let g:phpcomplete_builtin = { \ 'functions':{}, \ 'classes':{}, \ 'interfaces':{}, \ 'constants':{}, \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['math'] = { \ 'abs(': 'mixed $number | number', \ 'acos(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'acosh(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'asin(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'asinh(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'atan(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'atan2(': 'float $y, float $x | float', \ 'atanh(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'base_convert(': 'string $number, int $frombase, int $tobase | string', \ 'bindec(': 'string $binary_string | number', \ 'ceil(': 'float $value | float', \ 'cos(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'cosh(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'decbin(': 'int $number | string', \ 'dechex(': 'int $number | string', \ 'decoct(': 'int $number | string', \ 'deg2rad(': 'float $number | float', \ 'exp(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'expm1(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'floor(': 'float $value | float', \ 'fmod(': 'float $x, float $y | float', \ 'getrandmax(': 'void | int', \ 'hexdec(': 'string $hex_string | number', \ 'hypot(': 'float $x, float $y | float', \ 'intdiv(': 'int $dividend, int $divisor | int', \ 'is_finite(': 'float $val | bool', \ 'is_infinite(': 'float $val | bool', \ 'is_nan(': 'float $val | bool', \ 'lcg_value(': 'void | float', \ 'log(': 'float $arg [, float $base = M_E] | float', \ 'log10(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'log1p(': 'float $number | float', \ 'max(': 'array $values | mixed', \ 'min(': 'array $values | mixed', \ 'mt_getrandmax(': 'void | int', \ 'mt_rand(': 'void | int', \ 'mt_srand(': '[ int $seed [, int $mode = MT_RAND_MT19937]] | void', \ 'octdec(': 'string $octal_string | number', \ 'pi(': 'void | float', \ 'pow(': 'number $base, number $exp | number', \ 'rad2deg(': 'float $number | float', \ 'rand(': 'void | int', \ 'round(': 'float $val [, int $precision = 0 [, int $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP]] | float', \ 'sin(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'sinh(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'sqrt(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'srand(': '[ int $seed] | void', \ 'tan(': 'float $arg | float', \ 'tanh(': 'float $arg | float', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['strings'] = { \ 'addcslashes(': 'string $str, string $charlist | string', \ 'addslashes(': 'string $str | string', \ 'bin2hex(': 'string $str | string', \ 'chop(': 'chop — Alias of rtrim()', \ 'chr(': 'int $bytevalue | string', \ 'chunk_split(': 'string $body [, int $chunklen = 76 [, string $end = "\r\n"]] | string', \ 'convert_cyr_string(': 'string $str, string $from, string $to | string', \ 'convert_uudecode(': 'string $data | string', \ 'convert_uuencode(': 'string $data | string', \ 'count_chars(': 'string $string [, int $mode = 0] | mixed', \ 'crc32(': 'string $str | int', \ 'crypt(': 'string $str [, string $salt] | string', \ 'echo(': 'string $arg1 [, string $...] | void', \ 'explode(': 'string $delimiter, string $string [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX] | array', \ 'fprintf(': 'resource $handle, string $format [, mixed $...] | int', \ 'get_html_translation_table(': '[ int $table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = "UTF-8"]]] | array', \ 'hebrev(': 'string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line = 0] | string', \ 'hebrevc(': 'string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line = 0] | string', \ 'hex2bin(': 'string $data | string', \ 'html_entity_decode(': 'string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset")]] | string', \ 'htmlentities(': 'string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") [, bool $double_encode = TRUE]]] | string', \ 'htmlspecialchars_decode(': 'string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401] | string', \ 'htmlspecialchars(': 'string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") [, bool $double_encode = TRUE]]] | string', \ 'implode(': 'string $glue, array $pieces | string', \ 'join(': 'join — Alias of implode()', \ 'lcfirst(': 'string $str | string', \ 'levenshtein(': 'string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'localeconv(': 'void | array', \ 'ltrim(': 'string $str [, string $character_mask] | string', \ 'md5_file(': 'string $filename [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'md5(': 'string $str [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'metaphone(': 'string $str [, int $phonemes = 0] | string', \ 'money_format(': 'string $format, float $number | string', \ 'nl_langinfo(': 'int $item | string', \ 'nl2br(': 'string $string [, bool $is_xhtml = TRUE] | string', \ 'number_format(': 'float $number [, int $decimals = 0] | string', \ 'ord(': 'string $string | int', \ 'parse_str(': 'string $encoded_string [, array &$result] | void', \ 'print(': 'string $arg | int', \ 'printf(': 'string $format [, mixed $...] | int', \ 'quoted_printable_decode(': 'string $str | string', \ 'quoted_printable_encode(': 'string $str | string', \ 'quotemeta(': 'string $str | string', \ 'rtrim(': 'string $str [, string $character_mask] | string', \ 'setlocale(': 'int $category, string $locale [, string $...] | string', \ 'sha1_file(': 'string $filename [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'sha1(': 'string $str [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'similar_text(': 'string $first, string $second [, float &$percent] | int', \ 'soundex(': 'string $str | string', \ 'sprintf(': 'string $format [, mixed $...] | string', \ 'sscanf(': 'string $str, string $format [, mixed &$...] | mixed', \ 'str_getcsv(': 'string $input [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = ''"'' [, string $escape = "\\"]]] | array', \ 'str_ireplace(': 'mixed $search, mixed $replace, mixed $subject [, int &$count] | mixed', \ 'str_pad(': 'string $input, int $pad_length [, string $pad_string = " " [, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT]] | string', \ 'str_repeat(': 'string $input, int $multiplier | string', \ 'str_replace(': 'mixed $search, mixed $replace, mixed $subject [, int &$count] | mixed', \ 'str_rot13(': 'string $str | string', \ 'str_shuffle(': 'string $str | string', \ 'str_split(': 'string $string [, int $split_length = 1] | array', \ 'str_word_count(': 'string $string [, int $format = 0 [, string $charlist]] | mixed', \ 'strcasecmp(': 'string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'strchr(': 'strchr — Alias of strstr()', \ 'strcmp(': 'string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'strcoll(': 'string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'strcspn(': 'string $subject, string $mask [, int $start [, int $length]] | int', \ 'strip_tags(': 'string $str [, string $allowable_tags] | string', \ 'stripcslashes(': 'string $str | string', \ 'stripos(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'stripslashes(': 'string $str | string', \ 'stristr(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle [, bool $before_needle = FALSE] | string', \ 'strlen(': 'string $string | int', \ 'strnatcasecmp(': 'string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'strnatcmp(': 'string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'strncasecmp(': 'string $str1, string $str2, int $len | int', \ 'strncmp(': 'string $str1, string $str2, int $len | int', \ 'strpbrk(': 'string $haystack, string $char_list | string', \ 'strpos(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'strrchr(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle | string', \ 'strrev(': 'string $string | string', \ 'strripos(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'strrpos(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'strspn(': 'string $subject, string $mask [, int $start [, int $length]] | int', \ 'strstr(': 'string $haystack, mixed $needle [, bool $before_needle = FALSE] | string', \ 'strtok(': 'string $str, string $token | string', \ 'strtolower(': 'string $string | string', \ 'strtoupper(': 'string $string | string', \ 'strtr(': 'string $str, string $from, string $to | string', \ 'substr_compare(': 'string $main_str, string $str, int $offset [, int $length [, bool $case_insensitivity = FALSE]] | int', \ 'substr_count(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, int $length]] | int', \ 'substr_replace(': 'mixed $string, mixed $replacement, mixed $start [, mixed $length] | mixed', \ 'substr(': 'string $string, int $start [, int $length] | string', \ 'trim(': 'string $str [, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B"] | string', \ 'ucfirst(': 'string $str | string', \ 'ucwords(': 'string $str [, string $delimiters = " \t\r\n\f\v"] | string', \ 'vfprintf(': 'resource $handle, string $format, array $args | int', \ 'vprintf(': 'string $format, array $args | int', \ 'vsprintf(': 'string $format, array $args | string', \ 'wordwrap(': 'string $str [, int $width = 75 [, string $break = "\n" [, bool $cut = FALSE]]] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['apache'] = { \ 'apache_child_terminate(': 'void | bool', \ 'apache_get_modules(': 'void | array', \ 'apache_get_version(': 'void | string', \ 'apache_getenv(': 'string $variable [, bool $walk_to_top = FALSE] | string', \ 'apache_lookup_uri(': 'string $filename | object', \ 'apache_note(': 'string $note_name [, string $note_value = ""] | string', \ 'apache_request_headers(': 'void | array', \ 'apache_reset_timeout(': 'void | bool', \ 'apache_response_headers(': 'void | array', \ 'apache_setenv(': 'string $variable, string $value [, bool $walk_to_top = FALSE] | bool', \ 'getallheaders(': 'void | array', \ 'virtual(': 'string $filename | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['apc'] = { \ 'apc_add(': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $ttl = 0] | bool', \ 'apc_bin_dump(': '[ array $files = NULL [, array $user_vars = NULL]] | string', \ 'apc_bin_dumpfile(': 'array $files, array $user_vars, string $filename [, int $flags = 0 [, resource $context = NULL]] | int', \ 'apc_bin_load(': 'string $data [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ 'apc_bin_loadfile(': 'string $filename [, resource $context = NULL [, int $flags = 0]] | bool', \ 'apc_cache_info(': '[ string $cache_type = "" [, bool $limited = FALSE]] | array', \ 'apc_cas(': 'string $key, int $old, int $new | bool', \ 'apc_clear_cache(': '[ string $cache_type = ""] | bool', \ 'apc_compile_file(': 'string $filename [, bool $atomic = TRUE] | mixed', \ 'apc_dec(': 'string $key [, int $step = 1 [, bool &$success]] | int', \ 'apc_define_constants(': 'string $key, array $constants [, bool $case_sensitive = TRUE] | bool', \ 'apc_delete_file(': 'mixed $keys | mixed', \ 'apc_delete(': 'string $key | mixed', \ 'apc_exists(': 'mixed $keys | mixed', \ 'apc_fetch(': 'mixed $key [, bool &$success] | mixed', \ 'apc_inc(': 'string $key [, int $step = 1 [, bool &$success]] | int', \ 'apc_load_constants(': 'string $key [, bool $case_sensitive = TRUE] | bool', \ 'apc_sma_info(': '[ bool $limited = FALSE] | array', \ 'apc_store(': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $ttl = 0] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['apcu'] = { \ 'apcu_add(': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $ttl = 0] | bool', \ 'apcu_cache_info(': '[ bool $limited = FALSE] | array', \ 'apcu_cas(': 'string $key, int $old, int $new | bool', \ 'apcu_clear_cache(': 'void | bool', \ 'apcu_dec(': 'string $key [, int $step = 1 [, bool &$success]] | int', \ 'apcu_delete(': 'mixed $key | bool', \ 'apcu_entry(': 'string $key, callable $generator [, int $ttl = 0] | mixed', \ 'apcu_exists(': 'mixed $keys | mixed', \ 'apcu_fetch(': 'mixed $key [, bool &$success] | mixed', \ 'apcu_inc(': 'string $key [, int $step = 1 [, bool &$success]] | int', \ 'apcu_sma_info(': '[ bool $limited = FALSE] | array', \ 'apcu_store(': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $ttl = 0] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['apd'] = { \ 'apd_breakpoint(': 'int $debug_level | bool', \ 'apd_callstack(': 'void | array', \ 'apd_clunk(': 'string $warning [, string $delimiter = "<BR />"] | void', \ 'apd_continue(': 'int $debug_level | bool', \ 'apd_croak(': 'string $warning [, string $delimiter = "<BR />"] | void', \ 'apd_dump_function_table(': 'void | void', \ 'apd_dump_persistent_resources(': 'void | array', \ 'apd_dump_regular_resources(': 'void | array', \ 'apd_echo(': 'string $output | bool', \ 'apd_get_active_symbols(': 'void | array', \ 'apd_set_pprof_trace(': '[ string $dump_directory = ini_get("apd.dumpdir") [, string $fragment = "pprof"]] | string', \ 'apd_set_session_trace_socket(': 'string $tcp_server, int $socket_type, int $port, int $debug_level | bool', \ 'apd_set_session_trace(': 'int $debug_level [, string $dump_directory = ini_get("apd.dumpdir")] | void', \ 'apd_set_session(': 'int $debug_level | void', \ 'override_function(': 'string $function_name, string $function_args, string $function_code | bool', \ 'rename_function(': 'string $original_name, string $new_name | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['arrays'] = { \ 'array_change_key_case(': 'array $array [, int $case = CASE_LOWER] | array', \ 'array_chunk(': 'array $array, int $size [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE] | array', \ 'array_column(': 'array $input, mixed $column_key [, mixed $index_key = NULL] | array', \ 'array_combine(': 'array $keys, array $values | array', \ 'array_count_values(': 'array $array | array', \ 'array_diff_assoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_diff_key(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_diff_uassoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $key_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_diff_ukey(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $key_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_diff(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_fill_keys(': 'array $keys, mixed $value | array', \ 'array_fill(': 'int $start_index, int $num, mixed $value | array', \ 'array_filter(': 'array $array [, callable $callback [, int $flag = 0]] | array', \ 'array_flip(': 'array $array | array', \ 'array_intersect_assoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_intersect_key(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_intersect_uassoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $key_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_intersect_ukey(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $key_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_intersect(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_key_exists(': 'mixed $key, array $array | bool', \ 'array_key_first(': 'array $array | mixed', \ 'array_key_last(': 'array $array | mixed', \ 'array_keys(': 'array $array | array', \ 'array_map(': 'callable $callback, array $array1 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_merge_recursive(': '[ array $...] | array', \ 'array_merge(': '[ array $...] | array', \ 'array_multisort(': 'array &$array1 [, mixed $array1_sort_order = SORT_ASC [, mixed $array1_sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR [, mixed $...]]] | bool', \ 'array_pad(': 'array $array, int $size, mixed $value | array', \ 'array_pop(': 'array &$array | mixed', \ 'array_product(': 'array $array | number', \ 'array_push(': 'array &$array [, mixed $...] | int', \ 'array_rand(': 'array $array [, int $num = 1] | mixed', \ 'array_reduce(': 'array $array, callable $callback [, mixed $initial = NULL] | mixed', \ 'array_replace_recursive(': 'array $array1 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_replace(': 'array $array1 [, array $...] | array', \ 'array_reverse(': 'array $array [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE] | array', \ 'array_search(': 'mixed $needle, array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'array_shift(': 'array &$array | mixed', \ 'array_slice(': 'array $array, int $offset [, int $length = NULL [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE]] | array', \ 'array_splice(': 'array &$input, int $offset [, int $length = count($input) [, mixed $replacement = array()]] | array', \ 'array_sum(': 'array $array | number', \ 'array_udiff_assoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $value_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_udiff_uassoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $value_compare_func [, callable $key_compare_func]]] | array', \ 'array_udiff(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $value_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_uintersect_assoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $value_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_uintersect_uassoc(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $value_compare_func [, callable $key_compare_func]]] | array', \ 'array_uintersect(': 'array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... [, callable $value_compare_func]] | array', \ 'array_unique(': 'array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_STRING] | array', \ 'array_unshift(': 'array &$array [, mixed $...] | int', \ 'array_values(': 'array $array | array', \ 'array_walk_recursive(': 'array &$array, callable $callback [, mixed $userdata = NULL] | bool', \ 'array_walk(': 'array &$array, callable $callback [, mixed $userdata = NULL] | bool', \ 'array(': '[ mixed $...] | array', \ 'arsort(': 'array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR] | bool', \ 'asort(': 'array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR] | bool', \ 'compact(': 'mixed $varname1 [, mixed $...] | array', \ 'count(': 'mixed $array_or_countable [, int $mode = COUNT_NORMAL] | int', \ 'current(': 'array $array | mixed', \ 'each(': 'array &$array | array', \ 'end(': 'array &$array | mixed', \ 'extract(': 'array &$array [, int $flags = EXTR_OVERWRITE [, string $prefix = NULL]] | int', \ 'in_array(': 'mixed $needle, array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE] | bool', \ 'key_exists(': 'key_exists — Alias of array_key_exists()', \ 'key(': 'array $array | mixed', \ 'krsort(': 'array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR] | bool', \ 'ksort(': 'array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR] | bool', \ 'list(': 'mixed $var1 [, mixed $...] | array', \ 'natcasesort(': 'array &$array | bool', \ 'natsort(': 'array &$array | bool', \ 'next(': 'array &$array | mixed', \ 'pos(': 'pos — Alias of current()', \ 'prev(': 'array &$array | mixed', \ 'range(': 'mixed $start, mixed $end [, number $step = 1] | array', \ 'reset(': 'array &$array | mixed', \ 'rsort(': 'array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR] | bool', \ 'shuffle(': 'array &$array | bool', \ 'sizeof(': 'sizeof — Alias of count()', \ 'sort(': 'array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR] | bool', \ 'uasort(': 'array &$array, callable $value_compare_func | bool', \ 'uksort(': 'array &$array, callable $key_compare_func | bool', \ 'usort(': 'array &$array, callable $value_compare_func | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['php_options_info'] = { \ 'assert_options(': 'int $what [, mixed $value] | mixed', \ 'assert(': 'mixed $assertion [, string $description] | bool', \ 'cli_get_process_title(': 'void | string', \ 'cli_set_process_title(': 'string $title | bool', \ 'dl(': 'string $library | bool', \ 'extension_loaded(': 'string $name | bool', \ 'gc_collect_cycles(': 'void | int', \ 'gc_disable(': 'void | void', \ 'gc_enable(': 'void | void', \ 'gc_enabled(': 'void | bool', \ 'gc_mem_caches(': 'void | int', \ 'gc_status(': 'void | array', \ 'get_cfg_var(': 'string $option | mixed', \ 'get_current_user(': 'void | string', \ 'get_defined_constants(': '[ bool $categorize = FALSE] | array', \ 'get_extension_funcs(': 'string $module_name | array', \ 'get_include_path(': 'void | string', \ 'get_included_files(': 'void | array', \ 'get_loaded_extensions(': '[ bool $zend_extensions = FALSE] | array', \ 'get_magic_quotes_gpc(': 'void | bool', \ 'get_magic_quotes_runtime(': 'void | bool', \ 'get_required_files(': 'get_required_files — Alias of get_included_files()', \ 'get_resources(': '[ string $type] | array', \ 'getenv(': 'string $varname [, bool $local_only = FALSE] | string', \ 'getlastmod(': 'void | int', \ 'getmygid(': 'void | int', \ 'getmyinode(': 'void | int', \ 'getmypid(': 'void | int', \ 'getmyuid(': 'void | int', \ 'getopt(': 'string $options [, array $longopts [, int &$optind]] | array', \ 'getrusage(': '[ int $who = 0] | array', \ 'ini_alter(': 'ini_alter — Alias of ini_set()', \ 'ini_get_all(': '[ string $extension [, bool $details = TRUE]] | array', \ 'ini_get(': 'string $varname | string', \ 'ini_restore(': 'string $varname | void', \ 'ini_set(': 'string $varname, string $newvalue | string', \ 'magic_quotes_runtime(': 'magic_quotes_runtime — Alias of set_magic_quotes_runtime()', \ 'memory_get_peak_usage(': '[ bool $real_usage = FALSE] | int', \ 'memory_get_usage(': '[ bool $real_usage = FALSE] | int', \ 'php_ini_loaded_file(': 'void | string', \ 'php_ini_scanned_files(': 'void | string', \ 'php_logo_guid(': 'void | string', \ 'php_sapi_name(': 'void | string', \ 'php_uname(': '[ string $mode = "a"] | string', \ 'phpcredits(': '[ int $flag = CREDITS_ALL] | bool', \ 'phpinfo(': '[ int $what = INFO_ALL] | bool', \ 'phpversion(': '[ string $extension] | string', \ 'putenv(': 'string $setting | bool', \ 'restore_include_path(': 'void | void', \ 'set_include_path(': 'string $new_include_path | string', \ 'set_magic_quotes_runtime(': 'bool $new_setting | bool', \ 'set_time_limit(': 'int $seconds | bool', \ 'sys_get_temp_dir(': 'void | string', \ 'version_compare(': 'string $version1, string $version2 | int', \ 'zend_logo_guid(': 'void | string', \ 'zend_thread_id(': 'void | int', \ 'zend_version(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['classes_objects'] = { \ '__autoload(': 'string $class | void', \ 'class_alias(': 'string $original, string $alias [, bool $autoload = TRUE] | bool', \ 'class_exists(': 'string $class_name [, bool $autoload = TRUE] | bool', \ 'get_called_class(': 'void | string', \ 'get_class_methods(': 'mixed $class_name | array', \ 'get_class_vars(': 'string $class_name | array', \ 'get_class(': '[ object $object] | string', \ 'get_declared_classes(': 'void | array', \ 'get_declared_interfaces(': 'void | array', \ 'get_declared_traits(': 'void | array', \ 'get_object_vars(': 'object $object | array', \ 'get_parent_class(': '[ mixed $object] | string', \ 'interface_exists(': 'string $interface_name [, bool $autoload = TRUE] | bool', \ 'is_a(': 'mixed $object, string $class_name [, bool $allow_string = FALSE] | bool', \ 'is_subclass_of(': 'mixed $object, string $class_name [, bool $allow_string = TRUE] | bool', \ 'method_exists(': 'mixed $object, string $method_name | bool', \ 'property_exists(': 'mixed $class, string $property | bool', \ 'trait_exists(': 'string $traitname [, bool $autoload] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['urls'] = { \ 'base64_decode(': 'string $data [, bool $strict = FALSE] | string', \ 'base64_encode(': 'string $data | string', \ 'get_headers(': 'string $url [, int $format = 0 [, resource $context]] | array', \ 'get_meta_tags(': 'string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE] | array', \ 'http_build_query(': 'mixed $query_data [, string $numeric_prefix [, string $arg_separator [, int $enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC1738]]] | string', \ 'parse_url(': 'string $url [, int $component = -1] | mixed', \ 'rawurldecode(': 'string $str | string', \ 'rawurlencode(': 'string $str | string', \ 'urldecode(': 'string $str | string', \ 'urlencode(': 'string $str | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['filesystem'] = { \ 'basename(': 'string $path [, string $suffix] | string', \ 'chgrp(': 'string $filename, mixed $group | bool', \ 'chmod(': 'string $filename, int $mode | bool', \ 'chown(': 'string $filename, mixed $user | bool', \ 'clearstatcache(': '[ bool $clear_realpath_cache = FALSE [, string $filename]] | void', \ 'copy(': 'string $source, string $dest [, resource $context] | bool', \ 'dirname(': 'string $path [, int $levels = 1] | string', \ 'disk_free_space(': 'string $directory | float', \ 'disk_total_space(': 'string $directory | float', \ 'diskfreespace(': 'diskfreespace — Alias of disk_free_space()', \ 'fclose(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'feof(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'fflush(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'fgetc(': 'resource $handle | string', \ 'fgetcsv(': 'resource $handle [, int $length = 0 [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = ''"'' [, string $escape = "\\"]]]] | array', \ 'fgets(': 'resource $handle [, int $length] | string', \ 'fgetss(': 'resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags]] | string', \ 'file_exists(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'file_get_contents(': 'string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE [, resource $context [, int $offset = 0 [, int $maxlen]]]] | string', \ 'file_put_contents(': 'string $filename, mixed $data [, int $flags = 0 [, resource $context]] | int', \ 'file(': 'string $filename [, int $flags = 0 [, resource $context]] | array', \ 'fileatime(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'filectime(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'filegroup(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'fileinode(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'filemtime(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'fileowner(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'fileperms(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'filesize(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'filetype(': 'string $filename | string', \ 'flock(': 'resource $handle, int $operation [, int &$wouldblock] | bool', \ 'fnmatch(': 'string $pattern, string $string [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ 'fopen(': 'string $filename, string $mode [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE [, resource $context]] | resource', \ 'fpassthru(': 'resource $handle | int', \ 'fputcsv(': 'resource $handle, array $fields [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = ''"'' [, string $escape_char = "\\"]]] | int', \ 'fputs(': 'fputs — Alias of fwrite()', \ 'fread(': 'resource $handle, int $length | string', \ 'fscanf(': 'resource $handle, string $format [, mixed &$...] | mixed', \ 'fseek(': 'resource $handle, int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET] | int', \ 'fstat(': 'resource $handle | array', \ 'ftell(': 'resource $handle | int', \ 'ftruncate(': 'resource $handle, int $size | bool', \ 'fwrite(': 'resource $handle, string $string [, int $length] | int', \ 'glob(': 'string $pattern [, int $flags = 0] | array', \ 'is_dir(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_executable(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_file(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_link(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_readable(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_uploaded_file(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_writable(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'is_writeable(': 'is_writeable — Alias of is_writable()', \ 'lchgrp(': 'string $filename, mixed $group | bool', \ 'lchown(': 'string $filename, mixed $user | bool', \ 'link(': 'string $target, string $link | bool', \ 'linkinfo(': 'string $path | int', \ 'lstat(': 'string $filename | array', \ 'mkdir(': 'string $pathname [, int $mode = 0777 [, bool $recursive = FALSE [, resource $context]]] | bool', \ 'move_uploaded_file(': 'string $filename, string $destination | bool', \ 'parse_ini_file(': 'string $filename [, bool $process_sections = FALSE [, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL]] | array', \ 'parse_ini_string(': 'string $ini [, bool $process_sections = FALSE [, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL]] | array', \ 'pathinfo(': 'string $path [, int $options = PATHINFO_DIRNAME | PATHINFO_BASENAME | PATHINFO_EXTENSION | PATHINFO_FILENAME] | mixed', \ 'pclose(': 'resource $handle | int', \ 'popen(': 'string $command, string $mode | resource', \ 'readfile(': 'string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE [, resource $context]] | int', \ 'readlink(': 'string $path | string', \ 'realpath_cache_get(': 'void | array', \ 'realpath_cache_size(': 'void | int', \ 'realpath(': 'string $path | string', \ 'rename(': 'string $oldname, string $newname [, resource $context] | bool', \ 'rewind(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'rmdir(': 'string $dirname [, resource $context] | bool', \ 'set_file_buffer(': 'set_file_buffer — Alias of stream_set_write_buffer()', \ 'stat(': 'string $filename | array', \ 'symlink(': 'string $target, string $link | bool', \ 'tempnam(': 'string $dir, string $prefix | string', \ 'tmpfile(': 'void | resource', \ 'touch(': 'string $filename [, int $time = time() [, int $atime]] | bool', \ 'umask(': '[ int $mask] | int', \ 'unlink(': 'string $filename [, resource $context] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['bbcode'] = { \ 'bbcode_add_element(': 'resource $bbcode_container, string $tag_name, array $tag_rules | bool', \ 'bbcode_add_smiley(': 'resource $bbcode_container, string $smiley, string $replace_by | bool', \ 'bbcode_create(': '[ array $bbcode_initial_tags = NULL] | resource', \ 'bbcode_destroy(': 'resource $bbcode_container | bool', \ 'bbcode_parse(': 'resource $bbcode_container, string $to_parse | string', \ 'bbcode_set_arg_parser(': 'resource $bbcode_container, resource $bbcode_arg_parser | bool', \ 'bbcode_set_flags(': 'resource $bbcode_container, int $flags [, int $mode = BBCODE_SET_FLAGS_SET] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['bc_math'] = { \ 'bcadd(': 'string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bccomp(': 'string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0] | int', \ 'bcdiv(': 'string $dividend, string $divisor [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bcmod(': 'string $dividend, string $divisor [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bcmul(': 'string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bcpow(': 'string $base, string $exponent [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bcpowmod(': 'string $base, string $exponent, string $modulus [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bcscale(': 'int $scale | int', \ 'bcsqrt(': 'string $operand [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ 'bcsub(': 'string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['bcompiler'] = { \ 'bcompiler_load_exe(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'bcompiler_load(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'bcompiler_parse_class(': 'string $class, string $callback | bool', \ 'bcompiler_read(': 'resource $filehandle | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_class(': 'resource $filehandle, string $className [, string $extends] | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_constant(': 'resource $filehandle, string $constantName | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_exe_footer(': 'resource $filehandle, int $startpos | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_file(': 'resource $filehandle, string $filename | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_footer(': 'resource $filehandle | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_function(': 'resource $filehandle, string $functionName | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_functions_from_file(': 'resource $filehandle, string $fileName | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_header(': 'resource $filehandle [, string $write_ver] | bool', \ 'bcompiler_write_included_filename(': 'resource $filehandle, string $filename | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['gettext'] = { \ 'bind_textdomain_codeset(': 'string $domain, string $codeset | string', \ 'bindtextdomain(': 'string $domain, string $directory | string', \ 'dcgettext(': 'string $domain, string $message, int $category | string', \ 'dcngettext(': 'string $domain, string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n, int $category | string', \ 'dgettext(': 'string $domain, string $message | string', \ 'dngettext(': 'string $domain, string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n | string', \ 'gettext(': 'string $message | string', \ 'ngettext(': 'string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n | string', \ 'textdomain(': '[ string $text_domain = NULL] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['blenc'] = { \ 'blenc_encrypt(': 'string $plaintext, string $encodedfile [, string $encryption_key] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['variable_handling'] = { \ 'boolval(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'debug_zval_dump(': 'mixed $variable [, mixed $...] | void', \ 'doubleval(': 'doubleval — Alias of floatval()', \ 'empty(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'floatval(': 'mixed $var | float', \ 'get_defined_vars(': 'void | array', \ 'get_resource_type(': 'resource $handle | string', \ 'gettype(': 'mixed $var | string', \ 'import_request_variables(': 'string $types [, string $prefix] | bool', \ 'intval(': 'mixed $var [, int $base = 10] | int', \ 'is_array(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_bool(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_callable(': 'mixed $var [, bool $syntax_only = FALSE [, string &$callable_name]] | bool', \ 'is_countable(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_double(': 'is_double — Alias of is_float()', \ 'is_float(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_int(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_integer(': 'is_integer — Alias of is_int()', \ 'is_iterable(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_long(': 'is_long — Alias of is_int()', \ 'is_null(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_numeric(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_object(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_real(': 'is_real — Alias of is_float()', \ 'is_resource(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_scalar(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'is_string(': 'mixed $var | bool', \ 'isset(': 'mixed $var [, mixed $...] | bool', \ 'print_r(': 'mixed $expression [, bool $return = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'serialize(': 'mixed $value | string', \ 'settype(': 'mixed &$var, string $type | bool', \ 'strval(': 'mixed $var | string', \ 'unserialize(': 'string $str [, array $options] | mixed', \ 'unset(': 'mixed $var [, mixed $...] | void', \ 'var_dump(': 'mixed $expression [, mixed $...] | void', \ 'var_export(': 'mixed $expression [, bool $return = FALSE] | mixed', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mongo'] = { \ 'bson_decode(': 'string $bson | array', \ 'bson_encode(': 'mixed $anything | string', \ 'log_cmd_delete(': 'array $server, array $writeOptions, array $deleteOptions, array $protocolOptions | void', \ 'log_cmd_insert(': 'array $server, array $document, array $writeOptions, array $protocolOptions | void', \ 'log_cmd_update(': 'array $server, array $writeOptions, array $updateOptions, array $protocolOptions | void', \ 'log_getmore(': 'array $server, array $info | void', \ 'log_killcursor(': 'array $server, array $info | void', \ 'log_reply(': 'array $server, array $messageHeaders, array $operationHeaders | void', \ 'log_write_batch(': 'array $server, array $writeOptions, array $batch, array $protocolOptions | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['bzip2'] = { \ 'bzclose(': 'resource $bz | bool', \ 'bzcompress(': 'string $source [, int $blocksize = 4 [, int $workfactor = 0]] | mixed', \ 'bzdecompress(': 'string $source [, int $small = 0] | mixed', \ 'bzerrno(': 'resource $bz | int', \ 'bzerror(': 'resource $bz | array', \ 'bzerrstr(': 'resource $bz | string', \ 'bzflush(': 'resource $bz | bool', \ 'bzopen(': 'mixed $file, string $mode | resource', \ 'bzread(': 'resource $bz [, int $length = 1024] | string', \ 'bzwrite(': 'resource $bz, string $data [, int $length] | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['cairo'] = { \ 'cairo_create(': 'CairoSurface $surface | CairoContext', \ 'cairo_font_options_create(': 'void | CairoFontOptions', \ 'cairo_font_options_equal(': 'CairoFontOptions $options, CairoFontOptions $other | bool', \ 'cairo_font_options_get_antialias(': 'CairoFontOptions $options | int', \ 'cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics(': 'CairoFontOptions $options | int', \ 'cairo_font_options_get_hint_style(': 'CairoFontOptions $options | int', \ 'cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order(': 'CairoFontOptions $options | int', \ 'cairo_font_options_hash(': 'CairoFontOptions $options | int', \ 'cairo_font_options_merge(': 'CairoFontOptions $options, CairoFontOptions $other | void', \ 'cairo_font_options_set_antialias(': 'CairoFontOptions $options, int $antialias | void', \ 'cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics(': 'CairoFontOptions $options, int $hint_metrics | void', \ 'cairo_font_options_set_hint_style(': 'CairoFontOptions $options, int $hint_style | void', \ 'cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order(': 'CairoFontOptions $options, int $subpixel_order | void', \ 'cairo_font_options_status(': 'CairoFontOptions $options | int', \ 'cairo_format_stride_for_width(': 'int $format, int $width | int', \ 'cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(': 'string $data, int $format, int $width, int $height [, int $stride = -1] | CairoImageSurface', \ 'cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(': 'mixed $file | CairoImageSurface', \ 'cairo_image_surface_create(': 'int $format, int $width, int $height | CairoImageSurface', \ 'cairo_image_surface_get_data(': 'CairoImageSurface $surface | string', \ 'cairo_image_surface_get_format(': 'CairoImageSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_image_surface_get_height(': 'CairoImageSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_image_surface_get_stride(': 'CairoImageSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_image_surface_get_width(': 'CairoImageSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_matrix_create_scale(': 'cairo_matrix_create_scale — Alias of CairoMatrix::initScale()', \ 'cairo_matrix_create_translate(': 'cairo_matrix_create_translate — Alias of CairoMatrix::initTranslate()', \ 'cairo_matrix_invert(': 'CairoMatrix $matrix | void', \ 'cairo_matrix_multiply(': 'CairoMatrix $matrix1, CairoMatrix $matrix2 | CairoMatrix', \ 'cairo_matrix_transform_distance(': 'CairoMatrix $matrix, float $dx, float $dy | array', \ 'cairo_matrix_transform_point(': 'CairoMatrix $matrix, float $dx, float $dy | array', \ 'cairo_matrix_translate(': 'CairoMatrix $matrix, float $tx, float $ty | void', \ 'cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(': 'CairoGradientPattern $pattern, float $offset, float $red, float $green, float $blue | void', \ 'cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(': 'CairoGradientPattern $pattern, float $offset, float $red, float $green, float $blue, float $alpha | void', \ 'cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(': 'CairoSurface $surface | CairoPattern', \ 'cairo_pattern_create_linear(': 'float $x0, float $y0, float $x1, float $y1 | CairoPattern', \ 'cairo_pattern_create_radial(': 'float $x0, float $y0, float $r0, float $x1, float $y1, float $r1 | CairoPattern', \ 'cairo_pattern_create_rgb(': 'float $red, float $green, float $blue | CairoPattern', \ 'cairo_pattern_create_rgba(': 'float $red, float $green, float $blue, float $alpha | CairoPattern', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_count(': 'CairoGradientPattern $pattern | int', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba(': 'CairoGradientPattern $pattern, int $index | array', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_extend(': 'string $pattern | int', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_filter(': 'CairoSurfacePattern $pattern | int', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_linear_points(': 'CairoLinearGradient $pattern | array', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_matrix(': 'CairoPattern $pattern | CairoMatrix', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles(': 'CairoRadialGradient $pattern | array', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_rgba(': 'CairoSolidPattern $pattern | array', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_surface(': 'CairoSurfacePattern $pattern | CairoSurface', \ 'cairo_pattern_get_type(': 'CairoPattern $pattern | int', \ 'cairo_pattern_set_extend(': 'string $pattern, string $extend | void', \ 'cairo_pattern_set_filter(': 'CairoSurfacePattern $pattern, int $filter | void', \ 'cairo_pattern_set_matrix(': 'CairoPattern $pattern, CairoMatrix $matrix | void', \ 'cairo_pattern_status(': 'CairoPattern $pattern | int', \ 'cairo_pdf_surface_create(': 'string $file, float $width, float $height | CairoPdfSurface', \ 'cairo_pdf_surface_set_size(': 'CairoPdfSurface $surface, float $width, float $height | void', \ 'cairo_ps_get_levels(': 'void | array', \ 'cairo_ps_level_to_string(': 'int $level | string', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_create(': 'string $file, float $width, float $height | CairoPsSurface', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface, string $comment | void', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_get_eps(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface | bool', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface, int $level | void', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_set_eps(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface, bool $level | void', \ 'cairo_ps_surface_set_size(': 'CairoPsSurface $surface, float $width, float $height | void', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_create(': 'CairoFontFace $fontface, CairoMatrix $matrix, CairoMatrix $ctm, CairoFontOptions $fontoptions | CairoScaledFont', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_extents(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | array', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | CairoMatrix', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | CairoFontFace', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | CairoFontOptions', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | CairoFontOptions', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | CairoMatrix', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_get_type(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | int', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont, array $glyphs | array', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_status(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | int', \ 'cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(': 'CairoScaledFont $scaledfont, string $text | array', \ 'cairo_surface_copy_page(': 'CairoSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_surface_create_similar(': 'CairoSurface $surface, int $content, float $width, float $height | CairoSurface', \ 'cairo_surface_finish(': 'CairoSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_surface_flush(': 'CairoSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_surface_get_content(': 'CairoSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_surface_get_device_offset(': 'CairoSurface $surface | array', \ 'cairo_surface_get_font_options(': 'CairoSurface $surface | CairoFontOptions', \ 'cairo_surface_get_type(': 'CairoSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle(': 'CairoSurface $surface, float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height | void', \ 'cairo_surface_mark_dirty(': 'CairoSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_surface_set_device_offset(': 'CairoSurface $surface, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution(': 'CairoSurface $surface, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_surface_show_page(': 'CairoSurface $surface | void', \ 'cairo_surface_status(': 'CairoSurface $surface | int', \ 'cairo_surface_write_to_png(': 'CairoSurface $surface, resource $stream | void', \ 'cairo_svg_surface_create(': 'string $file, float $width, float $height | CairoSvgSurface', \ 'cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version(': 'CairoSvgSurface $surface, int $version | void', \ 'cairo_svg_version_to_string(': 'int $version | string', \ 'cairo_scale(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_get_line_cap(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_device_to_user(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | array', \ 'cairo_push_group_with_content(': 'CairoContext $context, int $content | void', \ 'cairo_get_matrix(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_fill(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_status(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_get_dash_count(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_device_to_user_distance(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | array', \ 'cairo_get_font_matrix(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_set_font_matrix(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoMatrix $matrix | void', \ 'cairo_translate(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_fill_preserve(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_arc(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y, float $radius, float $angle1, float $angle2 | void', \ 'cairo_available_fonts(': 'void | array', \ 'cairo_set_line_width(': 'CairoContext $context, float $width | void', \ 'cairo_copy_page(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_get_tolerance(': 'CairoContext $context | float', \ 'cairo_matrix_init_identity(': 'void | object', \ 'cairo_paint(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_show_page(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_set_miter_limit(': 'CairoContext $context, float $limit | void', \ 'cairo_append_path(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoPath $path | void', \ 'cairo_set_fill_rule(': 'CairoContext $context, int $setting | void', \ 'cairo_font_extents(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_get_miter_limit(': 'CairoContext $context | float', \ 'cairo_text_extents(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_set_matrix(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoMatrix $matrix | void', \ 'cairo_clip_rectangle_list(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_get_line_width(': 'CairoContext $context | float', \ 'cairo_set_tolerance(': 'CairoContext $context, float $tolerance | void', \ 'cairo_svg_get_versions(': 'void | array', \ 'cairo_get_font_face(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_matrix_init_rotate(': 'float $radians | object', \ 'cairo_path_extents(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_font_face_get_type(': 'CairoFontFace $fontface | int', \ 'cairo_curve_to(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $x3, float $y3 | void', \ 'cairo_mask_surface(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoSurface $surface [, float $x [, float $y]] | void', \ 'cairo_get_font_options(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_mask(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoPattern $pattern | void', \ 'cairo_rel_move_to(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_arc_negative(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y, float $radius, float $angle1, float $angle2 | void', \ 'cairo_matrix_scale(': 'CairoContext $context, float $sx, float $sy | void', \ 'cairo_set_operator(': 'CairoContext $context, int $setting | void', \ 'cairo_font_face_status(': 'CairoFontFace $fontface | int', \ 'cairo_in_fill(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'cairo_line_to(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_stroke_extents(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_set_font_options(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoFontOptions $fontoptions | void', \ 'cairo_reset_clip(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_matrix_rotate(': 'CairoContext $context, string $radians | void', \ 'cairo_get_line_join(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_rectangle(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height | void', \ 'cairo_set_line_join(': 'CairoContext $context, int $setting | void', \ 'cairo_close_path(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_get_target(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_status_to_string(': 'int $status | string', \ 'cairo_push_group(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_move_to(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_text_path(': 'CairoContext $context, string $text | void', \ 'cairo_stroke_preserve(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_get_source(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_save(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_user_to_device_distance(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | array', \ 'cairo_get_operator(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_new_sub_path(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_set_antialias(': 'CairoContext $context [, int $antialias] | void', \ 'cairo_rel_line_to(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | void', \ 'cairo_get_dash(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_user_to_device(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | array', \ 'cairo_rotate(': 'CairoContext $context, float $angle | void', \ 'cairo_restore(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_clip_preserve(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_set_source(': 'CairoContext $context, float $red, float $green, float $blue | void', \ 'cairo_version(': 'void | int', \ 'cairo_matrix_init_scale(': 'float $sx, float $sy | object', \ 'cairo_stroke(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_set_source_surface(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoSurface $surface [, float $x [, float $y]] | void', \ 'cairo_set_font_face(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoFontFace $fontface | void', \ 'cairo_show_text(': 'CairoContext $context, string $text | void', \ 'cairo_available_surfaces(': 'void | array', \ 'cairo_set_dash(': 'CairoContext $context, array $dashes [, float $offset] | void', \ 'cairo_copy_path(': 'CairoContext $context | CairoPath', \ 'cairo_select_font_face(': 'CairoContext $context, string $family [, int $slant [, int $weight]] | void', \ 'cairo_get_antialias(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_get_fill_rule(': 'CairoContext $context | int', \ 'cairo_set_font_size(': 'CairoContext $context, float $size | void', \ 'cairo_transform(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoMatrix $matrix | void', \ 'cairo_copy_path_flat(': 'CairoContext $context | CairoPath', \ 'cairo_clip(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_glyph_path(': 'CairoContext $context, array $glyphs | void', \ 'cairo_identity_matrix(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_matrix_init_translate(': 'float $tx, float $ty | object', \ 'cairo_rel_curve_to(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $x3, float $y3 | void', \ 'cairo_new_path(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_get_group_target(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_has_current_point(': 'CairoContext $context | bool', \ 'cairo_pop_group_to_source(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_clip_extents(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_matrix_init(': '[ float $xx = 1.0 [, float $yx = 0.0 [, float $xy = 0.0 [, float $yy = 1.0 [, float $x0 = 0.0 [, float $y0 = 0.0]]]]]] | object', \ 'cairo_paint_with_alpha(': 'CairoContext $context, float $alpha | void', \ 'cairo_version_string(': 'void | string', \ 'cairo_get_current_point(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_pop_group(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_get_scaled_font(': 'CairoContext $context | void', \ 'cairo_set_line_cap(': 'CairoContext $context, int $setting | void', \ 'cairo_fill_extents(': 'CairoContext $context | array', \ 'cairo_in_stroke(': 'CairoContext $context, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'cairo_set_scaled_font(': 'CairoContext $context, CairoScaledFont $scaledfont | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['calendar'] = { \ 'cal_days_in_month(': 'int $calendar, int $month, int $year | int', \ 'cal_from_jd(': 'int $jd, int $calendar | array', \ 'cal_info(': '[ int $calendar = -1] | array', \ 'cal_to_jd(': 'int $calendar, int $month, int $day, int $year | int', \ 'easter_date(': '[ int $year = date("Y") [, int $method = CAL_EASTER_DEFAULT]] | int', \ 'easter_days(': '[ int $year = date("Y") [, int $method = CAL_EASTER_DEFAULT]] | int', \ 'frenchtojd(': 'int $month, int $day, int $year | int', \ 'gregoriantojd(': 'int $month, int $day, int $year | int', \ 'jddayofweek(': 'int $julianday [, int $mode = CAL_DOW_DAYNO] | mixed', \ 'jdmonthname(': 'int $julianday, int $mode | string', \ 'jdtofrench(': 'int $juliandaycount | string', \ 'jdtogregorian(': 'int $julianday | string', \ 'jdtojewish(': 'int $juliandaycount [, bool $hebrew = FALSE [, int $fl = 0]] | string', \ 'jdtojulian(': 'int $julianday | string', \ 'jdtounix(': 'int $jday | int', \ 'jewishtojd(': 'int $month, int $day, int $year | int', \ 'juliantojd(': 'int $month, int $day, int $year | int', \ 'unixtojd(': '[ int $timestamp = time()] | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['function_handling'] = { \ 'call_user_func_array(': 'callable $callback, array $param_arr | mixed', \ 'call_user_func(': 'callable $callback [, mixed $...] | mixed', \ 'create_function(': 'string $args, string $code | string', \ 'forward_static_call_array(': 'callable $function, array $parameters | mixed', \ 'forward_static_call(': 'callable $function [, mixed $...] | mixed', \ 'func_get_arg(': 'int $arg_num | mixed', \ 'func_get_args(': 'void | array', \ 'func_num_args(': 'void | int', \ 'function_exists(': 'string $function_name | bool', \ 'get_defined_functions(': '[ bool $exclude_disabled = FALSE] | array', \ 'register_shutdown_function(': 'callable $callback [, mixed $...] | void', \ 'register_tick_function(': 'callable $function [, mixed $...] | bool', \ 'unregister_tick_function(': 'callable $function | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['chdb'] = { \ 'chdb_create(': 'string $pathname, array $data | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['directories'] = { \ 'chdir(': 'string $directory | bool', \ 'chroot(': 'string $directory | bool', \ 'closedir(': '[ resource $dir_handle] | void', \ 'dir(': 'string $directory [, resource $context] | Directory', \ 'getcwd(': 'void | string', \ 'opendir(': 'string $path [, resource $context] | resource', \ 'readdir(': '[ resource $dir_handle] | string', \ 'rewinddir(': '[ resource $dir_handle] | void', \ 'scandir(': 'string $directory [, int $sorting_order = SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING [, resource $context]] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['date_time'] = { \ 'checkdate(': 'int $month, int $day, int $year | bool', \ 'date_default_timezone_get(': 'void | string', \ 'date_default_timezone_set(': 'string $timezone_identifier | bool', \ 'date_parse_from_format(': 'string $format, string $date | array', \ 'date_parse(': 'string $date | array', \ 'date_sun_info(': 'int $time, float $latitude, float $longitude | array', \ 'date_sunrise(': 'int $timestamp [, int $format = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING [, float $latitude = ini_get("date.default_latitude") [, float $longitude = ini_get("date.default_longitude") [, float $zenith = ini_get("date.sunrise_zenith") [, float $gmt_offset = 0]]]]] | mixed', \ 'date_sunset(': 'int $timestamp [, int $format = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING [, float $latitude = ini_get("date.default_latitude") [, float $longitude = ini_get("date.default_longitude") [, float $zenith = ini_get("date.sunset_zenith") [, float $gmt_offset = 0]]]]] | mixed', \ 'date(': 'string $format [, int $timestamp = time()] | string', \ 'getdate(': '[ int $timestamp = time()] | array', \ 'gettimeofday(': '[ bool $return_float = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'gmdate(': 'string $format [, int $timestamp = time()] | string', \ 'gmmktime(': '[ int $hour = gmdate("H") [, int $minute = gmdate("i") [, int $second = gmdate("s") [, int $month = gmdate("n") [, int $day = gmdate("j") [, int $year = gmdate("Y") [, int $is_dst = -1]]]]]]] | int', \ 'gmstrftime(': 'string $format [, int $timestamp = time()] | string', \ 'idate(': 'string $format [, int $timestamp = time()] | int', \ 'localtime(': '[ int $timestamp = time() [, bool $is_associative = FALSE]] | array', \ 'microtime(': '[ bool $get_as_float = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'mktime(': '[ int $hour = date("H") [, int $minute = date("i") [, int $second = date("s") [, int $month = date("n") [, int $day = date("j") [, int $year = date("Y") [, int $is_dst = -1]]]]]]] | int', \ 'strftime(': 'string $format [, int $timestamp = time()] | string', \ 'strptime(': 'string $date, string $format | array', \ 'strtotime(': 'string $time [, int $now = time()] | int', \ 'time(': 'void | int', \ 'timezone_name_from_abbr(': 'string $abbr [, int $gmtOffset = -1 [, int $isdst = -1]] | string', \ 'timezone_version_get(': 'void | string', \ 'timezone_location_get(': 'DateTimeZone $object | array', \ 'date_create_immutable_from_format(': 'string $format, string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone] | DateTimeImmutable', \ 'date_create_from_format(': 'string $format, string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone] | DateTime', \ 'date_create(': '[ string $time = "now" [, DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL]] | DateTime', \ 'date_time_set(': 'DateTime $object, int $hour, int $minute [, int $second = 0 [, int $microseconds = 0]] | DateTime', \ 'timezone_offset_get(': 'DateTimeZone $object, DateTimeInterface $datetime | int', \ 'date_create_immutable(': '[ string $time = "now" [, DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL]] | DateTimeImmutable', \ 'date_get_last_errors(': 'void | array', \ 'timezone_name_get(': 'DateTimeZone $object | string', \ 'date_diff(': 'DateTimeInterface $datetime1, DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute = FALSE] | DateInterval', \ 'date_timezone_get(': 'DateTimeInterface $object | DateTimeZone', \ 'date_sub(': 'DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval | DateTime', \ 'date_timezone_set(': 'DateTime $object, DateTimeZone $timezone | DateTime', \ 'date_format(': 'DateTimeInterface $object, string $format | string', \ 'date_add(': 'DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval | DateTime', \ 'date_timestamp_get(': 'DateTimeInterface $object | int', \ 'timezone_abbreviations_list(': 'void | array', \ 'timezone_transitions_get(': 'DateTimeZone $object [, int $timestamp_begin = PHP_INT_MIN [, int $timestamp_end = PHP_INT_MAX]] | array', \ 'date_offset_get(': 'DateTimeInterface $object | int', \ 'date_modify(': 'DateTime $object, string $modify | DateTime', \ 'date_timestamp_set(': 'DateTime $object, int $unixtimestamp | DateTime', \ 'date_date_set(': 'DateTime $object, int $year, int $month, int $day | DateTime', \ 'timezone_open(': 'string $timezone | DateTimeZone', \ 'date_isodate_set(': 'DateTime $object, int $year, int $week [, int $day = 1] | DateTime', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['network'] = { \ 'checkdnsrr(': 'string $host [, string $type = "MX"] | bool', \ 'closelog(': 'void | bool', \ 'define_syslog_variables(': 'void | void', \ 'dns_get_record(': 'string $hostname [, int $type = DNS_ANY [, array &$authns [, array &$addtl [, bool $raw = FALSE]]]] | array', \ 'fsockopen(': 'string $hostname [, int $port = -1 [, int &$errno [, string &$errstr [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout")]]]] | resource', \ 'gethostbyaddr(': 'string $ip_address | string', \ 'gethostbyname(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'gethostbynamel(': 'string $hostname | array', \ 'gethostname(': 'void | string', \ 'getmxrr(': 'string $hostname, array &$mxhosts [, array &$weight] | bool', \ 'getprotobyname(': 'string $name | int', \ 'getprotobynumber(': 'int $number | string', \ 'getservbyname(': 'string $service, string $protocol | int', \ 'getservbyport(': 'int $port, string $protocol | string', \ 'header_register_callback(': 'callable $callback | bool', \ 'header_remove(': '[ string $name] | void', \ 'header(': 'string $header [, bool $replace = TRUE [, int $http_response_code]] | void', \ 'headers_list(': 'void | array', \ 'headers_sent(': '[ string &$file [, int &$line]] | bool', \ 'http_response_code(': '[ int $response_code] | mixed', \ 'inet_ntop(': 'string $in_addr | string', \ 'inet_pton(': 'string $address | string', \ 'ip2long(': 'string $ip_address | int', \ 'long2ip(': 'int $proper_address | string', \ 'openlog(': 'string $ident, int $option, int $facility | bool', \ 'pfsockopen(': 'string $hostname [, int $port = -1 [, int &$errno [, string &$errstr [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout")]]]] | resource', \ 'setcookie(': 'string $name [, string $value = "" [, int $expires = 0 [, string $path = "" [, string $domain = "" [, bool $secure = FALSE [, bool $httponly = FALSE]]]]]] | bool', \ 'setrawcookie(': 'string $name [, string $value [, int $expires = 0 [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure = FALSE [, bool $httponly = FALSE]]]]]] | bool', \ 'socket_get_status(': 'socket_get_status — Alias of stream_get_meta_data()', \ 'socket_set_blocking(': 'socket_set_blocking — Alias of stream_set_blocking()', \ 'socket_set_timeout(': 'socket_set_timeout — Alias of stream_set_timeout()', \ 'syslog(': 'int $priority, string $message | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['spl'] = { \ 'class_implements(': 'mixed $class [, bool $autoload = TRUE] | array', \ 'class_parents(': 'mixed $class [, bool $autoload = TRUE] | array', \ 'class_uses(': 'mixed $class [, bool $autoload = TRUE] | array', \ 'iterator_apply(': 'Traversable $iterator, callable $function [, array $args = NULL] | int', \ 'iterator_count(': 'Traversable $iterator | int', \ 'iterator_to_array(': 'Traversable $iterator [, bool $use_keys = TRUE] | array', \ 'spl_autoload_call(': 'string $class_name | void', \ 'spl_autoload_extensions(': '[ string $file_extensions] | string', \ 'spl_autoload_functions(': 'void | array', \ 'spl_autoload_register(': '[ callable $autoload_function [, bool $throw = TRUE [, bool $prepend = FALSE]]] | bool', \ 'spl_autoload_unregister(': 'mixed $autoload_function | bool', \ 'spl_autoload(': 'string $class_name [, string $file_extensions = spl_autoload_extensions()] | void', \ 'spl_classes(': 'void | array', \ 'spl_object_hash(': 'object $obj | string', \ 'spl_object_id(': 'object $obj | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['classkit'] = { \ 'classkit_import(': 'string $filename | array', \ 'classkit_method_add(': 'string $classname, string $methodname, string $args, string $code [, int $flags = CLASSKIT_ACC_PUBLIC] | bool', \ 'classkit_method_copy(': 'string $dClass, string $dMethod, string $sClass [, string $sMethod] | bool', \ 'classkit_method_redefine(': 'string $classname, string $methodname, string $args, string $code [, int $flags = CLASSKIT_ACC_PUBLIC] | bool', \ 'classkit_method_remove(': 'string $classname, string $methodname | bool', \ 'classkit_method_rename(': 'string $classname, string $methodname, string $newname | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['com'] = { \ 'com_create_guid(': 'void | string', \ 'com_event_sink(': 'variant $comobject, object $sinkobject [, mixed $sinkinterface] | bool', \ 'com_get_active_object(': 'string $progid [, int $code_page] | variant', \ 'com_load_typelib(': 'string $typelib_name [, bool $case_sensitive = TRUE] | bool', \ 'com_message_pump(': '[ int $timeoutms = 0] | bool', \ 'com_print_typeinfo(': 'object $comobject [, string $dispinterface = NULL [, bool $wantsink = FALSE]] | bool', \ 'variant_abs(': 'mixed $val | variant', \ 'variant_add(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_and(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_cast(': 'variant $variant, int $type | variant', \ 'variant_cat(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_cmp(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right [, int $lcid [, int $flags]] | int', \ 'variant_date_from_timestamp(': 'int $timestamp | variant', \ 'variant_date_to_timestamp(': 'variant $variant | int', \ 'variant_div(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_eqv(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_fix(': 'mixed $variant | variant', \ 'variant_get_type(': 'variant $variant | int', \ 'variant_idiv(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_imp(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_int(': 'mixed $variant | variant', \ 'variant_mod(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_mul(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_neg(': 'mixed $variant | variant', \ 'variant_not(': 'mixed $variant | variant', \ 'variant_or(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_pow(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_round(': 'mixed $variant, int $decimals | mixed', \ 'variant_set_type(': 'variant $variant, int $type | void', \ 'variant_set(': 'variant $variant, mixed $value | void', \ 'variant_sub(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ 'variant_xor(': 'mixed $left, mixed $right | variant', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['commonmark'] = { \ 'CommonMark\Parse(': 'string $content [, int $options] | CommonMark\Node', \ 'CommonMark\Render\HTML(': 'CommonMark\Node $node [, int $options] | string', \ 'CommonMark\Render\Latex(': 'CommonMark\Node $node [, int $options [, int $width]] | string', \ 'CommonMark\Render\Man(': 'CommonMark\Node $node [, int $options [, int $width]] | string', \ 'CommonMark\Render\XML(': 'CommonMark\Node $node [, int $options] | string', \ 'CommonMark\Render(': 'CommonMark\Node $node [, int $options [, int $width]] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['misc'] = { \ 'connection_aborted(': 'void | int', \ 'connection_status(': 'void | int', \ 'constant(': 'string $name | mixed', \ 'define(': 'string $name, mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive = FALSE] | bool', \ 'defined(': 'string $name | bool', \ 'eval(': 'string $code | mixed', \ 'exit(': '[ string $status] | void', \ 'get_browser(': '[ string $user_agent [, bool $return_array = FALSE]] | mixed', \ '__halt_compiler(': 'void | void', \ 'highlight_file(': 'string $filename [, bool $return = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'highlight_string(': 'string $str [, bool $return = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'hrtime(': '[ bool $get_as_number = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'ignore_user_abort(': '[ bool $value] | int', \ 'pack(': 'string $format [, mixed $...] | string', \ 'php_check_syntax(': 'string $filename [, string &$error_message] | bool', \ 'php_strip_whitespace(': 'string $filename | string', \ 'sapi_windows_cp_conv(': 'int|string $in_codepage, int|string $out_codepage, string $subject | string', \ 'sapi_windows_cp_get(': 'string $kind | int', \ 'sapi_windows_cp_is_utf8(': 'void | bool', \ 'sapi_windows_cp_set(': 'int $cp | bool', \ 'sapi_windows_vt100_support(': 'resource $stream [, bool $enable] | bool', \ 'show_source(': 'show_source — Alias of highlight_file()', \ 'sleep(': 'int $seconds | int', \ 'sys_getloadavg(': 'void | array', \ 'time_nanosleep(': 'int $seconds, int $nanoseconds | mixed', \ 'time_sleep_until(': 'float $timestamp | bool', \ 'uniqid(': '[ string $prefix = "" [, bool $more_entropy = FALSE]] | string', \ 'unpack(': 'string $format, string $data [, int $offset = 0] | array', \ 'usleep(': 'int $micro_seconds | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['crack'] = { \ 'crack_check(': 'resource $dictionary, string $password | bool', \ 'crack_closedict(': '[ resource $dictionary] | bool', \ 'crack_getlastmessage(': 'void | string', \ 'crack_opendict(': 'string $dictionary | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ctype'] = { \ 'ctype_alnum(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_alpha(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_cntrl(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_digit(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_graph(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_lower(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_print(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_punct(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_space(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_upper(': 'string $text | bool', \ 'ctype_xdigit(': 'string $text | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['cubrid'] = { \ 'cubrid_affected_rows(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | int', \ 'cubrid_bind(': 'resource $req_identifier, int $bind_index, mixed $bind_value [, string $bind_value_type] | bool', \ 'cubrid_client_encoding(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | string', \ 'cubrid_close_prepare(': 'resource $req_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_close_request(': 'resource $req_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_close(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | bool', \ 'cubrid_col_get(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name | array', \ 'cubrid_col_size(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name | int', \ 'cubrid_column_names(': 'resource $req_identifier | array', \ 'cubrid_column_types(': 'resource $req_identifier | array', \ 'cubrid_commit(': 'resource $conn_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_connect_with_url(': 'string $conn_url [, string $userid [, string $passwd [, bool $new_link = FALSE]]] | resource', \ 'cubrid_connect(': 'string $host, int $port, string $dbname [, string $userid [, string $passwd [, bool $new_link = FALSE]]] | resource', \ 'cubrid_current_oid(': 'resource $req_identifier | string', \ 'cubrid_data_seek(': 'resource $result, int $row_number | bool', \ 'cubrid_db_name(': 'array $result, int $index | string', \ 'cubrid_disconnect(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | bool', \ 'cubrid_drop(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid | bool', \ 'cubrid_errno(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | int', \ 'cubrid_error_code_facility(': 'void | int', \ 'cubrid_error_code(': 'void | int', \ 'cubrid_error_msg(': 'void | string', \ 'cubrid_error(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'cubrid_execute(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $sql [, int $option = 0] | resource', \ 'cubrid_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $type = CUBRID_BOTH] | array', \ 'cubrid_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $result [, int $type] | array', \ 'cubrid_fetch_field(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset = 0] | object', \ 'cubrid_fetch_lengths(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'cubrid_fetch_object(': 'resource $result [, string $class_name [, array $params [, int $type]]] | object', \ 'cubrid_fetch_row(': 'resource $result [, int $type] | array', \ 'cubrid_fetch(': 'resource $result [, int $type = CUBRID_BOTH] | mixed', \ 'cubrid_field_flags(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'cubrid_field_len(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | int', \ 'cubrid_field_name(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'cubrid_field_seek(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset = 0] | bool', \ 'cubrid_field_table(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'cubrid_field_type(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'cubrid_free_result(': 'resource $req_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_get_autocommit(': 'resource $conn_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_get_charset(': 'resource $conn_identifier | string', \ 'cubrid_get_class_name(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid | string', \ 'cubrid_get_client_info(': 'void | string', \ 'cubrid_get_db_parameter(': 'resource $conn_identifier | array', \ 'cubrid_get_query_timeout(': 'resource $req_identifier | int', \ 'cubrid_get_server_info(': 'resource $conn_identifier | string', \ 'cubrid_get(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid [, mixed $attr] | mixed', \ 'cubrid_insert_id(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | string', \ 'cubrid_is_instance(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid | int', \ 'cubrid_list_dbs(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | array', \ 'cubrid_load_from_glo(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $file_name | int', \ 'cubrid_lob_close(': 'array $lob_identifier_array | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob_export(': 'resource $conn_identifier, resource $lob_identifier, string $path_name | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob_get(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $sql | array', \ 'cubrid_lob_send(': 'resource $conn_identifier, resource $lob_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob_size(': 'resource $lob_identifier | string', \ 'cubrid_lob2_bind(': 'resource $req_identifier, int $bind_index, mixed $bind_value [, string $bind_value_type] | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob2_close(': 'resource $lob_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob2_export(': 'resource $lob_identifier, string $file_name | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob2_import(': 'resource $lob_identifier, string $file_name | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob2_new(': '[ resource $conn_identifier [, string $type = "BLOB"]] | resource', \ 'cubrid_lob2_read(': 'resource $lob_identifier, int $len | string', \ 'cubrid_lob2_seek(': 'resource $lob_identifier, int $offset [, int $origin = CUBRID_CURSOR_CURRENT] | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob2_seek64(': 'resource $lob_identifier, string $offset [, int $origin = CUBRID_CURSOR_CURRENT] | bool', \ 'cubrid_lob2_size(': 'resource $lob_identifier | int', \ 'cubrid_lob2_size64(': 'resource $lob_identifier | string', \ 'cubrid_lob2_tell(': 'resource $lob_identifier | int', \ 'cubrid_lob2_tell64(': 'resource $lob_identifier | string', \ 'cubrid_lob2_write(': 'resource $lob_identifier, string $buf | bool', \ 'cubrid_lock_read(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid | bool', \ 'cubrid_lock_write(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid | bool', \ 'cubrid_move_cursor(': 'resource $req_identifier, int $offset [, int $origin = CUBRID_CURSOR_CURRENT] | bool', \ 'cubrid_new_glo(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $class_name, string $file_name | string', \ 'cubrid_next_result(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'cubrid_num_cols(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'cubrid_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'cubrid_num_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'cubrid_pconnect_with_url(': 'string $conn_url [, string $userid [, string $passwd]] | resource', \ 'cubrid_pconnect(': 'string $host, int $port, string $dbname [, string $userid [, string $passwd]] | resource', \ 'cubrid_ping(': '[ resource $conn_identifier] | bool', \ 'cubrid_prepare(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $prepare_stmt [, int $option = 0] | resource', \ 'cubrid_put(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid [, string $attr [, mixed $value]] | bool', \ 'cubrid_query(': 'string $query [, resource $conn_identifier] | resource', \ 'cubrid_real_escape_string(': 'string $unescaped_string [, resource $conn_identifier] | string', \ 'cubrid_result(': 'resource $result, int $row [, mixed $field = 0] | string', \ 'cubrid_rollback(': 'resource $conn_identifier | bool', \ 'cubrid_save_to_glo(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $file_name | int', \ 'cubrid_schema(': 'resource $conn_identifier, int $schema_type [, string $class_name [, string $attr_name]] | array', \ 'cubrid_send_glo(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid | int', \ 'cubrid_seq_drop(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name, int $index | bool', \ 'cubrid_seq_insert(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name, int $index, string $seq_element | bool', \ 'cubrid_seq_put(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name, int $index, string $seq_element | bool', \ 'cubrid_set_add(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name, string $set_element | bool', \ 'cubrid_set_autocommit(': 'resource $conn_identifier, bool $mode | bool', \ 'cubrid_set_db_parameter(': 'resource $conn_identifier, int $param_type, int $param_value | bool', \ 'cubrid_set_drop(': 'resource $conn_identifier, string $oid, string $attr_name, string $set_element | bool', \ 'cubrid_set_query_timeout(': 'resource $req_identifier, int $timeout | bool', \ 'cubrid_unbuffered_query(': 'string $query [, resource $conn_identifier] | resource', \ 'cubrid_version(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['curl'] = { \ 'curl_close(': 'resource $ch | void', \ 'curl_copy_handle(': 'resource $ch | resource', \ 'curl_errno(': 'resource $ch | int', \ 'curl_error(': 'resource $ch | string', \ 'curl_escape(': 'resource $ch, string $str | string', \ 'curl_exec(': 'resource $ch | mixed', \ 'curl_getinfo(': 'resource $ch [, int $opt] | mixed', \ 'curl_init(': '[ string $url = NULL] | resource', \ 'curl_multi_add_handle(': 'resource $mh, resource $ch | int', \ 'curl_multi_close(': 'resource $mh | void', \ 'curl_multi_errno(': 'resource $mh | int', \ 'curl_multi_exec(': 'resource $mh, int &$still_running | int', \ 'curl_multi_getcontent(': 'resource $ch | string', \ 'curl_multi_info_read(': 'resource $mh [, int &$msgs_in_queue = NULL] | array', \ 'curl_multi_init(': 'void | resource', \ 'curl_multi_remove_handle(': 'resource $mh, resource $ch | int', \ 'curl_multi_select(': 'resource $mh [, float $timeout = 1.0] | int', \ 'curl_multi_setopt(': 'resource $mh, int $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'curl_multi_strerror(': 'int $errornum | string', \ 'curl_pause(': 'resource $ch, int $bitmask | int', \ 'curl_reset(': 'resource $ch | void', \ 'curl_setopt_array(': 'resource $ch, array $options | bool', \ 'curl_setopt(': 'resource $ch, int $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'curl_share_close(': 'resource $sh | void', \ 'curl_share_errno(': 'resource $sh | int', \ 'curl_share_init(': 'void | resource', \ 'curl_share_setopt(': 'resource $sh, int $option, string $value | bool', \ 'curl_share_strerror(': 'int $errornum | string', \ 'curl_strerror(': 'int $errornum | string', \ 'curl_unescape(': 'resource $ch, string $str | string', \ 'curl_version(': '[ int $age = CURLVERSION_NOW] | array', \ 'curl_file_create(': 'string $filename [, string $mimetype [, string $postname]] | CURLFile', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['cyrus'] = { \ 'cyrus_authenticate(': 'resource $connection [, string $mechlist [, string $service [, string $user [, int $minssf [, int $maxssf [, string $authname [, string $password]]]]]]] | void', \ 'cyrus_bind(': 'resource $connection, array $callbacks | bool', \ 'cyrus_close(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'cyrus_connect(': '[ string $host [, string $port [, int $flags]]] | resource', \ 'cyrus_query(': 'resource $connection, string $query | array', \ 'cyrus_unbind(': 'resource $connection, string $trigger_name | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ibm_db2'] = { \ 'db2_autocommit(': 'resource $connection [, bool $value] | mixed', \ 'db2_bind_param(': 'resource $stmt, int $parameter_number, string $variable_name [, int $parameter_type [, int $data_type = 0 [, int $precision = -1 [, int $scale = 0]]]] | bool', \ 'db2_client_info(': 'resource $connection | object', \ 'db2_close(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'db2_column_privileges(': 'resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, string $table-name [, string $column-name]]]] | resource', \ 'db2_columns(': 'resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, string $table-name [, string $column-name]]]] | resource', \ 'db2_commit(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'db2_conn_error(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'db2_conn_errormsg(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'db2_connect(': 'string $database, string $username, string $password [, array $options] | resource', \ 'db2_cursor_type(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'db2_escape_string(': 'string $string_literal | string', \ 'db2_exec(': 'resource $connection, string $statement [, array $options] | resource', \ 'db2_execute(': 'resource $stmt [, array $parameters] | bool', \ 'db2_fetch_array(': 'resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1] | array', \ 'db2_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1] | array', \ 'db2_fetch_both(': 'resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1] | array', \ 'db2_fetch_object(': 'resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1] | object', \ 'db2_fetch_row(': 'resource $stmt [, int $row_number] | bool', \ 'db2_field_display_size(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | int', \ 'db2_field_name(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | string', \ 'db2_field_num(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | int', \ 'db2_field_precision(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | int', \ 'db2_field_scale(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | int', \ 'db2_field_type(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | string', \ 'db2_field_width(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | int', \ 'db2_foreign_keys(': 'resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string $table-name | resource', \ 'db2_free_result(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'db2_free_stmt(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'db2_get_option(': 'resource $resource, string $option | string', \ 'db2_last_insert_id(': 'resource $resource | string', \ 'db2_lob_read(': 'resource $stmt, int $colnum, int $length | string', \ 'db2_next_result(': 'resource $stmt | resource', \ 'db2_num_fields(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'db2_num_rows(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'db2_pclose(': 'resource $resource | bool', \ 'db2_pconnect(': 'string $database, string $username, string $password [, array $options] | resource', \ 'db2_prepare(': 'resource $connection, string $statement [, array $options] | resource', \ 'db2_primary_keys(': 'resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string $table-name | resource', \ 'db2_procedure_columns(': 'resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string $procedure, string $parameter | resource', \ 'db2_procedures(': 'resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string $procedure | resource', \ 'db2_result(': 'resource $stmt, mixed $column | mixed', \ 'db2_rollback(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'db2_server_info(': 'resource $connection | object', \ 'db2_set_option(': 'resource $resource, array $options, int $type | bool', \ 'db2_special_columns(': 'resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string $table_name, int $scope | resource', \ 'db2_statistics(': 'resource $connection, string $qualifier, string $schema, string $table-name, bool $unique | resource', \ 'db2_stmt_error(': '[ resource $stmt] | string', \ 'db2_stmt_errormsg(': '[ resource $stmt] | string', \ 'db2_table_privileges(': 'resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, string $table_name]]] | resource', \ 'db2_tables(': 'resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, string $table-name [, string $table-type]]]] | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['dba'] = { \ 'dba_close(': 'resource $handle | void', \ 'dba_delete(': 'string $key, resource $handle | bool', \ 'dba_exists(': 'string $key, resource $handle | bool', \ 'dba_fetch(': 'string $key, resource $handle | string', \ 'dba_firstkey(': 'resource $handle | string', \ 'dba_handlers(': '[ bool $full_info = FALSE] | array', \ 'dba_insert(': 'string $key, string $value, resource $handle | bool', \ 'dba_key_split(': 'mixed $key | mixed', \ 'dba_list(': 'void | array', \ 'dba_nextkey(': 'resource $handle | string', \ 'dba_open(': 'string $path, string $mode [, string $handler [, mixed $...]] | resource', \ 'dba_optimize(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'dba_popen(': 'string $path, string $mode [, string $handler [, mixed $...]] | resource', \ 'dba_replace(': 'string $key, string $value, resource $handle | bool', \ 'dba_sync(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['dbase'] = { \ 'dbase_add_record(': 'resource $dbase_identifier, array $record | bool', \ 'dbase_close(': 'resource $dbase_identifier | bool', \ 'dbase_create(': 'string $filename, array $fields [, int $type = DBASE_TYPE_DBASE] | resource', \ 'dbase_delete_record(': 'resource $dbase_identifier, int $record_number | bool', \ 'dbase_get_header_info(': 'resource $dbase_identifier | array', \ 'dbase_get_record_with_names(': 'resource $dbase_identifier, int $record_number | array', \ 'dbase_get_record(': 'resource $dbase_identifier, int $record_number | array', \ 'dbase_numfields(': 'resource $dbase_identifier | int', \ 'dbase_numrecords(': 'resource $dbase_identifier | int', \ 'dbase_open(': 'string $filename, int $mode | resource', \ 'dbase_pack(': 'resource $dbase_identifier | bool', \ 'dbase_replace_record(': 'resource $dbase_identifier, array $record, int $record_number | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['db_'] = { \ 'dbplus_add(': 'resource $relation, array $tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_aql(': 'string $query [, string $server [, string $dbpath]] | resource', \ 'dbplus_chdir(': '[ string $newdir] | string', \ 'dbplus_close(': 'resource $relation | mixed', \ 'dbplus_curr(': 'resource $relation, array &$tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_errcode(': '[ int $errno] | string', \ 'dbplus_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'dbplus_find(': 'resource $relation, array $constraints, mixed $tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_first(': 'resource $relation, array &$tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_flush(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_freealllocks(': 'void | int', \ 'dbplus_freelock(': 'resource $relation, string $tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_freerlocks(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_getlock(': 'resource $relation, string $tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_getunique(': 'resource $relation, int $uniqueid | int', \ 'dbplus_info(': 'resource $relation, string $key, array &$result | int', \ 'dbplus_last(': 'resource $relation, array &$tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_lockrel(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_next(': 'resource $relation, array &$tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_open(': 'string $name | resource', \ 'dbplus_prev(': 'resource $relation, array &$tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_rchperm(': 'resource $relation, int $mask, string $user, string $group | int', \ 'dbplus_rcreate(': 'string $name, mixed $domlist [, bool $overwrite] | resource', \ 'dbplus_rcrtexact(': 'string $name, resource $relation [, bool $overwrite] | mixed', \ 'dbplus_rcrtlike(': 'string $name, resource $relation [, int $overwrite] | mixed', \ 'dbplus_resolve(': 'string $relation_name | array', \ 'dbplus_restorepos(': 'resource $relation, array $tuple | int', \ 'dbplus_rkeys(': 'resource $relation, mixed $domlist | mixed', \ 'dbplus_ropen(': 'string $name | resource', \ 'dbplus_rquery(': 'string $query [, string $dbpath] | resource', \ 'dbplus_rrename(': 'resource $relation, string $name | int', \ 'dbplus_rsecindex(': 'resource $relation, mixed $domlist, int $type | mixed', \ 'dbplus_runlink(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_rzap(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_savepos(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_setindex(': 'resource $relation, string $idx_name | int', \ 'dbplus_setindexbynumber(': 'resource $relation, int $idx_number | int', \ 'dbplus_sql(': 'string $query [, string $server [, string $dbpath]] | resource', \ 'dbplus_tcl(': 'int $sid, string $script | string', \ 'dbplus_tremove(': 'resource $relation, array $tuple [, array &$current] | int', \ 'dbplus_undo(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_undoprepare(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_unlockrel(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_unselect(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_update(': 'resource $relation, array $old, array $new | int', \ 'dbplus_xlockrel(': 'resource $relation | int', \ 'dbplus_xunlockrel(': 'resource $relation | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['dbx'] = { \ 'dbx_close(': 'object $link_identifier | int', \ 'dbx_compare(': 'array $row_a, array $row_b, string $column_key [, int $flags = DBX_CMP_ASC | DBX_CMP_NATIVE] | int', \ 'dbx_connect(': 'mixed $module, string $host, string $database, string $username, string $password [, int $persistent] | object', \ 'dbx_error(': 'object $link_identifier | string', \ 'dbx_escape_string(': 'object $link_identifier, string $text | string', \ 'dbx_fetch_row(': 'object $result_identifier | mixed', \ 'dbx_query(': 'object $link_identifier, string $sql_statement [, int $flags] | mixed', \ 'dbx_sort(': 'object $result, string $user_compare_function | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['error_handling'] = { \ 'debug_backtrace(': '[ int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT [, int $limit = 0]] | array', \ 'debug_print_backtrace(': '[ int $options = 0 [, int $limit = 0]] | void', \ 'error_clear_last(': 'void | void', \ 'error_get_last(': 'void | array', \ 'error_log(': 'string $message [, int $message_type = 0 [, string $destination [, string $extra_headers]]] | bool', \ 'error_reporting(': '[ int $level] | int', \ 'restore_error_handler(': 'void | bool', \ 'restore_exception_handler(': 'void | bool', \ 'set_error_handler(': 'callable $error_handler [, int $error_types = E_ALL | E_STRICT] | mixed', \ 'set_exception_handler(': 'callable $exception_handler | callable', \ 'trigger_error(': 'string $error_msg [, int $error_type = E_USER_NOTICE] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['zlib'] = { \ 'deflate_add(': 'resource $context, string $data [, int $flush_mode = ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH] | string', \ 'deflate_init(': 'int $encoding [, array $options = array()] | resource', \ 'gzclose(': 'resource $zp | bool', \ 'gzcompress(': 'string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE]] | string', \ 'gzdecode(': 'string $data [, int $length] | string', \ 'gzdeflate(': 'string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW]] | string', \ 'gzencode(': 'string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding_mode = FORCE_GZIP]] | string', \ 'gzeof(': 'resource $zp | int', \ 'gzfile(': 'string $filename [, int $use_include_path = 0] | array', \ 'gzgetc(': 'resource $zp | string', \ 'gzgets(': 'resource $zp [, int $length] | string', \ 'gzgetss(': 'resource $zp, int $length [, string $allowable_tags] | string', \ 'gzinflate(': 'string $data [, int $length = 0] | string', \ 'gzopen(': 'string $filename, string $mode [, int $use_include_path = 0] | resource', \ 'gzpassthru(': 'resource $zp | int', \ 'gzputs(': 'gzputs — Alias of gzwrite()', \ 'gzread(': 'resource $zp, int $length | string', \ 'gzrewind(': 'resource $zp | bool', \ 'gzseek(': 'resource $zp, int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET] | int', \ 'gztell(': 'resource $zp | int', \ 'gzuncompress(': 'string $data [, int $length = 0] | string', \ 'gzwrite(': 'resource $zp, string $string [, int $length] | int', \ 'inflate_add(': 'resource $context, string $encoded_data [, int $flush_mode = ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH] | string', \ 'inflate_get_read_len(': 'resource $resource | int', \ 'inflate_get_status(': 'resource $resource | int', \ 'inflate_init(': 'int $encoding [, array $options = array()] | resource', \ 'readgzfile(': 'string $filename [, int $use_include_path = 0] | int', \ 'zlib_decode(': 'string $data [, string $max_decoded_len] | string', \ 'zlib_encode(': 'string $data, int $encoding [, int $level = -1] | string', \ 'zlib_get_coding_type(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['direct_io'] = { \ 'dio_close(': 'resource $fd | void', \ 'dio_fcntl(': 'resource $fd, int $cmd [, mixed $args] | mixed', \ 'dio_open(': 'string $filename, int $flags [, int $mode = 0] | resource', \ 'dio_read(': 'resource $fd [, int $len = 1024] | string', \ 'dio_seek(': 'resource $fd, int $pos [, int $whence = SEEK_SET] | int', \ 'dio_stat(': 'resource $fd | array', \ 'dio_tcsetattr(': 'resource $fd, array $options | bool', \ 'dio_truncate(': 'resource $fd, int $offset | bool', \ 'dio_write(': 'resource $fd, string $data [, int $len = 0] | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['dom'] = { \ 'dom_import_simplexml(': 'SimpleXMLElement $node | DOMElement', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['eio'] = { \ 'eio_busy(': 'int $delay [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_cancel(': 'resource $req | void', \ 'eio_chmod(': 'string $path, int $mode [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_chown(': 'string $path, int $uid [, int $gid = -1 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]]] | resource', \ 'eio_close(': 'mixed $fd [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_custom(': 'callable $execute, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_dup2(': 'mixed $fd, mixed $fd2 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_event_loop(': 'void | bool', \ 'eio_fallocate(': 'mixed $fd, int $mode, int $offset, int $length [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_fchmod(': 'mixed $fd, int $mode [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_fchown(': 'mixed $fd, int $uid [, int $gid = -1 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]]] | resource', \ 'eio_fdatasync(': 'mixed $fd [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_fstat(': 'mixed $fd, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data] | resource', \ 'eio_fstatvfs(': 'mixed $fd, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data] | resource', \ 'eio_fsync(': 'mixed $fd [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_ftruncate(': 'mixed $fd [, int $offset = 0 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]]] | resource', \ 'eio_futime(': 'mixed $fd, float $atime, float $mtime [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_get_event_stream(': 'void | mixed', \ 'eio_get_last_error(': 'resource $req | string', \ 'eio_grp_add(': 'resource $grp, resource $req | void', \ 'eio_grp_cancel(': 'resource $grp | void', \ 'eio_grp_limit(': 'resource $grp, int $limit | void', \ 'eio_grp(': 'callable $callback [, string $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_init(': 'void | void', \ 'eio_link(': 'string $path, string $new_path [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_lstat(': 'string $path, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_mkdir(': 'string $path, int $mode [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_mknod(': 'string $path, int $mode, int $dev [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_nop(': '[ int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_npending(': 'void | int', \ 'eio_nready(': 'void | int', \ 'eio_nreqs(': 'void | int', \ 'eio_nthreads(': 'void | int', \ 'eio_open(': 'string $path, int $flags, int $mode, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_poll(': 'void | int', \ 'eio_read(': 'mixed $fd, int $length, int $offset, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_readahead(': 'mixed $fd, int $offset, int $length [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_readdir(': 'string $path, int $flags, int $pri, callable $callback [, string $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_readlink(': 'string $path, int $pri, callable $callback [, string $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_realpath(': 'string $path, int $pri, callable $callback [, string $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_rename(': 'string $path, string $new_path [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_rmdir(': 'string $path [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_seek(': 'mixed $fd, int $offset, int $whence [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_sendfile(': 'mixed $out_fd, mixed $in_fd, int $offset, int $length [, int $pri [, callable $callback [, string $data]]] | resource', \ 'eio_set_max_idle(': 'int $nthreads | void', \ 'eio_set_max_parallel(': 'int $nthreads | void', \ 'eio_set_max_poll_reqs(': 'int $nreqs | void', \ 'eio_set_max_poll_time(': 'float $nseconds | void', \ 'eio_set_min_parallel(': 'string $nthreads | void', \ 'eio_stat(': 'string $path, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL] | resource', \ 'eio_statvfs(': 'string $path, int $pri, callable $callback [, mixed $data] | resource', \ 'eio_symlink(': 'string $path, string $new_path [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_sync_file_range(': 'mixed $fd, int $offset, int $nbytes, int $flags [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_sync(': '[ int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_syncfs(': 'mixed $fd [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_truncate(': 'string $path [, int $offset = 0 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]]] | resource', \ 'eio_unlink(': 'string $path [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_utime(': 'string $path, float $atime, float $mtime [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'eio_write(': 'mixed $fd, string $str [, int $length = 0 [, int $offset = 0 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL]]]]] | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['enchant'] = { \ 'enchant_broker_describe(': 'resource $broker | array', \ 'enchant_broker_dict_exists(': 'resource $broker, string $tag | bool', \ 'enchant_broker_free_dict(': 'resource $dict | bool', \ 'enchant_broker_free(': 'resource $broker | bool', \ 'enchant_broker_get_dict_path(': 'resource $broker, int $dict_type | bool', \ 'enchant_broker_get_error(': 'resource $broker | string', \ 'enchant_broker_init(': 'void | resource', \ 'enchant_broker_list_dicts(': 'resource $broker | mixed', \ 'enchant_broker_request_dict(': 'resource $broker, string $tag | resource', \ 'enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict(': 'resource $broker, string $filename | resource', \ 'enchant_broker_set_dict_path(': 'resource $broker, int $dict_type, string $value | bool', \ 'enchant_broker_set_ordering(': 'resource $broker, string $tag, string $ordering | bool', \ 'enchant_dict_add_to_personal(': 'resource $dict, string $word | void', \ 'enchant_dict_add_to_session(': 'resource $dict, string $word | void', \ 'enchant_dict_check(': 'resource $dict, string $word | bool', \ 'enchant_dict_describe(': 'resource $dict | mixed', \ 'enchant_dict_get_error(': 'resource $dict | string', \ 'enchant_dict_is_in_session(': 'resource $dict, string $word | bool', \ 'enchant_dict_quick_check(': 'resource $dict, string $word [, array &$suggestions] | bool', \ 'enchant_dict_store_replacement(': 'resource $dict, string $mis, string $cor | void', \ 'enchant_dict_suggest(': 'resource $dict, string $word | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['program_execution'] = { \ 'escapeshellarg(': 'string $arg | string', \ 'escapeshellcmd(': 'string $command | string', \ 'exec(': 'string $command [, array &$output [, int &$return_var]] | string', \ 'passthru(': 'string $command [, int &$return_var] | void', \ 'proc_close(': 'resource $process | int', \ 'proc_get_status(': 'resource $process | array', \ 'proc_nice(': 'int $increment | bool', \ 'proc_open(': 'string $cmd, array $descriptorspec, array &$pipes [, string $cwd = NULL [, array $env = NULL [, array $other_options = NULL]]] | resource', \ 'proc_terminate(': 'resource $process [, int $signal = 15] | bool', \ 'shell_exec(': 'string $cmd | string', \ 'system(': 'string $command [, int &$return_var] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['libevent'] = { \ 'event_add(': 'resource $event [, int $timeout = -1] | bool', \ 'event_base_free(': 'resource $event_base | void', \ 'event_base_loop(': 'resource $event_base [, int $flags = 0] | int', \ 'event_base_loopbreak(': 'resource $event_base | bool', \ 'event_base_loopexit(': 'resource $event_base [, int $timeout = -1] | bool', \ 'event_base_new(': 'void | resource', \ 'event_base_priority_init(': 'resource $event_base, int $npriorities | bool', \ 'event_base_reinit(': 'resource $event_base | bool', \ 'event_base_set(': 'resource $event, resource $event_base | bool', \ 'event_buffer_base_set(': 'resource $bevent, resource $event_base | bool', \ 'event_buffer_disable(': 'resource $bevent, int $events | bool', \ 'event_buffer_enable(': 'resource $bevent, int $events | bool', \ 'event_buffer_fd_set(': 'resource $bevent, resource $fd | void', \ 'event_buffer_free(': 'resource $bevent | void', \ 'event_buffer_new(': 'resource $stream, mixed $readcb, mixed $writecb, mixed $errorcb [, mixed $arg] | resource', \ 'event_buffer_priority_set(': 'resource $bevent, int $priority | bool', \ 'event_buffer_read(': 'resource $bevent, int $data_size | string', \ 'event_buffer_set_callback(': 'resource $event, mixed $readcb, mixed $writecb, mixed $errorcb [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'event_buffer_timeout_set(': 'resource $bevent, int $read_timeout, int $write_timeout | void', \ 'event_buffer_watermark_set(': 'resource $bevent, int $events, int $lowmark, int $highmark | void', \ 'event_buffer_write(': 'resource $bevent, string $data [, int $data_size = -1] | bool', \ 'event_del(': 'resource $event | bool', \ 'event_free(': 'resource $event | void', \ 'event_new(': 'void | resource', \ 'event_priority_set(': 'resource $event, int $priority | bool', \ 'event_set(': 'resource $event, mixed $fd, int $events, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'event_timer_add(': 'event_timer_add — Alias of event_add()', \ 'event_timer_del(': 'event_timer_del — Alias of event_del()', \ 'event_timer_new(': 'event_timer_new — Alias of event_new()', \ 'event_timer_set(': 'resource $event, callable $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['exif'] = { \ 'exif_imagetype(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'exif_read_data(': 'mixed $stream [, string $sections = NULL [, bool $arrays = FALSE [, bool $thumbnail = FALSE]]] | array', \ 'exif_tagname(': 'int $index | string', \ 'exif_thumbnail(': 'mixed $stream [, int &$width [, int &$height [, int &$imagetype]]] | string', \ 'read_exif_data(': 'read_exif_data — Alias of exif_read_data()', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['expect'] = { \ 'expect_expectl(': 'resource $expect, array $cases [, array &$match] | int', \ 'expect_popen(': 'string $command | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mail'] = { \ 'ezmlm_hash(': 'string $addr | int', \ 'mail(': 'string $to, string $subject, string $message [, mixed $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters]] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['fam'] = { \ 'fam_cancel_monitor(': 'resource $fam, resource $fam_monitor | bool', \ 'fam_close(': 'resource $fam | void', \ 'fam_monitor_collection(': 'resource $fam, string $dirname, int $depth, string $mask | resource', \ 'fam_monitor_directory(': 'resource $fam, string $dirname | resource', \ 'fam_monitor_file(': 'resource $fam, string $filename | resource', \ 'fam_next_event(': 'resource $fam | array', \ 'fam_open(': '[ string $appname] | resource', \ 'fam_pending(': 'resource $fam | int', \ 'fam_resume_monitor(': 'resource $fam, resource $fam_monitor | bool', \ 'fam_suspend_monitor(': 'resource $fam, resource $fam_monitor | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['fann'] = { \ 'fann_cascadetrain_on_data(': 'resource $ann, resource $data, int $max_neurons, int $neurons_between_reports, float $desired_error | bool', \ 'fann_cascadetrain_on_file(': 'resource $ann, string $filename, int $max_neurons, int $neurons_between_reports, float $desired_error | bool', \ 'fann_clear_scaling_params(': 'resource $ann | bool', \ 'fann_copy(': 'resource $ann | resource', \ 'fann_create_from_file(': 'string $configuration_file | resource', \ 'fann_create_shortcut_array(': 'int $num_layers, array $layers | resource', \ 'fann_create_shortcut(': 'int $num_layers, int $num_neurons1, int $num_neurons2 [, int $...] | resource', \ 'fann_create_sparse_array(': 'float $connection_rate, int $num_layers, array $layers | resource', \ 'fann_create_sparse(': 'float $connection_rate, int $num_layers, int $num_neurons1, int $num_neurons2 [, int $...] | resource', \ 'fann_create_standard_array(': 'int $num_layers, array $layers | resource', \ 'fann_create_standard(': 'int $num_layers, int $num_neurons1, int $num_neurons2 [, int $...] | resource', \ 'fann_create_train_from_callback(': 'int $num_data, int $num_input, int $num_output, callable $user_function | resource', \ 'fann_create_train(': 'int $num_data, int $num_input, int $num_output | resource', \ 'fann_descale_input(': 'resource $ann, array $input_vector | bool', \ 'fann_descale_output(': 'resource $ann, array $output_vector | bool', \ 'fann_descale_train(': 'resource $ann, resource $train_data | bool', \ 'fann_destroy_train(': 'resource $train_data | bool', \ 'fann_destroy(': 'resource $ann | bool', \ 'fann_duplicate_train_data(': 'resource $data | resource', \ 'fann_get_activation_function(': 'resource $ann, int $layer, int $neuron | int', \ 'fann_get_activation_steepness(': 'resource $ann, int $layer, int $neuron | float', \ 'fann_get_bias_array(': 'resource $ann | array', \ 'fann_get_bit_fail_limit(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_bit_fail(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_activation_functions(': 'resource $ann | array', \ 'fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses(': 'resource $ann | array', \ 'fann_get_cascade_candidate_change_fraction(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_min_cand_epochs(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_min_out_epochs(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_output_change_fraction(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_connection_array(': 'resource $ann | array', \ 'fann_get_connection_rate(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_errno(': 'resource $errdat | int', \ 'fann_get_errstr(': 'resource $errdat | string', \ 'fann_get_layer_array(': 'resource $ann | array', \ 'fann_get_learning_momentum(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_learning_rate(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_MSE(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_network_type(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_num_input(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_num_layers(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_num_output(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_quickprop_decay(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_quickprop_mu(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_rprop_delta_max(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_rprop_delta_min(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_rprop_delta_zero(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_rprop_increase_factor(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_sarprop_step_error_shift(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_sarprop_temperature(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_sarprop_weight_decay_shift(': 'resource $ann | float', \ 'fann_get_total_connections(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_total_neurons(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_train_error_function(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_train_stop_function(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_get_training_algorithm(': 'resource $ann | int', \ 'fann_init_weights(': 'resource $ann, resource $train_data | bool', \ 'fann_length_train_data(': 'resource $data | int', \ 'fann_merge_train_data(': 'resource $data1, resource $data2 | resource', \ 'fann_num_input_train_data(': 'resource $data | int', \ 'fann_num_output_train_data(': 'resource $data | int', \ 'fann_print_error(': 'resource $errdat | void', \ 'fann_randomize_weights(': 'resource $ann, float $min_weight, float $max_weight | bool', \ 'fann_read_train_from_file(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'fann_reset_errno(': 'resource $errdat | void', \ 'fann_reset_errstr(': 'resource $errdat | void', \ 'fann_reset_MSE(': 'string $ann | bool', \ 'fann_run(': 'resource $ann, array $input | array', \ 'fann_save_train(': 'resource $data, string $file_name | bool', \ 'fann_save(': 'resource $ann, string $configuration_file | bool', \ 'fann_scale_input_train_data(': 'resource $train_data, float $new_min, float $new_max | bool', \ 'fann_scale_input(': 'resource $ann, array $input_vector | bool', \ 'fann_scale_output_train_data(': 'resource $train_data, float $new_min, float $new_max | bool', \ 'fann_scale_output(': 'resource $ann, array $output_vector | bool', \ 'fann_scale_train_data(': 'resource $train_data, float $new_min, float $new_max | bool', \ 'fann_scale_train(': 'resource $ann, resource $train_data | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_function_hidden(': 'resource $ann, int $activation_function | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_function_layer(': 'resource $ann, int $activation_function, int $layer | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_function_output(': 'resource $ann, int $activation_function | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_function(': 'resource $ann, int $activation_function, int $layer, int $neuron | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden(': 'resource $ann, float $activation_steepness | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_steepness_layer(': 'resource $ann, float $activation_steepness, int $layer | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_steepness_output(': 'resource $ann, float $activation_steepness | bool', \ 'fann_set_activation_steepness(': 'resource $ann, float $activation_steepness, int $layer, int $neuron | bool', \ 'fann_set_bit_fail_limit(': 'resource $ann, float $bit_fail_limit | bool', \ 'fann_set_callback(': 'resource $ann, collable $callback | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_activation_functions(': 'resource $ann, array $cascade_activation_functions | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses(': 'resource $ann, array $cascade_activation_steepnesses_count | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_candidate_change_fraction(': 'resource $ann, float $cascade_candidate_change_fraction | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit(': 'resource $ann, float $cascade_candidate_limit | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_max_cand_epochs | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_max_out_epochs | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_min_cand_epochs(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_min_cand_epochs | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_min_out_epochs(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_min_out_epochs | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_num_candidate_groups | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_output_change_fraction(': 'resource $ann, float $cascade_output_change_fraction | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs(': 'resource $ann, int $cascade_output_stagnation_epochs | bool', \ 'fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier(': 'resource $ann, float $cascade_weight_multiplier | bool', \ 'fann_set_error_log(': 'resource $errdat, string $log_file | void', \ 'fann_set_input_scaling_params(': 'resource $ann, resource $train_data, float $new_input_min, float $new_input_max | bool', \ 'fann_set_learning_momentum(': 'resource $ann, float $learning_momentum | bool', \ 'fann_set_learning_rate(': 'resource $ann, float $learning_rate | bool', \ 'fann_set_output_scaling_params(': 'resource $ann, resource $train_data, float $new_output_min, float $new_output_max | bool', \ 'fann_set_quickprop_decay(': 'resource $ann, float $quickprop_decay | bool', \ 'fann_set_quickprop_mu(': 'resource $ann, float $quickprop_mu | bool', \ 'fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor(': 'resource $ann, float $rprop_decrease_factor | bool', \ 'fann_set_rprop_delta_max(': 'resource $ann, float $rprop_delta_max | bool', \ 'fann_set_rprop_delta_min(': 'resource $ann, float $rprop_delta_min | bool', \ 'fann_set_rprop_delta_zero(': 'resource $ann, float $rprop_delta_zero | bool', \ 'fann_set_rprop_increase_factor(': 'resource $ann, float $rprop_increase_factor | bool', \ 'fann_set_sarprop_step_error_shift(': 'resource $ann, float $sarprop_step_error_shift | bool', \ 'fann_set_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor(': 'resource $ann, float $sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor | bool', \ 'fann_set_sarprop_temperature(': 'resource $ann, float $sarprop_temperature | bool', \ 'fann_set_sarprop_weight_decay_shift(': 'resource $ann, float $sarprop_weight_decay_shift | bool', \ 'fann_set_scaling_params(': 'resource $ann, resource $train_data, float $new_input_min, float $new_input_max, float $new_output_min, float $new_output_max | bool', \ 'fann_set_train_error_function(': 'resource $ann, int $error_function | bool', \ 'fann_set_train_stop_function(': 'resource $ann, int $stop_function | bool', \ 'fann_set_training_algorithm(': 'resource $ann, int $training_algorithm | bool', \ 'fann_set_weight_array(': 'resource $ann, array $connections | bool', \ 'fann_set_weight(': 'resource $ann, int $from_neuron, int $to_neuron, float $weight | bool', \ 'fann_shuffle_train_data(': 'resource $train_data | bool', \ 'fann_subset_train_data(': 'resource $data, int $pos, int $length | resource', \ 'fann_test_data(': 'resource $ann, resource $data | float', \ 'fann_test(': 'resource $ann, array $input, array $desired_output | array', \ 'fann_train_epoch(': 'resource $ann, resource $data | float', \ 'fann_train_on_data(': 'resource $ann, resource $data, int $max_epochs, int $epochs_between_reports, float $desired_error | bool', \ 'fann_train_on_file(': 'resource $ann, string $filename, int $max_epochs, int $epochs_between_reports, float $desired_error | bool', \ 'fann_train(': 'resource $ann, array $input, array $desired_output | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['fastcgi_process_manager'] = { \ 'fastcgi_finish_request(': 'void | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['firebird_interbase'] = { \ 'fbird_add_user(': 'fbird_add_user — Alias of ibase_add_user()', \ 'fbird_affected_rows(': 'fbird_affected_rows — Alias of ibase_affected_rows()', \ 'fbird_backup(': 'fbird_backup — Alias of ibase_backup()', \ 'fbird_blob_add(': 'fbird_blob_add — Alias of ibase_blob_add()', \ 'fbird_blob_cancel(': 'resource $blob_handle | bool', \ 'fbird_blob_close(': 'fbird_blob_close — Alias of ibase_blob_close()', \ 'fbird_blob_create(': 'fbird_blob_create — Alias of ibase_blob_create()', \ 'fbird_blob_echo(': 'fbird_blob_echo — Alias of ibase_blob_echo()', \ 'fbird_blob_get(': 'fbird_blob_get — Alias of ibase_blob_get()', \ 'fbird_blob_import(': 'fbird_blob_import — Alias of ibase_blob_import()', \ 'fbird_blob_info(': 'fbird_blob_info — Alias of ibase_blob_info()', \ 'fbird_blob_open(': 'fbird_blob_open — Alias of ibase_blob_open()', \ 'fbird_close(': 'fbird_close — Alias of ibase_close()', \ 'fbird_commit_ret(': 'fbird_commit_ret — Alias of ibase_commit_ret()', \ 'fbird_commit(': 'fbird_commit — Alias of ibase_commit()', \ 'fbird_connect(': 'fbird_connect — Alias of ibase_connect()', \ 'fbird_db_info(': 'fbird_db_info — Alias of ibase_db_info()', \ 'fbird_delete_user(': 'fbird_delete_user — Alias of ibase_delete_user()', \ 'fbird_drop_db(': 'fbird_drop_db — Alias of ibase_drop_db()', \ 'fbird_errcode(': 'fbird_errcode — Alias of ibase_errcode()', \ 'fbird_errmsg(': 'fbird_errmsg — Alias of ibase_errmsg()', \ 'fbird_execute(': 'fbird_execute — Alias of ibase_execute()', \ 'fbird_fetch_assoc(': 'fbird_fetch_assoc — Alias of ibase_fetch_assoc()', \ 'fbird_fetch_object(': 'fbird_fetch_object — Alias of ibase_fetch_object()', \ 'fbird_fetch_row(': 'fbird_fetch_row — Alias of ibase_fetch_row()', \ 'fbird_field_info(': 'fbird_field_info — Alias of ibase_field_info()', \ 'fbird_free_event_handler(': 'fbird_free_event_handler — Alias of ibase_free_event_handler()', \ 'fbird_free_query(': 'fbird_free_query — Alias of ibase_free_query()', \ 'fbird_free_result(': 'fbird_free_result — Alias of ibase_free_result()', \ 'fbird_gen_id(': 'fbird_gen_id — Alias of ibase_gen_id()', \ 'fbird_maintain_db(': 'fbird_maintain_db — Alias of ibase_maintain_db()', \ 'fbird_modify_user(': 'fbird_modify_user — Alias of ibase_modify_user()', \ 'fbird_name_result(': 'fbird_name_result — Alias of ibase_name_result()', \ 'fbird_num_fields(': 'fbird_num_fields — Alias of ibase_num_fields()', \ 'fbird_num_params(': 'fbird_num_params — Alias of ibase_num_params()', \ 'fbird_param_info(': 'fbird_param_info — Alias of ibase_param_info()', \ 'fbird_pconnect(': 'fbird_pconnect — Alias of ibase_pconnect()', \ 'fbird_prepare(': 'fbird_prepare — Alias of ibase_prepare()', \ 'fbird_query(': 'fbird_query — Alias of ibase_query()', \ 'fbird_restore(': 'fbird_restore — Alias of ibase_restore()', \ 'fbird_rollback_ret(': 'fbird_rollback_ret — Alias of ibase_rollback_ret()', \ 'fbird_rollback(': 'fbird_rollback — Alias of ibase_rollback()', \ 'fbird_server_info(': 'fbird_server_info — Alias of ibase_server_info()', \ 'fbird_service_attach(': 'fbird_service_attach — Alias of ibase_service_attach()', \ 'fbird_service_detach(': 'fbird_service_detach — Alias of ibase_service_detach()', \ 'fbird_set_event_handler(': 'fbird_set_event_handler — Alias of ibase_set_event_handler()', \ 'fbird_trans(': 'fbird_trans — Alias of ibase_trans()', \ 'fbird_wait_event(': 'fbird_wait_event — Alias of ibase_wait_event()', \ 'ibase_add_user(': 'resource $service_handle, string $user_name, string $password [, string $first_name [, string $middle_name [, string $last_name]]] | bool', \ 'ibase_affected_rows(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'ibase_backup(': 'resource $service_handle, string $source_db, string $dest_file [, int $options = 0 [, bool $verbose = FALSE]] | mixed', \ 'ibase_blob_add(': 'resource $blob_handle, string $data | void', \ 'ibase_blob_cancel(': 'resource $blob_handle | bool', \ 'ibase_blob_close(': 'resource $blob_handle | mixed', \ 'ibase_blob_create(': '[ resource $link_identifier = NULL] | resource', \ 'ibase_blob_echo(': 'string $blob_id | bool', \ 'ibase_blob_get(': 'resource $blob_handle, int $len | string', \ 'ibase_blob_import(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $file_handle | string', \ 'ibase_blob_info(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $blob_id | array', \ 'ibase_blob_open(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $blob_id | resource', \ 'ibase_close(': '[ resource $connection_id = NULL] | bool', \ 'ibase_commit_ret(': '[ resource $link_or_trans_identifier = NULL] | bool', \ 'ibase_commit(': '[ resource $link_or_trans_identifier = NULL] | bool', \ 'ibase_connect(': '[ string $database [, string $username [, string $password [, string $charset [, int $buffers [, int $dialect [, string $role [, int $sync]]]]]]]] | resource', \ 'ibase_db_info(': 'resource $service_handle, string $db, int $action [, int $argument = 0] | string', \ 'ibase_delete_user(': 'resource $service_handle, string $user_name | bool', \ 'ibase_drop_db(': '[ resource $connection = NULL] | bool', \ 'ibase_errcode(': 'void | int', \ 'ibase_errmsg(': 'void | string', \ 'ibase_execute(': 'resource $query [, mixed $...] | resource', \ 'ibase_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $result [, int $fetch_flag = 0] | array', \ 'ibase_fetch_object(': 'resource $result_id [, int $fetch_flag = 0] | object', \ 'ibase_fetch_row(': 'resource $result_identifier [, int $fetch_flag = 0] | array', \ 'ibase_field_info(': 'resource $result, int $field_number | array', \ 'ibase_free_event_handler(': 'resource $event | bool', \ 'ibase_free_query(': 'resource $query | bool', \ 'ibase_free_result(': 'resource $result_identifier | bool', \ 'ibase_gen_id(': 'string $generator [, int $increment = 1 [, resource $link_identifier = NULL]] | mixed', \ 'ibase_maintain_db(': 'resource $service_handle, string $db, int $action [, int $argument = 0] | bool', \ 'ibase_modify_user(': 'resource $service_handle, string $user_name, string $password [, string $first_name [, string $middle_name [, string $last_name]]] | bool', \ 'ibase_name_result(': 'resource $result, string $name | bool', \ 'ibase_num_fields(': 'resource $result_id | int', \ 'ibase_num_params(': 'resource $query | int', \ 'ibase_param_info(': 'resource $query, int $param_number | array', \ 'ibase_pconnect(': '[ string $database [, string $username [, string $password [, string $charset [, int $buffers [, int $dialect [, string $role [, int $sync]]]]]]]] | resource', \ 'ibase_prepare(': 'string $query | resource', \ 'ibase_query(': '[ resource $link_identifier [, string $query [, int $bind_args]]] | resource', \ 'ibase_restore(': 'resource $service_handle, string $source_file, string $dest_db [, int $options = 0 [, bool $verbose = FALSE]] | mixed', \ 'ibase_rollback_ret(': '[ resource $link_or_trans_identifier = NULL] | bool', \ 'ibase_rollback(': '[ resource $link_or_trans_identifier = NULL] | bool', \ 'ibase_server_info(': 'resource $service_handle, int $action | string', \ 'ibase_service_attach(': 'string $host, string $dba_username, string $dba_password | resource', \ 'ibase_service_detach(': 'resource $service_handle | bool', \ 'ibase_set_event_handler(': 'callable $event_handler, string $event_name1 [, string $...] | resource', \ 'ibase_trans(': '[ int $trans_args [, resource $link_identifier]] | resource', \ 'ibase_wait_event(': 'string $event_name1 [, string $...] