*Vital/Argument.txt*			An argument manipulation library

Version: 0.1.0-dev
Author : Alisue <lambdalisue@hashnote.net>
License: MIT license
Support: Vim 7.4.2137 and above
Support: Neovim 0.1.7 and above

CONTENTS					*Vital.Argument-content*

INTRODUCTION					|Vital.Argument-introduction|
USAGE						|Vital.Argument-usage|
  DEFINITION					|Vital.Argument-definition|
INTERFACE					|Vital.Argument-interface|
  FUNCTIONS					|Vital.Argument-functions|
  INSTANCE					|Vital.Argument-instance|

INTRODUCTION					*Vital.Argument-introduction*

*Vital.Argument* is a |Vital| module used for parsing a command-line argument.

See also:



USAGE						*Vital.Argument-usage*
      let args = Argument.new('grep gina HEAD')
      let pattern = args.pop(1, '')
      echo pattern
      " -> 'gina'
      echo args.raw
      " -> ['grep', 'HEAD']

      let commit = args.pop(1, '')
      echo pattern
      " -> 'HEAD'
      echo args.raw
      " -> ['grep']

      call args.set('--line-number', 1)
      echo args.raw
      " -> ['grep', '--line-number']

      call args.set('--color', 'always')
      echo args.raw
      " -> ['grep', '--line-number', '--color=always']

      call args.set(1, pattern)
      echo args.raw
      " -> ['grep', '--line-number', '--color=always', 'gina']

      call args.set(2, commit)
      echo args.raw
      " -> ['grep', '--line-number', '--color=always', 'gina', 'HEAD']

DEFINITION					*Vital.Argument-definition*

The followings are the definition of the words used in this library.

Name		Definition~
term		Individual item of the argument
effective	Terms before "--"
residual	Terms after "--"
optional	Terms which starts from -\w or --\w in "effective"
positional	Terms which does not starts from -\w nor --\w in "effective"
In short, each names are defined as the following scheme:
                 effective                   residual
                     ▲                           ▲
        ┌────────────┴───────────┐    ┌──────────┴──────────┐
        │                        │    │                     │
	-f  mayuri --foo christina -- -h  rukako  steins;gate
	┈┈  ┈┈┈┈┈  ┈┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈    ┈┈  ┈┈┈┈┈┈  ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ─▶ term
	 │    │      │         │ 
	 └─┬──│──────┘         │ 
           ▼  └────────┬───────┘ 
        optional       ▼
INTERFACE					*Vital.Argument-interface*

FUNCTIONS       				*Vital.Argument-functions*

	Parses a {cmdline} and returns a term list.
	echo Argument.parse('foo')
	" -> ['foo']
	echo Argument.parse('foo bar')
	" -> ['foo', 'bar']
	echo Argument.parse('"foo foo" "bar bar"')
	" -> ['foo foo', 'bar bar']
	echo Argument.parse('foo "bar bar" hoge')
	" -> ['foo', 'bar bar', 'hoge']
	echo Argument.parse('--foo="foo" -b"bar"')
	" -> ['--foo=foo', '-bbar']
	echo Argument.parse('foo\ bar\ hoge')
	" -> ['foo\ bar\ hoge']
	Normalize a {terms} list and return.
	echo Argument.norm(['foo'])
	" -> ['foo']
	echo Argument.norm(['foo', 'bar'])
	" -> ['foo', 'bar']
	echo Argument.norm(['"foo foo"', '"bar bar"'])
	" -> ['foo foo', 'bar bar']
	echo Argument.norm(['foo', '"bar bar"', 'hoge'])
	" -> ['foo', 'bar bar', 'hoge']
	echo Argument.norm(['--foo="foo"', '-b"bar"'])
	" -> ['--foo=foo', '-bbar']
	echo Argument.norm(['foo\ bar\ hoge'])
	" -> ['foo\ bar\ hoge']
	Returns a new args instance which has initialized with {init}.
	When |List| is specified to {init}, the list is used as a term list
	after normalize by |Vital.Argument.norm()|.
	When |String| is specified to {init}, the string is parsed by
	|Vital.Argument.parse()| and a result list is used as a term list.
	See |Vital.Argument-instance| for the instance detail.

INSTANCE					*Vital.Argument-instance*

	A raw list. When a complex operation is required, modify this list

	Return a unique |sha256| string of the instance.

	Locks the instance by |:lockvar|.

	Copies and return a new instance from the instance.
	It automatically unlock the instance.
	Note that user defined attributes are not copied so use |deepcopy()|
	instead if you need that.

