents of the register on `<cr>` --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-e>`: edit the contents of the currently selected register ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.registers = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").registers --- Lists normal mode keymappings, runs the selected keymap on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field modes table: a list of short-named keymap modes to search (default: { "n", "i", "c", "x" }) ---@field show_plug boolean: if true, the keymaps for which the lhs contains "<Plug>" are also shown (default: true) builtin.keymaps = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").keymaps --- Lists all available filetypes, sets currently open buffer's filetype to selected filetype in Telescope on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.filetypes = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").filetypes --- Lists all available highlights ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.highlights = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").highlights --- Lists vim autocommands and goes to their declaration on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.autocommands = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").autocommands --- Lists spelling suggestions for the current word under the cursor, replaces word with selected suggestion on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker builtin.spell_suggest = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").spell_suggest --- Lists the tag stack for the current window, jumps to tag on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) builtin.tagstack = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").tagstack --- Lists items from Vim's jumplist, jumps to location on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) builtin.jumplist = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__internal").jumplist -- -- -- LSP-related Pickers -- -- --- Lists LSP references for word under the cursor, jumps to reference on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field include_declaration boolean: include symbol declaration in the lsp references (default: true) ---@field include_current_line boolean: include current line (default: false) ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) builtin.lsp_references = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").references --- Lists LSP incoming calls for word under the cursor, jumps to reference on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) builtin.lsp_incoming_calls = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").incoming_calls --- Lists LSP outgoing calls for word under the cursor, jumps to reference on `<cr>` ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) builtin.lsp_outgoing_calls = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").outgoing_calls --- Goto the definition of the word under the cursor, if there's only one, otherwise show all options in Telescope ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field jump_type string: how to goto definition if there is only one, values: "tab", "split", "vsplit", "never" ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) builtin.lsp_definitions = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").definitions --- Goto the definition of the type of the word under the cursor, if there's only one, --- otherwise show all options in Telescope ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field jump_type string: how to goto definition if there is only one, values: "tab", "split", "vsplit", "never" ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) builtin.lsp_type_definitions = require("telescope.builtin.__lsp").type_definitions --- Goto the implementation of the word under the cursor if there's only one, otherwise show all options in Telescope ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field jump_type string: how to goto implementation if there is only one, values: "tab", "split", "vsplit", "never" ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true) ---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false) builtin.lsp_implementations = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").implementations --- Lists LSP document symbols in the current buffer --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by type of symbol you want to see (i.e. `:variable:`) ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: if true, shows the content of the line the tag is found on (default: false) ---@field symbols string|table: filter results by symbol kind(s) ---@field ignore_symbols string|table: list of symbols to ignore ---@field symbol_highlights table: string -> string. Matches symbol with hl_group builtin.lsp_document_symbols = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").document_symbols --- Lists LSP document symbols in the current workspace --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by type of symbol you want to see (i.e. `:variable:`) ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field query string: for what to query the workspace (default: "") ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: if true, shows the content of the line the tag is found on (default: false) ---@field symbols string|table: filter results by symbol kind(s) ---@field ignore_symbols string|table: list of symbols to ignore ---@field symbol_highlights table: string -> string. Matches symbol with hl_group builtin.lsp_workspace_symbols = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").workspace_symbols --- Dynamically lists LSP for all workspace symbols --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by type of symbol you want to see (i.e. `:variable:`) ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30) ---@field show_line boolean: if true, shows the content of the line the symbol is found on (default: false) ---@field symbols string|table: filter results by symbol kind(s) ---@field ignore_symbols string|table: list of symbols to ignore ---@field symbol_highlights table: string -> string. Matches symbol with hl_group builtin.lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").dynamic_workspace_symbols -- -- -- Diagnostics Pickers -- -- --- Lists diagnostics --- - Fields: --- - `All severity flags can be passed as `string` or `number` as per `:vim.diagnostic.severity:` --- - Default keymaps: --- - `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query with the diagnostic you want to see (i.e. `:warning:`) ---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker ---@field bufnr number|nil: Buffer number to get diagnostics from. Use 0 for current buffer or nil for all buffers ---@field severity string|number: filter diagnostics by severity name (string) or id (number) ---@field severity_limit string|number: keep diagnostics equal or more severe wrt severity name (string) or id (number) ---@field severity_bound string|number: keep diagnostics equal or less severe wrt severity name (string) or id (number) ---@field root_dir string|boolean: if set to string, get diagnostics only for buffers under this dir otherwise cwd ---@field no_unlisted boolean: if true, get diagnostics only for listed buffers ---@field no_sign boolean: hide DiagnosticSigns from Results (default: false) ---@field line_width number: set length of diagnostic entry text in Results ---@field namespace number: limit your diagnostics to a specific namespace builtin.diagnostics = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__diagnostics").get local apply_config = function(mod) local pickers_conf = require("telescope.config").pickers for k, v in pairs(mod) do mod[k] = function(opts) opts = opts or {} opts.bufnr = opts.bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() opts.winnr = opts.winnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local pconf = pickers_conf[k] or {} local defaults = (function() if pconf.theme then return require("telescope.themes")["get_" .. pconf.theme](pconf) end return vim.deepcopy(pconf) end)() if pconf.mappings then defaults.attach_mappings = function(_, map) for mode, tbl in pairs(pconf.mappings) do for key, action in pairs(tbl) do map(mode, key, action) end end return true end end if pconf.attach_mappings and opts.attach_mappings then local opts_attach = opts.attach_mappings opts.attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr, map) pconf.attach_mappings(prompt_bufnr, map) return opts_attach(prompt_bufnr, map) end end v(vim.tbl_extend("force", defaults, opts)) end end return mod end -- We can't do this in one statement because tree-sitter-lua docgen gets confused if we do builtin = apply_config(builtin) return builtin