--- title: "SpaceVim lang#javascript layer" description: "This layer is for JaveScript development" --- # [SpaceVim Layers:](https://spacevim.org/layers) lang#javascript <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [Description](#description) - [Install](#install) - [Features](#features) - [Layer configuration](#layer-configuration) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) - [Import key bindings](#import-key-bindings) - [Generate key bindings](#generate-key-bindings) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Description This layer is for JavaScript development. ## Install To use this configuration layer, add `call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#javascript')` to your custom configuration file. ## Features - auto-completion - syntax checking - goto definition - refernce finder ## Layer configuration `auto_fix`: auto fix problems when save files, disabled by default. If you need this feature, you can load this layer via: ```vim call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#javascript', \ { \ 'auto_fix' : 1, \ } \ ) ``` `enable_flow_syntax`: Enable configuration for [flow](https://flow.org/), disabled by default. If you need this feature, you can load this layer via: ```vim call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#javascript', \ { \ 'enable_flow_syntax' : 1, \ } \ ) ``` ## Key bindings ### Import key bindings | Key Binding | Description | | -------------------- | ------------------------------- | | `F4` (Insert/Normal) | Import symbol under cursor | | `SPC j i` | Import symbol under cursor | | `SPC j f` | Import missing symbols | | `SPC j g` | Jump to module under cursor | | `<C-j>i` (Insert) | Import symbol under cursor | | `<C-j>f` (Insert) | Import missing symbols | | `<C-j>g` (Insert) | Jump to module under cursor | ### Generate key bindings | Mode | Key Binding | Description | | ------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------- | | normal | `SPC l g d` | Generate JSDoc |