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['frontbase'] = { \ 'fbsql_affected_rows(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'fbsql_autocommit(': 'resource $link_identifier [, bool $OnOff] | bool', \ 'fbsql_blob_size(': 'string $blob_handle [, resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'fbsql_change_user(': 'string $user, string $password [, string $database [, resource $link_identifier]] | bool', \ 'fbsql_clob_size(': 'string $clob_handle [, resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'fbsql_close(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'fbsql_commit(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'fbsql_connect(': '[ string $hostname = ini_get("fbsql.default_host") [, string $username = ini_get("fbsql.default_user") [, string $password = ini_get("fbsql.default_password")]]] | resource', \ 'fbsql_create_blob(': 'string $blob_data [, resource $link_identifier] | string', \ 'fbsql_create_clob(': 'string $clob_data [, resource $link_identifier] | string', \ 'fbsql_create_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier [, string $database_options]] | bool', \ 'fbsql_data_seek(': 'resource $result, int $row_number | bool', \ 'fbsql_database_password(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $database_password] | string', \ 'fbsql_database(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $database] | string', \ 'fbsql_db_query(': 'string $database, string $query [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'fbsql_db_status(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'fbsql_drop_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'fbsql_errno(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'fbsql_error(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | string', \ 'fbsql_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type] | array', \ 'fbsql_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'fbsql_fetch_field(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset] | object', \ 'fbsql_fetch_lengths(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'fbsql_fetch_object(': 'resource $result | object', \ 'fbsql_fetch_row(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'fbsql_field_flags(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset] | string', \ 'fbsql_field_len(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset] | int', \ 'fbsql_field_name(': 'resource $result [, int $field_index] | string', \ 'fbsql_field_seek(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset] | bool', \ 'fbsql_field_table(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset] | string', \ 'fbsql_field_type(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset] | string', \ 'fbsql_free_result(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'fbsql_get_autostart_info(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | array', \ 'fbsql_hostname(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $host_name] | string', \ 'fbsql_insert_id(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | int', \ 'fbsql_list_dbs(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'fbsql_list_fields(': 'string $database_name, string $table_name [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'fbsql_list_tables(': 'string $database [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'fbsql_next_result(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'fbsql_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'fbsql_num_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'fbsql_password(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $password] | string', \ 'fbsql_pconnect(': '[ string $hostname = ini_get("fbsql.default_host") [, string $username = ini_get("fbsql.default_user") [, string $password = ini_get("fbsql.default_password")]]] | resource', \ 'fbsql_query(': 'string $query [, resource $link_identifier [, int $batch_size]] | resource', \ 'fbsql_read_blob(': 'string $blob_handle [, resource $link_identifier] | string', \ 'fbsql_read_clob(': 'string $clob_handle [, resource $link_identifier] | string', \ 'fbsql_result(': 'resource $result [, int $row [, mixed $field]] | mixed', \ 'fbsql_rollback(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'fbsql_rows_fetched(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'fbsql_select_db(': '[ string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier]] | bool', \ 'fbsql_set_characterset(': 'resource $link_identifier, int $characterset [, int $in_out_both] | void', \ 'fbsql_set_lob_mode(': 'resource $result, int $lob_mode | bool', \ 'fbsql_set_password(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $user, string $password, string $old_password | bool', \ 'fbsql_set_transaction(': 'resource $link_identifier, int $locking, int $isolation | void', \ 'fbsql_start_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier [, string $database_options]] | bool', \ 'fbsql_stop_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'fbsql_table_name(': 'resource $result, int $index | string', \ 'fbsql_username(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $username] | string', \ 'fbsql_warnings(': '[ bool $OnOff] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['fdf'] = { \ 'fdf_add_doc_javascript(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $script_name, string $script_code | bool', \ 'fdf_add_template(': 'resource $fdf_document, int $newpage, string $filename, string $template, int $rename | bool', \ 'fdf_close(': 'resource $fdf_document | void', \ 'fdf_create(': 'void | resource', \ 'fdf_enum_values(': 'resource $fdf_document, callable $function [, mixed $userdata] | bool', \ 'fdf_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'fdf_error(': '[ int $error_code = -1] | string', \ 'fdf_get_ap(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $field, int $face, string $filename | bool', \ 'fdf_get_attachment(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, string $savepath | array', \ 'fdf_get_encoding(': 'resource $fdf_document | string', \ 'fdf_get_file(': 'resource $fdf_document | string', \ 'fdf_get_flags(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $whichflags | int', \ 'fdf_get_opt(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname [, int $element = -1] | mixed', \ 'fdf_get_status(': 'resource $fdf_document | string', \ 'fdf_get_value(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname [, int $which = -1] | mixed', \ 'fdf_get_version(': '[ resource $fdf_document] | string', \ 'fdf_header(': 'void | void', \ 'fdf_next_field_name(': 'resource $fdf_document [, string $fieldname] | string', \ 'fdf_open_string(': 'string $fdf_data | resource', \ 'fdf_open(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'fdf_remove_item(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $item | bool', \ 'fdf_save_string(': 'resource $fdf_document | string', \ 'fdf_save(': 'resource $fdf_document [, string $filename] | bool', \ 'fdf_set_ap(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $field_name, int $face, string $filename, int $page_number | bool', \ 'fdf_set_encoding(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $encoding | bool', \ 'fdf_set_file(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $url [, string $target_frame] | bool', \ 'fdf_set_flags(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $whichFlags, int $newFlags | bool', \ 'fdf_set_javascript_action(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $trigger, string $script | bool', \ 'fdf_set_on_import_javascript(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $script, bool $before_data_import | bool', \ 'fdf_set_opt(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $element, string $str1, string $str2 | bool', \ 'fdf_set_status(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $status | bool', \ 'fdf_set_submit_form_action(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $trigger, string $script, int $flags | bool', \ 'fdf_set_target_frame(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $frame_name | bool', \ 'fdf_set_value(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, mixed $value [, int $isName] | bool', \ 'fdf_set_version(': 'resource $fdf_document, string $version | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['filepro'] = { \ 'filepro_fieldcount(': 'void | int', \ 'filepro_fieldname(': 'int $field_number | string', \ 'filepro_fieldtype(': 'int $field_number | string', \ 'filepro_fieldwidth(': 'int $field_number | int', \ 'filepro_retrieve(': 'int $row_number, int $field_number | string', \ 'filepro_rowcount(': 'void | int', \ 'filepro(': 'string $directory | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['filter'] = { \ 'filter_has_var(': 'int $type, string $variable_name | bool', \ 'filter_id(': 'string $filtername | int', \ 'filter_input_array(': 'int $type [, mixed $definition [, bool $add_empty = TRUE]] | mixed', \ 'filter_input(': 'int $type, string $variable_name [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options]] | mixed', \ 'filter_list(': 'void | array', \ 'filter_var_array(': 'array $data [, mixed $definition [, bool $add_empty = TRUE]] | mixed', \ 'filter_var(': 'mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options]] | mixed', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['fileinfo'] = { \ 'finfo_buffer(': 'resource $finfo, string $string [, int $options = FILEINFO_NONE [, resource $context]] | string', \ 'finfo_close(': 'resource $finfo | bool', \ 'finfo_file(': 'resource $finfo, string $file_name [, int $options = FILEINFO_NONE [, resource $context]] | string', \ 'finfo_open(': '[ int $options = FILEINFO_NONE [, string $magic_file = ""]] | resource', \ 'finfo_set_flags(': 'resource $finfo, int $options | bool', \ 'mime_content_type(': 'string $filename | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['output_control'] = { \ 'flush(': 'void | void', \ 'ob_clean(': 'void | void', \ 'ob_end_clean(': 'void | bool', \ 'ob_end_flush(': 'void | bool', \ 'ob_flush(': 'void | void', \ 'ob_get_clean(': 'void | string', \ 'ob_get_contents(': 'void | string', \ 'ob_get_flush(': 'void | string', \ 'ob_get_length(': 'void | int', \ 'ob_get_level(': 'void | int', \ 'ob_get_status(': '[ bool $full_status = FALSE] | array', \ 'ob_gzhandler(': 'string $buffer, int $mode | string', \ 'ob_implicit_flush(': '[ int $flag = 1] | void', \ 'ob_list_handlers(': 'void | array', \ 'ob_start(': '[ callable $output_callback = NULL [, int $chunk_size = 0 [, int $flags = PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_STDFLAGS]]] | bool', \ 'output_add_rewrite_var(': 'string $name, string $value | bool', \ 'output_reset_rewrite_vars(': 'void | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['fribidi'] = { \ 'fribidi_log2vis(': 'string $str, string $direction, int $charset | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['semaphore'] = { \ 'ftok(': 'string $pathname, string $proj | int', \ 'msg_get_queue(': 'int $key [, int $perms = 0666] | resource', \ 'msg_queue_exists(': 'int $key | bool', \ 'msg_receive(': 'resource $queue, int $desiredmsgtype, int &$msgtype, int $maxsize, mixed &$message [, bool $unserialize = TRUE [, int $flags = 0 [, int &$errorcode]]] | bool', \ 'msg_remove_queue(': 'resource $queue | bool', \ 'msg_send(': 'resource $queue, int $msgtype, mixed $message [, bool $serialize = TRUE [, bool $blocking = TRUE [, int &$errorcode]]] | bool', \ 'msg_set_queue(': 'resource $queue, array $data | bool', \ 'msg_stat_queue(': 'resource $queue | array', \ 'sem_acquire(': 'resource $sem_identifier [, bool $nowait = FALSE] | bool', \ 'sem_get(': 'int $key [, int $max_acquire = 1 [, int $perm = 0666 [, int $auto_release = 1]]] | resource', \ 'sem_release(': 'resource $sem_identifier | bool', \ 'sem_remove(': 'resource $sem_identifier | bool', \ 'shm_attach(': 'int $key [, int $memsize [, int $perm = 0666]] | resource', \ 'shm_detach(': 'resource $shm_identifier | bool', \ 'shm_get_var(': 'resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key | mixed', \ 'shm_has_var(': 'resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key | bool', \ 'shm_put_var(': 'resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key, mixed $variable | bool', \ 'shm_remove_var(': 'resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key | bool', \ 'shm_remove(': 'resource $shm_identifier | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ftp'] = { \ 'ftp_alloc(': 'resource $ftp_stream, int $filesize [, string &$result] | bool', \ 'ftp_append(': 'resource $ftp, string $remote_file, string $local_file [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE] | bool', \ 'ftp_cdup(': 'resource $ftp_stream | bool', \ 'ftp_chdir(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $directory | bool', \ 'ftp_chmod(': 'resource $ftp_stream, int $mode, string $filename | int', \ 'ftp_close(': 'resource $ftp_stream | bool', \ 'ftp_connect(': 'string $host [, int $port = 21 [, int $timeout = 90]] | resource', \ 'ftp_delete(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $path | bool', \ 'ftp_exec(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $command | bool', \ 'ftp_fget(': 'resource $ftp_stream, resource $handle, string $remote_file [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $resumepos = 0]] | bool', \ 'ftp_fput(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, resource $handle [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $startpos = 0]] | bool', \ 'ftp_get_option(': 'resource $ftp_stream, int $option | mixed', \ 'ftp_get(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $local_file, string $remote_file [, int $mode = FTP_BINARY [, int $resumepos = 0]] | bool', \ 'ftp_login(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $username, string $password | bool', \ 'ftp_mdtm(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file | int', \ 'ftp_mkdir(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $directory | string', \ 'ftp_mlsd(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $directory | array', \ 'ftp_nb_continue(': 'resource $ftp_stream | int', \ 'ftp_nb_fget(': 'resource $ftp_stream, resource $handle, string $remote_file [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $resumepos = 0]] | int', \ 'ftp_nb_fput(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, resource $handle [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $startpos = 0]] | int', \ 'ftp_nb_get(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $local_file, string $remote_file [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $resumepos = 0]] | int', \ 'ftp_nb_put(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, string $local_file [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $startpos = 0]] | int', \ 'ftp_nlist(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $directory | array', \ 'ftp_pasv(': 'resource $ftp_stream, bool $pasv | bool', \ 'ftp_put(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, string $local_file [, int $mode = FTP_IMAGE [, int $startpos = 0]] | bool', \ 'ftp_pwd(': 'resource $ftp_stream | string', \ 'ftp_quit(': 'ftp_quit — Alias of ftp_close()', \ 'ftp_raw(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $command | array', \ 'ftp_rawlist(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $directory [, bool $recursive = FALSE] | array', \ 'ftp_rename(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $oldname, string $newname | bool', \ 'ftp_rmdir(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $directory | bool', \ 'ftp_set_option(': 'resource $ftp_stream, int $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'ftp_site(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $command | bool', \ 'ftp_size(': 'resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file | int', \ 'ftp_ssl_connect(': 'string $host [, int $port = 21 [, int $timeout = 90]] | resource', \ 'ftp_systype(': 'resource $ftp_stream | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['gd'] = { \ 'gd_info(': 'void | array', \ 'getimagesize(': 'string $filename [, array &$imageinfo] | array', \ 'getimagesizefromstring(': 'string $imagedata [, array &$imageinfo] | array', \ 'image_type_to_extension(': 'int $imagetype [, bool $include_dot = TRUE] | string', \ 'image_type_to_mime_type(': 'int $imagetype | string', \ 'image2wbmp(': 'resource $image [, string $filename [, int $foreground]] | bool', \ 'imageaffine(': 'resource $image, array $affine [, array $clip] | resource', \ 'imageaffinematrixconcat(': 'array $m1, array $m2 | array', \ 'imageaffinematrixget(': 'int $type [, mixed $options] | array', \ 'imagealphablending(': 'resource $image, bool $blendmode | bool', \ 'imageantialias(': 'resource $image, bool $enabled | bool', \ 'imagearc(': 'resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $start, int $end, int $color | bool', \ 'imagebmp(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL [, bool $compressed = TRUE]] | bool', \ 'imagechar(': 'resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $c, int $color | bool', \ 'imagecharup(': 'resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $c, int $color | bool', \ 'imagecolorallocate(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue | int', \ 'imagecolorallocatealpha(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha | int', \ 'imagecolorat(': 'resource $image, int $x, int $y | int', \ 'imagecolorclosest(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue | int', \ 'imagecolorclosestalpha(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha | int', \ 'imagecolorclosesthwb(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue | int', \ 'imagecolordeallocate(': 'resource $image, int $color | bool', \ 'imagecolorexact(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue | int', \ 'imagecolorexactalpha(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha | int', \ 'imagecolormatch(': 'resource $image1, resource $image2 | bool', \ 'imagecolorresolve(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue | int', \ 'imagecolorresolvealpha(': 'resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha | int', \ 'imagecolorset(': 'resource $image, int $index, int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $alpha = 0] | void', \ 'imagecolorsforindex(': 'resource $image, int $index | array', \ 'imagecolorstotal(': 'resource $image | int', \ 'imagecolortransparent(': 'resource $image | int', \ 'imageconvolution(': 'resource $image, array $matrix, float $div, float $offset | bool', \ 'imagecopy(': 'resource $dst_im, resource $src_im, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_w, int $src_h | bool', \ 'imagecopymerge(': 'resource $dst_im, resource $src_im, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_w, int $src_h, int $pct | bool', \ 'imagecopymergegray(': 'resource $dst_im, resource $src_im, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_w, int $src_h, int $pct | bool', \ 'imagecopyresampled(': 'resource $dst_image, resource $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_w, int $dst_h, int $src_w, int $src_h | bool', \ 'imagecopyresized(': 'resource $dst_image, resource $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_w, int $dst_h, int $src_w, int $src_h | bool', \ 'imagecreate(': 'int $width, int $height | resource', \ 'imagecreatefrombmp(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromgd(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromgd2(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromgd2part(': 'string $filename, int $srcX, int $srcY, int $width, int $height | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromgif(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromjpeg(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefrompng(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromstring(': 'string $image | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromwbmp(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromwebp(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromxbm(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatefromxpm(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'imagecreatetruecolor(': 'int $width, int $height | resource', \ 'imagecrop(': 'resource $image, array $rect | resource', \ 'imagecropauto(': 'resource $image [, int $mode = IMG_CROP_DEFAULT [, float $threshold = .5 [, int $color = -1]]] | resource', \ 'imagedashedline(': 'resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color | bool', \ 'imagedestroy(': 'resource $image | bool', \ 'imageellipse(': 'resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $color | bool', \ 'imagefill(': 'resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $color | bool', \ 'imagefilledarc(': 'resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $start, int $end, int $color, int $style | bool', \ 'imagefilledellipse(': 'resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $color | bool', \ 'imagefilledpolygon(': 'resource $image, array $points, int $num_points, int $color | bool', \ 'imagefilledrectangle(': 'resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color | bool', \ 'imagefilltoborder(': 'resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $border, int $color | bool', \ 'imagefilter(': 'resource $image, int $filtertype [, int $arg1 [, int $arg2 [, int $arg3 [, int $arg4]]]] | bool', \ 'imageflip(': 'resource $image, int $mode | bool', \ 'imagefontheight(': 'int $font | int', \ 'imagefontwidth(': 'int $font | int', \ 'imageftbbox(': 'float $size, float $angle, string $fontfile, string $text [, array $extrainfo] | array', \ 'imagefttext(': 'resource $image, float $size, float $angle, int $x, int $y, int $color, string $fontfile, string $text [, array $extrainfo] | array', \ 'imagegammacorrect(': 'resource $image, float $inputgamma, float $outputgamma | bool', \ 'imagegd(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL] | bool', \ 'imagegd2(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL [, int $chunk_size = 128 [, int $type = IMG_GD2_RAW]]] | bool', \ 'imagegetclip(': 'resource $im | array', \ 'imagegif(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL] | bool', \ 'imagegrabscreen(': 'void | resource', \ 'imagegrabwindow(': 'int $window_handle [, int $client_area = 0] | resource', \ 'imageinterlace(': 'resource $image [, int $interlace = 0] | int', \ 'imageistruecolor(': 'resource $image | bool', \ 'imagejpeg(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL [, int $quality = -1]] | bool', \ 'imagelayereffect(': 'resource $image, int $effect | bool', \ 'imageline(': 'resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color | bool', \ 'imageloadfont(': 'string $file | int', \ 'imageopenpolygon(': 'resource $image, array $points, int $num_points, int $color | bool', \ 'imagepalettecopy(': 'resource $destination, resource $source | void', \ 'imagepalettetotruecolor(': 'resource $src | bool', \ 'imagepng(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL [, int $quality = -1 [, int $filters = -1]]] | bool', \ 'imagepolygon(': 'resource $image, array $points, int $num_points, int $color | bool', \ 'imagerectangle(': 'resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color | bool', \ 'imageresolution(': 'resource $image | mixed', \ 'imagerotate(': 'resource $image, float $angle, int $bgd_color [, int $ignore_transparent = 0] | resource', \ 'imagesavealpha(': 'resource $image, bool $saveflag | bool', \ 'imagescale(': 'resource $image, int $new_width [, int $new_height = -1 [, int $mode = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED]] | resource', \ 'imagesetbrush(': 'resource $image, resource $brush | bool', \ 'imagesetclip(': 'resource $im, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2 | bool', \ 'imagesetinterpolation(': 'resource $image [, int $method = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED] | bool', \ 'imagesetpixel(': 'resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $color | bool', \ 'imagesetstyle(': 'resource $image, array $style | bool', \ 'imagesetthickness(': 'resource $image, int $thickness | bool', \ 'imagesettile(': 'resource $image, resource $tile | bool', \ 'imagestring(': 'resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $string, int $color | bool', \ 'imagestringup(': 'resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $string, int $color | bool', \ 'imagesx(': 'resource $image | int', \ 'imagesy(': 'resource $image | int', \ 'imagetruecolortopalette(': 'resource $image, bool $dither, int $ncolors | bool', \ 'imagettfbbox(': 'float $size, float $angle, string $fontfile, string $text | array', \ 'imagettftext(': 'resource $image, float $size, float $angle, int $x, int $y, int $color, string $fontfile, string $text | array', \ 'imagetypes(': 'void | int', \ 'imagewbmp(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL [, int $foreground]] | bool', \ 'imagewebp(': 'resource $image [, mixed $to = NULL [, int $quality = 80]] | bool', \ 'imagexbm(': 'resource $image [, string $filename = NULL [, int $foreground]] | bool', \ 'iptcembed(': 'string $iptcdata, string $jpeg_file_name [, int $spool = 0] | mixed', \ 'iptcparse(': 'string $iptcblock | array', \ 'jpeg2wbmp(': 'string $jpegname, string $wbmpname, int $dest_height, int $dest_width, int $threshold | bool', \ 'png2wbmp(': 'string $pngname, string $wbmpname, int $dest_height, int $dest_width, int $threshold | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['geoip'] = { \ 'geoip_asnum_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_continent_code_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_country_code_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_country_code3_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_country_name_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_database_info(': '[ int $database = GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION] | string', \ 'geoip_db_avail(': 'int $database | bool', \ 'geoip_db_filename(': 'int $database | string', \ 'geoip_db_get_all_info(': 'void | array', \ 'geoip_domain_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_id_by_name(': 'string $hostname | int', \ 'geoip_isp_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_netspeedcell_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_org_by_name(': 'string $hostname | string', \ 'geoip_record_by_name(': 'string $hostname | array', \ 'geoip_region_by_name(': 'string $hostname | array', \ 'geoip_region_name_by_code(': 'string $country_code, string $region_code | string', \ 'geoip_setup_custom_directory(': 'string $path | void', \ 'geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region(': 'string $country_code [, string $region_code] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['gmp'] = { \ 'gmp_abs(': 'GMP $a | GMP', \ 'gmp_add(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_and(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_binomial(': 'mixed $n, int $k | GMP', \ 'gmp_clrbit(': 'GMP $a, int $index | void', \ 'gmp_cmp(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | int', \ 'gmp_com(': 'GMP $a | GMP', \ 'gmp_div_q(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b [, int $round = GMP_ROUND_ZERO] | GMP', \ 'gmp_div_qr(': 'GMP $n, GMP $d [, int $round = GMP_ROUND_ZERO] | array', \ 'gmp_div_r(': 'GMP $n, GMP $d [, int $round = GMP_ROUND_ZERO] | GMP', \ 'gmp_div(': 'gmp_div — Alias of gmp_div_q()', \ 'gmp_divexact(': 'GMP $n, GMP $d | GMP', \ 'gmp_export(': 'GMP $gmpnumber [, int $word_size = 1 [, int $options = GMP_MSW_FIRST | GMP_NATIVE_ENDIAN]] | string', \ 'gmp_fact(': 'mixed $a | GMP', \ 'gmp_gcd(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_gcdext(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | array', \ 'gmp_hamdist(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | int', \ 'gmp_import(': 'string $data [, int $word_size = 1 [, int $options = GMP_MSW_FIRST | GMP_NATIVE_ENDIAN]] | GMP', \ 'gmp_init(': 'mixed $number [, int $base = 0] | GMP', \ 'gmp_intval(': 'GMP $gmpnumber | int', \ 'gmp_invert(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_jacobi(': 'GMP $a, GMP $p | int', \ 'gmp_kronecker(': 'mixed $a, mixed $b | int', \ 'gmp_lcm(': 'mixed $a, mixed $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_legendre(': 'GMP $a, GMP $p | int', \ 'gmp_mod(': 'GMP $n, GMP $d | GMP', \ 'gmp_mul(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_neg(': 'GMP $a | GMP', \ 'gmp_nextprime(': 'int $a | GMP', \ 'gmp_or(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_perfect_power(': 'mixed $a | bool', \ 'gmp_perfect_square(': 'GMP $a | bool', \ 'gmp_popcount(': 'GMP $a | int', \ 'gmp_pow(': 'GMP $base, int $exp | GMP', \ 'gmp_powm(': 'GMP $base, GMP $exp, GMP $mod | GMP', \ 'gmp_prob_prime(': 'GMP $a [, int $reps = 10] | int', \ 'gmp_random_bits(': 'int $bits | GMP', \ 'gmp_random_range(': 'GMP $min, GMP $max | GMP', \ 'gmp_random_seed(': 'mixed $seed | void', \ 'gmp_random(': '[ int $limiter = 20] | GMP', \ 'gmp_root(': 'GMP $a, int $nth | GMP', \ 'gmp_rootrem(': 'GMP $a, int $nth | array', \ 'gmp_scan0(': 'GMP $a, int $start | int', \ 'gmp_scan1(': 'GMP $a, int $start | int', \ 'gmp_setbit(': 'GMP $a, int $index [, bool $bit_on = TRUE] | void', \ 'gmp_sign(': 'GMP $a | int', \ 'gmp_sqrt(': 'GMP $a | GMP', \ 'gmp_sqrtrem(': 'GMP $a | array', \ 'gmp_strval(': 'GMP $gmpnumber [, int $base = 10] | string', \ 'gmp_sub(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ 'gmp_testbit(': 'GMP $a, int $index | bool', \ 'gmp_xor(': 'GMP $a, GMP $b | GMP', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['gnupg'] = { \ 'gnupg_adddecryptkey(': 'resource $identifier, string $fingerprint, string $passphrase | bool', \ 'gnupg_addencryptkey(': 'resource $identifier, string $fingerprint | bool', \ 'gnupg_addsignkey(': 'resource $identifier, string $fingerprint [, string $passphrase] | bool', \ 'gnupg_cleardecryptkeys(': 'resource $identifier | bool', \ 'gnupg_clearencryptkeys(': 'resource $identifier | bool', \ 'gnupg_clearsignkeys(': 'resource $identifier | bool', \ 'gnupg_decrypt(': 'resource $identifier, string $text | string', \ 'gnupg_decryptverify(': 'resource $identifier, string $text, string &$plaintext | array', \ 'gnupg_encrypt(': 'resource $identifier, string $plaintext | string', \ 'gnupg_encryptsign(': 'resource $identifier, string $plaintext | string', \ 'gnupg_export(': 'resource $identifier, string $fingerprint | string', \ 'gnupg_geterror(': 'resource $identifier | string', \ 'gnupg_getprotocol(': 'resource $identifier | int', \ 'gnupg_import(': 'resource $identifier, string $keydata | array', \ 'gnupg_init(': 'void | resource', \ 'gnupg_keyinfo(': 'resource $identifier, string $pattern | array', \ 'gnupg_setarmor(': 'resource $identifier, int $armor | bool', \ 'gnupg_seterrormode(': 'resource $identifier, int $errormode | void', \ 'gnupg_setsignmode(': 'resource $identifier, int $signmode | bool', \ 'gnupg_sign(': 'resource $identifier, string $plaintext | string', \ 'gnupg_verify(': 'resource $identifier, string $signed_text, string $signature [, string &$plaintext] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['gopher'] = { \ 'gopher_parsedir(': 'string $dirent | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['intl'] = { \ 'grapheme_extract(': 'string $haystack, int $size [, int $extract_type [, int $start = 0 [, int &$next]]] | string', \ 'grapheme_stripos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'grapheme_stristr(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $before_needle = FALSE] | string', \ 'grapheme_strlen(': 'string $input | int', \ 'grapheme_strpos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'grapheme_strripos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'grapheme_strrpos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0] | int', \ 'grapheme_strstr(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $before_needle = FALSE] | string', \ 'grapheme_substr(': 'string $string, int $start [, int $length] | string', \ 'idn_to_ascii(': 'string $domain [, int $options = IDNA_DEFAULT [, int $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 [, array &$idna_info]]] | string', \ 'idn_to_utf8(': 'string $domain [, int $options = IDNA_DEFAULT [, int $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 [, array &$idna_info]]] | string', \ 'intl_error_name(': 'int $error_code | string', \ 'intl_get_error_code(': 'void | int', \ 'intl_get_error_message(': 'void | string', \ 'intl_is_failure(': 'int $error_code | bool', \ 'collator_get_strength(': 'Collator $coll | int', \ 'datefmt_get_error_code(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | int', \ 'transliterator_create(': 'string $id [, int $direction] | Transliterator', \ 'locale_get_region(': 'string $locale | string', \ 'datefmt_set_pattern(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, string $pattern | bool', \ 'collator_get_error_message(': 'Collator $coll | string', \ 'collator_get_locale(': 'Collator $coll, int $type | string', \ 'transliterator_list_ids(': 'void | array', \ 'resourcebundle_count(': 'ResourceBundle $r | int', \ 'intlcal_is_weekend(': 'IntlCalendar $cal [, float $date = NULL] | bool', \ 'intlcal_clear(': 'IntlCalendar $cal [, int $field = NULL] | bool', \ 'intlcal_is_set(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | bool', \ 'locale_compose(': 'array $subtags | string', \ 'numfmt_format(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, number $value [, int $type] | string', \ 'intlcal_in_daylight_time(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | bool', \ 'msgfmt_parse_message(': 'string $locale, string $pattern, string $value | array', \ 'intlcal_before(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', \ 'collator_get_attribute(': 'Collator $coll, int $attr | int', \ 'locale_get_display_region(': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', \ 'numfmt_parse_currency(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, string $value, string &$currency [, int &$position] | float', \ 'intlcal_set_lenient(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, bool $isLenient | bool', \ 'intlcal_after(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', \ 'intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $wallTimeOption | bool', \ 'locale_get_default(': 'void | string', \ 'intlcal_get_maximum(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'resourcebundle_get_error_message(': 'ResourceBundle $r | string', \ 'intlcal_get_error_message(': 'IntlCalendar $calendar | string', \ 'resourcebundle_get_error_code(': 'ResourceBundle $r | int', \ 'msgfmt_format(': 'MessageFormatter $fmt, array $args | string', \ 'datefmt_get_calendar(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | int', \ 'numfmt_get_error_message(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'intlcal_get_day_of_week_type(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $dayOfWeek | int', \ 'msgfmt_get_error_code(': 'MessageFormatter $fmt | int', \ 'locale_get_primary_language(': 'string $locale | string', \ 'numfmt_get_error_code(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt | int', \ 'msgfmt_create(': 'string $locale, string $pattern | MessageFormatter', \ 'locale_get_display_variant(': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', \ 'collator_set_attribute(': 'Collator $coll, int $attr, int $val | bool', \ 'transliterator_create_from_rules(': 'string $id [, int $direction] | Transliterator', \ 'locale_get_all_variants(': 'string $locale | array', \ 'transliterator_get_error_code(': 'void | int', \ 'collator_create(': 'string $locale | Collator', \ 'intlcal_get_minimum(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'locale_lookup(': 'array $langtag, string $locale [, bool $canonicalize = FALSE [, string $default]] | string', \ 'intlcal_field_difference(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, float $when, int $field | int', \ 'numfmt_create(': 'string $locale, int $style [, string $pattern] | NumberFormatter', \ 'intlcal_equals(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', \ 'intlcal_roll(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field, mixed $amountOrUpOrDown | bool', \ 'collator_get_sort_key(': 'Collator $coll, string $str | string', \ 'numfmt_get_pattern(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'intlcal_set_time_zone(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, mixed $timeZone | bool', \ 'collator_compare(': 'Collator $coll, string $str1, string $str2 | int', \ 'msgfmt_get_pattern(': 'MessageFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'intlcal_to_date_time(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | DateTime', \ 'intlcal_get_available_locales(': 'void | array', \ 'intlcal_get_error_code(': 'IntlCalendar $calendar | int', \ 'intlcal_add(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field, int $amount | bool', \ 'normalizer_get_raw_decomposition(': 'string $input | string', \ 'datefmt_get_calendar_object(': 'void | IntlCalendar', \ 'datefmt_get_timezone(': 'void | IntlTimeZone', \ 'intlcal_get_now(': 'void | float', \ 'intlcal_get_actual_minimum(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'intlcal_is_equivalent_to(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', \ 'intltz_get_error_code(': 'void | int', \ 'intlcal_get_least_maximum(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'locale_filter_matches(': 'string $langtag, string $locale [, bool $canonicalize = FALSE] | bool', \ 'datefmt_get_timezone_id(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'datefmt_get_datetype(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | int', \ 'intlcal_set_first_day_of_week(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $dayOfWeek | bool', \ 'numfmt_get_attribute(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, int $attr | int', \ 'datefmt_set_timezone(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, mixed $zone | bool', \ 'intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale(': 'string $key, string $locale, bool $commonlyUsed | Iterator', \ 'intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', \ 'transliterator_create_inverse(': 'void | Transliterator', \ 'transliterator_transliterate(': 'mixed $transliterator, string $subject [, int $start [, int $end]] | void', \ 'collator_sort(': 'Collator $coll, array &$arr [, int $sort_flag] | bool', \ 'intlcal_get_locale(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $localeType | string', \ 'intltz_get_error_message(': 'void | string', \ 'intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $wallTimeOption | bool', \ 'intlcal_get_greatest_minimum(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'msgfmt_set_pattern(': 'MessageFormatter $fmt, string $pattern | bool', \ 'numfmt_format_currency(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, float $value, string $currency | string', \ 'numfmt_set_pattern(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, string $pattern | bool', \ 'intlcal_get_time_zone(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | IntlTimeZone', \ 'datefmt_create(': 'string $locale, int $datetype, int $timetype [, mixed $timezone = NULL [, mixed $calendar = NULL [, string $pattern = ""]]] | IntlDateFormatter', \ 'numfmt_get_text_attribute(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, int $attr | string', \ 'datefmt_get_error_message(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'intlcal_get_time(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | float', \ 'datefmt_set_lenient(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, bool $lenient | bool', \ 'resourcebundle_get(': 'ResourceBundle $r, string|int $index [, bool $fallback = TRUE] | mixed', \ 'datefmt_get_timetype(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | int', \ 'intlcal_get_first_day_of_week(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', \ 'numfmt_set_symbol(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, int $attr, string $value | bool', \ 'locale_get_display_name(': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', \ 'intlcal_create_instance(': '[ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = ""]] | IntlCalendar', \ 'resourcebundle_create(': 'string $locale, string $bundlename [, bool $fallback] | ResourceBundle', \ 'numfmt_set_text_attribute(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, int $attr, string $value | bool', \ 'collator_sort_with_sort_keys(': 'Collator $coll, array &$arr | bool', \ 'msgfmt_parse(': 'MessageFormatter $fmt, string $value | array', \ 'datefmt_get_locale(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt [, int $which] | string', \ 'intlcal_from_date_time(': 'mixed $dateTime | IntlCalendar', \ 'transliterator_get_error_message(': 'void | string', \ 'intlcal_set_time(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, float $date | bool', \ 'locale_set_default(': 'string $locale | bool', \ 'collator_asort(': 'Collator $coll, array &$arr [, int $sort_flag] | bool', \ 'locale_get_keywords(': 'string $locale | array', \ 'datefmt_set_calendar(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, mixed $which | bool', \ 'locale_get_display_script(': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', \ 'datefmt_is_lenient(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | bool', \ 'intlcal_get(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'numfmt_parse(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, string $value [, int $type [, int &$position]] | mixed', \ 'numfmt_get_locale(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt [, int $type] | string', \ 'intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', \ 'intlcal_set(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field, int $value | bool', \ 'intlcal_get_type(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | string', \ 'msgfmt_get_locale(': 'NumberFormatter $formatter | string', \ 'datefmt_get_pattern(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'resourcebundle_locales(': 'string $bundlename | array', \ 'datefmt_format(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, mixed $value | string', \ 'locale_get_script(': 'string $locale | string', \ 'locale_parse(': 'string $locale | array', \ 'numfmt_set_attribute(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, int $attr, int $value | bool', \ 'msgfmt_format_message(': 'string $locale, string $pattern, array $args | string', \ 'datefmt_parse(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, string $value [, int &$position] | int', \ 'intlcal_get_actual_maximum(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', \ 'numfmt_get_symbol(': 'NumberFormatter $fmt, int $attr | string', \ 'collator_get_error_code(': 'Collator $coll | int', \ 'msgfmt_get_error_message(': 'MessageFormatter $fmt | string', \ 'datefmt_format_object(': 'object $object [, mixed $format = NULL [, string $locale = NULL]] | string', \ 'collator_set_strength(': 'Collator $coll, int $strength | bool', \ 'datefmt_localtime(': 'IntlDateFormatter $fmt, string $value [, int &$position] | array', \ 'intlcal_get_weekend_transition(': 'IntlCalendar $cal, string $dayOfWeek | int', \ 'locale_get_display_language(': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', \ 'intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', \ 'locale_accept_from_http(': 'string $header | string', \ 'intlcal_is_lenient(': 'IntlCalendar $cal | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['gupnp'] = { \ 'gupnp_context_get_host_ip(': 'resource $context | string', \ 'gupnp_context_get_port(': 'resource $context | int', \ 'gupnp_context_get_subscription_timeout(': 'resource $context | int', \ 'gupnp_context_host_path(': 'resource $context, string $local_path, string $server_path | bool', \ 'gupnp_context_new(': '[ string $host_ip [, int $port = 0]] | resource', \ 'gupnp_context_set_subscription_timeout(': 'resource $context, int $timeout | void', \ 'gupnp_context_timeout_add(': 'resource $context, int $timeout, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'gupnp_context_unhost_path(': 'resource $context, string $server_path | bool', \ 'gupnp_control_point_browse_start(': 'resource $cpoint | bool', \ 'gupnp_control_point_browse_stop(': 'resource $cpoint | bool', \ 'gupnp_control_point_callback_set(': 'resource $cpoint, int $signal, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'gupnp_control_point_new(': 'resource $context, string $target | resource', \ 'gupnp_device_action_callback_set(': 'resource $root_device, int $signal, string $action_name, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'gupnp_device_info_get_service(': 'resource $root_device, string $type | resource', \ 'gupnp_device_info_get(': 'resource $root_device | array', \ 'gupnp_root_device_get_available(': 'resource $root_device | bool', \ 'gupnp_root_device_get_relative_location(': 'resource $root_device | string', \ 'gupnp_root_device_new(': 'resource $context, string $location, string $description_dir | resource', \ 'gupnp_root_device_set_available(': 'resource $root_device, bool $available | bool', \ 'gupnp_root_device_start(': 'resource $root_device | bool', \ 'gupnp_root_device_stop(': 'resource $root_device | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_action_get(': 'resource $action, string $name, int $type | mixed', \ 'gupnp_service_action_return_error(': 'resource $action, int $error_code [, string $error_description] | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_action_return(': 'resource $action | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_action_set(': 'resource $action, string $name, int $type, mixed $value | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_freeze_notify(': 'resource $service | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_info_get_introspection(': 'resource $proxy [, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg]] | mixed', \ 'gupnp_service_info_get(': 'resource $proxy | array', \ 'gupnp_service_introspection_get_state_variable(': 'resource $introspection, string $variable_name | array', \ 'gupnp_service_notify(': 'resource $service, string $name, int $type, mixed $value | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_action_get(': 'resource $proxy, string $action, string $name, int $type | mixed', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_action_set(': 'resource $proxy, string $action, string $name, mixed $value, int $type | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_add_notify(': 'resource $proxy, string $value, int $type, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_callback_set(': 'resource $proxy, int $signal, mixed $callback [, mixed $arg] | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_get_subscribed(': 'resource $proxy | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_remove_notify(': 'resource $proxy, string $value | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_proxy_set_subscribed(': 'resource $proxy, bool $subscribed | bool', \ 'gupnp_service_thaw_notify(': 'resource $service | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['hash'] = { \ 'hash_algos(': 'void | array', \ 'hash_copy(': 'HashContext $context | HashContext', \ 'hash_equals(': 'string $known_string, string $user_string | bool', \ 'hash_file(': 'string $algo, string $filename [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'hash_final(': 'HashContext $context [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'hash_hkdf(': 'string $algo, string $ikm [, int $length = 0 [, string $info = '''' [, string $salt = '''']]] | string', \ 'hash_hmac_algos(': 'void | array', \ 'hash_hmac_file(': 'string $algo, string $filename, string $key [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'hash_hmac(': 'string $algo, string $data, string $key [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'hash_init(': 'string $algo [, int $options = 0 [, string $key = NULL]] | HashContext', \ 'hash_pbkdf2(': 'string $algo, string $password, string $salt, int $iterations [, int $length = 0 [, bool $raw_output = FALSE]] | string', \ 'hash_update_file(': 'HashContext $hcontext, string $filename [, resource $scontext = NULL] | bool', \ 'hash_update_stream(': 'HashContext $context, resource $handle [, int $length = -1] | int', \ 'hash_update(': 'HashContext $context, string $data | bool', \ 'hash(': 'string $algo, string $data [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['hyperwave_api'] = { \ 'hwapi_attribute_new(': '[ string $name [, string $value]] | HW_API_Attribute', \ 'hwapi_content_new(': 'string $content, string $mimetype | HW_API_Content', \ 'hwapi_hgcsp(': 'string $hostname [, int $port] | HW_API', \ 'hwapi_object_new(': 'array $parameter | hw_api_object', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['iconv'] = { \ 'iconv_get_encoding(': '[ string $type = "all"] | mixed', \ 'iconv_mime_decode_headers(': 'string $encoded_headers [, int $mode = 0 [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")]] | array', \ 'iconv_mime_decode(': 'string $encoded_header [, int $mode = 0 [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")]] | string', \ 'iconv_mime_encode(': 'string $field_name, string $field_value [, array $preferences = NULL] | string', \ 'iconv_set_encoding(': 'string $type, string $charset | bool', \ 'iconv_strlen(': 'string $str [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")] | int', \ 'iconv_strpos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")]] | int', \ 'iconv_strrpos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")] | int', \ 'iconv_substr(': 'string $str, int $offset [, int $length = iconv_strlen($str, $charset) [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding")]] | string', \ 'iconv(': 'string $in_charset, string $out_charset, string $str | string', \ 'ob_iconv_handler(': 'string $contents, int $status | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['id3'] = { \ 'id3_get_frame_long_name(': 'string $frameId | string', \ 'id3_get_frame_short_name(': 'string $frameId | string', \ 'id3_get_genre_id(': 'string $genre | int', \ 'id3_get_genre_list(': 'void | array', \ 'id3_get_genre_name(': 'int $genre_id | string', \ 'id3_get_tag(': 'string $filename [, int $version = ID3_BEST] | array', \ 'id3_get_version(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'id3_remove_tag(': 'string $filename [, int $version = ID3_V1_0] | bool', \ 'id3_set_tag(': 'string $filename, array $tag [, int $version = ID3_V1_0] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['informix'] = { \ 'ifx_affected_rows(': 'resource $result_id | int', \ 'ifx_blobinfile_mode(': 'int $mode | bool', \ 'ifx_byteasvarchar(': 'int $mode | bool', \ 'ifx_close(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'ifx_connect(': '[ string $database [, string $userid [, string $password]]] | resource', \ 'ifx_copy_blob(': 'int $bid | int', \ 'ifx_create_blob(': 'int $type, int $mode, string $param | int', \ 'ifx_create_char(': 'string $param | int', \ 'ifx_do(': 'resource $result_id | bool', \ 'ifx_error(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | string', \ 'ifx_errormsg(': '[ int $errorcode] | string', \ 'ifx_fetch_row(': 'resource $result_id [, mixed $position] | array', \ 'ifx_fieldproperties(': 'resource $result_id | array', \ 'ifx_fieldtypes(': 'resource $result_id | array', \ 'ifx_free_blob(': 'int $bid | bool', \ 'ifx_free_char(': 'int $bid | bool', \ 'ifx_free_result(': 'resource $result_id | bool', \ 'ifx_get_blob(': 'int $bid | string', \ 'ifx_get_char(': 'int $bid | string', \ 'ifx_getsqlca(': 'resource $result_id | array', \ 'ifx_htmltbl_result(': 'resource $result_id [, string $html_table_options] | int', \ 'ifx_nullformat(': 'int $mode | bool', \ 'ifx_num_fields(': 'resource $result_id | int', \ 'ifx_num_rows(': 'resource $result_id | int', \ 'ifx_pconnect(': '[ string $database [, string $userid [, string $password]]] | resource', \ 'ifx_prepare(': 'string $query, resource $link_identifier [, int $cursor_def [, mixed $blobidarray]] | resource', \ 'ifx_query(': 'string $query, resource $link_identifier [, int $cursor_type [, mixed $blobidarray]] | resource', \ 'ifx_textasvarchar(': 'int $mode | bool', \ 'ifx_update_blob(': 'int $bid, string $content | bool', \ 'ifx_update_char(': 'int $bid, string $content | bool', \ 'ifxus_close_slob(': 'int $bid | bool', \ 'ifxus_create_slob(': 'int $mode | int', \ 'ifxus_free_slob(': 'int $bid | bool', \ 'ifxus_open_slob(': 'int $bid, int $mode | int', \ 'ifxus_read_slob(': 'int $bid, int $nbytes | string', \ 'ifxus_seek_slob(': 'int $bid, int $mode, int $offset | int', \ 'ifxus_tell_slob(': 'int $bid | int', \ 'ifxus_write_slob(': 'int $bid, string $content | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['iis'] = { \ 'iis_add_server(': 'string $path, string $comment, string $server_ip, int $port, string $host_name, int $rights, int $start_server | int', \ 'iis_get_dir_security(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path | int', \ 'iis_get_script_map(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, string $script_extension | string', \ 'iis_get_server_by_comment(': 'string $comment | int', \ 'iis_get_server_by_path(': 'string $path | int', \ 'iis_get_server_rights(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path | int', \ 'iis_get_service_state(': 'string $service_id | int', \ 'iis_remove_server(': 'int $server_instance | int', \ 'iis_set_app_settings(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, string $application_scope | int', \ 'iis_set_dir_security(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, int $directory_flags | int', \ 'iis_set_script_map(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, string $script_extension, string $engine_path, int $allow_scripting | int', \ 'iis_set_server_rights(': 'int $server_instance, string $virtual_path, int $directory_flags | int', \ 'iis_start_server(': 'int $server_instance | int', \ 'iis_start_service(': 'string $service_id | int', \ 'iis_stop_server(': 'int $server_instance | int', \ 'iis_stop_service(': 'string $service_id | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['imap'] = { \ 'imap_8bit(': 'string $string | string', \ 'imap_alerts(': 'void | array', \ 'imap_append(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox, string $message [, string $options = NULL [, string $internal_date = NULL]] | bool', \ 'imap_base64(': 'string $text | string', \ 'imap_binary(': 'string $string | string', \ 'imap_body(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = 0] | string', \ 'imap_bodystruct(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number, string $section | object', \ 'imap_check(': 'resource $imap_stream | object', \ 'imap_clearflag_full(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $sequence, string $flag [, int $options = 0] | bool', \ 'imap_close(': 'resource $imap_stream [, int $flag = 0] | bool', \ 'imap_create(': 'imap_create — Alias of imap_createmailbox()', \ 'imap_createmailbox(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox | bool', \ 'imap_delete(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = 0] | bool', \ 'imap_deletemailbox(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox | bool', \ 'imap_errors(': 'void | array', \ 'imap_expunge(': 'resource $imap_stream | bool', \ 'imap_fetch_overview(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $sequence [, int $options = 0] | array', \ 'imap_fetchbody(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number, string $section [, int $options = 0] | string', \ 'imap_fetchheader(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = 0] | string', \ 'imap_fetchmime(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number, string $section [, int $options = 0] | string', \ 'imap_fetchstructure(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = 0] | object', \ 'imap_fetchtext(': 'imap_fetchtext — Alias of imap_body()', \ 'imap_gc(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $caches | bool', \ 'imap_get_quota(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $quota_root | array', \ 'imap_get_quotaroot(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $quota_root | array', \ 'imap_getacl(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox | array', \ 'imap_getmailboxes(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern | array', \ 'imap_getsubscribed(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern | array', \ 'imap_header(': 'imap_header — Alias of imap_headerinfo()', \ 'imap_headerinfo(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $fromlength = 0 [, int $subjectlength = 0 [, string $defaulthost = NULL]]] | object', \ 'imap_headers(': 'resource $imap_stream | array', \ 'imap_last_error(': 'void | string', \ 'imap_list(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern | array', \ 'imap_listmailbox(': 'imap_listmailbox — Alias of imap_list()', \ 'imap_listscan(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern, string $content | array', \ 'imap_listsubscribed(': 'imap_listsubscribed — Alias of imap_lsub()', \ 'imap_lsub(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern | array', \ 'imap_mail_compose(': 'array $envelope, array $body | string', \ 'imap_mail_copy(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $msglist, string $mailbox [, int $options = 0] | bool', \ 'imap_mail_move(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $msglist, string $mailbox [, int $options = 0] | bool', \ 'imap_mail(': 'string $to, string $subject, string $message [, string $additional_headers = NULL [, string $cc = NULL [, string $bcc = NULL [, string $rpath = NULL]]]] | bool', \ 'imap_mailboxmsginfo(': 'resource $imap_stream | object', \ 'imap_mime_header_decode(': 'string $text | array', \ 'imap_msgno(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $uid | int', \ 'imap_mutf7_to_utf8(': 'string $in | string', \ 'imap_num_msg(': 'resource $imap_stream | int', \ 'imap_num_recent(': 'resource $imap_stream | int', \ 'imap_open(': 'string $mailbox, string $username, string $password [, int $options = 0 [, int $n_retries = 0 [, array $params = array()]]] | resource', \ 'imap_ping(': 'resource $imap_stream | bool', \ 'imap_qprint(': 'string $string | string', \ 'imap_rename(': 'imap_rename — Alias of imap_renamemailbox()', \ 'imap_renamemailbox(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $old_mbox, string $new_mbox | bool', \ 'imap_reopen(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox [, int $options = 0 [, int $n_retries = 0]] | bool', \ 'imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(': 'string $address, string $default_host | array', \ 'imap_rfc822_parse_headers(': 'string $headers [, string $defaulthost = "UNKNOWN"] | object', \ 'imap_rfc822_write_address(': 'string $mailbox, string $host, string $personal | string', \ 'imap_savebody(': 'resource $imap_stream, mixed $file, int $msg_number [, string $part_number = "" [, int $options = 0]] | bool', \ 'imap_scan(': 'imap_scan — Alias of imap_listscan()', \ 'imap_scanmailbox(': 'imap_scanmailbox — Alias of imap_listscan()', \ 'imap_search(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $criteria [, int $options = SE_FREE [, string $charset = NULL]] | array', \ 'imap_set_quota(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $quota_root, int $quota_limit | bool', \ 'imap_setacl(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox, string $id, string $rights | bool', \ 'imap_setflag_full(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $sequence, string $flag [, int $options = NIL] | bool', \ 'imap_sort(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $criteria, int $reverse [, int $options = 0 [, string $search_criteria = NULL [, string $charset = NULL]]] | array', \ 'imap_status(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox, int $options | object', \ 'imap_subscribe(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox | bool', \ 'imap_thread(': 'resource $imap_stream [, int $options = SE_FREE] | array', \ 'imap_timeout(': 'int $timeout_type [, int $timeout = -1] | mixed', \ 'imap_uid(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number | int', \ 'imap_undelete(': 'resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ 'imap_unsubscribe(': 'resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox | bool', \ 'imap_utf7_decode(': 'string $text | string', \ 'imap_utf7_encode(': 'string $data | string', \ 'imap_utf8_to_mutf7(': 'string $in | string', \ 'imap_utf8(': 'string $mime_encoded_text | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['inclued'] = { \ 'inclued_get_data(': 'void | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ingres'] = { \ 'ingres_autocommit_state(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'ingres_autocommit(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'ingres_charset(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'ingres_close(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'ingres_commit(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'ingres_connect(': '[ string $database [, string $username [, string $password [, array $options]]]] | resource', \ 'ingres_cursor(': 'resource $result | string', \ 'ingres_errno(': '[ resource $link] | int', \ 'ingres_error(': '[ resource $link] | string', \ 'ingres_errsqlstate(': '[ resource $link] | string', \ 'ingres_escape_string(': 'resource $link, string $source_string | string', \ 'ingres_execute(': 'resource $result [, array $params [, string $types]] | bool', \ 'ingres_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type] | array', \ 'ingres_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'ingres_fetch_object(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type] | object', \ 'ingres_fetch_proc_return(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'ingres_fetch_row(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'ingres_field_length(': 'resource $result, int $index | int', \ 'ingres_field_name(': 'resource $result, int $index | string', \ 'ingres_field_nullable(': 'resource $result, int $index | bool', \ 'ingres_field_precision(': 'resource $result, int $index | int', \ 'ingres_field_scale(': 'resource $result, int $index | int', \ 'ingres_field_type(': 'resource $result, int $index | string', \ 'ingres_free_result(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'ingres_next_error(': '[ resource $link] | bool', \ 'ingres_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'ingres_num_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'ingres_pconnect(': '[ string $database [, string $username [, string $password [, array $options]]]] | resource', \ 'ingres_prepare(': 'resource $link, string $query | mixed', \ 'ingres_query(': 'resource $link, string $query [, array $params [, string $types]] | mixed', \ 'ingres_result_seek(': 'resource $result, int $position | bool', \ 'ingres_rollback(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'ingres_set_environment(': 'resource $link, array $options | bool', \ 'ingres_unbuffered_query(': 'resource $link, string $query [, array $params [, string $types]] | mixed', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['inotify'] = { \ 'inotify_add_watch(': 'resource $inotify_instance, string $pathname, int $mask | int', \ 'inotify_init(': 'void | resource', \ 'inotify_queue_len(': 'resource $inotify_instance | int', \ 'inotify_read(': 'resource $inotify_instance | array', \ 'inotify_rm_watch(': 'resource $inotify_instance, int $watch_descriptor | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['soap'] = { \ 'is_soap_fault(': 'mixed $object | bool', \ 'use_soap_error_handler(': '[ bool $handler = TRUE] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['taint'] = { \ 'is_tainted(': 'string $string | bool', \ 'taint(': 'string &$string [, string $...] | bool', \ 'untaint(': 'string &$string [, string $...] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['json'] = { \ 'json_decode(': 'string $json [, bool $assoc = FALSE [, int $depth = 512 [, int $options = 0]]] | mixed', \ 'json_encode(': 'mixed $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $depth = 512]] | string', \ 'json_last_error_msg(': 'void | string', \ 'json_last_error(': 'void | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['judy'] = { \ 'judy_type(': 'Judy $array | int', \ 'judy_version(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['kadm5'] = { \ 'kadm5_chpass_principal(': 'resource $handle, string $principal, string $password | bool', \ 'kadm5_create_principal(': 'resource $handle, string $principal [, string $password [, array $options]] | bool', \ 'kadm5_delete_principal(': 'resource $handle, string $principal | bool', \ 'kadm5_destroy(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'kadm5_flush(': 'resource $handle | bool', \ 'kadm5_get_policies(': 'resource $handle | array', \ 'kadm5_get_principal(': 'resource $handle, string $principal | array', \ 'kadm5_get_principals(': 'resource $handle | array', \ 'kadm5_init_with_password(': 'string $admin_server, string $realm, string $principal, string $password | resource', \ 'kadm5_modify_principal(': 'resource $handle, string $principal, array $options | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ldap'] = { \ 'ldap_8859_to_t61(': 'string $value | string', \ 'ldap_add_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | resource', \ 'ldap_add(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_bind_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $bind_rdn = NULL [, string $bind_password = NULL [, array $serverctrls = array()]]] | resource', \ 'ldap_bind(': 'resource $link_identifier [, string $bind_rdn = NULL [, string $bind_password = NULL [, array $serverctrls = array()]]] | bool', \ 'ldap_close(': 'ldap_close — Alias of ldap_unbind()', \ 'ldap_compare(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, string $attribute, string $value [, array $serverctrls = array()] | mixed', \ 'ldap_connect(': '[ string $ldap_uri = NULL] | resource', \ 'ldap_control_paged_result_response(': 'resource $link, resource $result [, string &$cookie [, int &$estimated]] | bool', \ 'ldap_control_paged_result(': 'resource $link, int $pagesize [, bool $iscritical = FALSE [, string $cookie = ""]] | bool', \ 'ldap_count_entries(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_identifier | int', \ 'ldap_delete_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn [, array $serverctrls = array()] | resource', \ 'ldap_delete(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_dn2ufn(': 'string $dn | string', \ 'ldap_err2str(': 'int $errno | string', \ 'ldap_errno(': 'resource $link_identifier | int', \ 'ldap_error(': 'resource $link_identifier | string', \ 'ldap_escape(': 'string $value [, string $ignore = "" [, int $flags = 0]] | string', \ 'ldap_exop_passwd(': 'resource $link [, string $user = "" [, string $oldpw = "" [, string $newpw = "" [, array &$serverctrls]]]] | mixed', \ 'ldap_exop_refresh(': 'resource $link, string $dn, int $ttl | int', \ 'ldap_exop_whoami(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'ldap_exop(': 'resource $link, string $reqoid [, string $reqdata = NULL [, array $serverctrls = NULL [, string &$retdata [, string &$retoid]]]] | mixed', \ 'ldap_explode_dn(': 'string $dn, int $with_attrib | array', \ 'ldap_first_attribute(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier | string', \ 'ldap_first_entry(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_identifier | resource', \ 'ldap_first_reference(': 'resource $link, resource $result | resource', \ 'ldap_free_result(': 'resource $result_identifier | bool', \ 'ldap_get_attributes(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier | array', \ 'ldap_get_dn(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier | string', \ 'ldap_get_entries(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_identifier | array', \ 'ldap_get_option(': 'resource $link_identifier, int $option, mixed &$retval | bool', \ 'ldap_get_values_len(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier, string $attribute | array', \ 'ldap_get_values(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier, string $attribute | array', \ 'ldap_list(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $base_dn, string $filter [, array $attributes = array("*") [, int $attrsonly = 0 [, int $sizelimit = -1 [, int $timelimit = -1 [, int $deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER [, array $serverctrls = array()]]]]]] | resource', \ 'ldap_mod_add(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_mod_del(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_mod_replace(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_mod_add_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | resource', \ 'ldap_mod_del_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | resource', \ 'ldap_mod_replace_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | resource', \ 'ldap_modify_batch(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_modify(': 'ldap_modify — Alias of ldap_mod_replace()', \ 'ldap_next_attribute(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier | string', \ 'ldap_next_entry(': 'resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier | resource', \ 'ldap_next_reference(': 'resource $link, resource $entry | resource', \ 'ldap_parse_exop(': 'resource $link, resource $result [, string &$retdata [, string &$retoid]] | bool', \ 'ldap_parse_reference(': 'resource $link, resource $entry, array &$referrals | bool', \ 'ldap_parse_result(': 'resource $link, resource $result, int &$errcode [, string &$matcheddn [, string &$errmsg [, array &$referrals [, array &$serverctrls]]]] | bool', \ 'ldap_read(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $base_dn, string $filter [, array $attributes = array("*") [, int $attrsonly = 0 [, int $sizelimit = -1 [, int $timelimit = -1 [, int $deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER [, array $serverctrls = array()]]]]]] | resource', \ 'ldap_rename_ext(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, string $newrdn, string $newparent, bool $deleteoldrdn [, array $serverctrls = array()] | resource', \ 'ldap_rename(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $dn, string $newrdn, string $newparent, bool $deleteoldrdn [, array $serverctrls = array()] | bool', \ 'ldap_sasl_bind(': 'resource $link [, string $binddn = NULL [, string $password = NULL [, string $sasl_mech = NULL [, string $sasl_realm = NULL [, string $sasl_authc_id = NULL [, string $sasl_authz_id = NULL [, string $props = NULL]]]]]]] | bool', \ 'ldap_search(': 'resource $link_identifier, string $base_dn, string $filter [, array $attributes = array("*") [, int $attrsonly = 0 [, int $sizelimit = -1 [, int $timelimit = -1 [, int $deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER [, array $serverctrls = array()]]]]]] | resource', \ 'ldap_set_option(': 'resource $link_identifier, int $option, mixed $newval | bool', \ 'ldap_set_rebind_proc(': 'resource $link, callable $callback | bool', \ 'ldap_sort(': 'resource $link, resource $result, string $sortfilter | bool', \ 'ldap_start_tls(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'ldap_t61_to_8859(': 'string $value | string', \ 'ldap_unbind(': 'resource $link_identifier | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['libxml'] = { \ 'libxml_clear_errors(': 'void | void', \ 'libxml_disable_entity_loader(': '[ bool $disable = TRUE] | bool', \ 'libxml_get_errors(': 'void | array', \ 'libxml_get_last_error(': 'void | LibXMLError', \ 'libxml_set_external_entity_loader(': 'callable $resolver_function | bool', \ 'libxml_set_streams_context(': 'resource $streams_context | void', \ 'libxml_use_internal_errors(': '[ bool $use_errors = FALSE] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['lzf'] = { \ 'lzf_compress(': 'string $data | string', \ 'lzf_decompress(': 'string $data | string', \ 'lzf_optimized_for(': 'void | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mcve'] = { \ 'm_checkstatus(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_completeauthorizations(': 'resource $conn, int &$array | int', \ 'm_connect(': 'resource $conn | int', \ 'm_connectionerror(': 'resource $conn | string', \ 'm_deletetrans(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | bool', \ 'm_destroyconn(': 'resource $conn | bool', \ 'm_destroyengine(': 'void | void', \ 'm_getcell(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier, string $column, int $row | string', \ 'm_getcellbynum(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier, int $column, int $row | string', \ 'm_getcommadelimited(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | string', \ 'm_getheader(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier, int $column_num | string', \ 'm_initconn(': 'void | resource', \ 'm_initengine(': 'string $location | int', \ 'm_iscommadelimited(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_maxconntimeout(': 'resource $conn, int $secs | bool', \ 'm_monitor(': 'resource $conn | int', \ 'm_numcolumns(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_numrows(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_parsecommadelimited(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_responsekeys(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | array', \ 'm_responseparam(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier, string $key | string', \ 'm_returnstatus(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_setblocking(': 'resource $conn, int $tf | int', \ 'm_setdropfile(': 'resource $conn, string $directory | int', \ 'm_setip(': 'resource $conn, string $host, int $port | int', \ 'm_setssl_cafile(': 'resource $conn, string $cafile | int', \ 'm_setssl_files(': 'resource $conn, string $sslkeyfile, string $sslcertfile | int', \ 'm_setssl(': 'resource $conn, string $host, int $port | int', \ 'm_settimeout(': 'resource $conn, int $seconds | int', \ 'm_sslcert_gen_hash(': 'string $filename | string', \ 'm_transactionssent(': 'resource $conn | int', \ 'm_transinqueue(': 'resource $conn | int', \ 'm_transkeyval(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier, string $key, string $value | int', \ 'm_transnew(': 'resource $conn | int', \ 'm_transsend(': 