; HEEx delimiters [ "%>" "--%>" "-->" "/>" "<!" "<!--" "<" "<%!--" "<%" "<%#" "<%%=" "<%=" "</" "</:" "<:" ">" "{" "}" ] @tag.delimiter ; HEEx operators are highlighted as such "=" @operator ; HEEx inherits the DOCTYPE tag from HTML (doctype) @constant ; HEEx comments are highlighted as such (comment) @comment ; HEEx text content is treated as markup (text) @text ; Tree-sitter parser errors (ERROR) @error ; HEEx tags and slots are highlighted as HTML [ (tag_name) (slot_name) ] @tag ; HEEx attributes are highlighted as HTML attributes (attribute_name) @tag.attribute [ (attribute_value) (quoted_attribute_value) ] @string ; HEEx components are highlighted as modules and function calls (component_name [ (module) @type (function) @function "." @punctuation.delimiter ])