# git.vim [](https://spacevim.org) Use git in SpaceVim This plugin adds extensive support for [git](https://git-scm.com/). <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [usage](#usage) - [Screenshot](#screenshot) - [Feedback](#feedback) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## usage - `:Git add %`: stage current file. - `:Git add .`: stage all files - `:Git commit`: edit commit message - `:Git push`: push to remote - `:Git fetch`: fetch remotes - `:Git checkout`: checkout branches - `:Git log %`: view git log of current file - `:Git config`: list all git config - `:Git reflog`: manage reflog information - `:Git branch`: list, create, or delete branches ## Screenshot **`:Git status`**  **`:Git commit`**  **`:Git push`**  **`:Git push`** completion  **`:Git diff`**  **`:Git log`**  ## Feedback The development of this plugin is in [`SpaceVim/bundle/git.vim`](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/tree/master/bundle/git.vim) directory.