'resource $conn, int $identifier | int', \ 'm_uwait(': 'int $microsecs | int', \ 'm_validateidentifier(': 'resource $conn, int $tf | int', \ 'm_verifyconnection(': 'resource $conn, int $tf | bool', \ 'm_verifysslcert(': 'resource $conn, int $tf | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mailparse'] = { \ 'mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding(': 'resource $fp | string', \ 'mailparse_msg_create(': 'void | resource', \ 'mailparse_msg_extract_part_file(': 'resource $mimemail, mixed $filename [, callable $callbackfunc] | string', \ 'mailparse_msg_extract_part(': 'resource $mimemail, string $msgbody [, callable $callbackfunc] | void', \ 'mailparse_msg_extract_whole_part_file(': 'resource $mimemail, string $filename [, callable $callbackfunc] | string', \ 'mailparse_msg_free(': 'resource $mimemail | bool', \ 'mailparse_msg_get_part_data(': 'resource $mimemail | array', \ 'mailparse_msg_get_part(': 'resource $mimemail, string $mimesection | resource', \ 'mailparse_msg_get_structure(': 'resource $mimemail | array', \ 'mailparse_msg_parse_file(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'mailparse_msg_parse(': 'resource $mimemail, string $data | bool', \ 'mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses(': 'string $addresses | array', \ 'mailparse_stream_encode(': 'resource $sourcefp, resource $destfp, string $encoding | bool', \ 'mailparse_uudecode_all(': 'resource $fp | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['maxdb'] = { \ 'maxdb_affected_rows(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_autocommit(': 'resource $link, bool $mode | bool', \ 'maxdb_bind_param(': 'maxdb_bind_param — Alias of maxdb_stmt_bind_param()', \ 'maxdb_bind_result(': 'maxdb_bind_result — Alias of maxdb_stmt_bind_result()', \ 'maxdb_change_user(': 'resource $link, string $user, string $password, string $database | bool', \ 'maxdb_character_set_name(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_client_encoding(': 'maxdb_client_encoding — Alias of maxdb_character_set_name()', \ 'maxdb_close_long_data(': 'maxdb_close_long_data — Alias of maxdb_stmt_close_long_data()', \ 'maxdb_close(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_commit(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_connect_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'maxdb_connect_error(': 'void | string', \ 'maxdb_connect(': '[ string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port = 0 [, string $socket]]]]]] | resource', \ 'maxdb_data_seek(': 'resource $result, int $offset | bool', \ 'maxdb_debug(': 'string $debug | void', \ 'maxdb_disable_reads_from_master(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_disable_rpl_parse(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_dump_debug_info(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_embedded_connect(': '[ string $dbname] | resource', \ 'maxdb_enable_reads_from_master(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_enable_rpl_parse(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_errno(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_error(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_escape_string(': 'maxdb_escape_string — Alias of maxdb_real_escape_string()', \ 'maxdb_execute(': 'maxdb_execute — Alias of maxdb_stmt_execute()', \ 'maxdb_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $resulttype] | mixed', \ 'maxdb_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'maxdb_fetch_field_direct(': 'resource $result, int $fieldnr | mixed', \ 'maxdb_fetch_field(': 'resource $result | mixed', \ 'maxdb_fetch_fields(': 'resource $result | mixed', \ 'maxdb_fetch_lengths(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'maxdb_fetch_object(': 'object $result | object', \ 'maxdb_fetch_row(': 'resource $result | mixed', \ 'maxdb_fetch(': 'maxdb_fetch — Alias of maxdb_stmt_fetch()', \ 'maxdb_field_count(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_field_seek(': 'resource $result, int $fieldnr | bool', \ 'maxdb_field_tell(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'maxdb_free_result(': 'resource $result | void', \ 'maxdb_get_client_info(': 'void | string', \ 'maxdb_get_client_version(': 'void | int', \ 'maxdb_get_host_info(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_get_metadata(': 'maxdb_get_metadata — Alias of maxdb_stmt_result_metadata()', \ 'maxdb_get_proto_info(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_get_server_info(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_get_server_version(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_info(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_init(': 'void | resource', \ 'maxdb_insert_id(': 'resource $link | mixed', \ 'maxdb_kill(': 'resource $link, int $processid | bool', \ 'maxdb_master_query(': 'resource $link, string $query | bool', \ 'maxdb_more_results(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_multi_query(': 'resource $link, string $query | bool', \ 'maxdb_next_result(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'maxdb_num_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'maxdb_options(': 'resource $link, int $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'maxdb_param_count(': 'maxdb_param_count — Alias of maxdb_stmt_param_count()', \ 'maxdb_ping(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_prepare(': 'resource $link, string $query | resource', \ 'maxdb_query(': 'resource $link, string $query [, int $resultmode] | mixed', \ 'maxdb_real_connect(': 'resource $link [, string $hostname [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port = 0 [, string $socket]]]]]] | bool', \ 'maxdb_real_escape_string(': 'resource $link, string $escapestr | string', \ 'maxdb_real_query(': 'resource $link, string $query | bool', \ 'maxdb_report(': 'int $flags | bool', \ 'maxdb_rollback(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_rpl_parse_enabled(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_rpl_probe(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'maxdb_rpl_query_type(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_select_db(': 'resource $link, string $dbname | bool', \ 'maxdb_send_long_data(': 'maxdb_send_long_data — Alias of maxdb_stmt_send_long_data()', \ 'maxdb_send_query(': 'resource $link, string $query | bool', \ 'maxdb_server_end(': 'void | void', \ 'maxdb_server_init(': '[ array $server [, array $groups]] | bool', \ 'maxdb_set_opt(': 'maxdb_set_opt — Alias of maxdb_options()', \ 'maxdb_sqlstate(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_ssl_set(': 'resource $link, string $key, string $cert, string $ca, string $capath, string $cipher | bool', \ 'maxdb_stat(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'maxdb_stmt_affected_rows(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'maxdb_stmt_bind_param(': 'resource $stmt, string $types, mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$...] | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_bind_result(': 'resource $stmt, mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$...] | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_close_long_data(': 'resource $stmt, int $param_nr | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_close(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_data_seek(': 'resource $statement, int $offset | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_errno(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'maxdb_stmt_error(': 'resource $stmt | string', \ 'maxdb_stmt_execute(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_fetch(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_free_result(': 'resource $stmt | void', \ 'maxdb_stmt_init(': 'resource $link | resource', \ 'maxdb_stmt_num_rows(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'maxdb_stmt_param_count(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'maxdb_stmt_prepare(': 'resource $stmt, string $query | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_reset(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_result_metadata(': 'resource $stmt | resource', \ 'maxdb_stmt_send_long_data(': 'resource $stmt, int $param_nr, string $data | bool', \ 'maxdb_stmt_sqlstate(': 'resource $stmt | string', \ 'maxdb_stmt_store_result(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'maxdb_store_result(': 'resource $link | resource', \ 'maxdb_thread_id(': 'resource $link | int', \ 'maxdb_thread_safe(': 'void | bool', \ 'maxdb_use_result(': 'resource $link | resource', \ 'maxdb_warning_count(': 'resource $link | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['multibyte_string'] = { \ 'mb_check_encoding(': '[ string $var = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | bool', \ 'mb_chr(': 'int $cp [, string $encoding] | string', \ 'mb_convert_case(': 'string $str, int $mode [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | string', \ 'mb_convert_encoding(': 'string $str, string $to_encoding [, mixed $from_encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | string', \ 'mb_convert_kana(': 'string $str [, string $option = "KV" [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_convert_variables(': 'string $to_encoding, mixed $from_encoding, mixed &$vars [, mixed &$...] | string', \ 'mb_decode_mimeheader(': 'string $str | string', \ 'mb_decode_numericentity(': 'string $str, array $convmap [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() [, bool $is_hex = FALSE]] | string', \ 'mb_detect_encoding(': 'string $str [, mixed $encoding_list = mb_detect_order() [, bool $strict = FALSE]] | string', \ 'mb_detect_order(': '[ mixed $encoding_list = mb_detect_order()] | mixed', \ 'mb_encode_mimeheader(': 'string $str [, string $charset = mb_language() [, string $transfer_encoding = "B" [, string $linefeed = "\r\n" [, int $indent = 0]]]] | string', \ 'mb_encode_numericentity(': 'string $str, array $convmap [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() [, bool $is_hex = FALSE]] | string', \ 'mb_encoding_aliases(': 'string $encoding | array', \ 'mb_ereg_match(': 'string $pattern, string $string [, string $option = "msr"] | bool', \ 'mb_ereg_replace_callback(': 'string $pattern, callable $callback, string $string [, string $option = "msr"] | string', \ 'mb_ereg_replace(': 'string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string [, string $option = "msr"] | string', \ 'mb_ereg_search_getpos(': 'void | int', \ 'mb_ereg_search_getregs(': 'void | array', \ 'mb_ereg_search_init(': 'string $string [, string $pattern [, string $option = "msr"]] | bool', \ 'mb_ereg_search_pos(': '[ string $pattern [, string $option = "ms"]] | array', \ 'mb_ereg_search_regs(': '[ string $pattern [, string $option = "ms"]] | array', \ 'mb_ereg_search_setpos(': 'int $position | bool', \ 'mb_ereg_search(': '[ string $pattern [, string $option = "ms"]] | bool', \ 'mb_ereg(': 'string $pattern, string $string [, array &$regs] | int', \ 'mb_eregi_replace(': 'string $pattern, string $replace, string $string [, string $option = "msri"] | string', \ 'mb_eregi(': 'string $pattern, string $string [, array &$regs] | int', \ 'mb_get_info(': '[ string $type = "all"] | mixed', \ 'mb_http_input(': '[ string $type = ""] | mixed', \ 'mb_http_output(': '[ string $encoding = mb_http_output()] | mixed', \ 'mb_internal_encoding(': '[ string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | mixed', \ 'mb_language(': 'string $language | bool', \ 'mb_list_encodings(': 'void | array', \ 'mb_ord(': 'string $str [, string $encoding] | int', \ 'mb_output_handler(': 'string $contents, int $status | string', \ 'mb_parse_str(': 'string $encoded_string [, array &$result] | bool', \ 'mb_preferred_mime_name(': 'string $encoding | string', \ 'mb_regex_encoding(': '[ string $encoding = mb_regex_encoding()] | mixed', \ 'mb_regex_set_options(': '[ string $options = mb_regex_set_options()] | string', \ 'mb_scrub(': 'string $str [, string $encoding] | string', \ 'mb_send_mail(': 'string $to, string $subject, string $message [, mixed $additional_headers = NULL [, string $additional_parameter = NULL]] | bool', \ 'mb_split(': 'string $pattern, string $string [, int $limit = -1] | array', \ 'mb_strcut(': 'string $str, int $start [, int $length = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_strimwidth(': 'string $str, int $start, int $width [, string $trimmarker = "" [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_stripos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | int', \ 'mb_stristr(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $before_needle = FALSE [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_strlen(': 'string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | int', \ 'mb_strpos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | int', \ 'mb_strrchr(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $part = FALSE [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_strrichr(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $part = FALSE [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_strripos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | int', \ 'mb_strrpos(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | int', \ 'mb_strstr(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $before_needle = FALSE [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ 'mb_strtolower(': 'string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | string', \ 'mb_strtoupper(': 'string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | string', \ 'mb_strwidth(': 'string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | int', \ 'mb_substitute_character(': '[ mixed $substchar = mb_substitute_character()] | mixed', \ 'mb_substr_count(': 'string $haystack, string $needle [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()] | int', \ 'mb_substr(': 'string $str, int $start [, int $length = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mcrypt'] = { \ 'mcrypt_decrypt(': 'string $cipher, string $key, string $data, string $mode [, string $iv] | string', \ 'mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name(': 'resource $td | string', \ 'mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(': 'resource $td | int', \ 'mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(': 'resource $td | int', \ 'mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(': 'resource $td | int', \ 'mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name(': 'resource $td | string', \ 'mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(': 'resource $td | array', \ 'mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode(': 'resource $td | bool', \ 'mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm(': 'resource $td | bool', \ 'mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode(': 'resource $td | bool', \ 'mcrypt_enc_self_test(': 'resource $td | int', \ 'mcrypt_encrypt(': 'string $cipher, string $key, string $data, string $mode [, string $iv] | string', \ 'mcrypt_generic_deinit(': 'resource $td | bool', \ 'mcrypt_generic_init(': 'resource $td, string $key, string $iv | int', \ 'mcrypt_generic(': 'resource $td, string $data | string', \ 'mcrypt_get_block_size(': 'int $cipher | int', \ 'mcrypt_get_cipher_name(': 'int $cipher | string', \ 'mcrypt_get_iv_size(': 'string $cipher, string $mode | int', \ 'mcrypt_get_key_size(': 'int $cipher | int', \ 'mcrypt_list_algorithms(': '[ string $lib_dir = ini_get("mcrypt.algorithms_dir")] | array', \ 'mcrypt_list_modes(': '[ string $lib_dir = ini_get("mcrypt.modes_dir")] | array', \ 'mcrypt_module_close(': 'resource $td | bool', \ 'mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size(': 'string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir] | int', \ 'mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size(': 'string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir] | int', \ 'mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes(': 'string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir] | array', \ 'mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode(': 'string $mode [, string $lib_dir] | bool', \ 'mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm(': 'string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir] | bool', \ 'mcrypt_module_is_block_mode(': 'string $mode [, string $lib_dir] | bool', \ 'mcrypt_module_open(': 'string $algorithm, string $algorithm_directory, string $mode, string $mode_directory | resource', \ 'mcrypt_module_self_test(': 'string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir] | bool', \ 'mdecrypt_generic(': 'resource $td, string $data | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['memcache'] = { \ 'memcache_debug(': 'bool $on_off | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mhash'] = { \ 'mhash_count(': 'void | int', \ 'mhash_get_block_size(': 'int $hash | int', \ 'mhash_get_hash_name(': 'int $hash | string', \ 'mhash_keygen_s2k(': 'int $hash, string $password, string $salt, int $bytes | string', \ 'mhash(': 'int $hash, string $data [, string $key] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ming'] = { \ 'ming_keypress(': 'string $char | int', \ 'ming_setcubicthreshold(': 'int $threshold | void', \ 'ming_setscale(': 'float $scale | void', \ 'ming_setswfcompression(': 'int $level | void', \ 'ming_useconstants(': 'int $use | void', \ 'ming_useswfversion(': 'int $version | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['vendor_specific_database_extensions'] = { \ 'MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON(': 'string $json | string', \ 'MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP(': 'array|object $value | string', \ 'MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON(': 'string $bson | string', \ 'MongoDB\BSON\toJSON(': 'string $bson | string', \ 'MongoDB\BSON\toPHP(': 'string $bson [, array $typeMap = array()] | array|object', \ 'MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON(': 'string $bson | string', \ 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber(': 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\Subscriber $subscriber | void', \ 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\removeSubscriber(': 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\Subscriber $subscriber | void', \ 'mysql_xdevapi\expression(': 'string $expression | object', \ 'mysql_xdevapi\getSession(': 'string $uri | mysql_xdevapi\Session', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mqseries'] = { \ 'mqseries_back(': 'resource $hconn, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_begin(': 'resource $hconn, array $beginOptions, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_close(': 'resource $hconn, resource $hobj, int $options, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_cmit(': 'resource $hconn, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_conn(': 'string $qManagerName, resource &$hconn, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_connx(': 'string $qManagerName, array &$connOptions, resource &$hconn, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_disc(': 'resource $hconn, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_get(': 'resource $hConn, resource $hObj, array &$md, array &$gmo, int &$bufferLength, string &$msg, int &$data_length, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_inq(': 'resource $hconn, resource $hobj, int $selectorCount, array $selectors, int $intAttrCount, resource &$intAttr, int $charAttrLength, resource &$charAttr, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_open(': 'resource $hconn, array &$objDesc, int $option, resource &$hobj, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_put(': 'resource $hConn, resource $hObj, array &$md, array &$pmo, string $message, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_put1(': 'resource $hconn, resource &$objDesc, resource &$msgDesc, resource &$pmo, string $buffer, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_set(': 'resource $hConn, resource $hObj, int $selectorCount, array $selectors, int $intAttrCount, array $intAttrs, int $charAttrLength, array $charAttrs, resource &$compCode, resource &$reason | void', \ 'mqseries_strerror(': 'int $reason | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['msession'] = { \ 'msession_connect(': 'string $host, string $port | bool', \ 'msession_count(': 'void | int', \ 'msession_create(': 'string $session [, string $classname [, string $data]] | bool', \ 'msession_destroy(': 'string $name | bool', \ 'msession_disconnect(': 'void | void', \ 'msession_find(': 'string $name, string $value | array', \ 'msession_get_array(': 'string $session | array', \ 'msession_get_data(': 'string $session | string', \ 'msession_get(': 'string $session, string $name, string $value | string', \ 'msession_inc(': 'string $session, string $name | string', \ 'msession_list(': 'void | array', \ 'msession_listvar(': 'string $name | array', \ 'msession_lock(': 'string $name | int', \ 'msession_plugin(': 'string $session, string $val [, string $param] | string', \ 'msession_randstr(': 'int $param | string', \ 'msession_set_array(': 'string $session, array $tuples | void', \ 'msession_set_data(': 'string $session, string $value | bool', \ 'msession_set(': 'string $session, string $name, string $value | bool', \ 'msession_timeout(': 'string $session [, int $param] | int', \ 'msession_uniq(': 'int $param [, string $classname [, string $data]] | string', \ 'msession_unlock(': 'string $session, int $key | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['msql'] = { \ 'msql_affected_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'msql_close(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'msql_connect(': '[ string $hostname] | resource', \ 'msql_create_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'msql_data_seek(': 'resource $result, int $row_number | bool', \ 'msql_db_query(': 'string $database, string $query [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'msql_drop_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ 'msql_error(': 'void | string', \ 'msql_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type] | array', \ 'msql_fetch_field(': 'resource $result [, int $field_offset = 0] | object', \ 'msql_fetch_object(': 'resource $result | object', \ 'msql_fetch_row(': 'resource $result | array', \ 'msql_field_flags(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'msql_field_len(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | int', \ 'msql_field_name(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'msql_field_seek(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | bool', \ 'msql_field_table(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | int', \ 'msql_field_type(': 'resource $result, int $field_offset | string', \ 'msql_free_result(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'msql_list_dbs(': '[ resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'msql_list_fields(': 'string $database, string $tablename [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'msql_list_tables(': 'string $database [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'msql_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'msql_num_rows(': 'resource $query_identifier | int', \ 'msql_pconnect(': '[ string $hostname] | resource', \ 'msql_query(': 'string $query [, resource $link_identifier] | resource', \ 'msql_result(': 'resource $result, int $row [, mixed $field] | string', \ 'msql_select_db(': 'string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mysqli'] = { \ 'mysqli_disable_reads_from_master(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_disable_rpl_parse(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_enable_reads_from_master(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_enable_rpl_parse(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_get_cache_stats(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqli_get_client_stats(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqli_get_links_stats(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqli_master_query(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | bool', \ 'mysqli_rpl_parse_enabled(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_rpl_probe(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_slave_query(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | bool', \ 'mysqli_reap_async_query(': 'mysqli $link | mysqli_result', \ 'mysqli_fetch_row(': 'mysqli_result $result | mixed', \ 'mysqli_affected_rows(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_stmt_execute(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_fetch_field_direct(': 'mysqli_result $result, int $fieldnr | object', \ 'mysqli_stmt_more_results(': 'mysql_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_prepare(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, string $query | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_get_warnings(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | object', \ 'mysqli_errno(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_rollback(': 'mysqli $link [, int $flags = 0 [, string $name]] | bool', \ 'mysqli_get_server_info(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_error_list(': 'mysqli $link | array', \ 'mysqli_free_result(': 'mysqli_result $result | void', \ 'mysqli_stmt_error(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | string', \ 'mysqli_stmt_get_result(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | mysqli_result', \ 'mysqli_stmt_next_result(': 'mysql_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_refresh(': 'resource $link, int $options | bool', \ 'mysqli_get_client_version(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_stmt_bind_param(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, string $types, mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$...] | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_num_rows(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | int', \ 'mysqli_set_local_infile_default(': 'mysqli $link | void', \ 'mysqli_get_host_info(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_prepare(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | mysqli_stmt', \ 'mysqli_thread_safe(': 'void | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_bind_result(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$...] | bool', \ 'mysqli_real_query(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | bool', \ 'mysqli_get_server_version(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_autocommit(': 'mysqli $link, bool $mode | bool', \ 'mysqli_select_db(': 'mysqli $link, string $dbname | bool', \ 'mysqli_warning_count(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_connect_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'mysqli_stmt_send_long_data(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, int $param_nr, string $data | bool', \ 'mysqli_fetch_lengths(': 'mysqli_result $result | array', \ 'mysqli_fetch_all(': 'mysqli_result $result [, int $resulttype = MYSQLI_NUM] | mixed', \ 'mysqli_data_seek(': 'mysqli_result $result, int $offset | bool', \ 'mysqli_kill(': 'mysqli $link, int $processid | bool', \ 'mysqli_get_connection_stats(': 'mysqli $link | array', \ 'mysqli_set_local_infile_handler(': 'mysqli $link, callable $read_func | bool', \ 'mysqli_real_connect(': 'mysqli $link [, string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket [, int $flags]]]]]]] | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_close(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_fetch_assoc(': 'mysqli_result $result | array', \ 'mysqli_stmt_sqlstate(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | string', \ 'mysqli_get_charset(': 'mysqli $link | object', \ 'mysqli_store_result(': 'mysqli $link [, int $option] | mysqli_result', \ 'mysqli_rpl_query_type(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | int', \ 'mysqli_thread_id(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_field_seek(': 'mysqli_result $result, int $fieldnr | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_param_count(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | int', \ 'mysqli_field_count(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_num_rows(': 'mysqli_result $result | int', \ 'mysqli_fetch_object(': 'mysqli_result $result [, string $class_name = "stdClass" [, array $params]] | object', \ 'mysqli_savepoint(': 'mysqli $link, string $name | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_error_list(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | array', \ 'mysqli_connect_error(': 'void | string', \ 'mysqli_stmt_store_result(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_poll(': 'array &$read, array &$error, array &$reject, int $sec [, int $usec = 0] | int', \ 'mysqli_stmt_result_metadata(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | mysqli_result', \ 'mysqli_report(': 'int $flags | bool', \ 'mysqli_fetch_fields(': 'mysqli_result $result | array', \ 'mysqli_commit(': 'mysqli $link [, int $flags = 0 [, string $name]] | bool', \ 'mysqli_change_user(': 'mysqli $link, string $user, string $password, string $database | bool', \ 'mysqli_use_result(': 'mysqli $link | mysqli_result', \ 'mysqli_stmt_free_result(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | void', \ 'mysqli_set_charset(': 'mysqli $link, string $charset | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_fetch(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_data_seek(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, int $offset | void', \ 'mysqli_query(': 'mysqli $link, string $query [, int $resultmode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT] | mixed', \ 'mysqli_ssl_set(': 'mysqli $link, string $key, string $cert, string $ca, string $capath, string $cipher | bool', \ 'mysqli_fetch_field(': 'mysqli_result $result | object', \ 'mysqli_get_proto_info(': 'mysqli $link | int', \ 'mysqli_ping(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_init(': 'void | mysqli', \ 'mysqli_close(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_debug(': 'string $message | bool', \ 'mysqli_connect(': '[ string $host = ini_get("mysqli.default_host") [, string $username = ini_get("mysqli.default_user") [, string $passwd = ini_get("mysqli.default_pw") [, string $dbname = "" [, int $port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port") [, string $socket = ini_get("mysqli.default_socket")]]]]]] | mysqli', \ 'mysqli_get_client_info(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_options(': 'mysqli $link, int $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_init(': 'mysqli $link | mysqli_stmt', \ 'mysqli_stmt_field_count(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | int', \ 'mysqli_more_results(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_dump_debug_info(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_fetch_array(': 'mysqli_result $result [, int $resulttype = MYSQLI_BOTH] | mixed', \ 'mysqli_sqlstate(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_info(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_stmt_attr_set(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, int $attr, int $mode | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_reset(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | bool', \ 'mysqli_embedded_server_end(': 'void | void', \ 'mysqli_character_set_name(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_send_query(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | bool', \ 'mysqli_get_warnings(': 'mysqli $link | mysqli_warning', \ 'mysqli_stmt_attr_get(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt, int $attr | int', \ 'mysqli_insert_id(': 'mysqli $link | mixed', \ 'mysqli_embedded_server_start(': 'int $start, array $arguments, array $groups | bool', \ 'mysqli_field_tell(': 'mysqli_result $result | int', \ 'mysqli_num_fields(': 'mysqli_result $result | int', \ 'mysqli_error(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_release_savepoint(': 'mysqli $link, string $name | bool', \ 'mysqli_stmt_insert_id(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | mixed', \ 'mysqli_stmt_affected_rows(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | int', \ 'mysqli_stmt_errno(': 'mysqli_stmt $stmt | int', \ 'mysqli_next_result(': 'mysqli $link | bool', \ 'mysqli_stat(': 'mysqli $link | string', \ 'mysqli_multi_query(': 'mysqli $link, string $query | bool', \ 'mysqli_real_escape_string(': 'mysqli $link, string $escapestr | string', \ 'mysqli_begin_transaction(': 'mysqli $link [, int $flags = 0 [, string $name]] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mysqlnd_memcache'] = { \ 'mysqlnd_memcache_get_config(': 'mixed $connection | array', \ 'mysqlnd_memcache_set(': 'mixed $mysql_connection [, Memcached $memcache_connection [, string $pattern [, callback $callback]]] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mysqlnd_ms'] = { \ 'mysqlnd_ms_dump_servers(': 'mixed $connection | array', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_global(': 'mixed $connection, mixed $table_name | array', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_shard(': 'mixed $connection, mixed $table_name, mixed $shard_key | array', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid(': 'mixed $connection | string', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection(': 'mixed $connection | array', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_get_stats(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_match_wild(': 'string $table_name, string $wildcard | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select(': 'string $query | int', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_set_qos(': 'mixed $connection, int $service_level [, int $service_level_option [, mixed $option_value]] | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server(': 'string $function | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_xa_begin(': 'mixed $connection, string $gtrid [, int $timeout] | int', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_xa_commit(': 'mixed $connection, string $gtrid | int', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc(': 'mixed $connection [, string $gtrid [, bool $ignore_max_retries]] | int', \ 'mysqlnd_ms_xa_rollback(': 'mixed $connection, string $gtrid | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mysqlnd_qc'] = { \ 'mysqlnd_qc_clear_cache(': 'void | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_get_available_handlers(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log(': 'void | array', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition(': 'int $condition_type, mixed $condition, mixed $condition_option | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select(': 'string $callback | mixed', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handler(': 'string $handler | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_qc_set_user_handlers(': 'string $get_hash, string $find_query_in_cache, string $return_to_cache, string $add_query_to_cache_if_not_exists, string $query_is_select, string $update_query_run_time_stats, string $get_stats, string $clear_cache | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mysqlnd_uh'] = { \ 'mysqlnd_uh_convert_to_mysqlnd(': 'mysqli &$mysql_connection | resource', \ 'mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy(': 'MysqlndUhConnection &$connection_proxy [, mysqli &$mysqli_connection] | bool', \ 'mysqlnd_uh_set_statement_proxy(': 'MysqlndUhStatement &$statement_proxy | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ncurses'] = { \ 'ncurses_addch(': 'int $ch | int', \ 'ncurses_addchnstr(': 'string $s, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_addchstr(': 'string $s | int', \ 'ncurses_addnstr(': 'string $s, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_addstr(': 'string $text | int', \ 'ncurses_assume_default_colors(': 'int $fg, int $bg | int', \ 'ncurses_attroff(': 'int $attributes | int', \ 'ncurses_attron(': 'int $attributes | int', \ 'ncurses_attrset(': 'int $attributes | int', \ 'ncurses_baudrate(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_beep(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_bkgd(': 'int $attrchar | int', \ 'ncurses_bkgdset(': 'int $attrchar | void', \ 'ncurses_border(': 'int $left, int $right, int $top, int $bottom, int $tl_corner, int $tr_corner, int $bl_corner, int $br_corner | int', \ 'ncurses_bottom_panel(': 'resource $panel | int', \ 'ncurses_can_change_color(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_cbreak(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_clear(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_clrtobot(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_clrtoeol(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_color_content(': 'int $color, int &$r, int &$g, int &$b | int', \ 'ncurses_color_set(': 'int $pair | int', \ 'ncurses_curs_set(': 'int $visibility | int', \ 'ncurses_def_prog_mode(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_def_shell_mode(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_define_key(': 'string $definition, int $keycode | int', \ 'ncurses_del_panel(': 'resource $panel | bool', \ 'ncurses_delay_output(': 'int $milliseconds | int', \ 'ncurses_delch(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_deleteln(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_delwin(': 'resource $window | bool', \ 'ncurses_doupdate(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_echo(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_echochar(': 'int $character | int', \ 'ncurses_end(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_erase(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_erasechar(': 'void | string', \ 'ncurses_filter(': 'void | void', \ 'ncurses_flash(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_flushinp(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_getch(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_getmaxyx(': 'resource $window, int &$y, int &$x | void', \ 'ncurses_getmouse(': 'array &$mevent | bool', \ 'ncurses_getyx(': 'resource $window, int &$y, int &$x | void', \ 'ncurses_halfdelay(': 'int $tenth | int', \ 'ncurses_has_colors(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_has_ic(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_has_il(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_has_key(': 'int $keycode | int', \ 'ncurses_hide_panel(': 'resource $panel | int', \ 'ncurses_hline(': 'int $charattr, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_inch(': 'void | string', \ 'ncurses_init_color(': 'int $color, int $r, int $g, int $b | int', \ 'ncurses_init_pair(': 'int $pair, int $fg, int $bg | int', \ 'ncurses_init(': 'void | void', \ 'ncurses_insch(': 'int $character | int', \ 'ncurses_insdelln(': 'int $count | int', \ 'ncurses_insertln(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_insstr(': 'string $text | int', \ 'ncurses_instr(': 'string &$buffer | int', \ 'ncurses_isendwin(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_keyok(': 'int $keycode, bool $enable | int', \ 'ncurses_keypad(': 'resource $window, bool $bf | int', \ 'ncurses_killchar(': 'void | string', \ 'ncurses_longname(': 'void | string', \ 'ncurses_meta(': 'resource $window, bool $8bit | int', \ 'ncurses_mouse_trafo(': 'int &$y, int &$x, bool $toscreen | bool', \ 'ncurses_mouseinterval(': 'int $milliseconds | int', \ 'ncurses_mousemask(': 'int $newmask, int &$oldmask | int', \ 'ncurses_move_panel(': 'resource $panel, int $startx, int $starty | int', \ 'ncurses_move(': 'int $y, int $x | int', \ 'ncurses_mvaddch(': 'int $y, int $x, int $c | int', \ 'ncurses_mvaddchnstr(': 'int $y, int $x, string $s, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_mvaddchstr(': 'int $y, int $x, string $s | int', \ 'ncurses_mvaddnstr(': 'int $y, int $x, string $s, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_mvaddstr(': 'int $y, int $x, string $s | int', \ 'ncurses_mvcur(': 'int $old_y, int $old_x, int $new_y, int $new_x | int', \ 'ncurses_mvdelch(': 'int $y, int $x | int', \ 'ncurses_mvgetch(': 'int $y, int $x | int', \ 'ncurses_mvhline(': 'int $y, int $x, int $attrchar, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_mvinch(': 'int $y, int $x | int', \ 'ncurses_mvvline(': 'int $y, int $x, int $attrchar, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_mvwaddstr(': 'resource $window, int $y, int $x, string $text | int', \ 'ncurses_napms(': 'int $milliseconds | int', \ 'ncurses_new_panel(': 'resource $window | resource', \ 'ncurses_newpad(': 'int $rows, int $cols | resource', \ 'ncurses_newwin(': 'int $rows, int $cols, int $y, int $x | resource', \ 'ncurses_nl(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_nocbreak(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_noecho(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_nonl(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_noqiflush(': 'void | void', \ 'ncurses_noraw(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_pair_content(': 'int $pair, int &$f, int &$b | int', \ 'ncurses_panel_above(': 'resource $panel | resource', \ 'ncurses_panel_below(': 'resource $panel | resource', \ 'ncurses_panel_window(': 'resource $panel | resource', \ 'ncurses_pnoutrefresh(': 'resource $pad, int $pminrow, int $pmincol, int $sminrow, int $smincol, int $smaxrow, int $smaxcol | int', \ 'ncurses_prefresh(': 'resource $pad, int $pminrow, int $pmincol, int $sminrow, int $smincol, int $smaxrow, int $smaxcol | int', \ 'ncurses_putp(': 'string $text | int', \ 'ncurses_qiflush(': 'void | void', \ 'ncurses_raw(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_refresh(': 'int $ch | int', \ 'ncurses_replace_panel(': 'resource $panel, resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_reset_prog_mode(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_reset_shell_mode(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_resetty(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_savetty(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_scr_dump(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'ncurses_scr_init(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'ncurses_scr_restore(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'ncurses_scr_set(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'ncurses_scrl(': 'int $count | int', \ 'ncurses_show_panel(': 'resource $panel | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_attr(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_attroff(': 'int $intarg | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_attron(': 'int $intarg | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_attrset(': 'int $intarg | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_clear(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_slk_color(': 'int $intarg | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_init(': 'int $format | bool', \ 'ncurses_slk_noutrefresh(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_slk_refresh(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_restore(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_slk_set(': 'int $labelnr, string $label, int $format | bool', \ 'ncurses_slk_touch(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_standend(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_standout(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_start_color(': 'void | int', \ 'ncurses_termattrs(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_termname(': 'void | string', \ 'ncurses_timeout(': 'int $millisec | void', \ 'ncurses_top_panel(': 'resource $panel | int', \ 'ncurses_typeahead(': 'int $fd | int', \ 'ncurses_ungetch(': 'int $keycode | int', \ 'ncurses_ungetmouse(': 'array $mevent | bool', \ 'ncurses_update_panels(': 'void | void', \ 'ncurses_use_default_colors(': 'void | bool', \ 'ncurses_use_env(': 'bool $flag | void', \ 'ncurses_use_extended_names(': 'bool $flag | int', \ 'ncurses_vidattr(': 'int $intarg | int', \ 'ncurses_vline(': 'int $charattr, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_waddch(': 'resource $window, int $ch | int', \ 'ncurses_waddstr(': 'resource $window, string $str [, int $n] | int', \ 'ncurses_wattroff(': 'resource $window, int $attrs | int', \ 'ncurses_wattron(': 'resource $window, int $attrs | int', \ 'ncurses_wattrset(': 'resource $window, int $attrs | int', \ 'ncurses_wborder(': 'resource $window, int $left, int $right, int $top, int $bottom, int $tl_corner, int $tr_corner, int $bl_corner, int $br_corner | int', \ 'ncurses_wclear(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_wcolor_set(': 'resource $window, int $color_pair | int', \ 'ncurses_werase(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_wgetch(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_whline(': 'resource $window, int $charattr, int $n | int', \ 'ncurses_wmouse_trafo(': 'resource $window, int &$y, int &$x, bool $toscreen | bool', \ 'ncurses_wmove(': 'resource $window, int $y, int $x | int', \ 'ncurses_wnoutrefresh(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_wrefresh(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_wstandend(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_wstandout(': 'resource $window | int', \ 'ncurses_wvline(': 'resource $window, int $charattr, int $n | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['newt'] = { \ 'newt_bell(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_button_bar(': 'array &$buttons | resource', \ 'newt_button(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text | resource', \ 'newt_centered_window(': 'int $width, int $height [, string $title] | int', \ 'newt_checkbox_get_value(': 'resource $checkbox | string', \ 'newt_checkbox_set_flags(': 'resource $checkbox, int $flags, int $sense | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_set_value(': 'resource $checkbox, string $value | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_add_item(': 'resource $checkboxtree, string $text, mixed $data, int $flags, int $index [, int $...] | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_find_item(': 'resource $checkboxtree, mixed $data | array', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_get_current(': 'resource $checkboxtree | mixed', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_get_entry_value(': 'resource $checkboxtree, mixed $data | string', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_get_multi_selection(': 'resource $checkboxtree, string $seqnum | array', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_get_selection(': 'resource $checkboxtree | array', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_multi(': 'int $left, int $top, int $height, string $seq [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_set_current(': 'resource $checkboxtree, mixed $data | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry_value(': 'resource $checkboxtree, mixed $data, string $value | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry(': 'resource $checkboxtree, mixed $data, string $text | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree_set_width(': 'resource $checkbox_tree, int $width | void', \ 'newt_checkbox_tree(': 'int $left, int $top, int $height [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'newt_checkbox(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text, string $def_value [, string $seq] | resource', \ 'newt_clear_key_buffer(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_cls(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_compact_button(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text | resource', \ 'newt_component_add_callback(': 'resource $component, mixed $func_name, mixed $data | void', \ 'newt_component_takes_focus(': 'resource $component, bool $takes_focus | void', \ 'newt_create_grid(': 'int $cols, int $rows | resource', \ 'newt_cursor_off(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_cursor_on(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_delay(': 'int $microseconds | void', \ 'newt_draw_form(': 'resource $form | void', \ 'newt_draw_root_text(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text | void', \ 'newt_entry_get_value(': 'resource $entry | string', \ 'newt_entry_set_filter(': 'resource $entry, callable $filter, mixed $data | void', \ 'newt_entry_set_flags(': 'resource $entry, int $flags, int $sense | void', \ 'newt_entry_set(': 'resource $entry, string $value [, bool $cursor_at_end] | void', \ 'newt_entry(': 'int $left, int $top, int $width [, string $init_value [, int $flags]] | resource', \ 'newt_finished(': 'void | int', \ 'newt_form_add_component(': 'resource $form, resource $component | void', \ 'newt_form_add_components(': 'resource $form, array $components | void', \ 'newt_form_add_hot_key(': 'resource $form, int $key | void', \ 'newt_form_destroy(': 'resource $form | void', \ 'newt_form_get_current(': 'resource $form | resource', \ 'newt_form_run(': 'resource $form, array &$exit_struct | void', \ 'newt_form_set_background(': 'resource $from, int $background | void', \ 'newt_form_set_height(': 'resource $form, int $height | void', \ 'newt_form_set_size(': 'resource $form | void', \ 'newt_form_set_timer(': 'resource $form, int $milliseconds | void', \ 'newt_form_set_width(': 'resource $form, int $width | void', \ 'newt_form_watch_fd(': 'resource $form, resource $stream [, int $flags] | void', \ 'newt_form(': '[ resource $vert_bar [, string $help [, int $flags]]] | resource', \ 'newt_get_screen_size(': 'int &$cols, int &$rows | void', \ 'newt_grid_add_components_to_form(': 'resource $grid, resource $form, bool $recurse | void', \ 'newt_grid_basic_window(': 'resource $text, resource $middle, resource $buttons | resource', \ 'newt_grid_free(': 'resource $grid, bool $recurse | void', \ 'newt_grid_get_size(': 'resouce $grid, int &$width, int &$height | void', \ 'newt_grid_h_close_stacked(': 'int $element1_type, resource $element1 [, int $... [, resource $...]] | resource', \ 'newt_grid_h_stacked(': 'int $element1_type, resource $element1 [, int $... [, resource $...]] | resource', \ 'newt_grid_place(': 'resource $grid, int $left, int $top | void', \ 'newt_grid_set_field(': 'resource $grid, int $col, int $row, int $type, resource $val, int $pad_left, int $pad_top, int $pad_right, int $pad_bottom, int $anchor [, int $flags] | void', \ 'newt_grid_simple_window(': 'resource $text, resource $middle, resource $buttons | resource', \ 'newt_grid_v_close_stacked(': 'int $element1_type, resource $element1 [, int $... [, resource $...]] | resource', \ 'newt_grid_v_stacked(': 'int $element1_type, resource $element1 [, int $... [, resource $...]] | resource', \ 'newt_grid_wrapped_window_at(': 'resource $grid, string $title, int $left, int $top | void', \ 'newt_grid_wrapped_window(': 'resource $grid, string $title | void', \ 'newt_init(': 'void | int', \ 'newt_label_set_text(': 'resource $label, string $text | void', \ 'newt_label(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text | resource', \ 'newt_listbox_append_entry(': 'resource $listbox, string $text, mixed $data | void', \ 'newt_listbox_clear_selection(': 'resource $listbox | void', \ 'newt_listbox_clear(': 'resource $listobx | void', \ 'newt_listbox_delete_entry(': 'resource $listbox, mixed $key | void', \ 'newt_listbox_get_current(': 'resource $listbox | string', \ 'newt_listbox_get_selection(': 'resource $listbox | array', \ 'newt_listbox_insert_entry(': 'resource $listbox, string $text, mixed $data, mixed $key | void', \ 'newt_listbox_item_count(': 'resource $listbox | int', \ 'newt_listbox_select_item(': 'resource $listbox, mixed $key, int $sense | void', \ 'newt_listbox_set_current_by_key(': 'resource $listbox, mixed $key | void', \ 'newt_listbox_set_current(': 'resource $listbox, int $num | void', \ 'newt_listbox_set_data(': 'resource $listbox, int $num, mixed $data | void', \ 'newt_listbox_set_entry(': 'resource $listbox, int $num, string $text | void', \ 'newt_listbox_set_width(': 'resource $listbox, int $width | void', \ 'newt_listbox(': 'int $left, int $top, int $height [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'newt_listitem_get_data(': 'resource $item | mixed', \ 'newt_listitem_set(': 'resource $item, string $text | void', \ 'newt_listitem(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text, bool $is_default, resouce $prev_item, mixed $data [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'newt_open_window(': 'int $left, int $top, int $width, int $height [, string $title] | int', \ 'newt_pop_help_line(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_pop_window(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_push_help_line(': '[ string $text] | void', \ 'newt_radio_get_current(': 'resource $set_member | resource', \ 'newt_radiobutton(': 'int $left, int $top, string $text, bool $is_default [, resource $prev_button] | resource', \ 'newt_redraw_help_line(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_reflow_text(': 'string $text, int $width, int $flex_down, int $flex_up, int &$actual_width, int &$actual_height | string', \ 'newt_refresh(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_resize_screen(': '[ bool $redraw] | void', \ 'newt_resume(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_run_form(': 'resource $form | resource', \ 'newt_scale_set(': 'resource $scale, int $amount | void', \ 'newt_scale(': 'int $left, int $top, int $width, int $full_value | resource', \ 'newt_scrollbar_set(': 'resource $scrollbar, int $where, int $total | void', \ 'newt_set_help_callback(': 'mixed $function | void', \ 'newt_set_suspend_callback(': 'callable $function, mixed $data | void', \ 'newt_suspend(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_textbox_get_num_lines(': 'resource $textbox | int', \ 'newt_textbox_reflowed(': 'int $left, int $top, char $*text, int $width, int $flex_down, int $flex_up [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'newt_textbox_set_height(': 'resource $textbox, int $height | void', \ 'newt_textbox_set_text(': 'resource $textbox, string $text | void', \ 'newt_textbox(': 'int $left, int $top, int $width, int $height [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'newt_vertical_scrollbar(': 'int $left, int $top, int $height [, int $normal_colorset [, int $thumb_colorset]] | resource', \ 'newt_wait_for_key(': 'void | void', \ 'newt_win_choice(': 'string $title, string $button1_text, string $button2_text, string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $...]] | int', \ 'newt_win_entries(': 'string $title, string $text, int $suggested_width, int $flex_down, int $flex_up, int $data_width, array &$items, string $button1 [, string $...] | int', \ 'newt_win_menu(': 'string $title, string $text, int $suggestedWidth, int $flexDown, int $flexUp, int $maxListHeight, array $items, int &$listItem [, string $button1 [, string $...]] | int', \ 'newt_win_message(': 'string $title, string $button_text, string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $...]] | void', \ 'newt_win_messagev(': 'string $title, string $button_text, string $format, array $args | void', \ 'newt_win_ternary(': 'string $title, string $button1_text, string $button2_text, string $button3_text, string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $...]] | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['nsapi'] = { \ 'nsapi_request_headers(': 'void | array', \ 'nsapi_response_headers(': 'void | array', \ 'nsapi_virtual(': 'string $uri | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['oauth'] = { \ 'oauth_get_sbs(': 'string $http_method, string $uri [, array $request_parameters] | string', \ 'oauth_urlencode(': 'string $uri | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['tidy'] = { \ 'ob_tidyhandler(': 'string $input [, int $mode] | string', \ 'tidy_access_count(': 'tidy $object | int', \ 'tidy_config_count(': 'tidy $object | int', \ 'tidy_error_count(': 'tidy $object | int', \ 'tidy_get_output(': 'tidy $object | string', \ 'tidy_warning_count(': 'tidy $object | int', \ 'tidy_parse_string(': 'string $input [, mixed $config [, string $encoding]] | tidy', \ 'tidy_get_head(': 'tidy $object | tidyNode', \ 'tidy_get_status(': 'tidy $object | int', \ 'tidy_get_release(': 'void | string', \ 'tidy_get_error_buffer(': 'tidy $tidy | string', \ 'tidy_repair_string(': 'string $data [, mixed $config [, string $encoding]] | string', \ 'tidy_is_xml(': 'tidy $object | bool', \ 'tidy_get_html(': 'tidy $object | tidyNode', \ 'tidy_diagnose(': 'tidy $object | bool', \ 'tidy_parse_file(': 'string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE]]] | tidy', \ 'tidy_clean_repair(': 'tidy $object | bool', \ 'tidy_get_config(': 'tidy $object | array', \ 'tidy_get_root(': 'tidy $object | tidyNode', \ 'tidy_get_html_ver(': 'tidy $object | int', \ 'tidy_repair_file(': 'string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE]]] | string', \ 'tidy_is_xhtml(': 'tidy $object | bool', \ 'tidy_get_body(': 'tidy $object | tidyNode', \ 'tidy_get_opt_doc(': 'tidy $object, string $optname | string', \ 'tidy_getopt(': 'tidy $object, string $option | mixed', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['oci8'] = { \ 'oci_bind_array_by_name(': 'resource $statement, string $name, array &$var_array, int $max_table_length [, int $max_item_length = -1 [, int $type = SQLT_AFC]] | bool', \ 'oci_bind_by_name(': 'resource $statement, string $bv_name, mixed &$variable [, int $maxlength = -1 [, int $type = SQLT_CHR]] | bool', \ 'oci_cancel(': 'resource $statement | bool', \ 'oci_client_version(': 'void | string', \ 'oci_close(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'oci_commit(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'oci_connect(': 'string $username, string $password [, string $connection_string [, string $character_set [, int $session_mode]]] | resource', \ 'oci_define_by_name(': 'resource $statement, string $column_name, mixed &$variable [, int $type = SQLT_CHR] | bool', \ 'oci_error(': '[ resource $resource] | array', \ 'oci_execute(': 'resource $statement [, int $mode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS] | bool', \ 'oci_fetch_all(': 'resource $statement, array &$output [, int $skip = 0 [, int $maxrows = -1 [, int $flags = OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_COLUMN + OCI_ASSOC]]] | int', \ 'oci_fetch_array(': 'resource $statement [, int $mode] | array', \ 'oci_fetch_assoc(': 'resource $statement | array', \ 'oci_fetch_object(': 'resource $statement | object', \ 'oci_fetch_row(': 'resource $statement | array', \ 'oci_fetch(': 'resource $statement | bool', \ 'oci_field_is_null(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | bool', \ 'oci_field_name(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | string', \ 'oci_field_precision(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | int', \ 'oci_field_scale(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | int', \ 'oci_field_size(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | int', \ 'oci_field_type_raw(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | int', \ 'oci_field_type(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | mixed', \ 'oci_free_descriptor(': 'resource $descriptor | bool', \ 'oci_free_statement(': 'resource $statement | bool', \ 'oci_get_implicit_resultset(': 'resource $statement | resource', \ 'oci_internal_debug(': 'bool $onoff | void', \ 'oci_lob_copy(': 'OCI-Lob $lob_to, OCI-Lob $lob_from [, int $length = 0] | bool', \ 'oci_lob_is_equal(': 'OCI-Lob $lob1, OCI-Lob $lob2 | bool', \ 'oci_new_collection(': 'resource $connection, string $tdo [, string $schema = NULL] | OCI-Collection', \ 'oci_new_connect(': 'string $username, string $password [, string $connection_string [, string $character_set [, int $session_mode]]] | resource', \ 'oci_new_cursor(': 'resource $connection | resource', \ 'oci_new_descriptor(': 'resource $connection [, int $type = OCI_DTYPE_LOB] | OCI-Lob', \ 'oci_num_fields(': 'resource $statement | int', \ 'oci_num_rows(': 'resource $statement | int', \ 'oci_parse(': 'resource $connection, string $sql_text | resource', \ 'oci_password_change(': 'resource $connection, string $username, string $old_password, string $new_password | bool', \ 'oci_pconnect(': 'string $username, string $password [, string $connection_string [, string $character_set [, int $session_mode]]] | resource', \ 'oci_register_taf_callback(': 'resource $connection [, mixed $callbackFn] | bool', \ 'oci_result(': 'resource $statement, mixed $field | mixed', \ 'oci_rollback(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ 'oci_server_version(': 'resource $connection | string', \ 'oci_set_action(': 'resource $connection, string $action_name | bool', \ 'oci_set_call_timeout(': 'resource $connection, int $time_out | bool', \ 'oci_set_client_identifier(': 'resource $connection, string $client_identifier | bool', \ 'oci_set_client_info(': 'resource $connection, string $client_info | bool', \ 'oci_set_db_operation(': 'resource $connection, string $dbop | bool', \ 'oci_set_edition(': 'string $edition | bool', \ 'oci_set_module_name(': 'resource $connection, string $module_name | bool', \ 'oci_set_prefetch(': 'resource $statement, int $rows | bool', \ 'oci_statement_type(': 'resource $statement | string', \ 'oci_unregister_taf_callback(': 'resource $connection | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['odbc'] = { \ 'odbc_autocommit(': 'resource $connection_id [, bool $OnOff = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'odbc_binmode(': 'resource $result_id, int $mode | bool', \ 'odbc_close_all(': 'void | void', \ 'odbc_close(': 'resource $connection_id | void', \ 'odbc_columnprivileges(': 'resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table_name, string $column_name | resource', \ 'odbc_columns(': 'resource $connection_id [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, string $table_name [, string $column_name]]]] | resource', \ 'odbc_commit(': 'resource $connection_id | bool', \ 'odbc_connect(': 'string $dsn, string $user, string $password [, int $cursor_type] | resource', \ 'odbc_cursor(': 'resource $result_id | string', \ 'odbc_data_source(': 'resource $connection_id, int $fetch_type | array', \ 'odbc_error(': '[ resource $connection_id] | string', \ 'odbc_errormsg(': '[ resource $connection_id] | string', \ 'odbc_exec(': 'resource $connection_id, string $query_string [, int $flags] | resource', \ 'odbc_execute(': 'resource $result_id [, array $parameters_array] | bool', \ 'odbc_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $rownumber] | array', \ 'odbc_fetch_into(': 'resource $result_id, array &$result_array [, int $rownumber] | int', \ 'odbc_fetch_object(': 'resource $result [, int $rownumber] | object', \ 'odbc_fetch_row(': 'resource $result_id [, int $row_number = 1] | bool', \ 'odbc_field_len(': 'resource $result_id, int $field_number | int', \ 'odbc_field_name(': 'resource $result_id, int $field_number | string', \ 'odbc_field_num(': 'resource $result_id, string $field_name | int', \ 'odbc_field_scale(': 'resource $result_id, int $field_number | int', \ 'odbc_field_type(': 'resource $result_id, int $field_number | string', \ 'odbc_foreignkeys(': 'resource $connection_id, string $pk_qualifier, string $pk_owner, string $pk_table, string $fk_qualifier, string $fk_owner, string $fk_table | resource', \ 'odbc_free_result(': 'resource $result_id | bool', \ 'odbc_gettypeinfo(': 'resource $connection_id [, int $data_type] | resource', \ 'odbc_longreadlen(': 'resource $result_id, int $length | bool', \ 'odbc_next_result(': 'resource $result_id | bool', \ 'odbc_num_fields(': 'resource $result_id | int', \ 'odbc_num_rows(': 'resource $result_id | int', \ 'odbc_pconnect(': 'string $dsn, string $user, string $password [, int $cursor_type] | resource', \ 'odbc_prepare(': 'resource $connection_id, string $query_string | resource', \ 'odbc_primarykeys(': 'resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table | resource', \ 'odbc_procedurecolumns(': 'resource $connection_id | resource', \ 'odbc_procedures(': 'resource $connection_id | resource', \ 'odbc_result_all(': 'resource $result_id [, string $format] | int', \ 'odbc_result(': 'resource $result_id, mixed $field | mixed', \ 'odbc_rollback(': 'resource $connection_id | bool', \ 'odbc_setoption(': 'resource $id, int $function, int $option, int $param | bool', \ 'odbc_specialcolumns(': 'resource $connection_id, int $type, string $qualifier, string $table, int $scope, int $nullable | resource', \ 'odbc_statistics(': 'resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table_name, int $unique, int $accuracy | resource', \ 'odbc_tableprivileges(': 'resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $name | resource', \ 'odbc_tables(': 'resource $connection_id [, string $qualifier [, string $owner [, string $name [, string $types]]]] | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['opcache'] = { \ 'opcache_compile_file(': 'string $file | bool', \ 'opcache_get_configuration(': 'void | array', \ 'opcache_get_status(': '[ bool $get_scripts = TRUE] | array', \ 'opcache_invalidate(': 'string $script [, bool $force = FALSE] | bool', \ 'opcache_is_script_cached(': 'string $file | bool', \ 'opcache_reset(': 'void | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['openal'] = { \ 'openal_buffer_create(': 'void | resource', \ 'openal_buffer_data(': 'resource $buffer, int $format, string $data, int $freq | bool', \ 'openal_buffer_destroy(': 'resource $buffer | bool', \ 'openal_buffer_get(': 'resource $buffer, int $property | int', \ 'openal_buffer_loadwav(': 'resource $buffer, string $wavfile | bool', \ 'openal_context_create(': 'resource $device | resource', \ 'openal_context_current(': 'resource $context | bool', \ 'openal_context_destroy(': 'resource $context | bool', \ 'openal_context_process(': 'resource $context | bool', \ 'openal_context_suspend(': 'resource $context | bool', \ 'openal_device_close(': 'resource $device | bool', \ 'openal_device_open(': '[ string $device_desc] | resource', \ 'openal_listener_get(': 'int $property | mixed', \ 'openal_listener_set(': 