; -- Keywords [ (kProgram) (kLibrary) (kUnit) (kBegin) (kEnd) (kAsm) (kVar) (kThreadvar) (kConst) (kConstref) (kResourcestring) (kOut) (kType) (kLabel) (kExports) (kProperty) (kRead) (kWrite) (kImplements) (kClass) (kInterface) (kObject) (kRecord) (kObjcclass) (kObjccategory) (kObjcprotocol) (kArray) (kFile) (kString) (kSet) (kOf) (kHelper) (kInherited) (kGeneric) (kSpecialize) (kFunction) (kProcedure) (kConstructor) (kDestructor) (kOperator) (kReference) (kInterface) (kImplementation) (kInitialization) (kFinalization) (kTry) (kExcept) (kFinally) (kRaise) (kOn) (kCase) (kWith) (kGoto) ] @keyword [ (kFor) (kTo) (kDownto) (kDo) (kWhile) (kRepeat) (kUntil) ] @repeat [ (kIf) (kThen) (kElse) ] @conditional [ (kPublished) (kPublic) (kProtected) (kPrivate) (kStrict) (kRequired) (kOptional) ] @type.qualifier [ (kPacked) (kAbsolute) ] @storageclass (kUses) @include ; -- Attributes [ (kDefault) (kIndex) (kNodefault) (kStored) (kStatic) (kVirtual) (kAbstract) (kSealed) (kDynamic) (kOverride) (kOverload) (kReintroduce) (kInline) (kForward) (kStdcall) (kCdecl) (kCppdecl) (kPascal) (kRegister) (kMwpascal) (kExternal) (kName) (kMessage) (kDeprecated) (kExperimental) (kPlatform) (kUnimplemented) (kCvar) (kExport) (kFar) (kNear) (kSafecall) (kAssembler) (kNostackframe) (kInterrupt) (kNoreturn) (kIocheck) (kLocal) (kHardfloat) (kSoftfloat) (kMs_abi_default) (kMs_abi_cdecl) (kSaveregisters) (kSysv_abi_default) (kSysv_abi_cdecl) (kVectorcall) (kVarargs) (kWinapi) (kAlias) (kDelayed) (rttiAttributes) (procAttribute) ] @attribute (procAttribute (kPublic) @attribute) ; -- Punctuation & operators [ "(" ")" "[" "]" ] @punctuation.bracket [ ";" "," ":" (kEndDot) ] @punctuation.delimiter [ ".." ] @punctuation.special [ (kDot) (kAdd) (kSub) (kMul) (kFdiv) (kAssign) (kAssignAdd) (kAssignSub) (kAssignMul) (kAssignDiv) (kEq) (kLt) (kLte) (kGt) (kGte) (kNeq) (kAt) (kHat) ] @operator [ (kOr) (kXor) (kDiv) (kMod) (kAnd) (kShl) (kShr) (kNot) (kIs) (kAs) (kIn) ] @keyword.operator ; -- Builtin constants [ (kTrue) (kFalse) ] @boolean [ (kNil) ] @constant.builtin ; -- Literals (literalNumber) @number (literalString) @string ; -- Variables (exprBinary (identifier) @variable) (exprUnary (identifier) @variable) (assignment (identifier) @variable) (exprBrackets (identifier) @variable) (exprParens (identifier) @variable) (exprDot (identifier) @variable) (exprTpl (identifier) @variable) (exprArgs (identifier) @variable) (defaultValue (identifier) @variable) ; -- Comments (comment) @comment @spell ((comment) @comment.documentation (#lua-match? @comment.documentation "^///[^/]")) ((comment) @comment.documentation (#lua-match? @comment.documentation "^///$")) ((comment) @comment.documentation . [(unit) (declProc)]) (declTypes (comment) @comment.documentation . (declType)) (declSection (comment) @comment.documentation . [(declField) (declProc)]) (declEnum (comment) @comment.documentation . (declEnumValue)) (declConsts (comment) @comment.documentation . (declConst)) (declVars (comment) @comment.documentation . (declVar)) (pp) @preproc ; -- Type declaration (declType name: (identifier) @type) (declType name: (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @type)) ; -- Procedure & function declarations ; foobar (declProc name: (identifier) @function) ; foobar (declProc name: (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @function)) ; foo.bar (declProc name: (genericDot rhs: (identifier) @function)) ; foo.bar (declProc name: (genericDot rhs: (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @function))) ; Treat property declarations like functions (declProp name: (identifier) @function) (declProp getter: (identifier) @property) (declProp setter: (identifier) @property) ; -- Function parameters (declArg name: (identifier) @parameter) ; -- Template parameters (genericArg name: (identifier) @parameter) (genericArg type: (typeref) @type) (declProc name: (genericDot lhs: (identifier) @type)) (declType (genericDot (identifier) @type)) (genericDot (genericTpl (identifier) @type)) (genericDot (genericDot (identifier) @type)) (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @type) (genericTpl entity: (genericDot (identifier) @type)) ; -- Exception parameters (exceptionHandler variable: (identifier) @parameter) ; -- Type usage (typeref) @type ; -- Constant usage [ (caseLabel) (label) ] @constant (procAttribute (identifier) @constant) (procExternal (identifier) @constant) ; -- Variable & constant declarations ; (This is only questionable because we cannot detect types of identifiers ; declared in other units, so the results will be inconsistent) (declVar name: (identifier) @variable) (declConst name: (identifier) @constant) (declEnumValue name: (identifier) @constant) ; -- Fields (exprDot rhs: (identifier) @property) (exprDot rhs: (exprDot) @property) (declClass (declField name:(identifier) @property)) (declSection (declField name:(identifier) @property)) (declSection (declVars (declVar name:(identifier) @property))) (recInitializerField name:(identifier) @property) ;;; ---------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; EVERYTHING BELOW THIS IS OF QUESTIONABLE VALUE ;;; ;;; ---------------------------------------------- ;;; ; -- Procedure name in calls with parentheses ; (Pascal doesn't require parentheses for procedure calls, so this will not ; detect all calls) ; foobar (exprCall entity: (identifier) @function) ; foobar (exprCall entity: (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function)) ; foo.bar (exprCall entity: (exprDot rhs: (identifier) @function)) ; foo.bar (exprCall entity: (exprDot rhs: (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function))) (inherited) @function ; -- Heuristic for procedure/function calls without parentheses ; (If a statement consists only of an identifier, assume it's a procedure) ; (This will still not match all procedure calls, and also may produce false ; positives in rare cases, but only for nonsensical code) (statement (identifier) @function) (statement (exprDot rhs: (identifier) @function)) (statement (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function)) (statement (exprDot rhs: (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function))) ; -- Break, Continue & Exit ; (Not ideal: ideally, there would be a way to check if these special ; identifiers are shadowed by a local variable) (statement ((identifier) @keyword.return (#lua-match? @keyword.return "^[eE][xX][iI][tT]$"))) (statement (exprCall entity: ((identifier) @keyword.return (#lua-match? @keyword.return "^[eE][xX][iI][tT]$")))) (statement ((identifier) @repeat (#lua-match? @repeat "^[bB][rR][eE][aA][kK]$"))) (statement ((identifier) @repeat (#lua-match? @repeat "^[cC][oO][nN][tT][iI][nN][uU][eE]$"))) ; -- Identifier type inference ; VERY QUESTIONABLE: Highlighting of identifiers based on spelling (exprBinary ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (exprUnary ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (assignment rhs: ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (exprBrackets ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (exprParens ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (exprDot rhs: ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (exprTpl args: ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (exprArgs ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (declEnumValue ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$"))) (defaultValue ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))