" Taken from Marc Weber's scss indent script: " https://github.com/cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim/blob/master/autoload/scss_indent.vim " usage: " set indentexpr=scss_indent#GetIndent(v:lnum) fun! vaxe#hss#GetIndent(lnum) " { -> increase indent " } -> decrease indent if a:lnum == 1 " start at 0 indentation return 0 endif " try to find last line ending with { or } " ignoring // comments let regex = '\([{}]\)\%(\/\/.*\)\?$' let nr = search(regex, 'bnW') if nr > 0 let last = indent(nr) let m = matchlist(getline(nr), regex) let m_curr = matchlist(getline(a:lnum), regex) echoe string(m).string(m_curr) if !empty(m_curr) && m_curr[1] == '}' && m[1] == '{' " last was open, current is close, use same indent return last elseif !empty(m_curr) && m_curr[1] == '}' && m[1] == '}' " } line and last line was }: decrease return last - &sw endif if m[1] == '{' " line after {: increase indent return last + &sw else " line after } or { - same indent return last endif else return 0 endif endfun