'int $property, mixed $setting | bool', \ 'openal_source_create(': 'void | resource', \ 'openal_source_destroy(': 'resource $source | bool', \ 'openal_source_get(': 'resource $source, int $property | mixed', \ 'openal_source_pause(': 'resource $source | bool', \ 'openal_source_play(': 'resource $source | bool', \ 'openal_source_rewind(': 'resource $source | bool', \ 'openal_source_set(': 'resource $source, int $property, mixed $setting | bool', \ 'openal_source_stop(': 'resource $source | bool', \ 'openal_stream(': 'resource $source, int $format, int $rate | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['openssl'] = { \ 'openssl_cipher_iv_length(': 'string $method | int', \ 'openssl_csr_export_to_file(': 'mixed $csr, string $outfilename [, bool $notext = TRUE] | bool', \ 'openssl_csr_export(': 'mixed $csr, string &$out [, bool $notext = TRUE] | bool', \ 'openssl_csr_get_public_key(': 'mixed $csr [, bool $use_shortnames = TRUE] | resource', \ 'openssl_csr_get_subject(': 'mixed $csr [, bool $use_shortnames = TRUE] | array', \ 'openssl_csr_new(': 'array $dn, resource &$privkey [, array $configargs [, array $extraattribs]] | mixed', \ 'openssl_csr_sign(': 'mixed $csr, mixed $cacert, mixed $priv_key, int $days [, array $configargs [, int $serial = 0]] | resource', \ 'openssl_decrypt(': 'string $data, string $method, string $key [, int $options = 0 [, string $iv = "" [, string $tag = "" [, string $aad = ""]]]] | string', \ 'openssl_dh_compute_key(': 'string $pub_key, resource $dh_key | string', \ 'openssl_digest(': 'string $data, string $method [, bool $raw_output = FALSE] | string', \ 'openssl_encrypt(': 'string $data, string $method, string $key [, int $options = 0 [, string $iv = "" [, string &$tag = NULL [, string $aad = "" [, int $tag_length = 16]]]]] | string', \ 'openssl_error_string(': 'void | string', \ 'openssl_free_key(': 'resource $key_identifier | void', \ 'openssl_get_cert_locations(': 'void | array', \ 'openssl_get_cipher_methods(': '[ bool $aliases = FALSE] | array', \ 'openssl_get_curve_names(': 'void | array', \ 'openssl_get_md_methods(': '[ bool $aliases = FALSE] | array', \ 'openssl_get_privatekey(': 'openssl_get_privatekey — Alias of openssl_pkey_get_private()', \ 'openssl_get_publickey(': 'openssl_get_publickey — Alias of openssl_pkey_get_public()', \ 'openssl_open(': 'string $sealed_data, string &$open_data, string $env_key, mixed $priv_key_id [, string $method = "RC4" [, string $iv]] | bool', \ 'openssl_pbkdf2(': 'string $password, string $salt, int $key_length, int $iterations [, string $digest_algorithm = "sha1"] | string', \ 'openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file(': 'mixed $x509, string $filename, mixed $priv_key, string $pass [, array $args] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs12_export(': 'mixed $x509, string &$out, mixed $priv_key, string $pass [, array $args] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs12_read(': 'string $pkcs12, array &$certs, string $pass | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs7_decrypt(': 'string $infilename, string $outfilename, mixed $recipcert [, mixed $recipkey] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs7_encrypt(': 'string $infile, string $outfile, mixed $recipcerts, array $headers [, int $flags = 0 [, int $cipherid = OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40]] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs7_read(': 'string $infilename, array &$certs | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs7_sign(': 'string $infilename, string $outfilename, mixed $signcert, mixed $privkey, array $headers [, int $flags = PKCS7_DETACHED [, string $extracerts]] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkcs7_verify(': 'string $filename, int $flags [, string $outfilename [, array $cainfo [, string $extracerts [, string $content [, string $p7bfilename]]]]] | mixed', \ 'openssl_pkey_export_to_file(': 'mixed $key, string $outfilename [, string $passphrase [, array $configargs]] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkey_export(': 'mixed $key, string &$out [, string $passphrase [, array $configargs]] | bool', \ 'openssl_pkey_free(': 'resource $key | void', \ 'openssl_pkey_get_details(': 'resource $key | array', \ 'openssl_pkey_get_private(': 'mixed $key [, string $passphrase = ""] | resource', \ 'openssl_pkey_get_public(': 'mixed $certificate | resource', \ 'openssl_pkey_new(': '[ array $configargs] | resource', \ 'openssl_private_decrypt(': 'string $data, string &$decrypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING] | bool', \ 'openssl_private_encrypt(': 'string $data, string &$crypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING] | bool', \ 'openssl_public_decrypt(': 'string $data, string &$decrypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING] | bool', \ 'openssl_public_encrypt(': 'string $data, string &$crypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING] | bool', \ 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(': 'int $length [, bool &$crypto_strong] | string', \ 'openssl_seal(': 'string $data, string &$sealed_data, array &$env_keys, array $pub_key_ids [, string $method = "RC4" [, string &$iv]] | int', \ 'openssl_sign(': 'string $data, string &$signature, mixed $priv_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1] | bool', \ 'openssl_spki_export_challenge(': 'string &$spkac | string', \ 'openssl_spki_export(': 'string &$spkac | string', \ 'openssl_spki_new(': 'resource &$privkey, string &$challenge [, int $algorithm = 0] | string', \ 'openssl_spki_verify(': 'string &$spkac | string', \ 'openssl_verify(': 'string $data, string $signature, mixed $pub_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1] | int', \ 'openssl_x509_check_private_key(': 'mixed $cert, mixed $key | bool', \ 'openssl_x509_checkpurpose(': 'mixed $x509cert, int $purpose [, array $cainfo = array() [, string $untrustedfile]] | int', \ 'openssl_x509_export_to_file(': 'mixed $x509, string $outfilename [, bool $notext = TRUE] | bool', \ 'openssl_x509_export(': 'mixed $x509, string &$output [, bool $notext = TRUE] | bool', \ 'openssl_x509_fingerprint(': 'mixed $x509 [, string $hash_algorithm = "sha1" [, bool $raw_output = FALSE]] | string', \ 'openssl_x509_free(': 'resource $x509cert | void', \ 'openssl_x509_parse(': 'mixed $x509cert [, bool $shortnames = TRUE] | array', \ 'openssl_x509_read(': 'mixed $x509certdata | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['parsekit'] = { \ 'parsekit_compile_file(': 'string $filename [, array &$errors [, int $options = PARSEKIT_QUIET]] | array', \ 'parsekit_compile_string(': 'string $phpcode [, array &$errors [, int $options = PARSEKIT_QUIET]] | array', \ 'parsekit_func_arginfo(': 'mixed $function | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['password_hashing'] = { \ 'password_get_info(': 'string $hash | array', \ 'password_hash(': 'string $password, int $algo [, array $options] | string', \ 'password_needs_rehash(': 'string $hash, int $algo [, array $options] | bool', \ 'password_verify(': 'string $password, string $hash | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['pcntl'] = { \ 'pcntl_alarm(': 'int $seconds | int', \ 'pcntl_async_signals(': '[ bool $on = NULL] | bool', \ 'pcntl_errno(': 'pcntl_errno — Alias of pcntl_get_last_error()', \ 'pcntl_exec(': 'string $path [, array $args [, array $envs]] | void', \ 'pcntl_fork(': 'void | int', \ 'pcntl_get_last_error(': 'void | int', \ 'pcntl_getpriority(': '[ int $pid = getmypid() [, int $process_identifier = PRIO_PROCESS]] | int', \ 'pcntl_setpriority(': 'int $priority [, int $pid = getmypid() [, int $process_identifier = PRIO_PROCESS]] | bool', \ 'pcntl_signal_dispatch(': 'void | bool', \ 'pcntl_signal_get_handler(': 'int $signo | mixed', \ 'pcntl_signal(': 'int $signo, callable|int $handler [, bool $restart_syscalls = TRUE] | bool', \ 'pcntl_sigprocmask(': 'int $how, array $set [, array &$oldset] | bool', \ 'pcntl_sigtimedwait(': 'array $set [, array &$siginfo [, int $seconds = 0 [, int $nanoseconds = 0]]] | int', \ 'pcntl_sigwaitinfo(': 'array $set [, array &$siginfo] | int', \ 'pcntl_strerror(': 'int $errno | string', \ 'pcntl_wait(': 'int &$status [, int $options = 0 [, array &$rusage]] | int', \ 'pcntl_waitpid(': 'int $pid, int &$status [, int $options = 0 [, array &$rusage]] | int', \ 'pcntl_wexitstatus(': 'int $status | int', \ 'pcntl_wifexited(': 'int $status | bool', \ 'pcntl_wifsignaled(': 'int $status | bool', \ 'pcntl_wifstopped(': 'int $status | bool', \ 'pcntl_wstopsig(': 'int $status | int', \ 'pcntl_wtermsig(': 'int $status | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['pdf'] = { \ 'PDF_activate_item(': 'resource $pdfdoc, int $id | bool', \ 'PDF_add_launchlink(': 'resource $pdfdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, string $filename | bool', \ 'PDF_add_locallink(': 'resource $pdfdoc, float $lowerleftx, float $lowerlefty, float $upperrightx, float $upperrighty, int $page, string $dest | bool', \ 'PDF_add_nameddest(': 'resource $pdfdoc, string $name, string $optlist | bool', \ 'PDF_add_note(': 'resource $pdfdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, string $contents, string $title, string $icon, int $open | bool', \ 'PDF_add_pdflink(': 'resource $pdfdoc, float $bottom_left_x, float $bottom_left_y, float 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'pg_field_is_null(': 'resource $result, int $row, mixed $field | int', \ 'pg_field_name(': 'resource $result, int $field_number | string', \ 'pg_field_num(': 'resource $result, string $field_name | int', \ 'pg_field_prtlen(': 'resource $result, int $row_number, mixed $field_name_or_number | int', \ 'pg_field_size(': 'resource $result, int $field_number | int', \ 'pg_field_table(': 'resource $result, int $field_number [, bool $oid_only = FALSE] | mixed', \ 'pg_field_type_oid(': 'resource $result, int $field_number | int', \ 'pg_field_type(': 'resource $result, int $field_number | string', \ 'pg_flush(': 'resource $connection | mixed', \ 'pg_free_result(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'pg_get_notify(': 'resource $connection [, int $result_type] | array', \ 'pg_get_pid(': 'resource $connection | int', \ 'pg_get_result(': '[ resource $connection] | resource', \ 'pg_host(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'pg_insert(': 'resource $connection, string $table_name, array $assoc_array [, int $options = PGSQL_DML_EXEC] | mixed', \ 'pg_last_error(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'pg_last_notice(': 'resource $connection [, int $option = PGSQL_NOTICE_LAST] | mixed', \ 'pg_last_oid(': 'resource $result | string', \ 'pg_lo_close(': 'resource $large_object | bool', \ 'pg_lo_create(': '[ resource $connection [, mixed $object_id]] | int', \ 'pg_lo_export(': '[ resource $connection [, int $oid [, string $pathname]]] | bool', \ 'pg_lo_import(': '[ resource $connection [, string $pathname [, mixed $object_id]]] | int', \ 'pg_lo_open(': 'resource $connection, int $oid, string $mode | resource', \ 'pg_lo_read_all(': 'resource $large_object | int', \ 'pg_lo_read(': 'resource $large_object [, int $len = 8192] | string', \ 'pg_lo_seek(': 'resource $large_object, int $offset [, int $whence = PGSQL_SEEK_CUR] | bool', \ 'pg_lo_tell(': 'resource $large_object | int', \ 'pg_lo_truncate(': 'resource $large_object, int $size | bool', \ 'pg_lo_unlink(': 'resource $connection, int $oid | bool', \ 'pg_lo_write(': 'resource $large_object, string $data [, int $len] | int', \ 'pg_meta_data(': 'resource $connection, string $table_name [, bool $extended = FALSE] | array', \ 'pg_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'pg_num_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'pg_options(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'pg_parameter_status(': '[ resource $connection [, string $param_name]] | string', \ 'pg_pconnect(': 'string $connection_string [, int $connect_type] | resource', \ 'pg_ping(': '[ resource $connection] | bool', \ 'pg_port(': '[ resource $connection] | int', \ 'pg_prepare(': '[ resource $connection [, string $stmtname [, string $query]]] | resource', \ 'pg_put_line(': '[ resource $connection [, string $data]] | bool', \ 'pg_query_params(': '[ resource $connection [, string $query [, array $params]]] | resource', \ 'pg_query(': '[ resource $connection [, string $query]] | resource', \ 'pg_result_error_field(': 'resource $result, int $fieldcode | string', \ 'pg_result_error(': 'resource $result | string', \ 'pg_result_seek(': 'resource $result, int $offset | bool', \ 'pg_result_status(': 'resource $result [, int $type = PGSQL_STATUS_LONG] | mixed', \ 'pg_select(': 'resource $connection, string $table_name, array $assoc_array [, int $options = PGSQL_DML_EXEC [, int $result_type = PGSQL_ASSOC]] | mixed', \ 'pg_send_execute(': 'resource $connection, string $stmtname, array $params | bool', \ 'pg_send_prepare(': 'resource $connection, string $stmtname, string $query | bool', \ 'pg_send_query_params(': 'resource $connection, string $query, array $params | bool', \ 'pg_send_query(': 'resource $connection, string $query | bool', \ 'pg_set_client_encoding(': '[ resource $connection [, string $encoding]] | int', \ 'pg_set_error_verbosity(': '[ resource $connection [, int $verbosity]] | int', \ 'pg_socket(': 'resource $connection | resource', \ 'pg_trace(': 'string $pathname [, string $mode = "w" [, resource $connection]] | bool', \ 'pg_transaction_status(': 'resource $connection | int', \ 'pg_tty(': '[ resource $connection] | string', \ 'pg_unescape_bytea(': 'string $data | string', \ 'pg_untrace(': '[ resource $connection] | bool', \ 'pg_update(': 'resource $connection, string $table_name, array $data, array $condition [, int $options = PGSQL_DML_EXEC] | mixed', \ 'pg_version(': '[ resource $connection] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['phpdbg'] = { \ 'phpdbg_break_file(': 'string $file, int $line | void', \ 'phpdbg_break_function(': 'string $function | void', \ 'phpdbg_break_method(': 'string $class, string $method | void', \ 'phpdbg_break_next(': 'void | void', \ 'phpdbg_clear(': 'void | void', \ 'phpdbg_color(': 'int $element, string $color | void', \ 'phpdbg_end_oplog(': '[ array $options] | array', \ 'phpdbg_exec(': '[ string $context] | mixed', \ 'phpdbg_get_executable(': '[ array $options] | array', \ 'phpdbg_prompt(': 'string $string | void', \ 'phpdbg_start_oplog(': 'void | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['posix'] = { \ 'posix_access(': 'string $file [, int $mode = POSIX_F_OK] | bool', \ 'posix_ctermid(': 'void | string', \ 'posix_errno(': 'posix_errno — Alias of posix_get_last_error()', \ 'posix_get_last_error(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_getcwd(': 'void | string', \ 'posix_getegid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_geteuid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_getgid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_getgrgid(': 'int $gid | array', \ 'posix_getgrnam(': 'string $name | array', \ 'posix_getgroups(': 'void | array', \ 'posix_getlogin(': 'void | string', \ 'posix_getpgid(': 'int $pid | int', \ 'posix_getpgrp(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_getpid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_getppid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_getpwnam(': 'string $username | array', \ 'posix_getpwuid(': 'int $uid | array', \ 'posix_getrlimit(': 'void | array', \ 'posix_getsid(': 'int $pid | int', \ 'posix_getuid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_initgroups(': 'string $name, int $base_group_id | bool', \ 'posix_isatty(': 'mixed $fd | bool', \ 'posix_kill(': 'int $pid, int $sig | bool', \ 'posix_mkfifo(': 'string $pathname, int $mode | bool', \ 'posix_mknod(': 'string $pathname, int $mode [, int $major = 0 [, int $minor = 0]] | bool', \ 'posix_setegid(': 'int $gid | bool', \ 'posix_seteuid(': 'int $uid | bool', \ 'posix_setgid(': 'int $gid | bool', \ 'posix_setpgid(': 'int $pid, int $pgid | bool', \ 'posix_setrlimit(': 'int $resource, int $softlimit, int $hardlimit | bool', \ 'posix_setsid(': 'void | int', \ 'posix_setuid(': 'int $uid | bool', \ 'posix_strerror(': 'int $errno | string', \ 'posix_times(': 'void | array', \ 'posix_ttyname(': 'mixed $fd | string', \ 'posix_uname(': 'void | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['pcre'] = { \ 'preg_filter(': 'mixed $pattern, mixed $replacement, mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int &$count]] | mixed', \ 'preg_grep(': 'string $pattern, array $input [, int $flags = 0] | array', \ 'preg_last_error(': 'void | int', \ 'preg_match_all(': 'string $pattern, string $subject [, array &$matches [, int $flags = PREG_PATTERN_ORDER [, int $offset = 0]]] | int', \ 'preg_match(': 'string $pattern, string $subject [, array &$matches [, int $flags = 0 [, int $offset = 0]]] | int', \ 'preg_quote(': 'string $str [, string $delimiter = NULL] | string', \ 'preg_replace_callback_array(': 'array $patterns_and_callbacks, mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int &$count]] | mixed', \ 'preg_replace_callback(': 'mixed $pattern, callable $callback, mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int &$count]] | mixed', \ 'preg_replace(': 'mixed $pattern, mixed $replacement, mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int &$count]] | mixed', \ 'preg_split(': 'string $pattern, string $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $flags = 0]] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ps'] = { \ 'ps_add_bookmark(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text [, int $parent = 0 [, int $open = 0]] | int', \ 'ps_add_launchlink(': 'resource $psdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, string $filename | bool', \ 'ps_add_locallink(': 'resource $psdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, int $page, string $dest | bool', \ 'ps_add_note(': 'resource $psdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, string $contents, string $title, string $icon, int $open | bool', \ 'ps_add_pdflink(': 'resource $psdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, string $filename, int $page, string $dest | bool', \ 'ps_add_weblink(': 'resource $psdoc, float $llx, float $lly, float $urx, float $ury, string $url | bool', \ 'ps_arc(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y, float $radius, float $alpha, float $beta | bool', \ 'ps_arcn(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y, float $radius, float $alpha, float $beta | bool', \ 'ps_begin_page(': 'resource $psdoc, float $width, float $height | bool', \ 'ps_begin_pattern(': 'resource $psdoc, float $width, float $height, float $xstep, float $ystep, int $painttype | int', \ 'ps_begin_template(': 'resource $psdoc, float $width, float $height | int', \ 'ps_circle(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y, float $radius | bool', \ 'ps_clip(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_close_image(': 'resource $psdoc, int $imageid | void', \ 'ps_close(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_closepath_stroke(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_closepath(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_continue_text(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text | bool', \ 'ps_curveto(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $x3, float $y3 | bool', \ 'ps_delete(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_end_page(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_end_pattern(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_end_template(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_fill_stroke(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_fill(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_findfont(': 'resource $psdoc, string $fontname, string $encoding [, bool $embed = FALSE] | int', \ 'ps_get_buffer(': 'resource $psdoc | string', \ 'ps_get_parameter(': 'resource $psdoc, string $name [, float $modifier] | string', \ 'ps_get_value(': 'resource $psdoc, string $name [, float $modifier] | float', \ 'ps_hyphenate(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text | array', \ 'ps_include_file(': 'resource $psdoc, string $file | bool', \ 'ps_lineto(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'ps_makespotcolor(': 'resource $psdoc, string $name [, int $reserved = 0] | int', \ 'ps_moveto(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'ps_new(': 'void | resource', \ 'ps_open_file(': 'resource $psdoc [, string $filename] | bool', \ 'ps_open_image_file(': 'resource $psdoc, string $type, string $filename [, string $stringparam [, int $intparam = 0]] | int', \ 'ps_open_image(': 'resource $psdoc, string $type, string $source, string $data, int $lenght, int $width, int $height, int $components, int $bpc, string $params | int', \ 'ps_open_memory_image(': 'resource $psdoc, int $gd | int', \ 'ps_place_image(': 'resource $psdoc, int $imageid, float $x, float $y, float $scale | bool', \ 'ps_rect(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height | bool', \ 'ps_restore(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_rotate(': 'resource $psdoc, float $rot | bool', \ 'ps_save(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_scale(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'ps_set_border_color(': 'resource $psdoc, float $red, float $green, float $blue | bool', \ 'ps_set_border_dash(': 'resource $psdoc, float $black, float $white | bool', \ 'ps_set_border_style(': 'resource $psdoc, string $style, float $width | bool', \ 'ps_set_info(': 'resource $p, string $key, string $val | bool', \ 'ps_set_parameter(': 'resource $psdoc, string $name, string $value | bool', \ 'ps_set_text_pos(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'ps_set_value(': 'resource $psdoc, string $name, float $value | bool', \ 'ps_setcolor(': 'resource $psdoc, string $type, string $colorspace, float $c1, float $c2, float $c3, float $c4 | bool', \ 'ps_setdash(': 'resource $psdoc, float $on, float $off | bool', \ 'ps_setflat(': 'resource $psdoc, float $value | bool', \ 'ps_setfont(': 'resource $psdoc, int $fontid, float $size | bool', \ 'ps_setgray(': 'resource $psdoc, float $gray | bool', \ 'ps_setlinecap(': 'resource $psdoc, int $type | bool', \ 'ps_setlinejoin(': 'resource $psdoc, int $type | bool', \ 'ps_setlinewidth(': 'resource $psdoc, float $width | bool', \ 'ps_setmiterlimit(': 'resource $psdoc, float $value | bool', \ 'ps_setoverprintmode(': 'resource $psdoc, int $mode | bool', \ 'ps_setpolydash(': 'resource $psdoc, float $arr | bool', \ 'ps_shading_pattern(': 'resource $psdoc, int $shadingid, string $optlist | int', \ 'ps_shading(': 'resource $psdoc, string $type, float $x0, float $y0, float $x1, float $y1, float $c1, float $c2, float $c3, float $c4, string $optlist | int', \ 'ps_shfill(': 'resource $psdoc, int $shadingid | bool', \ 'ps_show_boxed(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text, float $left, float $bottom, float $width, float $height, string $hmode [, string $feature] | int', \ 'ps_show_xy(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text, float $x, float $y | bool', \ 'ps_show_xy2(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text, int $len, float $xcoor, float $ycoor | bool', \ 'ps_show(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text | bool', \ 'ps_show2(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text, int $len | bool', \ 'ps_string_geometry(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text [, int $fontid = 0 [, float $size = 0.0]] | array', \ 'ps_stringwidth(': 'resource $psdoc, string $text [, int $fontid = 0 [, float $size = 0.0]] | float', \ 'ps_stroke(': 'resource $psdoc | bool', \ 'ps_symbol_name(': 'resource $psdoc, int $ord [, int $fontid = 0] | string', \ 'ps_symbol_width(': 'resource $psdoc, int $ord [, int $fontid = 0 [, float $size = 0.0]] | float', \ 'ps_symbol(': 'resource $psdoc, int $ord | bool', \ 'ps_translate(': 'resource $psdoc, float $x, float $y | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['pspell'] = { \ 'pspell_add_to_personal(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $word | bool', \ 'pspell_add_to_session(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $word | bool', \ 'pspell_check(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $word | bool', \ 'pspell_clear_session(': 'int $dictionary_link | bool', \ 'pspell_config_create(': 'string $language [, string $spelling [, string $jargon [, string $encoding]]] | int', \ 'pspell_config_data_dir(': 'int $conf, string $directory | bool', \ 'pspell_config_dict_dir(': 'int $conf, string $directory | bool', \ 'pspell_config_ignore(': 'int $dictionary_link, int $n | bool', \ 'pspell_config_mode(': 'int $dictionary_link, int $mode | bool', \ 'pspell_config_personal(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $file | bool', \ 'pspell_config_repl(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $file | bool', \ 'pspell_config_runtogether(': 'int $dictionary_link, bool $flag | bool', \ 'pspell_config_save_repl(': 'int $dictionary_link, bool $flag | bool', \ 'pspell_new_config(': 'int $config | int', \ 'pspell_new_personal(': 'string $personal, string $language [, string $spelling [, string $jargon [, string $encoding [, int $mode = 0]]]] | int', \ 'pspell_new(': 'string $language [, string $spelling [, string $jargon [, string $encoding [, int $mode = 0]]]] | int', \ 'pspell_save_wordlist(': 'int $dictionary_link | bool', \ 'pspell_store_replacement(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $misspelled, string $correct | bool', \ 'pspell_suggest(': 'int $dictionary_link, string $word | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['paradox'] = { \ 'px_close(': 'resource $pxdoc | bool', \ 'px_create_fp(': 'resource $pxdoc, resource $file, array $fielddesc | bool', \ 'px_date2string(': 'resource $pxdoc, int $value, string $format | string', \ 'px_delete_record(': 'resource $pxdoc, int $num | bool', \ 'px_delete(': 'resource $pxdoc | bool', \ 'px_get_field(': 'resource $pxdoc, int $fieldno | array', \ 'px_get_info(': 'resource $pxdoc | array', \ 'px_get_parameter(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $name | string', \ 'px_get_record(': 'resource $pxdoc, int $num [, int $mode = 0] | array', \ 'px_get_schema(': 'resource $pxdoc [, int $mode = 0] | array', \ 'px_get_value(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $name | float', \ 'px_insert_record(': 'resource $pxdoc, array $data | int', \ 'px_new(': 'void | resource', \ 'px_numfields(': 'resource $pxdoc | int', \ 'px_numrecords(': 'resource $pxdoc | int', \ 'px_open_fp(': 'resource $pxdoc, resource $file | bool', \ 'px_put_record(': 'resource $pxdoc, array $record [, int $recpos = -1] | bool', \ 'px_retrieve_record(': 'resource $pxdoc, int $num [, int $mode = 0] | array', \ 'px_set_blob_file(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $filename | bool', \ 'px_set_parameter(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $name, string $value | bool', \ 'px_set_tablename(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $name | void', \ 'px_set_targetencoding(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $encoding | bool', \ 'px_set_value(': 'resource $pxdoc, string $name, float $value | bool', \ 'px_timestamp2string(': 'resource $pxdoc, float $value, string $format | string', \ 'px_update_record(': 'resource $pxdoc, array $data, int $num | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['radius'] = { \ 'radius_acct_open(': 'void | resource', \ 'radius_add_server(': 'resource $radius_handle, string $hostname, int $port, string $secret, int $timeout, int $max_tries | bool', \ 'radius_auth_open(': 'void | resource', \ 'radius_close(': 'resource $radius_handle | bool', \ 'radius_config(': 'resource $radius_handle, string $file | bool', \ 'radius_create_request(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $type | bool', \ 'radius_cvt_addr(': 'string $data | string', \ 'radius_cvt_int(': 'string $data | int', \ 'radius_cvt_string(': 'string $data | string', \ 'radius_demangle_mppe_key(': 'resource $radius_handle, string $mangled | string', \ 'radius_demangle(': 'resource $radius_handle, string $mangled | string', \ 'radius_get_attr(': 'resource $radius_handle | mixed', \ 'radius_get_tagged_attr_data(': 'string $data | string', \ 'radius_get_tagged_attr_tag(': 'string $data | int', \ 'radius_get_vendor_attr(': 'string $data | array', \ 'radius_put_addr(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $type, string $addr [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_put_attr(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $type, string $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_put_int(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $type, int $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_put_string(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $type, string $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_put_vendor_addr(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $vendor, int $type, string $addr | bool', \ 'radius_put_vendor_attr(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $vendor, int $type, string $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_put_vendor_int(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $vendor, int $type, int $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_put_vendor_string(': 'resource $radius_handle, int $vendor, int $type, string $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $tag]] | bool', \ 'radius_request_authenticator(': 'resource $radius_handle | string', \ 'radius_salt_encrypt_attr(': 'resource $radius_handle, string $data | string', \ 'radius_send_request(': 'resource $radius_handle | int', \ 'radius_server_secret(': 'resource $radius_handle | string', \ 'radius_strerror(': 'resource $radius_handle | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['csprng'] = { \ 'random_bytes(': 'int $length | string', \ 'random_int(': 'int $min, int $max | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['rar'] = { \ 'rar_wrapper_cache_stats(': 'void | string', \ 'rar_solid_is(': 'RarArchive $rarfile | bool', \ 'rar_allow_broken_set(': 'RarArchive $rarfile, bool $allow_broken | bool', \ 'rar_broken_is(': 'RarArchive $rarfile | bool', \ 'rar_entry_get(': 'RarArchive $rarfile, string $entryname | RarEntry', \ 'rar_close(': 'RarArchive $rarfile | bool', \ 'rar_list(': 'RarArchive $rarfile | array', \ 'rar_comment_get(': 'RarArchive $rarfile | string', \ 'rar_open(': 'string $filename [, string $password = NULL [, callable $volume_callback = NULL]] | RarArchive', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['readline'] = { \ 'readline_add_history(': 'string $line | bool', \ 'readline_callback_handler_install(': 'string $prompt, callable $callback | bool', \ 'readline_callback_handler_remove(': 'void | bool', \ 'readline_callback_read_char(': 'void | void', \ 'readline_clear_history(': 'void | bool', \ 'readline_completion_function(': 'callable $function | bool', \ 'readline_info(': '[ string $varname [, string $newvalue]] | mixed', \ 'readline_list_history(': 'void | array', \ 'readline_on_new_line(': 'void | void', \ 'readline_read_history(': '[ string $filename] | bool', \ 'readline_redisplay(': 'void | void', \ 'readline_write_history(': '[ string $filename] | bool', \ 'readline(': '[ string $prompt = NULL] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['recode'] = { \ 'recode_file(': 'string $request, resource $input, resource $output | bool', \ 'recode_string(': 'string $request, string $string | string', \ 'recode(': 'recode — Alias of recode_string()', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['rpm_reader'] = { \ 'rpm_close(': 'resource $rpmr | bool', \ 'rpm_get_tag(': 'resource $rpmr, int $tagnum | mixed', \ 'rpm_is_valid(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'rpm_open(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'rpm_version(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['rrd'] = { \ 'rrd_create(': 'string $filename, array $options | bool', \ 'rrd_error(': 'void | string', \ 'rrd_fetch(': 'string $filename, array $options | array', \ 'rrd_first(': 'string $file [, int $raaindex = 0] | int', \ 'rrd_graph(': 'string $filename, array $options | array', \ 'rrd_info(': 'string $filename | array', \ 'rrd_last(': 'string $filename | int', \ 'rrd_lastupdate(': 'string $filename | array', \ 'rrd_restore(': 'string $xml_file, string $rrd_file [, array $options] | bool', \ 'rrd_tune(': 'string $filename, array $options | bool', \ 'rrd_update(': 'string $filename, array $options | bool', \ 'rrd_version(': 'void | string', \ 'rrd_xport(': 'array $options | array', \ 'rrdc_disconnect(': 'void | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['runkit'] = { \ 'runkit_class_adopt(': 'string $classname, string $parentname | bool', \ 'runkit_class_emancipate(': 'string $classname | bool', \ 'runkit_constant_add(': 'string $constname, mixed $value | bool', \ 'runkit_constant_redefine(': 'string $constname, mixed $newvalue | bool', \ 'runkit_constant_remove(': 'string $constname | bool', \ 'runkit_function_add(': 'string $funcname, string $arglist, string $code [, bool $return_by_reference = NULL [, string $doc_comment = NULL]] | bool', \ 'runkit_function_copy(': 'string $funcname, string $targetname | bool', \ 'runkit_function_redefine(': 'string $funcname, string $arglist, string $code [, bool $return_by_reference = NULL [, string $doc_comment = NULL]] | bool', \ 'runkit_function_remove(': 'string $funcname | bool', \ 'runkit_function_rename(': 'string $funcname, string $newname | bool', \ 'runkit_import(': 'string $filename [, int $flags = RUNKIT_IMPORT_CLASS_METHODS] | bool', \ 'runkit_lint_file(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'runkit_lint(': 'string $code | bool', \ 'runkit_method_add(': 'string $classname, string $methodname, string $args, string $code [, int $flags = RUNKIT_ACC_PUBLIC [, string $doc_comment = NULL]] | bool', \ 'runkit_method_copy(': 'string $dClass, string $dMethod, string $sClass [, string $sMethod] | bool', \ 'runkit_method_redefine(': 'string $classname, string $methodname, string $args, string $code [, int $flags = RUNKIT_ACC_PUBLIC [, string $doc_comment = NULL]] | bool', \ 'runkit_method_remove(': 'string $classname, string $methodname | bool', \ 'runkit_method_rename(': 'string $classname, string $methodname, string $newname | bool', \ 'runkit_return_value_used(': 'void | bool', \ 'runkit_sandbox_output_handler(': 'object $sandbox [, mixed $callback] | mixed', \ 'runkit_superglobals(': 'void | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['seaslog'] = { \ 'seaslog_get_author(': 'void | string', \ 'seaslog_get_version(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['sessions'] = { \ 'session_abort(': 'void | bool', \ 'session_cache_expire(': '[ string $new_cache_expire] | int', \ 'session_cache_limiter(': '[ string $cache_limiter] | string', \ 'session_commit(': 'session_commit — Alias of session_write_close()', \ 'session_create_id(': '[ string $prefix] | string', \ 'session_decode(': 'string $data | bool', \ 'session_destroy(': 'void | bool', \ 'session_encode(': 'void | string', \ 'session_gc(': 'void | int', \ 'session_get_cookie_params(': 'void | array', \ 'session_id(': '[ string $id] | string', \ 'session_is_registered(': 'string $name | bool', \ 'session_module_name(': '[ string $module] | string', \ 'session_name(': '[ string $name] | string', \ 'session_regenerate_id(': '[ bool $delete_old_session = FALSE] | bool', \ 'session_register_shutdown(': 'void | void', \ 'session_register(': 'mixed $name [, mixed $...] | bool', \ 'session_reset(': 'void | bool', \ 'session_save_path(': '[ string $path] | string', \ 'session_set_cookie_params(': 'int $lifetime [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure = FALSE [, bool $httponly = FALSE]]]] | bool', \ 'session_set_save_handler(': 'callable $open, callable $close, callable $read, callable $write, callable $destroy, callable $gc [, callable $create_sid [, callable $validate_sid [, callable $update_timestamp]]] | bool', \ 'session_start(': '[ array $options = array()] | bool', \ 'session_status(': 'void | int', \ 'session_unregister(': 'string $name | bool', \ 'session_unset(': 'void | bool', \ 'session_write_close(': 'void | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['session_pgsql'] = { \ 'session_pgsql_add_error(': 'int $error_level [, string $error_message] | bool', \ 'session_pgsql_get_error(': '[ bool $with_error_message = FALSE] | array', \ 'session_pgsql_get_field(': 'void | string', \ 'session_pgsql_reset(': 'void | bool', \ 'session_pgsql_set_field(': 'string $value | bool', \ 'session_pgsql_status(': 'void | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['streams'] = { \ 'set_socket_blocking(': 'set_socket_blocking — Alias of stream_set_blocking()', \ 'stream_bucket_append(': 'resource $brigade, object $bucket | void', \ 'stream_bucket_make_writeable(': 'resource $brigade | object', \ 'stream_bucket_new(': 'resource $stream, string $buffer | object', \ 'stream_bucket_prepend(': 'resource $brigade, object $bucket | void', \ 'stream_context_create(': '[ array $options [, array $params]] | resource', \ 'stream_context_get_default(': '[ array $options] | resource', \ 'stream_context_get_options(': 'resource $stream_or_context | array', \ 'stream_context_get_params(': 'resource $stream_or_context | array', \ 'stream_context_set_default(': 'array $options | resource', \ 'stream_context_set_option(': 'resource $stream_or_context, string $wrapper, string $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'stream_context_set_params(': 'resource $stream_or_context, array $params | bool', \ 'stream_copy_to_stream(': 'resource $source, resource $dest [, int $maxlength = -1 [, int $offset = 0]] | int', \ 'stream_filter_append(': 'resource $stream, string $filtername [, int $read_write [, mixed $params]] | resource', \ 'stream_filter_prepend(': 'resource $stream, string $filtername [, int $read_write [, mixed $params]] | resource', \ 'stream_filter_register(': 'string $filtername, string $classname | bool', \ 'stream_filter_remove(': 'resource $stream_filter | bool', \ 'stream_get_contents(': 'resource $handle [, int $maxlength = -1 [, int $offset = -1]] | string', \ 'stream_get_filters(': 'void | array', \ 'stream_get_line(': 'resource $handle, int $length [, string $ending] | string', \ 'stream_get_meta_data(': 'resource $stream | array', \ 'stream_get_transports(': 'void | array', \ 'stream_get_wrappers(': 'void | array', \ 'stream_is_local(': 'mixed $stream_or_url | bool', \ 'stream_isatty(': 'resource $stream | bool', \ 'stream_notification_callback(': 'int $notification_code, int $severity, string $message, int $message_code, int $bytes_transferred, int $bytes_max | void', \ 'stream_resolve_include_path(': 'string $filename | string', \ 'stream_select(': 'array &$read, array &$write, array &$except, int $tv_sec [, int $tv_usec = 0] | int', \ 'stream_set_blocking(': 'resource $stream, bool $mode | bool', \ 'stream_set_chunk_size(': 'resource $fp, int $chunk_size | int', \ 'stream_set_read_buffer(': 'resource $stream, int $buffer | int', \ 'stream_set_timeout(': 'resource $stream, int $seconds [, int $microseconds = 0] | bool', \ 'stream_set_write_buffer(': 'resource $stream, int $buffer | int', \ 'stream_socket_accept(': 'resource $server_socket [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout") [, string &$peername]] | resource', \ 'stream_socket_client(': 'string $remote_socket [, int &$errno [, string &$errstr [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout") [, int $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT [, resource $context]]]]] | resource', \ 'stream_socket_enable_crypto(': 'resource $stream, bool $enable [, int $crypto_type [, resource $session_stream]] | mixed', \ 'stream_socket_get_name(': 'resource $handle, bool $want_peer | string', \ 'stream_socket_pair(': 'int $domain, int $type, int $protocol | array', \ 'stream_socket_recvfrom(': 'resource $socket, int $length [, int $flags = 0 [, string &$address]] | string', \ 'stream_socket_sendto(': 'resource $socket, string $data [, int $flags = 0 [, string $address]] | int', \ 'stream_socket_server(': 'string $local_socket [, int &$errno [, string &$errstr [, int $flags = STREAM_SERVER_BIND | STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN [, resource $context]]]] | resource', \ 'stream_socket_shutdown(': 'resource $stream, int $how | bool', \ 'stream_supports_lock(': 'resource $stream | bool', \ 'stream_wrapper_register(': 'string $protocol, string $classname [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ 'stream_wrapper_restore(': 'string $protocol | bool', \ 'stream_wrapper_unregister(': 'string $protocol | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['proctitle'] = { \ 'setproctitle(': 'string $title | void', \ 'setthreadtitle(': 'string $title | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['shared_memory'] = { \ 'shmop_close(': 'resource $shmid | void', \ 'shmop_delete(': 'resource $shmid | bool', \ 'shmop_open(': 'int $key, string $flags, int $mode, int $size | resource', \ 'shmop_read(': 'resource $shmid, int $start, int $count | string', \ 'shmop_size(': 'resource $shmid | int', \ 'shmop_write(': 'resource $shmid, string $data, int $offset | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['simplexml'] = { \ 'simplexml_import_dom(': 'DOMNode $node [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement"] | SimpleXMLElement', \ 'simplexml_load_file(': 'string $filename [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" [, int $options = 0 [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix = FALSE]]]] | SimpleXMLElement', \ 'simplexml_load_string(': 'string $data [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" [, int $options = 0 [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix = FALSE]]]] | SimpleXMLElement', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['snmp'] = { \ 'snmp_get_quick_print(': 'void | bool', \ 'snmp_get_valueretrieval(': 'void | int', \ 'snmp_read_mib(': 'string $filename | bool', \ 'snmp_set_enum_print(': 'int $enum_print | bool', \ 'snmp_set_oid_numeric_print(': 'int $oid_format | void', \ 'snmp_set_oid_output_format(': '[ int $oid_format = SNMP_OID_OUTPUT_MODULE] | bool', \ 'snmp_set_quick_print(': 'bool $quick_print | bool', \ 'snmp_set_valueretrieval(': '[ int $method = SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY] | bool', \ 'snmp2_get(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | string', \ 'snmp2_getnext(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | string', \ 'snmp2_real_walk(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ 'snmp2_set(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id, string $type, string $value [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | bool', \ 'snmp2_walk(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ 'snmp3_get(': 'string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | string', \ 'snmp3_getnext(': 'string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | string', \ 'snmp3_real_walk(': 'string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ 'snmp3_set(': 'string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id, string $type, string $value [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | bool', \ 'snmp3_walk(': 'string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ 'snmpget(': 'string $hostname, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | string', \ 'snmpgetnext(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | string', \ 'snmprealwalk(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ 'snmpset(': 'string $host, string $community, string $object_id, string $type, mixed $value [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | bool', \ 'snmpwalk(': 'string $hostname, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ 'snmpwalkoid(': 'string $hostname, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['sockets'] = { \ 'socket_accept(': 'resource $socket | resource', \ 'socket_addrinfo_bind(': 'resource $addr | resource', \ 'socket_addrinfo_connect(': 'resource $addr | resource', \ 'socket_addrinfo_explain(': 'resource $addr | array', \ 'socket_addrinfo_lookup(': 'string $host [, string $service [, array $hints]] | array', \ 'socket_bind(': 'resource $socket, string $address [, int $port = 0] | bool', \ 'socket_clear_error(': '[ resource $socket] | void', \ 'socket_close(': 'resource $socket | void', \ 'socket_cmsg_space(': 'int $level, int $type [, int $n = 0] | int', \ 'socket_connect(': 'resource $socket, string $address [, int $port = 0] | bool', \ 'socket_create_listen(': 'int $port [, int $backlog = 128] | resource', \ 'socket_create_pair(': 'int $domain, int $type, int $protocol, array &$fd | bool', \ 'socket_create(': 'int $domain, int $type, int $protocol | resource', \ 'socket_export_stream(': 'resource $socket | resource', \ 'socket_get_option(': 'resource $socket, int $level, int $optname | mixed', \ 'socket_getopt(': 'socket_getopt — Alias of socket_get_option()', \ 'socket_getpeername(': 'resource $socket, string &$address [, int &$port] | bool', \ 'socket_getsockname(': 'resource $socket, string &$addr [, int &$port] | bool', \ 'socket_import_stream(': 'resource $stream | resource', \ 'socket_last_error(': '[ resource $socket] | int', \ 'socket_listen(': 'resource $socket [, int $backlog = 0] | bool', \ 'socket_read(': 'resource $socket, int $length [, int $type = PHP_BINARY_READ] | string', \ 'socket_recv(': 'resource $socket, string &$buf, int $len, int $flags | int', \ 'socket_recvfrom(': 'resource $socket, string &$buf, int $len, int $flags, string &$name [, int &$port] | int', \ 'socket_recvmsg(': 'resource $socket, array &$message [, int $flags = 0] | int', \ 'socket_select(': 'array &$read, array &$write, array &$except, int $tv_sec [, int $tv_usec = 0] | int', \ 'socket_send(': 'resource $socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags | int', \ 'socket_sendmsg(': 'resource $socket, array $message [, int $flags = 0] | int', \ 'socket_sendto(': 'resource $socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags, string $addr [, int $port = 0] | int', \ 'socket_set_block(': 'resource $socket | bool', \ 'socket_set_nonblock(': 'resource $socket | bool', \ 'socket_set_option(': 'resource $socket, int $level, int $optname, mixed $optval | bool', \ 'socket_setopt(': 'socket_setopt — Alias of socket_set_option()', \ 'socket_shutdown(': 'resource $socket [, int $how = 2] | bool', \ 'socket_strerror(': 'int $errno | string', \ 'socket_write(': 'resource $socket, string $buffer [, int $length = 0] | int', \ 'socket_wsaprotocol_info_export(': 'resource $socket, int $target_pid | string', \ 'socket_wsaprotocol_info_import(': 'string $info_id | resource', \ 'socket_wsaprotocol_info_release(': 'string $info_id | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['sodium'] = { \ 'sodium_add(': 'string &$val, string $addv | void', \ 'sodium_base642bin(': 'string $b64, int $id [, string $ignore] | string', \ 'sodium_bin2base64(': 'string $bin, int $id | string', \ 'sodium_bin2hex(': 'string $bin | string', \ 'sodium_compare(': 'string $buf1, string $buf2 | int', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt(': 'string $ciphertext, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt(': 'string $msg, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available(': 'void | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt(': 'string $ciphertext, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(': 'string $msg, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(': 'string $ciphertext, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(': 'string $msg, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(': 'string $ciphertext, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(': 'string $msg, string $ad, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_auth_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_auth_verify(': 'string $signature, string $msg, string $key | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_auth(': 'string $msg, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(': 'string $secret_key, string $public_key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_keypair(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_open(': 'string $ciphertext, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_publickey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_seal_open(': 'string $ciphertext, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_seal(': 'string $msg, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_secretkey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box_seed_keypair(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_box(': 'string $msg, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_generichash_final(': 'string &$state [, int $length = SODIUM_CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES] | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_generichash_init(': '[ string $key [, int $length = SODIUM_CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES]] | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_generichash_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_generichash_update(': 'string &$state, string $msg | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_generichash(': 'string $msg [, string $key [, int $length = SODIUM_CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES]] | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(': 'int $subkey_len, int $subkey_id, string $context, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kdf_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kx_client_session_keys(': 'string $client_keypair, string $server_key | array', \ 'sodium_crypto_kx_keypair(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kx_publickey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kx_secretkey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kx_seed_keypair(': 'string $string | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_kx_server_session_keys(': 'string $server_keypair, string $client_key | array', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str_verify(': 'string $hash, string $password | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str(': 'string $password, int $opslimit, int $memlimit | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256(': 'int $length, string $password, string $salt, int $opslimit, int $memlimit | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash(': 'string $password, int $opslimit, int $memlimit | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify(': 'string $hash, string $password | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash_str(': 'string $password, int $opslimit, int $memlimit | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_pwhash(': 'int $length, string $password, string $salt, int $opslimit, int $memlimit [, int $alg] | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_scalarmult_base(': 'sodium_crypto_scalarmult_base — Alias of sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey()', \ 'sodium_crypto_scalarmult(': 'string $n, string $p | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(': 'string $ciphertext, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretbox(': 'string $string, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(': 'string $header, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push(': 'string $key | array', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull(': 'string &$state, string $c [, string $ad] | array', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push(': 'string &$state, string $msg [, string $ad [, int $tag]] | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_rekey(': 'string &$state | void', \ 'sodium_crypto_shorthash_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_shorthash(': 'string $msg, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_detached(': 'string $msg, string $secretkey | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(': 'string $secret_key, string $public_key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_open(': 'string $string, string $public_key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_publickey_from_secretkey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_publickey(': 'string $keypair | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_seed_keypair(': 'string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached(': 'string $signature, string $msg, string $public_key | bool', \ 'sodium_crypto_sign(': 'string $msg, string $secret_key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_stream_keygen(': 'void | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_stream_xor(': 'string $msg, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_crypto_stream(': 'int $length, string $nonce, string $key | string', \ 'sodium_hex2bin(': 'string $hex [, string $ignore] | string', \ 'sodium_increment(': 'string &$val | void', \ 'sodium_memcmp(': 'string $buf1, string $buf2 | int', \ 'sodium_memzero(': 'string &$buf | void', \ 'sodium_pad(': 'string $unpadded, int $length | string', \ 'sodium_unpad(': 'string $padded, int $length | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['solr'] = { \ 'solr_get_version(': 'void | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['sqlite'] = { \ 'sqlite_array_query(': 'resource $dbhandle, string $query [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE]] | array', \ 'sqlite_busy_timeout(': 'resource $dbhandle, int $milliseconds | void', \ 'sqlite_changes(': 'resource $dbhandle | int', \ 'sqlite_close(': 'resource $dbhandle | void', \ 'sqlite_column(': 'resource $result, mixed $index_or_name [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE] | mixed', \ 'sqlite_create_aggregate(': 'resource $dbhandle, string $function_name, callable $step_func, callable $finalize_func [, int $num_args = -1] | void', \ 'sqlite_create_function(': 'resource $dbhandle, string $function_name, callable $callback [, int $num_args = -1] | void', \ 'sqlite_current(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE]] | array', \ 'sqlite_error_string(': 'int $error_code | string', \ 'sqlite_escape_string(': 'string $item | string', \ 'sqlite_exec(': 'resource $dbhandle, string $query [, string &$error_msg] | bool', \ 'sqlite_factory(': 'string $filename [, int $mode = 0666 [, string &$error_message]] | SQLiteDatabase', \ 'sqlite_fetch_all(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE]] | array', \ 'sqlite_fetch_array(': 'resource $result [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE]] | array', \ 'sqlite_fetch_column_types(': 'string $table_name, resource $dbhandle [, int $result_type = SQLITE_ASSOC] | array', \ 'sqlite_fetch_object(': 'resource $result [, string $class_name [, array $ctor_params [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE]]] | object', \ 'sqlite_fetch_single(': 'resource $result [, bool $decode_binary = TRUE] | string', \ 'sqlite_fetch_string(': 'sqlite_fetch_string — Alias of sqlite_fetch_single()', \ 'sqlite_field_name(': 'resource $result, int $field_index | string', \ 'sqlite_has_more(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'sqlite_has_prev(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'sqlite_last_error(': 'resource $dbhandle | int', \ 'sqlite_last_insert_rowid(': 'resource $dbhandle | int', \ 'sqlite_libencoding(': 'void | string', \ 'sqlite_libversion(': 'void | string', \ 'sqlite_next(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'sqlite_num_fields(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'sqlite_num_rows(': 'resource $result | int', \ 'sqlite_open(': 'string $filename [, int $mode = 0666 [, string &$error_message]] | resource', \ 'sqlite_popen(': 'string $filename [, int $mode = 0666 [, string &$error_message]] | resource', \ 'sqlite_prev(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'sqlite_query(': 'resource $dbhandle, string $query [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, string &$error_msg]] | resource', \ 'sqlite_rewind(': 'resource $result | bool', \ 'sqlite_seek(': 'resource $result, int $rownum | bool', \ 'sqlite_single_query(': 'resource $db, string $query [, bool $first_row_only [, bool $decode_binary]] | array', \ 'sqlite_udf_decode_binary(': 'string $data | string', \ 'sqlite_udf_encode_binary(': 'string $data | string', \ 'sqlite_unbuffered_query(': 'resource $dbhandle, string $query [, int $result_type = SQLITE_BOTH [, string &$error_msg]] | resource', \ 'sqlite_valid(': 'resource $result | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['sqlsrv'] = { \ 'sqlsrv_begin_transaction(': 'resource $conn | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_cancel(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_client_info(': 'resource $conn | array', \ 'sqlsrv_close(': 'resource $conn | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_commit(': 'resource $conn | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_configure(': 'string $setting, mixed $value | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_connect(': 'string $serverName [, array $connectionInfo] | resource', \ 'sqlsrv_errors(': '[ int $errorsOrWarnings] | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_execute(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_fetch_array(': 'resource $stmt [, int $fetchType [, int $row [, int $offset]]] | array', \ 'sqlsrv_fetch_object(': 'resource $stmt [, string $className [, array $ctorParams [, int $row [, int $offset]]]] | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_fetch(': 'resource $stmt [, int $row [, int $offset]] | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_field_metadata(': 'resource $stmt | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_free_stmt(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_get_config(': 'string $setting | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_get_field(': 'resource $stmt, int $fieldIndex [, int $getAsType] | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_has_rows(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_next_result(': 'resource $stmt | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_num_fields(': 'resource $stmt | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_num_rows(': 'resource $stmt | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_prepare(': 'resource $conn, string $sql [, array $params [, array $options]] | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_query(': 'resource $conn, string $sql [, array $params [, array $options]] | mixed', \ 'sqlsrv_rollback(': 'resource $conn | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_rows_affected(': 'resource $stmt | int', \ 'sqlsrv_send_stream_data(': 'resource $stmt | bool', \ 'sqlsrv_server_info(': 'resource $conn | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ssdeep'] = { \ 'ssdeep_fuzzy_compare(': 'string $signature1, string $signature2 | int', \ 'ssdeep_fuzzy_hash_filename(': 'string $file_name | string', \ 'ssdeep_fuzzy_hash(': 'string $to_hash | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ssh2'] = { \ 'ssh2_auth_agent(': 'resource $session, string $username | bool', \ 'ssh2_auth_hostbased_file(': 'resource $session, string $username, string $hostname, string $pubkeyfile, string $privkeyfile [, string $passphrase [, string $local_username]] | bool', \ 'ssh2_auth_none(': 'resource $session, string $username | mixed', \ 'ssh2_auth_password(': 'resource $session, string $username, string $password | bool', \ 'ssh2_auth_pubkey_file(': 'resource $session, string $username, string $pubkeyfile, string $privkeyfile [, string $passphrase] | bool', \ 'ssh2_connect(': 'string $host [, int $port = 22 [, array $methods [, array $callbacks]]] | resource', \ 'ssh2_disconnect(': 'resource $session | bool', \ 'ssh2_exec(': 'resource $session, string $command [, string $pty [, array $env [, int $width = 80 [, int $height = 25 [, int $width_height_type = SSH2_TERM_UNIT_CHARS]]]]] | resource', \ 'ssh2_fetch_stream(': 'resource $channel, int $streamid | resource', \ 'ssh2_fingerprint(': 'resource $session [, int $flags = SSH2_FINGERPRINT_MD5 | SSH2_FINGERPRINT_HEX] | string', \ 'ssh2_methods_negotiated(': 'resource $session | array', \ 'ssh2_publickey_add(': 'resource $pkey, string $algoname, string $blob [, bool $overwrite = FALSE [, array $attributes]] | bool', \ 'ssh2_publickey_init(': 'resource $session | resource', \ 'ssh2_publickey_list(': 'resource $pkey | array', \ 'ssh2_publickey_remove(': 'resource $pkey, string $algoname, string $blob | bool', \ 'ssh2_scp_recv(': 'resource $session, string $remote_file, string $local_file | bool', \ 'ssh2_scp_send(': 'resource $session, string $local_file, string $remote_file [, int $create_mode = 0644] | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp_chmod(': 'resource $sftp, string $filename, int $mode | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp_lstat(': 'resource $sftp, string $path | array', \ 'ssh2_sftp_mkdir(': 'resource $sftp, string $dirname [, int $mode = 0777 [, bool $recursive = FALSE]] | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp_readlink(': 'resource $sftp, string $link | string', \ 'ssh2_sftp_realpath(': 'resource $sftp, string $filename | string', \ 'ssh2_sftp_rename(': 'resource $sftp, string $from, string $to | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp_rmdir(': 'resource $sftp, string $dirname | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp_stat(': 'resource $sftp, string $path | array', \ 'ssh2_sftp_symlink(': 'resource $sftp, string $target, string $link | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp_unlink(': 'resource $sftp, string $filename | bool', \ 'ssh2_sftp(': 'resource $session | resource', \ 'ssh2_shell(': 'resource $session [, string $term_type = "vanilla" [, array $env [, int $width = 80 [, int $height = 25 [, int $width_height_type = SSH2_TERM_UNIT_CHARS]]]]] | resource', \ 'ssh2_tunnel(': 'resource $session, string $host, int $port | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['statistics'] = { \ 'stats_absolute_deviation(': 'array $a | float', \ 'stats_cdf_beta(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_binomial(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_cauchy(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_chisquare(': 'float $par1, float $par2, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_exponential(': 'float $par1, float $par2, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_f(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_gamma(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_laplace(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_logistic(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_negative_binomial(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_noncentral_chisquare(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_noncentral_f(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, float $par4, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_noncentral_t(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_normal(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_poisson(': 'float $par1, float $par2, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_t(': 'float $par1, float $par2, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_uniform(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_cdf_weibull(': 'float $par1, float $par2, float $par3, int $which | float', \ 'stats_covariance(': 'array $a, array $b | float', \ 'stats_dens_beta(': 'float $x, float $a, float $b | float', \ 'stats_dens_cauchy(': 'float $x, float $ave, float $stdev | float', \ 'stats_dens_chisquare(': 'float $x, float $dfr | float', \ 'stats_dens_exponential(': 'float $x, float $scale | float', \ 'stats_dens_f(': 'float $x, float $dfr1, float $dfr2 | float', \ 'stats_dens_gamma(': 'float $x, float $shape, float $scale | float', \ 'stats_dens_laplace(': 'float $x, float $ave, float $stdev | float', \ 'stats_dens_logistic(': 'float $x, float $ave, float $stdev | float', \ 'stats_dens_normal(': 'float $x, float $ave, float $stdev | float', \ 'stats_dens_pmf_binomial(': 'float $x, float $n, float $pi | float', \ 'stats_dens_pmf_hypergeometric(': 'float $n1, float $n2, float $N1, float $N2 | float', \ 'stats_dens_pmf_negative_binomial(': 'float $x, float $n, float $pi | float', \ 'stats_dens_pmf_poisson(': 'float $x, float $lb | float', \ 'stats_dens_t(': 'float $x, float $dfr | float', \ 'stats_dens_uniform(': 'float $x, float $a, float $b | float', \ 'stats_dens_weibull(': 'float $x, float $a, float $b | float', \ 'stats_harmonic_mean(': 'array $a | number', \ 'stats_kurtosis(': 'array $a | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_beta(': 'float $a, float $b | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_chisquare(': 'float $df | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_exponential(': 'float $av | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_f(': 'float $dfn, float $dfd | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_funiform(': 'float $low, float $high | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_gamma(': 'float $a, float $r | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_ibinomial_negative(': 'int $n, float $p | int', \ 'stats_rand_gen_ibinomial(': 'int $n, float $pp | int', \ 'stats_rand_gen_int(': 'void | int', \ 'stats_rand_gen_ipoisson(': 'float $mu | int', \ 'stats_rand_gen_iuniform(': 'int $low, int $high | int', \ 'stats_rand_gen_noncentral_chisquare(': 'float $df, float $xnonc | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_noncentral_f(': 'float $dfn, float $dfd, float $xnonc | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_noncentral_t(': 'float $df, float $xnonc | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_normal(': 