<!-- Following this template is mandatory to open an issue. Please use English --> ## Describe the behavior that you expect from SpaceVim **[This is a mandatory section]** If possible, in addition to the description, please also provide a link to the relevant SpaceVim documentation that describes the expected behaviour/feature. ## Describe the problem **[This is a mandatory section]** Please describe the observed problem in simple and clear terms. ## Describe steps to reproduce the problem **[This is a mandatory section]** Please list all the steps from the point the Vim session was started until the problem was observed, in simple and clear terms. ## Provide debug information from SpaceVim **[This is a mandatory section]** From within SpaceVim, please tap the following in order: `SPC h I` (ie: tap `space`, then tap the `h` key and finally tap the `I` key (uppercase)). This will make SpaceVim print out a lot of debug information and also copy it to the clipboard. Please paste this debug information below in entirety. ## If needed, provide Screenshots and/or Video captures Ideally, please use asciinema for video captures. See https://asciinema.org/. <!-- Please do not use this issue template when requesting a feature -->