	Return an index of
	1. A term which match with a {pattern} string
	2. An optional term which follow a {query} string
	3. ({index} + 1)th positional term

	When {pattern} matches '^--\?\S\+\%(|--\?\S\+\)', the argument is
	assumed as a {query}.
	When {pattern} is a number, the argument is assumed as {index}.

	It returns -1 when no term is found and it throws an exception when a
	negative value is specified to the {index}.
	let args = Argument.new([
	      \ '--foo', 'foo',
	      \ '--bar', 'bar',
	      \ '--',
	      \ '--wow', 'wow',

	" index({pattern})
	echo args.index('^--foo$')
	" -> 0
	echo args.index('^foo$')
	" -> 1
	echo args.index('^--wow$')
	" -> -1

	" index({query})
	echo args.index('-f|--foo')
	" -> 0
	echo args.index('-b|--bar')
	" -> 2
	echo args.index('-w|--wow')
	" -> -1

	" index({index})
	echo args.index(0)
	" -> 1
	echo args.index(1)
	" -> 3
	echo args.index(2)
	" -> -1
	Returns 1 if a term is found. Otherwise 0.
	See |Vital.Argument-args.index()| for how the term is searched.

args.get({pattern} [, {term}])
args.get({query} [, {value}])
args.get({index} [, {term}])
	Returns a term or a value or a term found.
	It returns {term} or {value} if no corresponding term is found.
	The default value of {term} and {value} are '' and 0 respectively.
	See |Vital.Argument-args.index()| for how the term is searched.
	let args = Argument.new([
	      \ '--foo', 'foo',
	      \ '--bar=bar',
	      \ '--',
	      \ '--wow', 'wow',
	" args.get({pattern} [, {term}])
	echo args.get('^--foo$')
	" -> '--foo'
	echo args.get('^foo$')
	" -> 'foo'
	echo args.get('^--wow$')
	" -> ''
	echo args.get('^--wow$', 'default')
	" -> 'default'

	" args.get({query} [, {value}])
	echo args.get('-f|--foo')
	" -> 1
	echo args.get('-b|--bar')
	" -> 'bar'
	echo args.get('-w|--wow')
	" -> 0
	echo args.get('-w|--wow', '')
	" -> ''

	" args.get({index} [, {term}])
	echo args.get(0)
	" -> 'foo'
	echo args.get(1)
	" -> ''
	echo args.get(1, 0)
	" -> 0
args.pop({pattern} [, {term}])
args.pop({query} [, {value}])
args.pop({index} [, {term}])
	Returns a term or a value or a term found and remove the term.
	It returns {term} or {value} if no corresponding term is found.
	The default value of {term} and {value} are '' and 0 respectively.
	See |Vital.Argument-args.index()| for how the term is searched.
	let args = Argument.new(['--foo', '-f', '--bar=bar', '-bBAR'])
	echo args.pop('-b|--bar')
	" -> 'bar'
	echo args.raw
	" -> ['--foo', '-f', '-bBAR']
args.set({pattern}, {term})
args.set({query}, {value})
args.set({index}, {term})
args.set({index}, [{term}...])
	Sets a {term} or {value} of a term to a term found. When a list is
	specified in case of {index}, the list content is flatten into the
	term found.
	It returns an instance itself (method chain).
	Note that it automatically add missing positional terms when not
	enough positional terms exist for the {index}.
	let args = Argument.new(['--foo', '-f', 'bar', '-bbar'])

	" set({pattern}, {term})
	call args.set('^--foo$', '--FOO')
	echo args.raw
	" -> ['--FOO', '-f', 'bar', '-bbar']

	" set({query}, {value})
	call args.set('-f|--foo', 'FOO')
	echo args.raw
	" -> ['--FOO', '-fFOO', 'bar', '-bbar']

	" set({index}, {term})
	call args.set(0, 'FOO')
	echo args.raw
	" -> ['--FOO', '-FOOf', 'FOO', '-bbar']

	" set({index}, [{term}...])
	call args.set(0, ['BAR', 'HOGE'])
	echo args.raw
	" -> ['--FOO', '-FOOf', 'BAR', 'HOGE', '-bbar']
	Splits arguments into "effective" and "residual" part and return a
	[{effective}, {residual}] list.

	Without {replace}, it returns an "effective" part of the argument.
	Otherwise it replaces "effective" part of the argument to {replace}.

	Without {replace}, it returns an "residual" part of the argument.
	Otherwise it replaces "residual" part of the argument to {replace}.