'float $av, float $sd | float', \ 'stats_rand_gen_t(': 'float $df | float', \ 'stats_rand_get_seeds(': 'void | array', \ 'stats_rand_phrase_to_seeds(': 'string $phrase | array', \ 'stats_rand_ranf(': 'void | float', \ 'stats_rand_setall(': 'int $iseed1, int $iseed2 | void', \ 'stats_skew(': 'array $a | float', \ 'stats_standard_deviation(': 'array $a [, bool $sample = FALSE] | float', \ 'stats_stat_binomial_coef(': 'int $x, int $n | float', \ 'stats_stat_correlation(': 'array $arr1, array $arr2 | float', \ 'stats_stat_factorial(': 'int $n | float', \ 'stats_stat_independent_t(': 'array $arr1, array $arr2 | float', \ 'stats_stat_innerproduct(': 'array $arr1, array $arr2 | float', \ 'stats_stat_paired_t(': 'array $arr1, array $arr2 | float', \ 'stats_stat_percentile(': 'array $arr, float $perc | float', \ 'stats_stat_powersum(': 'array $arr, float $power | float', \ 'stats_variance(': 'array $a [, bool $sample = FALSE] | float', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['stomp'] = { \ 'stomp_connect_error(': 'void | string', \ 'stomp_version(': 'void | string', \ 'stomp_get_read_timeout(': 'resource $link | array', \ 'stomp_read_frame(': 'resource $link | array', \ 'stomp_send(': 'resource $link, string $destination, mixed $msg [, array $headers] | bool', \ 'stomp_subscribe(': 'resource $link, string $destination [, array $headers] | bool', \ 'stomp_close(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'stomp_connect(': '[ string $broker = ini_get("stomp.default_broker_uri") [, string $username [, string $password [, array $headers]]]] | resource', \ 'stomp_abort(': 'resource $link, string $transaction_id [, array $headers] | bool', \ 'stomp_get_session_id(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'stomp_ack(': 'resource $link, mixed $msg [, array $headers] | bool', \ 'stomp_set_read_timeout(': 'resource $link, int $seconds [, int $microseconds] | void', \ 'stomp_has_frame(': 'resource $link | bool', \ 'stomp_unsubscribe(': 'resource $link, string $destination [, array $headers] | bool', \ 'stomp_commit(': 'resource $link, string $transaction_id [, array $headers] | bool', \ 'stomp_error(': 'resource $link | string', \ 'stomp_begin(': 'resource $link, string $transaction_id [, array $headers] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['svn'] = { \ 'svn_add(': 'string $path [, bool $recursive = TRUE [, bool $force = FALSE]] | bool', \ 'svn_auth_get_parameter(': 'string $key | string', \ 'svn_auth_set_parameter(': 'string $key, string $value | void', \ 'svn_blame(': 'string $repository_url [, int $revision_no = SVN_REVISION_HEAD] | array', \ 'svn_cat(': 'string $repos_url [, int $revision_no] | string', \ 'svn_checkout(': 'string $repos, string $targetpath [, int $revision [, int $flags = 0]] | bool', \ 'svn_cleanup(': 'string $workingdir | bool', \ 'svn_client_version(': 'void | string', \ 'svn_commit(': 'string $log, array $targets [, bool $recursive = TRUE] | array', \ 'svn_delete(': 'string $path [, bool $force = FALSE] | bool', \ 'svn_diff(': 'string $path1, int $rev1, string $path2, int $rev2 | array', \ 'svn_export(': 'string $frompath, string $topath [, bool $working_copy = TRUE [, int $revision_no = -1]] | bool', \ 'svn_fs_abort_txn(': 'resource $txn | bool', \ 'svn_fs_apply_text(': 'resource $root, string $path | resource', \ 'svn_fs_begin_txn2(': 'resource $repos, int $rev | resource', \ 'svn_fs_change_node_prop(': 'resource $root, string $path, string $name, string $value | bool', \ 'svn_fs_check_path(': 'resource $fsroot, string $path | int', \ 'svn_fs_contents_changed(': 'resource $root1, string $path1, resource $root2, string $path2 | bool', \ 'svn_fs_copy(': 'resource $from_root, string $from_path, resource $to_root, string $to_path | bool', \ 'svn_fs_delete(': 'resource $root, string $path | bool', \ 'svn_fs_dir_entries(': 'resource $fsroot, string $path | array', \ 'svn_fs_file_contents(': 'resource $fsroot, string $path | resource', \ 'svn_fs_file_length(': 'resource $fsroot, string $path | int', \ 'svn_fs_is_dir(': 'resource $root, string $path | bool', \ 'svn_fs_is_file(': 'resource $root, string $path | bool', \ 'svn_fs_make_dir(': 'resource $root, string $path | bool', \ 'svn_fs_make_file(': 'resource $root, string $path | bool', \ 'svn_fs_node_created_rev(': 'resource $fsroot, string $path | int', \ 'svn_fs_node_prop(': 'resource $fsroot, string $path, string $propname | string', \ 'svn_fs_props_changed(': 'resource $root1, string $path1, resource $root2, string $path2 | bool', \ 'svn_fs_revision_prop(': 'resource $fs, int $revnum, string $propname | string', \ 'svn_fs_revision_root(': 'resource $fs, int $revnum | resource', \ 'svn_fs_txn_root(': 'resource $txn | resource', \ 'svn_fs_youngest_rev(': 'resource $fs | int', \ 'svn_import(': 'string $path, string $url, bool $nonrecursive | bool', \ 'svn_log(': 'string $repos_url [, int $start_revision [, int $end_revision [, int $limit = 0 [, int $flags = SVN_DISCOVER_CHANGED_PATHS | SVN_STOP_ON_COPY]]]] | array', \ 'svn_ls(': 'string $repos_url [, int $revision_no = SVN_REVISION_HEAD [, bool $recurse = FALSE [, bool $peg = FALSE]]] | array', \ 'svn_mkdir(': 'string $path [, string $log_message] | bool', \ 'svn_repos_create(': 'string $path [, array $config [, array $fsconfig]] | resource', \ 'svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit(': 'resource $repos, int $rev, string $author, string $log_msg | resource', \ 'svn_repos_fs_commit_txn(': 'resource $txn | int', \ 'svn_repos_fs(': 'resource $repos | resource', \ 'svn_repos_hotcopy(': 'string $repospath, string $destpath, bool $cleanlogs | bool', \ 'svn_repos_open(': 'string $path | resource', \ 'svn_repos_recover(': 'string $path | bool', \ 'svn_revert(': 'string $path [, bool $recursive = FALSE] | bool', \ 'svn_status(': 'string $path [, int $flags = 0] | array', \ 'svn_update(': 'string $path [, int $revno = SVN_REVISION_HEAD [, bool $recurse = TRUE]] | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['swoole'] = { \ 'swoole_async_dns_lookup(': 'string $hostname, callable $callback | bool', \ 'swoole_async_read(': 'string $filename, callable $callback [, int $chunk_size = 65536 [, int $offset = 0]] | bool', \ 'swoole_async_readfile(': 'string $filename, callable $callback | bool', \ 'swoole_async_set(': 'array $settings | void', \ 'swoole_async_write(': 'string $filename, string $content [, integer $offset [, callable $callback]] | bool', \ 'swoole_async_writefile(': 'string $filename, string $content [, callable $callback [, int $flags = 0]] | bool', \ 'swoole_client_select(': 'array &$read_array, array &$write_array, array &$error_array [, float $timeout = 0.5] | int', \ 'swoole_cpu_num(': 'void | int', \ 'swoole_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'swoole_event_add(': 'int $fd [, callable $read_callback [, callable $write_callback [, int $events = 0]]] | int', \ 'swoole_event_defer(': 'callable $callback | bool', \ 'swoole_event_del(': 'int $fd | bool', \ 'swoole_event_exit(': 'void | void', \ 'swoole_event_set(': 'int $fd [, callable $read_callback [, callable $write_callback [, int $events = 0]]] | bool', \ 'swoole_event_wait(': 'void | void', \ 'swoole_event_write(': 'int $fd, string $data | bool', \ 'swoole_get_local_ip(': 'void | array', \ 'swoole_last_error(': 'void | int', \ 'swoole_load_module(': 'string $filename | mixed', \ 'swoole_select(': 'array &$read_array, array &$write_array, array &$error_array [, float $timeout] | int', \ 'swoole_set_process_name(': 'string $process_name [, int $size = 128] | void', \ 'swoole_strerror(': 'int $errno [, int $error_type = 0] | string', \ 'swoole_timer_after(': 'int $ms, callable $callback [, mixed $param] | int', \ 'swoole_timer_exists(': 'int $timer_id | bool', \ 'swoole_timer_tick(': 'int $ms, callable $callback [, mixed $param] | int', \ 'swoole_version(': 'void | string', \ 'swoole_timer_clear(': 'integer $timer_id | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['tcp'] = { \ 'tcpwrap_check(': 'string $daemon, string $address [, string $user [, bool $nodns = FALSE]] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['tokenizer'] = { \ 'token_get_all(': 'string $source [, int $flags = 0] | array', \ 'token_name(': 'int $token | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['trader'] = { \ 'trader_acos(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ad(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close, array $volume | array', \ 'trader_add(': 'array $real0, array $real1 | array', \ 'trader_adosc(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close, array $volume [, int $fastPeriod [, int $slowPeriod]] | array', \ 'trader_adx(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_adxr(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_apo(': 'array $real [, int $fastPeriod [, int $slowPeriod [, int $mAType]]] | array', \ 'trader_aroon(': 'array $high, array $low [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_aroonosc(': 'array $high, array $low [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_asin(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_atan(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_atr(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_avgprice(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_bbands(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod [, float $nbDevUp [, float $nbDevDn [, int $mAType]]]] | array', \ 'trader_beta(': 'array $real0, array $real1 [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_bop(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cci(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_cdl2crows(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdl3blackcrows(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdl3inside(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdl3linestrike(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdl3outside(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdl3starsinsouth(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdl3whitesoldiers(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlabandonedbaby(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdladvanceblock(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlbelthold(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlbreakaway(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlclosingmarubozu(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlconcealbabyswall(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlcounterattack(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdldarkcloudcover(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdldoji(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdldojistar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdldragonflydoji(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlengulfing(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdleveningdojistar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdleveningstar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdlgapsidesidewhite(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlgravestonedoji(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlhammer(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlhangingman(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlharami(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlharamicross(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlhighwave(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlhikkake(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlhikkakemod(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlhomingpigeon(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlidentical3crows(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlinneck(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlinvertedhammer(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlkicking(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlkickingbylength(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlladderbottom(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdllongleggeddoji(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdllongline(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlmarubozu(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlmatchinglow(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlmathold(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdlmorningdojistar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdlmorningstar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close [, float $penetration] | array', \ 'trader_cdlonneck(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlpiercing(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlrickshawman(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlrisefall3methods(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlseparatinglines(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlshootingstar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlshortline(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlspinningtop(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlstalledpattern(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlsticksandwich(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdltakuri(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdltasukigap(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlthrusting(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdltristar(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlunique3river(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlupsidegap2crows(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_cdlxsidegap3methods(': 'array $open, array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_ceil(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_cmo(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_correl(': 'array $real0, array $real1 [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_cos(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_cosh(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_dema(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_div(': 'array $real0, array $real1 | array', \ 'trader_dx(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_ema(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'trader_exp(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_floor(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_get_compat(': 'void | int', \ 'trader_get_unstable_period(': 'int $functionId | int', \ 'trader_ht_dcperiod(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ht_dcphase(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ht_phasor(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ht_sine(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ht_trendline(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ht_trendmode(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_kama(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_linearreg_angle(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_linearreg_intercept(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_linearreg_slope(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_linearreg(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_ln(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_log10(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_ma(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod [, int $mAType]] | array', \ 'trader_macd(': 'array $real [, int $fastPeriod [, int $slowPeriod [, int $signalPeriod]]] | array', \ 'trader_macdext(': 'array $real [, int $fastPeriod [, int $fastMAType [, int $slowPeriod [, int $slowMAType [, int $signalPeriod [, int $signalMAType]]]]]] | array', \ 'trader_macdfix(': 'array $real [, int $signalPeriod] | array', \ 'trader_mama(': 'array $real [, float $fastLimit [, float $slowLimit]] | array', \ 'trader_mavp(': 'array $real, array $periods [, int $minPeriod [, int $maxPeriod [, int $mAType]]] | array', \ 'trader_max(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_maxindex(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_medprice(': 'array $high, array $low | array', \ 'trader_mfi(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close, array $volume [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_midpoint(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_midprice(': 'array $high, array $low [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_min(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_minindex(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_minmax(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_minmaxindex(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_minus_di(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_minus_dm(': 'array $high, array $low [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_mom(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_mult(': 'array $real0, array $real1 | array', \ 'trader_natr(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_obv(': 'array $real, array $volume | array', \ 'trader_plus_di(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_plus_dm(': 'array $high, array $low [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_ppo(': 'array $real [, int $fastPeriod [, int $slowPeriod [, int $mAType]]] | array', \ 'trader_roc(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_rocp(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_rocr(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_rocr100(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_rsi(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_sar(': 'array $high, array $low [, float $acceleration [, float $maximum]] | array', \ 'trader_sarext(': 'array $high, array $low [, float $startValue [, float $offsetOnReverse [, float $accelerationInitLong [, float $accelerationLong [, float $accelerationMaxLong [, float $accelerationInitShort [, float $accelerationShort [, float $accelerationMaxShort]]]]]]]] | array', \ 'trader_set_compat(': 'int $compatId | void', \ 'trader_set_unstable_period(': 'int $functionId, int $timePeriod | void', \ 'trader_sin(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_sinh(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_sma(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_sqrt(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_stddev(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod [, float $nbDev]] | array', \ 'trader_stoch(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $fastK_Period [, int $slowK_Period [, int $slowK_MAType [, int $slowD_Period [, int $slowD_MAType]]]]] | array', \ 'trader_stochf(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $fastK_Period [, int $fastD_Period [, int $fastD_MAType]]] | array', \ 'trader_stochrsi(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod [, int $fastK_Period [, int $fastD_Period [, int $fastD_MAType]]]] | array', \ 'trader_sub(': 'array $real0, array $real1 | array', \ 'trader_sum(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_t3(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod [, float $vFactor]] | array', \ 'trader_tan(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_tanh(': 'array $real | array', \ 'trader_tema(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_trange(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_trima(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_trix(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_tsf(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_typprice(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_ultosc(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod1 [, int $timePeriod2 [, int $timePeriod3]]] | array', \ 'trader_var(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod [, float $nbDev]] | array', \ 'trader_wclprice(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close | array', \ 'trader_willr(': 'array $high, array $low, array $close [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ 'trader_wma(': 'array $real [, int $timePeriod] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['mnogosearch'] = { \ 'udm_add_search_limit(': 'resource $agent, int $var, string $val | bool', \ 'udm_alloc_agent_array(': 'array $databases | resource', \ 'udm_alloc_agent(': 'string $dbaddr [, string $dbmode] | resource', \ 'udm_api_version(': 'void | int', \ 'udm_cat_list(': 'resource $agent, string $category | array', \ 'udm_cat_path(': 'resource $agent, string $category | array', \ 'udm_check_charset(': 'resource $agent, string $charset | bool', \ 'udm_clear_search_limits(': 'resource $agent | bool', \ 'udm_crc32(': 'resource $agent, string $str | int', \ 'udm_errno(': 'resource $agent | int', \ 'udm_error(': 'resource $agent | string', \ 'udm_find(': 'resource $agent, string $query | resource', \ 'udm_free_agent(': 'resource $agent | int', \ 'udm_free_ispell_data(': 'int $agent | bool', \ 'udm_free_res(': 'resource $res | bool', \ 'udm_get_doc_count(': 'resource $agent | int', \ 'udm_get_res_field(': 'resource $res, int $row, int $field | string', \ 'udm_get_res_param(': 'resource $res, int $param | string', \ 'udm_hash32(': 'resource $agent, string $str | int', \ 'udm_load_ispell_data(': 'resource $agent, int $var, string $val1, string $val2, int $flag | bool', \ 'udm_set_agent_param(': 'resource $agent, int $var, string $val | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['ui'] = { \ 'UI\Draw\Text\Font\fontFamilies(': 'void | array', \ 'UI\quit(': 'void | void', \ 'UI\run(': '[ int $flags] | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['uopz'] = { \ 'uopz_add_function(': 'string $function, Closure $handler [, int &$flags = ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC] | bool', \ 'uopz_allow_exit(': 'bool $allow | void', \ 'uopz_backup(': 'string $function | void', \ 'uopz_compose(': 'string $name, array $classes [, array $methods [, array $properties [, int $flags]]] | void', \ 'uopz_copy(': 'string $function | Closure', \ 'uopz_del_function(': 'string $function | bool', \ 'uopz_delete(': 'string $function | void', \ 'uopz_extend(': 'string $class, string $parent | bool', \ 'uopz_flags(': 'string $function [, int $flags = PHP_INT_MAX] | int', \ 'uopz_function(': 'string $function, Closure $handler [, int $modifiers] | void', \ 'uopz_get_exit_status(': 'void | mixed', \ 'uopz_get_hook(': 'string $function | Closure', \ 'uopz_get_mock(': 'string $class | mixed', \ 'uopz_get_property(': 'string $class, string $property | mixed', \ 'uopz_get_return(': 'string $function | mixed', \ 'uopz_get_static(': 'string $class, string $function | array', \ 'uopz_implement(': 'string $class, string $interface | bool', \ 'uopz_overload(': 'int $opcode, Callable $callable | void', \ 'uopz_redefine(': 'string $constant, mixed $value | bool', \ 'uopz_rename(': 'string $function, string $rename | void', \ 'uopz_restore(': 'string $function | void', \ 'uopz_set_hook(': 'string $function, Closure $hook | bool', \ 'uopz_set_mock(': 'string $class, mixed $mock | void', \ 'uopz_set_property(': 'string $class, string $property, mixed $value | void', \ 'uopz_set_return(': 'string $function, mixed $value [, bool $execute = FALSE] | bool', \ 'uopz_set_static(': 'string $function, array $static | void', \ 'uopz_undefine(': 'string $constant | bool', \ 'uopz_unset_hook(': 'string $function | bool', \ 'uopz_unset_mock(': 'string $class | void', \ 'uopz_unset_return(': 'string $function | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['xml_parser'] = { \ 'utf8_decode(': 'string $data | string', \ 'utf8_encode(': 'string $data | string', \ 'xml_error_string(': 'int $code | string', \ 'xml_get_current_byte_index(': 'resource $parser | int', \ 'xml_get_current_column_number(': 'resource $parser | int', \ 'xml_get_current_line_number(': 'resource $parser | int', \ 'xml_get_error_code(': 'resource $parser | int', \ 'xml_parse_into_struct(': 'resource $parser, string $data, array &$values [, array &$index] | int', \ 'xml_parse(': 'resource $parser, string $data [, bool $is_final = FALSE] | int', \ 'xml_parser_create_ns(': '[ string $encoding [, string $separator = ":"]] | resource', \ 'xml_parser_create(': '[ string $encoding] | resource', \ 'xml_parser_free(': 'resource $parser | bool', \ 'xml_parser_get_option(': 'resource $parser, int $option | mixed', \ 'xml_parser_set_option(': 'resource $parser, int $option, mixed $value | bool', \ 'xml_set_character_data_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_default_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_element_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $start_element_handler, callable $end_element_handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_notation_decl_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_object(': 'resource $parser, object &$object | bool', \ 'xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ 'xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(': 'resource $parser, callable $handler | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['vpopmail'] = { \ 'vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex(': 'string $olddomain, string $newdomain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_add_alias_domain(': 'string $domain, string $aliasdomain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_add_domain_ex(': 'string $domain, string $passwd [, string $quota [, string $bounce [, bool $apop]]] | bool', \ 'vpopmail_add_domain(': 'string $domain, string $dir, int $uid, int $gid | bool', \ 'vpopmail_add_user(': 'string $user, string $domain, string $password [, string $gecos [, bool $apop]] | bool', \ 'vpopmail_alias_add(': 'string $user, string $domain, string $alias | bool', \ 'vpopmail_alias_del_domain(': 'string $domain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_alias_del(': 'string $user, string $domain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_alias_get_all(': 'string $domain | array', \ 'vpopmail_alias_get(': 'string $alias, string $domain | array', \ 'vpopmail_auth_user(': 'string $user, string $domain, string $password [, string $apop] | bool', \ 'vpopmail_del_domain_ex(': 'string $domain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_del_domain(': 'string $domain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_del_user(': 'string $user, string $domain | bool', \ 'vpopmail_error(': 'void | string', \ 'vpopmail_passwd(': 'string $user, string $domain, string $password [, bool $apop] | bool', \ 'vpopmail_set_user_quota(': 'string $user, string $domain, string $quota | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['win32service'] = { \ 'win32_continue_service(': 'string $servicename [, string $machine] | int', \ 'win32_create_service(': 'array $details [, string $machine] | mixed', \ 'win32_delete_service(': 'string $servicename [, string $machine] | mixed', \ 'win32_get_last_control_message(': 'void | int', \ 'win32_pause_service(': 'string $servicename [, string $machine] | int', \ 'win32_query_service_status(': 'string $servicename [, string $machine] | mixed', \ 'win32_send_custom_control(': 'string $servicename, int $control [, string $machine] | int', \ 'win32_set_service_exit_code(': '[ int $exitCode = 1] | int', \ 'win32_set_service_exit_mode(': '[ bool $gracefulMode = true] | bool', \ 'win32_set_service_status(': 'int $status [, int $checkpoint = 0] | bool', \ 'win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher(': 'string $name [, bool $gracefulMode = true] | mixed', \ 'win32_start_service(': 'string $servicename [, string $machine] | int', \ 'win32_stop_service(': 'string $servicename [, string $machine] | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['win32ps'] = { \ 'win32_ps_list_procs(': 'void | array', \ 'win32_ps_stat_mem(': 'void | array', \ 'win32_ps_stat_proc(': '[ int $pid = 0] | array', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['wincache'] = { \ 'wincache_fcache_fileinfo(': '[ bool $summaryonly = FALSE] | array', \ 'wincache_fcache_meminfo(': 'void | array', \ 'wincache_lock(': 'string $key [, bool $isglobal = FALSE] | bool', \ 'wincache_ocache_fileinfo(': '[ bool $summaryonly = FALSE] | array', \ 'wincache_ocache_meminfo(': 'void | array', \ 'wincache_refresh_if_changed(': '[ array $files = NULL] | bool', \ 'wincache_rplist_fileinfo(': '[ bool $summaryonly = FALSE] | array', \ 'wincache_rplist_meminfo(': 'void | array', \ 'wincache_scache_info(': '[ bool $summaryonly = FALSE] | array', \ 'wincache_scache_meminfo(': 'void | array', \ 'wincache_ucache_add(': 'string $key, mixed $value [, int $ttl = 0] | bool', \ 'wincache_ucache_cas(': 'string $key, int $old_value, int $new_value | bool', \ 'wincache_ucache_clear(': 'void | bool', \ 'wincache_ucache_dec(': 'string $key [, int $dec_by = 1 [, bool &$success]] | mixed', \ 'wincache_ucache_delete(': 'mixed $key | bool', \ 'wincache_ucache_exists(': 'string $key | bool', \ 'wincache_ucache_get(': 'mixed $key [, bool &$success] | mixed', \ 'wincache_ucache_inc(': 'string $key [, int $inc_by = 1 [, bool &$success]] | mixed', \ 'wincache_ucache_info(': '[ bool $summaryonly = FALSE [, string $key = NULL]] | array', \ 'wincache_ucache_meminfo(': 'void | array', \ 'wincache_ucache_set(': 'mixed $key, mixed $value [, int $ttl = 0] | bool', \ 'wincache_unlock(': 'string $key | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['xattr'] = { \ 'xattr_get(': 'string $filename, string $name [, int $flags = 0] | string', \ 'xattr_list(': 'string $filename [, int $flags = 0] | array', \ 'xattr_remove(': 'string $filename, string $name [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ 'xattr_set(': 'string $filename, string $name, string $value [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ 'xattr_supported(': 'string $filename [, int $flags = 0] | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['xdiff'] = { \ 'xdiff_file_bdiff_size(': 'string $file | int', \ 'xdiff_file_bdiff(': 'string $old_file, string $new_file, string $dest | bool', \ 'xdiff_file_bpatch(': 'string $file, string $patch, string $dest | bool', \ 'xdiff_file_diff_binary(': 'string $old_file, string $new_file, string $dest | bool', \ 'xdiff_file_diff(': 'string $old_file, string $new_file, string $dest [, int $context = 3 [, bool $minimal = FALSE]] | bool', \ 'xdiff_file_merge3(': 'string $old_file, string $new_file1, string $new_file2, string $dest | mixed', \ 'xdiff_file_patch_binary(': 'string $file, string $patch, string $dest | bool', \ 'xdiff_file_patch(': 'string $file, string $patch, string $dest [, int $flags = DIFF_PATCH_NORMAL] | mixed', \ 'xdiff_file_rabdiff(': 'string $old_file, string $new_file, string $dest | bool', \ 'xdiff_string_bdiff_size(': 'string $patch | int', \ 'xdiff_string_bdiff(': 'string $old_data, string $new_data | string', \ 'xdiff_string_bpatch(': 'string $str, string $patch | string', \ 'xdiff_string_diff(': 'string $old_data, string $new_data [, int $context = 3 [, bool $minimal = FALSE]] | string', \ 'xdiff_string_merge3(': 'string $old_data, string $new_data1, string $new_data2 [, string &$error] | mixed', \ 'xdiff_string_patch_binary(': 'string $str, string $patch | string', \ 'xdiff_string_patch(': 'string $str, string $patch [, int $flags [, string &$error]] | string', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['xhprof'] = { \ 'xhprof_disable(': 'void | array', \ 'xhprof_enable(': '[ int $flags = 0 [, array $options]] | void', \ 'xhprof_sample_disable(': 'void | array', \ 'xhprof_sample_enable(': 'void | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['xml_rpc'] = { \ 'xmlrpc_decode_request(': 'string $xml, string &$method [, string $encoding] | mixed', \ 'xmlrpc_decode(': 'string $xml [, string $encoding = "iso-8859-1"] | mixed', \ 'xmlrpc_encode_request(': 'string $method, mixed $params [, array $output_options] | string', \ 'xmlrpc_encode(': 'mixed $value | string', \ 'xmlrpc_get_type(': 'mixed $value | string', \ 'xmlrpc_is_fault(': 'array $arg | bool', \ 'xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions(': 'string $xml | array', \ 'xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data(': 'resource $server, array $desc | int', \ 'xmlrpc_server_call_method(': 'resource $server, string $xml, mixed $user_data [, array $output_options] | string', \ 'xmlrpc_server_create(': 'void | resource', \ 'xmlrpc_server_destroy(': 'resource $server | bool', \ 'xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback(': 'resource $server, string $function | bool', \ 'xmlrpc_server_register_method(': 'resource $server, string $method_name, string $function | bool', \ 'xmlrpc_set_type(': 'string &$value, string $type | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['xmlwriter'] = { \ 'xmlwriter_end_attribute(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_cdata(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_comment(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_document(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_dtd_attlist(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_dtd_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_dtd_entity(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_dtd(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_end_pi(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_flush(': 'resource $xmlwriter [, bool $empty = TRUE] | mixed', \ 'xmlwriter_full_end_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_open_memory(': 'void | resource', \ 'xmlwriter_open_uri(': 'string $uri | resource', \ 'xmlwriter_output_memory(': 'resource $xmlwriter [, bool $flush = TRUE] | string', \ 'xmlwriter_set_indent_string(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $indentString | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_set_indent(': 'resource $xmlwriter, bool $indent | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_attribute_ns(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $prefix, string $name, string $uri | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_attribute(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_cdata(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_comment(': 'resource $xmlwriter | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_document(': 'resource $xmlwriter [, string $version = 1.0 [, string $encoding = NULL [, string $standalone]]] | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_dtd_attlist(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_dtd_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $qualifiedName | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_dtd_entity(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name, bool $isparam | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_dtd(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $qualifiedName [, string $publicId [, string $systemId]] | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_element_ns(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $prefix, string $name, string $uri | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_start_pi(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $target | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_text(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_attribute_ns(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $prefix, string $name, string $uri, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_attribute(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name, string $value | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_cdata(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_comment(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_dtd_attlist(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_dtd_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_dtd_entity(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name, string $content, bool $pe, string $pubid, string $sysid, string $ndataid | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_dtd(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name [, string $publicId [, string $systemId [, string $subset]]] | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_element_ns(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $prefix, string $name, string $uri [, string $content] | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_element(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $name [, string $content] | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_pi(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $target, string $content | bool', \ 'xmlwriter_write_raw(': 'resource $xmlwriter, string $content | bool', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['yaml'] = { \ 'yaml_emit_file(': 'string $filename, mixed $data [, int $encoding = YAML_ANY_ENCODING [, int $linebreak = YAML_ANY_BREAK [, array $callbacks = NULL]]] | bool', \ 'yaml_emit(': 'mixed $data [, int $encoding = YAML_ANY_ENCODING [, int $linebreak = YAML_ANY_BREAK [, array $callbacks = NULL]]] | string', \ 'yaml_parse_file(': 'string $filename [, int $pos = 0 [, int &$ndocs [, array $callbacks = NULL]]] | mixed', \ 'yaml_parse_url(': 'string $url [, int $pos = 0 [, int &$ndocs [, array $callbacks = NULL]]] | mixed', \ 'yaml_parse(': 'string $input [, int $pos = 0 [, int &$ndocs [, array $callbacks = NULL]]] | mixed', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['yaz'] = { \ 'yaz_addinfo(': 'resource $id | string', \ 'yaz_ccl_conf(': 'resource $id, array $config | void', \ 'yaz_ccl_parse(': 'resource $id, string $query, array &$result | bool', \ 'yaz_close(': 'resource $id | bool', \ 'yaz_connect(': 'string $zurl [, mixed $options] | mixed', \ 'yaz_database(': 'resource $id, string $databases | bool', \ 'yaz_element(': 'resource $id, string $elementset | bool', \ 'yaz_errno(': 'resource $id | int', \ 'yaz_error(': 'resource $id | string', \ 'yaz_es_result(': 'resource $id | array', \ 'yaz_es(': 'resource $id, string $type, array $args | void', \ 'yaz_get_option(': 'resource $id, string $name | string', \ 'yaz_hits(': 'resource $id [, array &$searchresult] | int', \ 'yaz_itemorder(': 'resource $id, array $args | void', \ 'yaz_present(': 'resource $id | bool', \ 'yaz_range(': 'resource $id, int $start, int $number | void', \ 'yaz_record(': 'resource $id, int $pos, string $type | string', \ 'yaz_scan_result(': 'resource $id [, array &$result] | array', \ 'yaz_scan(': 'resource $id, string $type, string $startterm [, array $flags] | void', \ 'yaz_schema(': 'resource $id, string $schema | void', \ 'yaz_search(': 'resource $id, string $type, string $query | bool', \ 'yaz_set_option(': 'resource $id, string $name, string $value | void', \ 'yaz_sort(': 'resource $id, string $criteria | void', \ 'yaz_syntax(': 'resource $id, string $syntax | void', \ 'yaz_wait(': '[ array &$options] | mixed', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['yp_nis'] = { \ 'yp_all(': 'string $domain, string $map, string $callback | void', \ 'yp_cat(': 'string $domain, string $map | array', \ 'yp_err_string(': 'int $errorcode | string', \ 'yp_errno(': 'void | int', \ 'yp_first(': 'string $domain, string $map | array', \ 'yp_get_default_domain(': 'void | string', \ 'yp_master(': 'string $domain, string $map | string', \ 'yp_match(': 'string $domain, string $map, string $key | string', \ 'yp_next(': 'string $domain, string $map, string $key | array', \ 'yp_order(': 'string $domain, string $map | int', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['zip'] = { \ 'zip_close(': 'resource $zip | void', \ 'zip_entry_close(': 'resource $zip_entry | bool', \ 'zip_entry_compressedsize(': 'resource $zip_entry | int', \ 'zip_entry_compressionmethod(': 'resource $zip_entry | string', \ 'zip_entry_filesize(': 'resource $zip_entry | int', \ 'zip_entry_name(': 'resource $zip_entry | string', \ 'zip_entry_open(': 'resource $zip, resource $zip_entry [, string $mode] | bool', \ 'zip_entry_read(': 'resource $zip_entry [, int $length = 1024] | string', \ 'zip_open(': 'string $filename | resource', \ 'zip_read(': 'resource $zip | resource', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions']['zookeeper'] = { \ 'zookeeper_dispatch(': 'void | void', \ } let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['oci8'] = { \'oci-collection': { \ 'name': 'OCI-Collection', \ 'methods': { \ 'append': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'assign': { 'signature': 'OCI-Collection $from | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'assignElem': { 'signature': 'int $index, mixed $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getElem': { 'signature': 'int $index | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'max': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'size': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'trim': { 'signature': 'int $num | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'oci-lob': { \ 'name': 'OCI-Lob', \ 'methods': { \ 'append': { 'signature': 'OCI-Lob $lob_from | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'eof': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'erase': { 'signature': '[ int $offset [, int $length]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'export': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $start [, int $length]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'flush': { 'signature': '[ int $flag] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getBuffering': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'import': { 'signature': 'string $filename | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'load': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'int $length | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'save': { 'signature': 'string $data [, int $offset] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'seek': { 'signature': 'int $offset [, int $whence = OCI_SEEK_SET] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setBuffering': { 'signature': 'bool $on_off | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'size': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'tell': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'truncate': { 'signature': '[ int $length = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $data [, int $length] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'writeTemporary': { 'signature': 'string $data [, int $lob_type = OCI_TEMP_CLOB] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['apc'] = { \'apciterator': { \ 'name': 'APCIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $cache [, mixed $search = NULL [, int $format = APC_ITER_ALL [, int $chunk_size = 100 [, int $list = APC_LIST_ACTIVE]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getTotalCount': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTotalHits': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTotalSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['apcu'] = { \'apcuiterator': { \ 'name': 'APCUIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $search = NULL [, int $format = APC_ITER_ALL [, int $chunk_size = 100 [, int $list = APC_LIST_ACTIVE]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getTotalCount': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTotalHits': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTotalSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['spl'] = { \'appenditerator': { \ 'name': 'AppendIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Traversable $iterator', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'append': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getArrayIterator': { 'signature': 'void | ArrayIterator', 'return_type': 'ArrayIterator'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Traversable', 'return_type': 'Traversable'}, \ 'getIteratorIndex': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'arrayiterator': { \ 'name': 'ArrayIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'STD_PROP_LIST': '1', \ 'ARRAY_AS_PROPS': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'append': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'asort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $array = array() [, int $flags = 0]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getArrayCopy': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'ksort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'natcasesort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'natsort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'seek': { 'signature': 'int $position | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'serialize': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': 'string $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'uasort': { 'signature': 'callable $cmp_function | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'uksort': { 'signature': 'callable $cmp_function | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'unserialize': { 'signature': 'string $serialized | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'arrayobject': { \ 'name': 'ArrayObject', \ 'constants': { \ 'STD_PROP_LIST': '1', \ 'ARRAY_AS_PROPS': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $input = array() [, int $flags = 0 [, string $iterator_class = "ArrayIterator"]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'append': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'asort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'exchangeArray': { 'signature': 'mixed $input | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getArrayCopy': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getIterator': { 'signature': 'void | ArrayIterator', 'return_type': 'ArrayIterator'}, \ 'getIteratorClass': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'ksort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'natcasesort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'natsort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'serialize': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': 'int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setIteratorClass': { 'signature': 'string $iterator_class | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'uasort': { 'signature': 'callable $cmp_function | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'uksort': { 'signature': 'callable $cmp_function | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'unserialize': { 'signature': 'string $serialized | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'badfunctioncallexception': { \ 'name': 'BadFunctionCallException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'badmethodcallexception': { \ 'name': 'BadMethodCallException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'cachingiterator': { \ 'name': 'CachingIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'CALL_TOSTRING': '1', \ 'CATCH_GET_CHILD': '16', \ 'TOSTRING_USE_KEY': '2', \ 'TOSTRING_USE_CURRENT': '4', \ 'TOSTRING_USE_INNER': '8', \ 'FULL_CACHE': '256', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator [, int $flags = self::CALL_TOSTRING]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getCache': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'hasNext': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'string $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'string $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 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'int'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isDir': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isDot': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isExecutable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isFile': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isLink': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isReadable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWritable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'seek': { 'signature': 'int $position | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'domainexception': { \ 'name': 'DomainException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'emptyiterator': { \ 'name': 'EmptyIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'filesystemiterator': { \ 'name': 'FilesystemIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME': '32', \ 'CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO': '0', \ 'CURRENT_AS_SELF': '16', \ 'CURRENT_MODE_MASK': '240', \ 'KEY_AS_PATHNAME': '0', \ 'KEY_AS_FILENAME': '256', \ 'FOLLOW_SYMLINKS': '512', \ 'KEY_MODE_MASK': '3840', \ 'NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY': '256', \ 'SKIP_DOTS': '4096', \ 'UNIX_PATHS': '8192', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $path [, int $flags = FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME | FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | DirectoryIterator', 'return_type': 'DirectoryIterator'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': '[ int $flags] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getATime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getBasename': { 'signature': '[ string $suffix] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getCTime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getExtension': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFilename': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getGroup': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMTime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getOwner': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 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bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'filteriterator': { \ 'name': 'FilterIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'accept': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'globiterator': { \ 'name': 'GlobIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME': '32', \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO': '0', \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF': '16', \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_MODE_MASK': '240', \ 'FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME': '0', \ 'FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME': '256', \ 'FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS': '512', \ 'FilesystemIterator::KEY_MODE_MASK': '3840', \ 'FilesystemIterator::NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY': '256', \ 'FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS': '4096', \ 'FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS': '8192', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $path [, int $flags = FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME | FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': '[ int $flags] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'infiniteiterator': { \ 'name': 'InfiniteIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Traversable $iterator', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Traversable', 'return_type': 'Traversable'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'invalidargumentexception': { \ 'name': 'InvalidArgumentException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'iteratoriterator': { \ 'name': 'IteratorIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Traversable $iterator', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Traversable', 'return_type': 'Traversable'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'lengthexception': { \ 'name': 'LengthException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'limititerator': { \ 'name': 'LimitIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator [, int $offset = 0 [, int $count = -1]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'getPosition': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'seek': { 'signature': 'int $position | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'logicexception': { \ 'name': 'LogicException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'multipleiterator': { \ 'name': 'MultipleIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'MIT_NEED_ANY': '0', \ 'MIT_NEED_ALL': '1', \ 'MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC': '0', \ 'MIT_KEYS_ASSOC': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ int $flags = MultipleIterator::MIT_NEED_ALL|MultipleIterator::MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'attachIterator': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator [, string $infos] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'containsIterator': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'countIterators': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'detachIterator': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': 'int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'norewinditerator': { \ 'name': 'NoRewindIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 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'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'outofrangeexception': { \ 'name': 'OutOfRangeException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 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'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'parentiterator': { \ 'name': 'ParentIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'accept': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'RecursiveIterator $iterator', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | ParentIterator', 'return_type': 'ParentIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ }, \}, \'rangeexception': { \ 'name': 'RangeException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'recursivearrayiterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveArrayIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'STD_PROP_LIST': '1', \ 'ARRAY_AS_PROPS': '2', \ 'CHILD_ARRAYS_ONLY': '4', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveArrayIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveArrayIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'append': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'asort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $array = array() [, int $flags = 0]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getArrayCopy': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'ksort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'natcasesort': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 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\ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'recursivecachingiterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveCachingIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'CachingIterator::CALL_TOSTRING': '1', \ 'CachingIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD': '16', \ 'CachingIterator::TOSTRING_USE_KEY': '2', \ 'CachingIterator::TOSTRING_USE_CURRENT': '4', \ 'CachingIterator::TOSTRING_USE_INNER': '8', \ 'CachingIterator::FULL_CACHE': '256', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator [, int $flags = self::CALL_TOSTRING]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveCachingIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveCachingIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getCache': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'hasNext': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'string $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'string $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': 'int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'recursivecallbackfilteriterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'RecursiveIterator $iterator, string $callback', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'accept': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'recursivedirectoryiterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME': '32', \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO': '0', \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF': '16', \ 'FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_MODE_MASK': '240', \ 'FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME': '0', \ 'FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME': '256', \ 'FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS': '512', \ 'FilesystemIterator::KEY_MODE_MASK': '3840', \ 'FilesystemIterator::NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY': '256', \ 'FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS': '4096', \ 'FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS': '8192', \ }, \ 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'RecursiveFilterIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Iterator $iterator', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveFilterIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveFilterIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'accept': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'recursiveiteratoriterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveIteratorIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'LEAVES_ONLY': '0', \ 'SELF_FIRST': '1', \ 'CHILD_FIRST': '2', \ 'CATCH_GET_CHILD': '16', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'beginChildren': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'beginIteration': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'callGetChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveIterator'}, \ 'callHasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Traversable $iterator [, int $mode = RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY [, int $flags = 0]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'endChildren': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'endIteration': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getDepth': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'getMaxDepth': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getSubIterator': { 'signature': '[ int $level] | RecursiveIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveIterator'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'nextElement': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMaxDepth': { 'signature': '[ int $max_depth = -1] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'recursiveregexiterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveRegexIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'MATCH': '0', \ 'GET_MATCH': '1', \ 'ALL_MATCHES': '2', \ 'SPLIT': '3', \ 'REPLACE': '4', \ 'USE_KEY': '1', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'RecursiveIterator $iterator, string $regex [, int $mode = self::MATCH [, int $flags = 0 [, int $preg_flags = 0]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'accept': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getPregFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getRegex': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': 'int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMode': { 'signature': 'int $mode | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setPregFlags': { 'signature': 'int $preg_flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'recursivetreeiterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveTreeIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY': '0', \ 'RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST': '1', \ 'RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST': '2', \ 'RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD': '16', \ 'BYPASS_CURRENT': '4', \ 'BYPASS_KEY': '8', \ 'PREFIX_LEFT': '0', \ 'PREFIX_MID_HAS_NEXT': '1', \ 'PREFIX_MID_LAST': '2', \ 'PREFIX_END_HAS_NEXT': '3', \ 'PREFIX_END_LAST': '4', \ 'PREFIX_RIGHT': '5', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'beginChildren': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'beginIteration': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'callGetChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveIterator'}, \ 'callHasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Traversable $iterator [, int $mode = RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY [, int $flags = 0]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'endChildren': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'endIteration': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getEntry': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPostfix': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrefix': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'nextElement': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setPostfix': { 'signature': 'string $postfix | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setPrefixPart': { 'signature': 'int $part, string $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getDepth': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | iterator', 'return_type': 'iterator'}, \ 'getMaxDepth': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getSubIterator': { 'signature': '[ int $level] | RecursiveIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveIterator'}, \ 'setMaxDepth': { 'signature': '[ int $max_depth = -1] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'regexiterator': { \ 'name': 'RegexIterator', \ 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'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'runtimeexception': { \ 'name': 'RuntimeException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'spldoublylinkedlist': { \ 'name': 'SplDoublyLinkedList', \ 'constants': { \ 'IT_MODE_LIFO': '2', \ 'IT_MODE_FIFO': '0', \ 'IT_MODE_DELETE': '1', \ 'IT_MODE_KEEP': '0', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'add': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'bottom': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getIteratorMode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isEmpty': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'pop': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'prev': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'push': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'serialize': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'setIteratorMode': { 'signature': 'int $mode | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'shift': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'top': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'unserialize': { 'signature': 'string $serialized | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'unshift': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'splfileinfo': { \ 'name': 'SplFileInfo', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $file_name', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getATime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getBasename': { 'signature': '[ string $suffix] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getCTime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getExtension': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFileInfo': { 'signature': '[ string $class_name] | SplFileInfo', 'return_type': 'SplFileInfo'}, \ 'getFilename': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getGroup': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLinkTarget': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getMTime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getOwner': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getPath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPathInfo': { 'signature': '[ string $class_name] | SplFileInfo', 'return_type': 'SplFileInfo'}, \ 'getPathname': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPerms': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getRealPath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isDir': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isExecutable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isFile': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isLink': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isReadable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWritable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'openFile': { 'signature': '[ 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'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'fgetcsv': { 'signature': '[ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\"]]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'fgets': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'fgetss': { 'signature': '[ string $allowable_tags] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'flock': { 'signature': 'int $operation [, int &$wouldblock] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fpassthru': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'fputcsv': { 'signature': 'array $fields [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = ''"'' [, string $escape = "\\"]]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'fread': { 'signature': 'int $length | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'fscanf': { 'signature': 'string $format [, mixed &$...] