title:  "Home"

# Introduction

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SpaceVim is a community-driven vim distribution that seeks to provide layer feature, especially for neovim. It offers a variety of layers to choose from. to create a suitable vim development environment, you just need to select the required layers.

See the [documentation](https://spacevim.org/documentation) or [the list of layers](http://spacevim.org/layers/) for more information. [Hack-SpaceVim](https://github.com/Gabirel/Hack-SpaceVim) will tell you how to hack SpaceVim.

![2017-04-29-20 54 49](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/25555650/d7d2c07e-2d1e-11e7-975d-646a07b38a62.png)

If you are new to vim, you should learning about Vim in general, read [vim-galore](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore).

## Install

### Linux/Mac

If you are using linux or mac os, it is recommended to use this command to install SpaceVim:

curl -sLf https://spacevim.org/install.sh | bash
with this command, SpaceVim will be installed. All the plugins will be installed **automatically** when vim/nvim is run for the first time.
For more info about the install script, please check:

curl -sLf https://spacevim.org/install.sh | bash -s -- -h

### windows support

- For vim in windows, please just clone this repo as vimfiles in you Home directory.
    by default, when open a cmd, the current dir is your Home directory, run this command in cmd.
    make sure you have a backup of your own vimfiles.

git clone https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git vimfiles

- For neovim in windows, please clone this repo as `AppData\Local\nvim` in your home directory.
    for more info, please check out [neovim's wiki](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Installing-Neovim).
    by default, when open a cmd, the current dir is your Home directory, run this command in cmd.

git clone https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git AppData\Local\nvim

## Features

## News

[Newsletter #1 - A New Hope]()
>    Published on: 2017-5-31 

More posts are in the [SpaceVim's Blog](https://spacevim.org/blog/)

[Follow @SpaceVim](https://twitter.com/SpaceVim) 

## Impressions

## Get Involved

Discuss the project at [gitter.im/SpaceVim](https://gitter.im/SpaceVim/SpaceVim), IRC (**#spacevim** on **irc.freenode.net**) or the [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/spacevim). 

Contribute code, report bugs and request features at [GitHub](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim). 

## FAQ

1. What is the project status?

The current stable version is 0.2.0. See the milestones page for development progress and the roadmap for high-level plans.

2. Is SpaceVim trying to turn Vim/Neovim into an IDE?

With layers feature, this [version]() of vim distribution to tern vim/neovim into an IDE for many language.

3. Will SpaceVim deprecate Vimscript?

No, the custom configration file is written in vim script.

4. Which version of vim/neovim is needed?

vim 7.4/neovim v0.1.7