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'fseek': { 'signature': 'int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'fstat': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'ftell': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'ftruncate': { 'signature': 'int $size | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fwrite': { 'signature': 'string $str [, int $length] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getCsvControl': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFlags': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMaxLineLen': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'seek': { 'signature': 'int $line_pos | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setCsvControl': { 'signature': '[ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\"]]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFlags': { 'signature': 'int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMaxLineLen': { 'signature': 'int $max_len | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getATime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getBasename': { 'signature': '[ string $suffix] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getCTime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getExtension': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFileInfo': { 'signature': '[ string $class_name] | SplFileInfo', 'return_type': 'SplFileInfo'}, \ 'getFilename': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getGroup': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLinkTarget': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getMTime': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getOwner': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getPath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPathInfo': { 'signature': '[ string $class_name] | SplFileInfo', 'return_type': 'SplFileInfo'}, \ 'getPathname': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPerms': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getRealPath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isDir': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isExecutable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isFile': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isLink': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isReadable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWritable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'openFile': { 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'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getIteratorMode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isEmpty': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'mixed $index, mixed $newval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'pop': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'prev': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'push': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'serialize': { 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\ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'compileerror': { \ 'name': 'CompileError', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'divisionbyzeroerror': { \ 'name': 'DivisionByZeroError', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'error': { \ 'name': 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'4096', \ 'ALPHA': '8192', \ 'COLOR_ALPHA': '12288', \ }, \}, \'cairocontext': { \ 'name': 'CairoContext', \ 'methods': { \ 'appendPath': { 'signature': 'CairoPath $path | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'arc': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, float $radius, float $angle1, float $angle2 | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'arcNegative': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, float $radius, float $angle1, float $angle2 | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clip': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clipExtents': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'clipPreserve': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clipRectangleList': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'closePath': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'CairoSurface $surface', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'copyPage': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'copyPath': { 'signature': 'void | 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'int'}, \ 'getFillRule': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getFontFace': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getFontMatrix': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getFontOptions': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getGroupTarget': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getLineCap': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLineJoin': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLineWidth': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getMatrix': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getMiterLimit': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getOperator': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getScaledFont': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getSource': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getTarget': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getTolerance': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'glyphPath': { 'signature': 'array $glyphs | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'hasCurrentPoint': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'identityMatrix': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'inFill': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'inStroke': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'lineTo': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'mask': { 'signature': 'CairoPattern $pattern | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'maskSurface': { 'signature': 'CairoSurface $surface [, float $x [, float $y]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'moveTo': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'newPath': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'newSubPath': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'paint': { 'signature': 'void | 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'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'cairoexception': { \ 'name': 'CairoException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'cairoextend': { \ 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'int'}, \ 'getHintStyle': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getSubpixelOrder': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'hash': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'merge': { 'signature': 'CairoFontOptions $other | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setAntialias': { 'signature': 'int $antialias | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setHintMetrics': { 'signature': 'int $hint_metrics | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setHintStyle': { 'signature': 'int $hint_style | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setSubpixelOrder': { 'signature': 'int $subpixel_order | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'status': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'cairofontslant': { \ 'name': 'CairoFontSlant', \ 'constants': { \ 'NORMAL': '0', \ 'ITALIC': '1', \ 'OBLIQUE': '2', \ }, \}, \'cairofonttype': { \ 'name': 'CairoFontType', \ 'constants': { \ 'TOY': '0', \ 'FT': '1', \ 'WIN32': '2', \ 'QUARTZ': '3', \ }, \}, \'cairofontweight': { \ 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'3', \ 'OUT': '4', \ 'ATOP': '5', \ 'DEST': '6', \ 'DEST_OVER': '7', \ 'DEST_IN': '8', \ 'DEST_OUT': '9', \ 'DEST_ATOP': '10', \ 'XOR': '11', \ 'ADD': '12', \ 'SATURATE': '13', \ }, \}, \'cairopath': { \ 'name': 'CairoPath', \}, \'cairopattern': { \ 'name': 'CairoPattern', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getMatrix': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setMatrix': { 'signature': 'CairoMatrix $matrix | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'status': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'cairopatterntype': { \ 'name': 'CairoPatternType', \ 'constants': { \ 'SOLID': '0', \ 'SURFACE': '1', \ 'LINEAR': '2', \ 'RADIAL': '3', \ }, \}, \'cairopdfsurface': { \ 'name': 'CairoPdfSurface', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'setSize': { 'signature': 'float $width, float $height | void', 'return_type': 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{ 'signature': 'string $key | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['predefined_interfaces_and_classes'] = { \'closure': { \ 'name': 'Closure', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'bindTo': { 'signature': 'object $newthis [, mixed $newscope = "static"] | Closure', 'return_type': 'Closure'}, \ 'call': { 'signature': 'object $newthis [, mixed $...] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'bind': { 'signature': 'Closure $closure, object $newthis [, mixed $newscope = "static"] | Closure', 'return_type': 'Closure'}, \ 'fromCallable': { 'signature': 'callable $callable | Closure', 'return_type': 'Closure'}, \ }, \}, \'generator': { \ 'name': 'Generator', \ 'methods': { \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getReturn': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 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'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_after': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'before': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_before': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': '[ int $field = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_clear': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal [, int $field = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'intlcal_create_instance': { 'signature': '[ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = ""]] | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'equals': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_equals': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fieldDifference': { 'signature': 'float $when, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_field_difference': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, float $when, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_from_date_time': { 'signature': 'mixed $dateTime | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getActualMaximum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_actual_maximum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getActualMinimum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_actual_minimum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_available_locales': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getDayOfWeekType': { 'signature': 'int $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_day_of_week_type': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFirstDayOfWeek': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_first_day_of_week': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getGreatestMinimum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_greatest_minimum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $locale, bool $commonlyUsed | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'getLeastMaximum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_least_maximum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': 'int $localeType | string', 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{ 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTime': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'intlcal_get_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getTimeZone': { 'signature': 'void | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'intlcal_get_time_zone': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'intlcal_get_type': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getWeekendTransition': { 'signature': 'string $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_weekend_transition': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, string $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'inDaylightTime': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_in_daylight_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isEquivalentTo': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_equivalent_to': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isLenient': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_lenient': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isSet': { 'signature': 'int $field | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_set': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWeekend': { 'signature': '[ float $date = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_weekend': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal [, float $date = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'roll': { 'signature': 'int $field, mixed $amountOrUpOrDown | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_roll': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field, mixed $amountOrUpOrDown | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'int $year, int $month [, int $dayOfMonth = NULL [, int $hour = NULL [, int $minute = NULL [, int $second = NULL]]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $year, int $month [, int $dayOfMonth = NULL [, int $hour = NULL [, int $minute = NULL [, int $second = NULL]]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFirstDayOfWeek': { 'signature': 'int $dayOfWeek | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_first_day_of_week': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $dayOfWeek | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setLenient': { 'signature': 'bool $isLenient | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_lenient': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, bool $isLenient | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek': { 'signature': 'int $minimalDays | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setRepeatedWallTimeOption': { 'signature': 'int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setSkippedWallTimeOption': { 'signature': 'int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTime': { 'signature': 'float $date | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, float $date | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTimeZone': { 'signature': 'mixed $timeZone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_time_zone': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, mixed $timeZone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'toDateTime': { 'signature': 'void | DateTime', 'return_type': 'DateTime'}, \ 'intlcal_to_date_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | DateTime', 'return_type': 'DateTime'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createInstance': { 'signature': '[ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = ""]] | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'fromDateTime': { 'signature': 'mixed $dateTime | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'getAvailableLocales': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getKeywordValuesForLocale': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $locale, bool $commonlyUsed | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'getNow': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ }, \}, \'intlchar': { \ 'name': 'IntlChar', \ 'constants': { \ 'UNICODE_VERSION': '6.3', \ 'CODEPOINT_MIN': '0', \ 'CODEPOINT_MAX': '1114111', \ 'NO_NUMERIC_VALUE': '-123456789', \ 'PROPERTY_ALPHABETIC': '0', \ 'PROPERTY_BINARY_START': '0', \ 'PROPERTY_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT': '1', \ 'PROPERTY_BIDI_CONTROL': '2', \ 'PROPERTY_BIDI_MIRRORED': '3', \ 'PROPERTY_DASH': '4', \ 'PROPERTY_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT': '5', \ 'PROPERTY_DEPRECATED': '6', \ 'PROPERTY_DIACRITIC': '7', \ 'PROPERTY_EXTENDER': '8', \ 'PROPERTY_FULL_COMPOSITION_EXCLUSION': 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'23', \ 'LB_COMPLEX_CONTEXT': '24', \ 'LB_SURROGATE': '25', \ 'LB_SPACE': '26', \ 'LB_BREAK_SYMBOLS': '27', \ 'LB_ZWSPACE': '28', \ 'LB_NEXT_LINE': '29', \ 'LB_WORD_JOINER': '30', \ 'LB_H2': '31', \ 'LB_H3': '32', \ 'LB_JL': '33', \ 'LB_JT': '34', \ 'LB_JV': '35', \ 'LB_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS': '36', \ 'LB_CONDITIONAL_JAPANESE_STARTER': '37', \ 'LB_HEBREW_LETTER': '38', \ 'LB_REGIONAL_INDICATOR': '39', \ 'LB_COUNT': '40', \ 'NT_NONE': '0', \ 'NT_DECIMAL': '1', \ 'NT_DIGIT': '2', \ 'NT_NUMERIC': '3', \ 'NT_COUNT': '4', \ 'HST_NOT_APPLICABLE': '0', \ 'HST_LEADING_JAMO': '1', \ 'HST_VOWEL_JAMO': '2', \ 'HST_TRAILING_JAMO': '3', \ 'HST_LV_SYLLABLE': '4', \ 'HST_LVT_SYLLABLE': '5', \ 'HST_COUNT': '6', \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'charAge': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'charDigitValue': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'charDirection': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'charFromName': { 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'int $digit [, int $radix = 10] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getBidiPairedBracket': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getBlockCode': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getCombiningClass': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getFC_NFKC_Closure': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getIntPropertyMaxValue': { 'signature': 'int $property | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getIntPropertyMinValue': { 'signature': 'int $property | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getIntPropertyValue': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint, int $property | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getNumericValue': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getPropertyEnum': { 'signature': 'string $alias | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getPropertyName': { 'signature': 'int $property [, int $nameChoice = IntlChar::LONG_PROPERTY_NAME] | string', 'return_type': 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'bool'}, \ 'isgraph': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isIDIgnorable': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isIDPart': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isIDStart': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isISOControl': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isJavaIDPart': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isJavaIDStart': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isJavaSpaceChar': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'islower': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isMirrored': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isprint': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'ispunct': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isspace': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'istitle': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isUAlphabetic': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isULowercase': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isupper': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isUUppercase': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isUWhiteSpace': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWhitespace': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isxdigit': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'ord': { 'signature': 'mixed $character | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'tolower': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'totitle': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'toupper': { 'signature': 'mixed $codepoint | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ }, \}, \'intlcodepointbreakiterator': { \ 'name': 'IntlCodePointBreakIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'IntlBreakIterator::DONE': '-1', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NONE': '0', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NONE_LIMIT': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NUMBER': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NUMBER_LIMIT': '200', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_LETTER': '200', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_LETTER_LIMIT': '300', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_KANA': '300', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_KANA_LIMIT': '400', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_IDEO': '400', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_IDEO_LIMIT': '500', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_SOFT': '0', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_SOFT_LIMIT': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_HARD': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_HARD_LIMIT': '200', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_TERM': '0', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_TERM_LIMIT': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_SEP': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_SEP_LIMIT': '200', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getLastCodePoint': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'first': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'following': { 'signature': 'int $offset | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intl_get_error_code': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'intl_get_error_message': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': 'string $locale_type | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPartsIterator': { 'signature': '[ int $key_type = IntlPartsIterator::KEY_SEQUENTIAL] | IntlPartsIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlPartsIterator'}, \ 'getText': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isBoundary': { 'signature': 'int $offset | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'last': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': '[ int $offset] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'preceding': { 'signature': 'int $offset | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'previous': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setText': { 'signature': 'string $text | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createCharacterInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createCodePointInstance': { 'signature': 'void | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createLineInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createSentenceInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createTitleInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createWordInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ }, \}, \'intldateformatter': { \ 'name': 'IntlDateFormatter', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $locale, int $datetype, int $timetype [, mixed $timezone = NULL [, mixed $calendar = NULL [, string $pattern = ""]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'format': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getCalendar': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getDateType': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': '[ int $which] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPattern': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getTimeType': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTimeZoneId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getCalendarObject': { 'signature': 'void | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'getTimeZone': { 'signature': 'void | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'isLenient': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'localtime': { 'signature': 'string $value [, int &$position] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'parse': { 'signature': 'string $value [, int &$position] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setCalendar': { 'signature': 'mixed $which | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setLenient': { 'signature': 'bool $lenient | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setPattern': { 'signature': 'string $pattern | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTimeZoneId': { 'signature': 'string $zone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTimeZone': { 'signature': 'mixed $zone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'create': { 'signature': 'string $locale, int $datetype, int $timetype [, mixed $timezone = NULL [, mixed $calendar = NULL [, string $pattern = ""]]] | IntlDateFormatter', 'return_type': 'IntlDateFormatter'}, \ 'formatObject': { 'signature': 'object $object [, mixed $format = NULL [, string $locale = NULL]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'intlexception': { \ 'name': 'IntlException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'intlgregoriancalendar': { \ 'name': 'IntlGregorianCalendar', \ 'constants': { \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_ERA': '0', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_YEAR': '1', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_MONTH': '2', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_WEEK_OF_YEAR': '3', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_WEEK_OF_MONTH': '4', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DATE': '5', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_YEAR': '6', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK': '7', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH': '8', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_AM_PM': '9', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_HOUR': '10', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_HOUR_OF_DAY': '11', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_MINUTE': '12', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_SECOND': '13', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_MILLISECOND': '14', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_ZONE_OFFSET': '15', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DST_OFFSET': '16', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_YEAR_WOY': '17', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DOW_LOCAL': '18', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_EXTENDED_YEAR': '19', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_JULIAN_DAY': '20', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY': '21', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_IS_LEAP_MONTH': '22', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_FIELD_COUNT': '23', \ 'IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH': '5', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_SUNDAY': '1', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_MONDAY': '2', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_TUESDAY': '3', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_WEDNESDAY': '4', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_THURSDAY': '5', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_FRIDAY': '6', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_SATURDAY': '7', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_TYPE_WEEKDAY': '0', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_TYPE_WEEKEND': '1', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_TYPE_WEEKEND_OFFSET': '2', \ 'IntlCalendar::DOW_TYPE_WEEKEND_CEASE': '3', \ 'IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_FIRST': '1', \ 'IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_LAST': '0', \ 'IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_NEXT_VALID': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getGregorianChange': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'isLeapYear': { 'signature': 'int $year | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setGregorianChange': { 'signature': 'float $date | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'add': { 'signature': 'int $field, int $amount | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_add': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field, int $amount | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'after': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_after': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'before': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_before': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': '[ int $field = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_clear': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal [, int $field = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_create_instance': { 'signature': '[ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = ""]] | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'equals': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_equals': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fieldDifference': { 'signature': 'float $when, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_field_difference': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, float $when, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_from_date_time': { 'signature': 'mixed $dateTime | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getActualMaximum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_actual_maximum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getActualMinimum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_actual_minimum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_available_locales': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getDayOfWeekType': { 'signature': 'int $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_day_of_week_type': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFirstDayOfWeek': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_first_day_of_week': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getGreatestMinimum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_greatest_minimum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $locale, bool $commonlyUsed | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'getLeastMaximum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_least_maximum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': 'int $localeType | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'intlcal_get_locale': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $localeType | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getMaximum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_maximum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $minimalDays | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getMinimum': { 'signature': 'int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_minimum': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_now': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getRepeatedWallTimeOption': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getSkippedWallTimeOption': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTime': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'intlcal_get_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getTimeZone': { 'signature': 'void | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'intlcal_get_time_zone': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'intlcal_get_type': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getWeekendTransition': { 'signature': 'string $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intlcal_get_weekend_transition': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, string $dayOfWeek | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'inDaylightTime': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_in_daylight_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isEquivalentTo': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_equivalent_to': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, IntlCalendar $other | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isLenient': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_lenient': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isSet': { 'signature': 'int $field | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_set': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWeekend': { 'signature': '[ float $date = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_is_weekend': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal [, float $date = NULL] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'roll': { 'signature': 'int $field, mixed $amountOrUpOrDown | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_roll': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $field, mixed $amountOrUpOrDown | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'int $year, int $month [, int $dayOfMonth = NULL [, int $hour = NULL [, int $minute = NULL [, int $second = NULL]]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $year, int $month [, int $dayOfMonth = NULL [, int $hour = NULL [, int $minute = NULL [, int $second = NULL]]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFirstDayOfWeek': { 'signature': 'int $dayOfWeek | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_first_day_of_week': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $dayOfWeek | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setLenient': { 'signature': 'bool $isLenient | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_lenient': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, bool $isLenient | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek': { 'signature': 'int $minimalDays | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setRepeatedWallTimeOption': { 'signature': 'int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setSkippedWallTimeOption': { 'signature': 'int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, int $wallTimeOption | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTime': { 'signature': 'float $date | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, float $date | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTimeZone': { 'signature': 'mixed $timeZone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'intlcal_set_time_zone': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal, mixed $timeZone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'toDateTime': { 'signature': 'void | DateTime', 'return_type': 'DateTime'}, \ 'intlcal_to_date_time': { 'signature': 'IntlCalendar $cal | DateTime', 'return_type': 'DateTime'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createInstance': { 'signature': '[ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = ""]] | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'fromDateTime': { 'signature': 'mixed $dateTime | IntlCalendar', 'return_type': 'IntlCalendar'}, \ 'getAvailableLocales': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getKeywordValuesForLocale': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $locale, bool $commonlyUsed | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'getNow': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ }, \}, \'intliterator': { \ 'name': 'IntlIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'intlpartsiterator': { \ 'name': 'IntlPartsIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'KEY_SEQUENTIAL': '0', \ 'KEY_LEFT': '1', \ 'KEY_RIGHT': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getBreakIterator': { 'signature': 'void | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'intlrulebasedbreakiterator': { \ 'name': 'IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator', \ 'constants': { \ 'IntlBreakIterator::DONE': '-1', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NONE': '0', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NONE_LIMIT': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NUMBER': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_NUMBER_LIMIT': '200', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_LETTER': '200', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_LETTER_LIMIT': '300', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_KANA': '300', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_KANA_LIMIT': '400', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_IDEO': '400', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::WORD_IDEO_LIMIT': '500', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_SOFT': '0', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_SOFT_LIMIT': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_HARD': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::LINE_HARD_LIMIT': '200', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_TERM': '0', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_TERM_LIMIT': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_SEP': '100', \ 'IntlBreakIterator::SENTENCE_SEP_LIMIT': '200', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getBinaryRules': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getRules': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getRuleStatus': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getRuleStatusVec': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'first': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'following': { 'signature': 'int $offset | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'intl_get_error_code': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'intl_get_error_message': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': 'string $locale_type | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPartsIterator': { 'signature': '[ int $key_type = IntlPartsIterator::KEY_SEQUENTIAL] | IntlPartsIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlPartsIterator'}, \ 'getText': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isBoundary': { 'signature': 'int $offset | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'last': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': '[ int $offset] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'preceding': { 'signature': 'int $offset | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'previous': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setText': { 'signature': 'string $text | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createCharacterInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createCodePointInstance': { 'signature': 'void | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createLineInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createSentenceInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createTitleInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ 'createWordInstance': { 'signature': '[ string $locale] | IntlBreakIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlBreakIterator'}, \ }, \}, \'intltimezone': { \ 'name': 'IntlTimeZone', \ 'constants': { \ 'DISPLAY_SHORT': '1', \ 'DISPLAY_LONG': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getDisplayName': { 'signature': '[ bool $isDaylight [, int $style [, string $locale]]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDSTSavings': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getID': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getOffset': { 'signature': 'float $date, bool $local, int &$rawOffset, int &$dstOffset | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getRawOffset': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'hasSameRules': { 'signature': 'IntlTimeZone $otherTimeZone | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'toDateTimeZone': { 'signature': 'void | DateTimeZone', 'return_type': 'DateTimeZone'}, \ 'useDaylightTime': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'countEquivalentIDs': { 'signature': 'string $zoneId | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'createDefault': { 'signature': 'void | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'createEnumeration': { 'signature': '[ mixed $countryOrRawOffset] | IntlIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlIterator'}, \ 'createTimeZone': { 'signature': 'string $zoneId | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'createTimeZoneIDEnumeration': { 'signature': 'int $zoneType [, string $region [, int $rawOffset]] | IntlIterator', 'return_type': 'IntlIterator'}, \ 'fromDateTimeZone': { 'signature': 'DateTimeZone $zoneId | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'getCanonicalID': { 'signature': 'string $zoneId [, bool &$isSystemID] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getEquivalentID': { 'signature': 'string $zoneId, int $index | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getGMT': { 'signature': 'void | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'getIDForWindowsID': { 'signature': 'string $timezone [, string $region] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getRegion': { 'signature': 'string $zoneId | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getTZDataVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getUnknown': { 'signature': 'void | IntlTimeZone', 'return_type': 'IntlTimeZone'}, \ 'getWindowsID': { 'signature': 'string $timezone | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'locale': { \ 'name': 'Locale', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'acceptFromHttp': { 'signature': 'string $header | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'canonicalize': { 'signature': 'string $locale | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'composeLocale': { 'signature': 'array $subtags | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'filterMatches': { 'signature': 'string $langtag, string $locale [, bool $canonicalize = FALSE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getAllVariants': { 'signature': 'string $locale | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getDefault': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDisplayLanguage': { 'signature': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDisplayName': { 'signature': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDisplayRegion': { 'signature': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDisplayScript': { 'signature': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDisplayVariant': { 'signature': 'string $locale [, string $in_locale] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getKeywords': { 'signature': 'string $locale | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getPrimaryLanguage': { 'signature': 'string $locale | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getRegion': { 'signature': 'string $locale | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getScript': { 'signature': 'string $locale | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'lookup': { 'signature': 'array $langtag, string $locale [, bool $canonicalize = FALSE [, string $default]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'parseLocale': { 'signature': 'string $locale | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setDefault': { 'signature': 'string $locale | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'messageformatter': { \ 'name': 'MessageFormatter', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $locale, string $pattern', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'format': { 'signature': 'array $args | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPattern': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'parse': { 'signature': 'string $value | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setPattern': { 'signature': 'string $pattern | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'create': { 'signature': 'string $locale, string $pattern | MessageFormatter', 'return_type': 'MessageFormatter'}, \ 'formatMessage': { 'signature': 'string $locale, string $pattern, array $args | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'parseMessage': { 'signature': 'string $locale, string $pattern, string $source | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'normalizer': { \ 'name': 'Normalizer', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'getRawDecomposition': { 'signature': 'string $input | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isNormalized': { 'signature': 'string $input [, int $form = Normalizer::FORM_C] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'normalize': { 'signature': 'string $input [, int $form = Normalizer::FORM_C] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'numberformatter': { \ 'name': 'NumberFormatter', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $locale, int $style [, string $pattern]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'formatCurrency': { 'signature': 'float $value, string $currency | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'format': { 'signature': 'number $value [, int $type] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getAttribute': { 'signature': 'int $attr | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLocale': { 'signature': '[ int $type] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPattern': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSymbol': { 'signature': 'int $attr | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getTextAttribute': { 'signature': 'int $attr | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'parseCurrency': { 'signature': 'string $value, string &$currency [, int &$position] | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'parse': { 'signature': 'string $value [, int $type [, int &$position]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'setAttribute': { 'signature': 'int $attr, int $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setPattern': { 'signature': 'string $pattern | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setSymbol': { 'signature': 'int $attr, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTextAttribute': { 'signature': 'int $attr, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'create': { 'signature': 'string $locale, int $style [, string $pattern] | NumberFormatter', 'return_type': 'NumberFormatter'}, \ }, \}, \'resourcebundle': { \ 'name': 'ResourceBundle', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $locale, string $bundlename [, bool $fallback]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'string|int $index 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'int'}, \ 'embeddableBackends': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'feedSignal': { 'signature': 'int $signum | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'feedSignalEvent': { 'signature': 'int $signum | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'iteration': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'now': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'nowUpdate': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'recommendedBackends': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'resume': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'run': { 'signature': '[ int $flags] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sleep': { 'signature': 'float $seconds | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': '[ int $how] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'supportedBackends': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'suspend': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'time': { 'signature': 'void | float', 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[, float $timeout_interval = 0.]]]] | EvLoop', 'return_type': 'EvLoop'}, \ }, \}, \'evperiodic': { \ 'name': 'EvPeriodic', \ 'properties': { \ 'offset': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'interval': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'is_active': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'data': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'is_pending': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'priority': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'again': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'at': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'float $offset, float $interval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'feed': { 'signature': 'int $revents | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getLoop': { 'signature': 'void | EvLoop', 'return_type': 'EvLoop'}, \ 'invoke': { 'signature': 'int $revents | void', 'return_type': 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'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'data': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'is_pending': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'priority': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'attr': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'prev': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'string $path, float $interval | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stat': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'feed': { 'signature': 'int $revents | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getLoop': { 'signature': 'void | EvLoop', 'return_type': 'EvLoop'}, \ 'invoke': { 'signature': 'int $revents | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'keepalive': { 'signature': '[ bool $value] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setCallback': { 'signature': 'callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createStopped': { 'signature': 'string $path, float $interval, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL [, int $priority = 0]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'evtimer': { \ 'name': 'EvTimer', \ 'properties': { \ 'repeat': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'remaining': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'is_active': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'data': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'is_pending': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'priority': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'again': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'float $after, float $repeat | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'feed': { 'signature': 'int $revents | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getLoop': { 'signature': 'void | EvLoop', 'return_type': 'EvLoop'}, \ 'invoke': { 'signature': 'int $revents | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'keepalive': { 'signature': '[ bool $value] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setCallback': { 'signature': 'callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createStopped': { 'signature': 'float $after, float $repeat, callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL [, int $priority = 0]] | EvTimer', 'return_type': 'EvTimer'}, \ }, \}, \'evwatcher': { \ 'name': 'EvWatcher', \ 'properties': { \ 'is_active': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'data': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'is_pending': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'priority': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 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bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addTimer': { 'signature': '[ float $timeout] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, mixed $fd, int $what, callable $cb [, mixed $arg = NULL]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'del': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'delSignal': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'delTimer': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'pending': { 'signature': 'int $flags | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, mixed $fd [, int $what [, callable $cb [, mixed $arg]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setPriority': { 'signature': 'int $priority | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTimer': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, callable $cb [, mixed $arg] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'getSupportedMethods': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'signal': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, int $signum, callable $cb [, mixed $arg] | Event', 'return_type': 'Event'}, \ 'timer': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, callable $cb [, mixed $arg] | Event', 'return_type': 'Event'}, \ }, \}, \'eventbase': { \ 'name': 'EventBase', \ 'constants': { \ 'LOOP_ONCE': '1', \ 'LOOP_NONBLOCK': '2', \ 'NOLOCK': '1', \ 'STARTUP_IOCP': '4', \ 'NO_CACHE_TIME': '8', \ 'EPOLL_USE_CHANGELIST': '16', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ EventConfig $cfg]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'dispatch': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'exit': { 'signature': '[ float $timeout] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getFeatures': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMethod': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getTimeOfDayCached': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'gotExit': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'gotStop': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'loop': { 'signature': '[ int $flags] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'priorityInit': { 'signature': 'int $n_priorities | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'reInit': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'eventbuffer': { \ 'name': 'EventBuffer', \ 'constants': { \ 'EOL_ANY': '0', \ 'EOL_CRLF': '1', \ 'EOL_CRLF_STRICT': '2', \ 'EOL_LF': '3', \ 'PTR_SET': '0', \ 'PTR_ADD': '1', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'length': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'contiguous_space': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'string $data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addBuffer': { 'signature': 'EventBuffer $buf | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'appendFrom': { 'signature': 'EventBuffer $buf, int $len | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'copyout': { 'signature': 'string &$data, int $max_bytes | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'drain': { 'signature': 'int $len | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enableLocking': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'expand': { 'signature': 'int $len | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'freeze': { 'signature': 'bool $at_front | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'lock': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'prepend': { 'signature': 'string $data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'prependBuffer': { 'signature': 'EventBuffer $buf | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'pullup': { 'signature': 'int $size | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'mixed $fd, int $howmuch | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'readLine': { 'signature': 'int $eol_style | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'search': { 'signature': 'string $what [, int $start = -1 [, int $end = -1]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 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'output': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'EventBuffer'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'string $addr | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'connectHost': { 'signature': 'EventDnsBase $dns_base, string $hostname, int $port [, int $family = EventUtil::AF_UNSPEC] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base [, mixed $socket = NULL [, int $options = 0 [, callable $readcb = NULL [, callable $writecb = NULL [, callable $eventcb = NULL]]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'disable': { 'signature': 'int $events | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enable': { 'signature': 'int $events | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getDnsErrorString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getEnabled': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getInput': { 'signature': 'void | EventBuffer', 'return_type': 'EventBuffer'}, \ 'getOutput': { 'signature': 'void | EventBuffer', 'return_type': 'EventBuffer'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'int $size | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'readBuffer': { 'signature': 'EventBuffer $buf | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setCallbacks': { 'signature': 'callable $readcb, callable $writecb, callable $eventcb [, string $arg] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setPriority': { 'signature': 'int $priority | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setTimeouts': { 'signature': 'float $timeout_read, float $timeout_write | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setWatermark': { 'signature': 'int $events, int $lowmark, int $highmark | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sslError': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'sslGetCipherInfo': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'sslGetCipherName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'sslGetCipherVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'sslGetProtocol': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'sslRenegotiate': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'writeBuffer': { 'signature': 'EventBuffer $buf | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createPair': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base [, int $options = 0] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'sslFilter': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, EventBufferEvent $underlying, EventSslContext $ctx, int $state [, int $options = 0] | EventBufferEvent', 'return_type': 'EventBufferEvent'}, \ 'sslSocket': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, mixed $socket, EventSslContext $ctx, int $state [, int $options] | EventBufferEvent', 'return_type': 'EventBufferEvent'}, \ }, \}, \'eventconfig': { \ 'name': 'EventConfig', \ 'constants': { \ 'FEATURE_ET': '1', \ 'FEATURE_O1': '2', \ 'FEATURE_FDS': '4', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'avoidMethod': { 'signature': 'string $method | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'requireFeatures': { 'signature': 'int $feature | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMaxDispatchInterval': { 'signature': 'int $max_interval, int $max_callbacks, int $min_priority | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'eventdnsbase': { \ 'name': 'EventDnsBase', \ 'constants': { \ 'OPTION_SEARCH': '1', \ 'OPTION_NAMESERVERS': '2', \ 'OPTION_MISC': '4', \ 'OPTION_HOSTSFILE': '8', \ 'OPTIONS_ALL': '15', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'addNameserverIp': { 'signature': 'string $ip | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addSearch': { 'signature': 'string $domain | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clearSearch': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, bool $initialize', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'countNameservers': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'loadHosts': { 'signature': 'string $hosts | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'parseResolvConf': { 'signature': 'int $flags, string $filename | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setOption': { 'signature': 'string $option, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setSearchNdots': { 'signature': 'int $ndots | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'eventhttp': { \ 'name': 'EventHttp', \ 'methods': { \ 'accept': { 'signature': 'mixed $socket | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServerAlias': { 'signature': 'string $alias | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'bind': { 'signature': 'string $address, int $port | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base [, EventSslContext $ctx = NULL]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'removeServerAlias': { 'signature': 'string $alias | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setAllowedMethods': { 'signature': 'int $methods | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setCallback': { 'signature': 'string $path, string $cb [, string $arg] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 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'string $address | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setLocalPort': { 'signature': 'int $port | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMaxBodySize': { 'signature': 'string $max_size | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMaxHeadersSize': { 'signature': 'string $max_size | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setRetries': { 'signature': 'int $retries | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setTimeout': { 'signature': 'int $timeout | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'eventhttprequest': { \ 'name': 'EventHttpRequest', \ 'constants': { \ 'CMD_GET': '1', \ 'CMD_POST': '2', \ 'CMD_HEAD': '4', \ 'CMD_PUT': '8', \ 'CMD_DELETE': '16', \ 'CMD_OPTIONS': '32', \ 'CMD_TRACE': '64', \ 'CMD_CONNECT': '128', \ 'CMD_PATCH': '256', \ 'INPUT_HEADER': '1', \ 'OUTPUT_HEADER': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'addHeader': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value, int $type | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'cancel': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clearHeaders': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'closeConnection': { 'signature': 'void | EventHttpConnection', 'return_type': 'EventHttpConnection'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'callable $callback [, mixed $data = NULL]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'findHeader': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $type | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getCommand': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getHost': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getInputBuffer': { 'signature': 'void | EventBuffer', 'return_type': 'EventBuffer'}, \ 'getInputHeaders': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getOutputBuffer': { 'signature': 'void | EventBuffer', 'return_type': 'EventBuffer'}, \ 'getOutputHeaders': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getResponseCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getUri': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'removeHeader': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $type | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sendError': { 'signature': 'int $error [, string $reason = NULL] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sendReply': { 'signature': 'int $code, string $reason [, EventBuffer $buf] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sendReplyChunk': { 'signature': 'EventBuffer $buf | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sendReplyEnd': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sendReplyStart': { 'signature': 'int $code, string $reason | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'eventlistener': { \ 'name': 'EventListener', \ 'constants': { \ 'OPT_LEAVE_SOCKETS_BLOCKING': '1', \ 'OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE': '2', \ 'OPT_CLOSE_ON_EXEC': '4', \ 'OPT_REUSEABLE': '8', \ 'OPT_THREADSAFE': '16', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'fd': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'EventBase $base, callable $cb, mixed $data, int $flags, int $backlog, mixed $target', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'disable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getBase': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setCallback': { 'signature': 'callable $cb [, mixed $arg = NULL] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setErrorCallback': { 'signature': 'string $cb | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'getSocketName': { 'signature': 'string &$address [, mixed &$port] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'eventsslcontext': { \ 'name': 'EventSslContext', \ 'constants': { \ 'SSLv2_CLIENT_METHOD': '1', \ 'SSLv3_CLIENT_METHOD': '2', \ 'SSLv23_CLIENT_METHOD': '3', \ 'TLS_CLIENT_METHOD': '4', \ 'SSLv2_SERVER_METHOD': '5', \ 'SSLv3_SERVER_METHOD': '6', \ 'SSLv23_SERVER_METHOD': '7', \ 'TLS_SERVER_METHOD': '8', \ 'OPT_LOCAL_CERT': '1', \ 'OPT_LOCAL_PK': '2', \ 'OPT_PASSPHRASE': '3', \ 'OPT_CA_FILE': '4', \ 'OPT_CA_PATH': '5', \ 'OPT_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED': '6', \ 'OPT_VERIFY_PEER': '7', \ 'OPT_VERIFY_DEPTH': '8', \ 'OPT_CIPHERS': '9', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'local_cert': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'local_pk': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $method, string $options', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'eventutil': { \ 'name': 'EventUtil', \ 'constants': { \ 'AF_INET': '2', \ 'AF_INET6': '10', \ 'AF_UNSPEC': '0', \ 'LIBEVENT_VERSION_NUMBER': '33559808', \ 'SO_DEBUG': '1', \ 'SO_REUSEADDR': '2', \ 'SO_KEEPALIVE': '9', \ 'SO_DONTROUTE': '5', \ 'SO_LINGER': '13', \ 'SO_BROADCAST': '6', \ 'SO_OOBINLINE': '10', \ 'SO_SNDBUF': '7', \ 'SO_RCVBUF': '8', \ 'SO_SNDLOWAT': '19', \ 'SO_RCVLOWAT': '18', \ 'SO_SNDTIMEO': '21', \ 'SO_RCVTIMEO': '20', \ 'SO_TYPE': '3', \ 'SO_ERROR': '4', \ 'SOL_SOCKET': '1', \ 'SOL_TCP': '6', \ 'SOL_UDP': '17', \ 'IPPROTO_IP': '0', \ 'IPPROTO_IPV6': '41', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \ 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'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'ffi\parserexception': { \ 'name': 'FFI\ParserException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'ffi': { \ 'name': 'FFI', \ 'methods': { \ 'cast': { 'signature': 'mixed $type, FFI\CData &$ptr | FFI\CData', 'return_type': 'FFI\CData'}, \ 'new': { 'signature': 'mixed $type [, bool $owned = TRUE [, bool $persistent = FALSE]] | FFI\CData', 'return_type': 'FFI\CData'}, \ 'type': { 'signature': 'mixed $type | FFI\CType', 'return_type': 'FFI\CType'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'addr': { 'signature': 'FFI\CData &$ptr | FFI\CData', 'return_type': 'FFI\CData'}, \ 'alignof': { 'signature': 'mixed &$ptr | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'arrayType': { 'signature': 'FFI\CType $type, array $dims | FFI\CType', 'return_type': 'FFI\CType'}, \ 'cast': { 'signature': 'mixed $type, FFI\CData &$ptr | FFI\CData', 'return_type': 'FFI\CData'}, \ 'cdef': { 'signature': '[ string $code = "" [, string $lib]] | FFI', 'return_type': 'FFI'}, \ 'free': { 'signature': 'FFI\CData &$ptr | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'isNull': { 'signature': 'FFI\CData &$ptr | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'load': { 'signature': 'string $filename | FFI', 'return_type': 'FFI'}, \ 'memcmp': { 'signature': 'mixed &$ptr1, mixed &$ptr2, int $size | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'memcpy': { 'signature': 'FFI\CData &$dst, mixed &$src, int $size | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'memset': { 'signature': 'FFI\CData &$ptr, int $ch, int $size | void', 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FILEINFO_NONE [, resource $context]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'set_flags': { 'signature': 'int $options | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['gearman'] = { \'gearmanclient': { \ 'name': 'GearmanClient', \ 'methods': { \ 'addOptions': { 'signature': 'int $options | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServer': { 'signature': '[ string $host = [, int $port = 4730]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServers': { 'signature': '[ string $servers =] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addTask': { 'signature': 'string $function_name, string $workload [, mixed &$context [, string $unique]] | GearmanTask', 'return_type': 'GearmanTask'}, \ 'addTaskBackground': { 'signature': 'string $function_name, string $workload [, mixed &$context [, string $unique]] | GearmanTask', 'return_type': 'GearmanTask'}, \ 'addTaskHigh': { 'signature': 'string $function_name, string $workload [, mixed &$context [, string $unique]] | GearmanTask', 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''}, \ 'data': { 'signature': 'string $data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'exception': { 'signature': 'string $exception | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fail': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'functionName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'handle': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'returnCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'sendComplete': { 'signature': 'string $result | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'sendData': { 'signature': 'string $data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'sendException': { 'signature': 'string $exception | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'sendFail': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'sendStatus': { 'signature': 'int $numerator, int $denominator | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'sendWarning': { 'signature': 'string $warning | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setReturn': { 'signature': 'int $gearman_return_t | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'status': { 'signature': 'int $numerator, int $denominator | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'unique': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'warning': { 'signature': 'string $warning | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'workload': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'workloadSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'gearmantask': { \ 'name': 'GearmanTask', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'create': { 'signature': 'void | GearmanTask', 'return_type': 'GearmanTask'}, \ 'data': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'dataSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'function': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'functionName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'isKnown': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isRunning': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'jobHandle': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'recvData': { 'signature': 'int $data_len | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'returnCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'sendData': { 'signature': 'string $data | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'sendWorkload': { 'signature': 'string $data | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'taskDenominator': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'taskNumerator': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'unique': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'uuid': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'gearmanworker': { \ 'name': 'GearmanWorker', \ 'methods': { \ 'addFunction': { 'signature': 'string $function_name, callable $function [, mixed &$context [, int $timeout]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addOptions': { 'signature': 'int $option | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServer': { 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'signature': 'int $timeout | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'timeout': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'unregister': { 'signature': 'string $function_name | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'unregisterAll': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'wait': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'work': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['gender'] = { \'gender\gender': { \ 'name': 'Gender\Gender', \ 'constants': { \ 'IS_FEMALE': '70', \ 'IS_MOSTLY_FEMALE': '102', \ 'IS_MALE': '77', \ 'IS_MOSTLY_MALE': '109', \ 'IS_UNISEX_NAME': '63', \ 'IS_A_COUPLE': '67', \ 'NAME_NOT_FOUND': '32', \ 'ERROR_IN_NAME': '69', \ 'ANY_COUNTRY': '0', \ 'BRITAIN': '1', \ 'IRELAND': '2', \ 'USA': '3', \ 'SPAIN': '4', \ 'PORTUGAL': '5', \ 'ITALY': '6', \ 'MALTA': '7', \ 'FRANCE': '8', \ 'BELGIUM': '9', \ 'LUXEMBOURG': '10', \ 'NETHERLANDS': '11', \ 'GERMANY': '12', \ 'EAST_FRISIA': '13', \ 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$radius, float $sigma | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'chopimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'commentimage': { 'signature': 'string $comment | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'compositeimage': { 'signature': 'Gmagick $source, int $COMPOSE, int $x, int $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $filename]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'cropimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'cropthumbnailimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'cyclecolormapimage': { 'signature': 'int $displace | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'deconstructimages': { 'signature': 'void | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 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'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getfilename': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getimagebackgroundcolor': { 'signature': 'void | GmagickPixel', 'return_type': 'GmagickPixel'}, \ 'getimageblueprimary': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getimagebordercolor': { 'signature': 'void | GmagickPixel', 'return_type': 'GmagickPixel'}, \ 'getimagechanneldepth': { 'signature': 'int $channel_type | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagecolors': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagecolorspace': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagecompose': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagedelay': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagedepth': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagedispose': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimageextrema': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 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'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getimagerenderingintent': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimageresolution': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getimagescene': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagesignature': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getimagetype': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimageunits': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getimagewhitepoint': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getimagewidth': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getpackagename': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getquantumdepth': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getreleasedate': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getsamplingfactors': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getsize': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getversion': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'hasnextimage': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'haspreviousimage': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'implodeimage': { 'signature': 'float $radius | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'labelimage': { 'signature': 'string $label | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'levelimage': { 'signature': 'float $blackPoint, float $gamma, float $whitePoint [, int $channel = Gmagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'magnifyimage': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'mapimage': { 'signature': 'gmagick $gmagick, bool $dither | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'medianfilterimage': { 'signature': 'float $radius | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'minifyimage': { 'signature': 'void | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'modulateimage': { 'signature': 'float $brightness, float $saturation, float $hue | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'motionblurimage': { 'signature': 'float $radius, float $sigma, float $angle | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'newimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, string $background [, string $format] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'nextimage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'normalizeimage': { 'signature': '[ int $channel] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'oilpaintimage': { 'signature': 'float $radius | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'previousimage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'profileimage': { 'signature': 'string $name, string $profile | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'quantizeimage': { 'signature': 'int $numColors, int $colorspace, int $treeDepth, bool $dither, bool $measureError | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'quantizeimages': { 'signature': 'int $numColors, int $colorspace, int $treeDepth, bool $dither, bool $measureError | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'queryfontmetrics': { 'signature': 'GmagickDraw $draw, string $text | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'queryfonts': { 'signature': '[ string $pattern = "*"] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'queryformats': { 'signature': '[ string $pattern = "*"] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'radialblurimage': { 'signature': 'float $angle [, int $channel = Gmagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'raiseimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y, bool $raise | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'string $filename | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'readimage': { 'signature': 'string $filename | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'readimageblob': { 'signature': 'string $imageContents [, string $filename] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'readimagefile': { 'signature': 'resource $fp [, string $filename] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'reducenoiseimage': { 'signature': 'float $radius | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'removeimage': { 'signature': 'void | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'removeimageprofile': { 'signature': 'string $name | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'resampleimage': { 'signature': 'float $xResolution, float $yResolution, int $filter, float $blur | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'resizeimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, int $filter, float $blur [, bool $fit = FALSE] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'rollimage': { 'signature': 'int $x, int $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'rotateimage': { 'signature': 'mixed $color, float $degrees | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'scaleimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height [, bool $fit = FALSE] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'separateimagechannel': { 'signature': 'int $channel | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setCompressionQuality': { 'signature': '[ int $quality = 75] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setfilename': { 'signature': 'string $filename | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagebackgroundcolor': { 'signature': 'GmagickPixel $color | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageblueprimary': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagebordercolor': { 'signature': 'GmagickPixel $color | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagechanneldepth': { 'signature': 'int $channel, int $depth | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagecolorspace': { 'signature': 'int $colorspace | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagecompose': { 'signature': 'int $composite | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagedelay': { 'signature': 'int $delay | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagedepth': { 'signature': 'int $depth | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagedispose': { 'signature': 'int $disposeType | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagefilename': { 'signature': 'string $filename | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageformat': { 'signature': 'string $imageFormat | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagegamma': { 'signature': 'float $gamma | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagegreenprimary': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageindex': { 'signature': 'int $index | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageinterlacescheme': { 'signature': 'int $interlace | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageiterations': { 'signature': 'int $iterations | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageprofile': { 'signature': 'string $name, string $profile | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageredprimary': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagerenderingintent': { 'signature': 'int $rendering_intent | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageresolution': { 'signature': 'float $xResolution, float $yResolution | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagescene': { 'signature': 'int $scene | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagetype': { 'signature': 'int $imgType | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimageunits': { 'signature': 'int $resolution | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setimagewhitepoint': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setsamplingfactors': { 'signature': 'array $factors | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'setsize': { 'signature': 'int $columns, int $rows | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'shearimage': { 'signature': 'mixed $color, float $xShear, float $yShear | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'solarizeimage': { 'signature': 'int $threshold | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'spreadimage': { 'signature': 'float $radius | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'stripimage': { 'signature': 'void | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'swirlimage': { 'signature': 'float $degrees | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'thumbnailimage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height [, bool $fit = FALSE] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'trimimage': { 'signature': 'float $fuzz | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ 'writeimage': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, bool $all_frames = FALSE] | Gmagick', 'return_type': 'Gmagick'}, \ }, \}, \'gmagickdraw': { \ 'name': 'GmagickDraw', \ 'methods': { \ 'annotate': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, string $text | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'arc': { 'signature': 'float $sx, float $sy, float $ex, float $ey, float $sd, float $ed | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'bezier': { 'signature': 'array $coordinate_array | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'ellipse': { 'signature': 'float $ox, float $oy, float $rx, float $ry, float $start, float $end | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'getfillcolor': { 'signature': 'void | GmagickPixel', 'return_type': 'GmagickPixel'}, \ 'getfillopacity': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getfont': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getfontsize': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getfontstyle': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getfontweight': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getstrokecolor': { 'signature': 'void | GmagickPixel', 'return_type': 'GmagickPixel'}, \ 'getstrokeopacity': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getstrokewidth': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'gettextdecoration': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'gettextencoding': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'line': { 'signature': 'float $sx, float $sy, float $ex, float $ey | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'point': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'polygon': { 'signature': 'array $coordinates | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'polyline': { 'signature': 'array $coordinate_array | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'rectangle': { 'signature': 'float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2 | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'rotate': { 'signature': 'float $degrees | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'roundrectangle': { 'signature': 'float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $rx, float $ry | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'scale': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setfillcolor': { 'signature': 'mixed $color | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setfillopacity': { 'signature': 'float $fill_opacity | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setfont': { 'signature': 'string $font | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setfontsize': { 'signature': 'float $pointsize | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setfontstyle': { 'signature': 'int $style | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setfontweight': { 'signature': 'int $weight | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setstrokecolor': { 'signature': 'mixed $color | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setstrokeopacity': { 'signature': 'float $stroke_opacity | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'setstrokewidth': { 'signature': 'float $width | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'settextdecoration': { 'signature': 'int $decoration | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ 'settextencoding': { 'signature': 'string $encoding | GmagickDraw', 'return_type': 'GmagickDraw'}, \ }, \}, \'gmagickpixel': { \ 'name': 'GmagickPixel', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $color]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getcolor': { 'signature': '[ bool $as_array = FALSE [, bool $normalize_array = FALSE]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getcolorcount': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getcolorvalue': { 'signature': 'int $color | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'setcolor': { 'signature': 'string $color | GmagickPixel', 'return_type': 'GmagickPixel'}, \ 'setcolorvalue': { 'signature': 'int $color, float $value | GmagickPixel', 'return_type': 'GmagickPixel'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['gmp'] = { \'gmp': { \ 'name': 'GMP', \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['haru'] = { \'haruannotation': { \ 'name': 'HaruAnnotation', \ 'methods': { \ 'setBorderStyle': { 'signature': 'float $width, int $dash_on, int $dash_off | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setHighlightMode': { 'signature': 'int $mode | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setIcon': { 'signature': 'int $icon | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setOpened': { 'signature': 'bool $opened | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'harudestination': { \ 'name': 'HaruDestination', \ 'methods': { \ 'setFit': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFitB': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFitBH': { 'signature': 'float $top | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFitBV': { 'signature': 'float $left | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFitH': { 'signature': 'float $top | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFitR': { 'signature': 'float $left, float $bottom, float $right, float $top | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setFitV': { 'signature': 'float $left | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setXYZ': { 'signature': 'float $left, float $top, float $zoom | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'harudoc': { \ 'name': 'HaruDoc', \ 'methods': { \ 'addPage': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'addPageLabel': { 'signature': 'int $first_page, int $style, int $first_num [, string $prefix = ""] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'createOutline': { 'signature': 'string $title [, object $parent_outline [, object $encoder]] | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getCurrentEncoder': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getCurrentPage': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getEncoder': { 'signature': 'string $encoding | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getFont': { 'signature': 'string $fontname [, string $encoding] | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getInfoAttr': { 'signature': 'int $type | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPageLayout': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getPageMode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStreamSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'insertPage': { 'signature': 'object $page | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'loadJPEG': { 'signature': 'string $filename | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'loadPNG': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, bool $deferred = FALSE] | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'loadRaw': { 'signature': 'string $filename, int $width, int $height, int $color_space | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'loadTTC': { 'signature': 'string $fontfile, int $index [, bool $embed = FALSE] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'loadTTF': { 'signature': 'string $fontfile [, bool $embed = FALSE] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'loadType1': { 'signature': 'string $afmfile [, string $pfmfile] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'output': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'readFromStream': { 'signature': 'int $bytes | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'resetError': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'resetStream': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'save': { 'signature': 'string $file | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'saveToStream': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setCompressionMode': { 'signature': 'int $mode | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 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'bool'}, \ 'useCNSEncodings': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useCNSFonts': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useCNTEncodings': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useCNTFonts': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useJPEncodings': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useJPFonts': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useKREncodings': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useKRFonts': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'haruencoder': { \ 'name': 'HaruEncoder', \ 'methods': { \ 'getByteType': { 'signature': 'string $text, int $index | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getUnicode': { 'signature': 'int $character | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getWritingMode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'haruexception': { \ 'name': 'HaruException', \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'harufont': { \ 'name': 'HaruFont', \ 'methods': { \ 'getAscent': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getCapHeight': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getDescent': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getEncodingName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFontName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getTextWidth': { 'signature': 'string $text | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getUnicodeWidth': { 'signature': 'int $character | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getXHeight': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'measureText': { 'signature': 'string $text, float $width, float $font_size, float $char_space, float $word_space [, bool $word_wrap = FALSE] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'haruimage': { \ 'name': 'HaruImage', \ 'methods': { \ 'getBitsPerComponent': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getColorSpace': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getHeight': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getSize': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWidth': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setColorMask': { 'signature': 'int $rmin, int $rmax, int $gmin, int $gmax, int $bmin, int $bmax | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMaskImage': { 'signature': 'object $mask_image | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'haruoutline': { \ 'name': 'HaruOutline', \ 'methods': { \ 'setDestination': { 'signature': 'object $destination | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setOpened': { 'signature': 'bool $opened | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'harupage': { \ 'name': 'HaruPage', \ 'methods': { \ 'arc': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, float $ray, float $ang1, float $ang2 | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'beginText': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'circle': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, float $ray | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'closePath': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'concat': { 'signature': 'float $a, float $b, float $c, float $d, float $x, float $y | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'createDestination': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 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'bool'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': '[ int $mode = 0] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'cropImage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'cropThumbnailImage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height [, bool $legacy = FALSE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | Imagick', 'return_type': 'Imagick'}, \ 'cycleColormapImage': { 'signature': 'int $displace | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'decipherImage': { 'signature': 'string $passphrase | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'deconstructImages': { 'signature': 'void | Imagick', 'return_type': 'Imagick'}, \ 'deleteImageArtifact': { 'signature': 'string $artifact | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'deleteImageProperty': { 'signature': 'string $name | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'deskewImage': { 'signature': 'float $threshold | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'despeckleImage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'destroy': { 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'int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height, string $map, int $STORAGE | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'extentImage': { 'signature': 'int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'filter': { 'signature': 'ImagickKernel $ImagickKernel [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_UNDEFINED] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'flattenImages': { 'signature': 'void | Imagick', 'return_type': 'Imagick'}, \ 'flipImage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'floodFillPaintImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $fill, float $fuzz, mixed $target, int $x, int $y, bool $invert [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'flopImage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'forwardFourierTransformimage': { 'signature': 'bool $magnitude | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'frameImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $matte_color, int $width, int $height, int $inner_bevel, int $outer_bevel | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 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$channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'paintFloodfillImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $fill, float $fuzz, mixed $bordercolor, int $x, int $y [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'paintOpaqueImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $target, mixed $fill, float $fuzz [, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'paintTransparentImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $target, float $alpha, float $fuzz | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'pingImage': { 'signature': 'string $filename | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'pingImageBlob': { 'signature': 'string $image | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'pingImageFile': { 'signature': 'resource $filehandle [, string $fileName] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'polaroidImage': { 'signature': 'ImagickDraw $properties, float $angle | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'posterizeImage': { 'signature': 'int $levels, bool $dither | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 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{ 'signature': 'int $columns, int $rows [, bool $bestfit = FALSE [, bool $fill = FALSE [, bool $legacy = FALSE]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'tintImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $tint, mixed $opacity [, bool $legacy = FALSE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'transformImage': { 'signature': 'string $crop, string $geometry | Imagick', 'return_type': 'Imagick'}, \ 'transformImageColorspace': { 'signature': 'int $colorspace | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'transparentPaintImage': { 'signature': 'mixed $target, float $alpha, float $fuzz, bool $invert | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'transposeImage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'transverseImage': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'trimImage': { 'signature': 'float $fuzz | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'uniqueImageColors': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'unsharpMaskImage': { 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int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getRegistry': { 'signature': 'string $key | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'listRegistry': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setRegistry': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'imagickdraw': { \ 'name': 'ImagickDraw', \ 'methods': { \ 'affine': { 'signature': 'array $affine | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'annotation': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, string $text | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'arc': { 'signature': 'float $sx, float $sy, float $ex, float $ey, float $sd, float $ed | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'bezier': { 'signature': 'array $coordinates | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'circle': { 'signature': 'float $ox, float $oy, float $px, float $py | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'clone': { 'signature': 'void | ImagickDraw', 'return_type': 'ImagickDraw'}, \ 'color': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y, int $paintMethod | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'comment': { 'signature': 'string $comment | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'composite': { 'signature': 'int $compose, float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height, Imagick $compositeWand | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'destroy': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'ellipse': { 'signature': 'float $ox, float $oy, float $rx, float $ry, float $start, float $end | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getClipPath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getClipRule': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getClipUnits': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getFillColor': { 'signature': 'void | ImagickPixel', 'return_type': 'ImagickPixel'}, \ 'getFillOpacity': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getFillRule': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getFont': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFontFamily': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFontSize': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getFontStretch': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getFontStyle': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getFontWeight': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getGravity': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStrokeAntialias': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getStrokeColor': { 'signature': 'void | ImagickPixel', 'return_type': 'ImagickPixel'}, \ 'getStrokeDashArray': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getStrokeDashOffset': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getStrokeLineCap': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStrokeLineJoin': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 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'int $row | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'syncIterator': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['json'] = { \'jsonexception': { \ 'name': 'JsonException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 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'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'luasandboxruntimeerror': { \ 'name': 'LuaSandboxRuntimeError', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'luasandboxsyntaxerror': { \ 'name': 'LuaSandboxSyntaxError', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'luasandboxtimeouterror': { \ 'name': 'LuaSandboxTimeoutError', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['memcache'] = { \'memcache': { \ 'name': 'Memcache', \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $flag [, int $expire]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServer': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port = 11211 [, bool $persistent [, int $weight [, int $timeout [, int $retry_interval [, bool $status [, callable $failure_callback [, int $timeoutms]]]]]]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port [, int $timeout]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'decrement': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int $value = 1] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'delete': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int $timeout = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'flush': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int &$flags] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getExtendedStats': { 'signature': '[ string $type [, int $slabid [, int $limit = 100]]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getServerStatus': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port = 11211] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStats': { 'signature': '[ string $type [, int $slabid [, int $limit = 100]]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'increment': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int $value = 1] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'pconnect': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port [, int $timeout]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'replace': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $flag [, int $expire]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $var [, int $flag [, int $expire]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setCompressThreshold': { 'signature': 'int $threshold [, float $min_savings] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setServerParams': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port = 11211 [, int $timeout [, int $retry_interval = FALSE [, bool $status [, callable $failure_callback]]]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['memcached'] = { \'memcached': { \ 'name': 'Memcached', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $persistent_id]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'add': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServer': { 'signature': 'string $host, int $port [, int $weight = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'addServers': { 'signature': 'array $servers | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'append': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'appendByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'cas': { 'signature': 'float $cas_token, string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'casByKey': { 'signature': 'float $cas_token, string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'decrement': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int $offset = 1 [, int $initial_value = 0 [, int $expiry = 0]]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'decrementByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key [, int $offset = 1 [, int $initial_value = 0 [, int $expiry = 0]]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'delete': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int $time = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'deleteByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key [, int $time = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'deleteMulti': { 'signature': 'array $keys [, int $time = 0] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'deleteMultiByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, array $keys [, int $time = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fetch': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'fetchAll': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'flush': { 'signature': '[ int $delay = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'string $key [, callable $cache_cb [, int $$flags]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getAllKeys': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key [, callable $cache_cb [, int $flags]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getDelayed': { 'signature': 'array $keys [, bool $with_cas [, callable $value_cb]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getDelayedByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, array $keys [, bool $with_cas [, callable $value_cb]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getMulti': { 'signature': 'array $keys [, int $flags] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getMultiByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, array $keys [, int $flags] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getOption': { 'signature': 'int $option | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getResultCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getResultMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServerByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getServerList': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getStats': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getVersion': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'increment': { 'signature': 'string $key [, int $offset = 1 [, int $initial_value = 0 [, int $expiry = 0]]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'incrementByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key [, int $offset = 1 [, int $initial_value = 0 [, int $expiry = 0]]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isPersistent': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isPristine': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'prepend': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'prependByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'quit': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'replace': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'replaceByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'resetServerList': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMulti': { 'signature': 'array $items [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMultiByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, array $items [, int $expiration] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setOption': { 'signature': 'int $option, mixed $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setOptions': { 'signature': 'array $options | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setSaslAuthData': { 'signature': 'string $username, string $password | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'touch': { 'signature': 'string $key, int $expiration | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'touchByKey': { 'signature': 'string $server_key, string $key, int $expiration | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'memcachedexception': { \ 'name': 'MemcachedException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['mongo'] = { \'mongo': { \ 'name': 'Mongo', \ 'methods': { \ 'connectUtil': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getSlave': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSlaveOkay': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'poolDebug': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setSlaveOkay': { 'signature': '[ bool $ok = TRUE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'switchSlave': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': '[ boolean|string $connection] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'dropDB': { 'signature': 'mixed $db | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ '__get': { 'signature': 'string $dbname | MongoDB', 'return_type': 'MongoDB'}, \ 'getHosts': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getReadPreference': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'killCursor': { 'signature': 'string $server_hash, int|MongoInt64 $id | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'listDBs': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'selectCollection': { 'signature': 'string $db, string $collection | MongoCollection', 'return_type': 'MongoCollection'}, \ 'selectDB': { 'signature': 'string $name | MongoDB', 'return_type': 'MongoDB'}, \ 'setReadPreference': { 'signature': 'string $read_preference [, array $tags] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'mixed $w [, int $wtimeout] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'getPoolSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setPoolSize': { 'signature': 'int $size | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getConnections': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'mongobindata': { \ 'name': 'MongoBinData', \ 'constants': { \ 'GENERIC': '0', \ 'FUNC': '1', \ 'BYTE_ARRAY': '2', \ 'UUID': '3', \ 'UUID_RFC4122': '4', \ 'MD5': '5', \ 'CUSTOM': '128', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'bin': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'type': { 'initializer': '2', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $data [, int $type = 0]', 'return_type': ''}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'mongoclient': { \ 'name': 'MongoClient', \ 'constants': { \ 'VERSION': '', \ 'DEFAULT_HOST': '"localhost"', \ 'DEFAULT_PORT': '27017', \ 'RP_PRIMARY': '"primary"', \ 'RP_PRIMARY_PREFERRED': '"primaryPreferred"', \ 'RP_SECONDARY': '"secondary"', \ 'RP_SECONDARY_PREFERRED': '"secondaryPreferred"', \ 'RP_NEAREST': '"nearest"', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'connected': { 'initializer': 'FALSE', 'type': 'boolean'}, \ 'status': { 'initializer': 'NULL', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'server': { 'initializer': 'NULL', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'persistent': { 'initializer': 'NULL', 'type': 'boolean'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $server = "mongodb://localhost:27017" [, array $options = array("connect" => TRUE) [, array $driver_options]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'close': { 'signature': '[ boolean|string $connection] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'dropDB': { 'signature': 'mixed $db | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ '__get': { 'signature': 'string $dbname | MongoDB', 'return_type': 'MongoDB'}, \ 'getHosts': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getReadPreference': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'killCursor': { 'signature': 'string $server_hash, int|MongoInt64 $id | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'listDBs': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'selectCollection': { 'signature': 'string $db, string $collection | MongoCollection', 'return_type': 'MongoCollection'}, \ 'selectDB': { 'signature': 'string $name | MongoDB', 'return_type': 'MongoDB'}, \ 'setReadPreference': { 'signature': 'string $read_preference [, array $tags] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'mixed $w [, int $wtimeout] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'getConnections': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'mongocode': { \ 'name': 'MongoCode', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $code [, array $scope = array()]', 'return_type': ''}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'mongocollection': { \ 'name': 'MongoCollection', \ 'constants': { \ 'ASCENDING': '1', \ 'DESCENDING': '-1', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'db': { 'initializer': 'NULL', 'type': 'MongoDB'}, \ 'w': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'integer'}, \ 'wtimeout': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'integer'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'aggregate': { 'signature': 'array $pipeline [, array $options] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'aggregateCursor': { 'signature': 'array $command [, array $options] | MongoCommandCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCommandCursor'}, \ 'batchInsert': { 'signature': 'array $a [, array $options = array()] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'MongoDB $db, string $name', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': '[ array $query = array() [, array $options = array()]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'createDBRef': { 'signature': 'mixed $document_or_id | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'createIndex': { 'signature': 'array $keys [, array $options = array()] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'deleteIndex': { 'signature': 'string|array $keys | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'deleteIndexes': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'distinct': { 'signature': 'string $key [, array $query] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'drop': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'ensureIndex': { 'signature': 'string|array $key|keys [, array $options = array()] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'find': { 'signature': '[ array $query = array() [, array $fields = array()]] | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'findAndModify': { 'signature': 'array $query [, array $update [, array $fields [, array $options]]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'findOne': { 'signature': '[ array $query = array() [, array $fields = array() [, array $options = array()]]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ '__get': { 'signature': 'string $name | MongoCollection', 'return_type': 'MongoCollection'}, \ 'getDBRef': { 'signature': 'array $ref | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getIndexInfo': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getReadPreference': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getSlaveOkay': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'group': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys, array $initial, MongoCode $reduce [, array $options = array()] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'insert': { 'signature': 'array|object $document [, array $options = array()] | bool|array', 'return_type': 'bool|array'}, \ 'parallelCollectionScan': { 'signature': 'int $num_cursors | array[MongoCommandCursor]', 'return_type': 'array[MongoCommandCursor]'}, \ 'remove': { 'signature': '[ array $criteria = array() [, array $options = array()]] | bool|array', 'return_type': 'bool|array'}, \ 'save': { 'signature': 'array|object $document [, array $options = array()] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'setReadPreference': { 'signature': 'string $read_preference [, array $tags] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setSlaveOkay': { 'signature': '[ bool $ok = TRUE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'mixed $w [, int $wtimeout] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'toIndexString': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'update': { 'signature': 'array $criteria, array $new_object [, array $options = array()] | bool|array', 'return_type': 'bool|array'}, \ 'validate': { 'signature': '[ bool $scan_data = FALSE] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'mongocommandcursor': { \ 'name': 'MongoCommandCursor', \ 'methods': { \ 'batchSize': { 'signature': 'int $batchSize | MongoCommandCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCommandCursor'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'MongoClient $connection, string $ns [, array $command = array()]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'dead': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getReadPreference': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'info': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setReadPreference': { 'signature': 'string $read_preference [, array $tags] | MongoCommandCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCommandCursor'}, \ 'timeout': { 'signature': 'int $ms | MongoCommandCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCommandCursor'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'createFromDocument': { 'signature': 'MongoClient $connection, string $hash, array $document | MongoCommandCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCommandCursor'}, \ }, \}, \'mongoconnectionexception': { \ 'name': 'MongoConnectionException', \}, \'mongocursor': { \ 'name': 'MongoCursor', \ 'static_properties': { \ '$slaveOkay': { 'initializer': 'FALSE', 'type': 'boolean'}, \ '$timeout': { 'initializer': '30000', 'type': 'integer'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'addOption': { 'signature': 'string $key, mixed $value | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'awaitData': { 'signature': '[ bool $wait = TRUE] | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'batchSize': { 'signature': 'int $batchSize | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'MongoClient $connection, string $ns [, array $query = array() [, array $fields = array()]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': '[ bool $foundOnly = FALSE] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'dead': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'doQuery': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'explain': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'fields': { 'signature': 'array $f | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'getNext': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getReadPreference': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'hasNext': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'hint': { 'signature': 'mixed $index | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'immortal': { 'signature': '[ bool $liveForever = TRUE] | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'info': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string|int', 'return_type': 'string|int'}, \ 'limit': { 'signature': 'int $num | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'maxTimeMS': { 'signature': 'int $ms | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'partial': { 'signature': '[ bool $okay = TRUE] | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'reset': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFlag': { 'signature': 'int $flag [, bool $set = TRUE] | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'setReadPreference': { 'signature': 'string $read_preference [, array $tags] | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'skip': { 'signature': 'int $num | MongoCursor', 'return_type': 'MongoCursor'}, \ 'slaveOkay': { 'signature': '[ bool $okay = 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{ 'signature': 'string $serialized | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\bson\timestamp': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'int $increment, int $timestamp', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getIncrement': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTimestamp': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'jsonSerialize': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'serialize': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'unserialize': { 'signature': 'string $serialized | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\bson\undefined': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\BSON\Undefined', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'jsonSerialize': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'serialize': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 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'object'}, \ 'errorLabels': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'bool'}, \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getResultDocument': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'hasErrorLabel': { 'signature': 'string $errorLabel | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | 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'', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'hasErrorLabel': { 'signature': 'string $errorLabel | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\exception\sslconnectionexception': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\SSLConnectionException', \ 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'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\exception\writeexception': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\WriteException', \ 'properties': { \ 'writeResult': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult'}, \ 'errorLabels': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'bool'}, \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getWriteResult': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult'}, \ 'hasErrorLabel': { 'signature': 'string $errorLabel | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 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'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWriteConcern': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern'}, \ 'selectServer': { 'signature': 'MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference $readPreference | MongoDB\Driver\Server', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server'}, \ 'startSession': { 'signature': '[ array $options] | MongoDB\Driver\Session', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Session'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\monitoring\commandfailedevent': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandFailedEvent', \ 'methods': { \ 'getCommandName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDurationMicros': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getError': { 'signature': 'void | Exception', 'return_type': 'Exception'}, \ 'getOperationId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getReply': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getRequestId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServer': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\Server', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\monitoring\commandstartedevent': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandStartedEvent', \ 'methods': { \ 'getCommand': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getCommandName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDatabaseName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getOperationId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getRequestId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServer': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\Server', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\monitoring\commandsucceededevent': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent', \ 'methods': { \ 'getCommandName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getDurationMicros': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getOperationId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getReply': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getRequestId': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServer': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\Server', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\query': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Query', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'array|object $filter [, array $queryOptions]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\readconcern': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern', \ 'constants': { \ 'AVAILABLE': '"available"', \ 'LINEARIZABLE': '"linearizable"', \ 'LOCAL': '"local"', \ 'MAJORITY': '"majority"', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'bsonSerialize': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $level]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getLevel': { 'signature': 'void | string|null', 'return_type': 'string|null'}, \ 'isDefault': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\readpreference': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference', \ 'constants': { \ 'RP_PRIMARY': '1', \ 'RP_PRIMARY_PREFERRED': '5', \ 'RP_SECONDARY': '2', \ 'RP_SECONDARY_PREFERRED': '6', \ 'RP_NEAREST': '10', \ 'NO_MAX_STALENESS': '-1', \ 'SMALLEST_MAX_STALENESS_SECONDS': '90', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'bsonSerialize': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string|integer $mode [, array $tagSets = NULL [, array $options = array()]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getMaxStalenessSeconds': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTagSets': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\server': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server', \ 'constants': { \ 'TYPE_UNKNOWN': '0', \ 'TYPE_STANDALONE': '1', \ 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'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isSecondary': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\session': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\Session', \ 'methods': { \ 'abortTransaction': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'advanceClusterTime': { 'signature': 'array|object $clusterTime | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'advanceOperationTime': { 'signature': 'MongoDB\BSON\TimestampInterface $operationTime | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'commitTransaction': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'endSession': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getClusterTime': { 'signature': 'void | object|null', 'return_type': 'object|null'}, \ 'getLogicalSessionId': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getOperationTime': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp|null', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp|null'}, \ 'getServer': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\Server|null', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server|null'}, \ 'isInTransaction': { 'signature': 'void | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'startTransaction': { 'signature': '[ array $options] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'mongodb\driver\writeconcern': { \ 'name': 'MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern', \ 'constants': { \ 'MAJORITY': '"majority"', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'bsonSerialize': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string|integer $w [, int $wtimeout [, bool $journal]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getJournal': { 'signature': 'void | boolean|null', 'return_type': 'boolean|null'}, \ 'getW': { 'signature': 'void | string|integer|null', 'return_type': 'string|integer|null'}, \ 'getWtimeout': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isDefault': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, 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integer|null', 'return_type': 'integer|null'}, \ 'getModifiedCount': { 'signature': 'void | integer|null', 'return_type': 'integer|null'}, \ 'getServer': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\Server', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\Server'}, \ 'getUpsertedCount': { 'signature': 'void | integer|null', 'return_type': 'integer|null'}, \ 'getUpsertedIds': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWriteConcernError': { 'signature': 'void | MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError|null', 'return_type': 'MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError|null'}, \ 'getWriteErrors': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'isAcknowledged': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\client': { \ 'name': 'mysql_xdevapi\Client', \ 'methods': { \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getSession': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\Session', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\Session'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\collection': { 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{ 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWarningsCount': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\rowresult': { \ 'name': 'mysql_xdevapi\RowResult', \ 'methods': { \ 'fetchAll': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'fetchOne': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getColumnsCount': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'getColumnNames': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getColumns': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWarnings': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getWarningsCount': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\schema': { \ 'name': 'mysql_xdevapi\Schema', \ 'properties': { \ 'name': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'createCollection': { 'signature': 'string $name | mysql_xdevapi\Collection', 'return_type': 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void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rollbackTo': { 'signature': 'string $name | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setSavepoint': { 'signature': '[ string $name] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'sql': { 'signature': 'string $query | mysql_xdevapi\SqlStatement', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\SqlStatement'}, \ 'startTransaction': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\sqlstatement': { \ 'name': 'mysql_xdevapi\SqlStatement', \ 'constants': { \ 'EXECUTE_ASYNC': '1', \ 'BUFFERED': '2', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'statement': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'bind': { 'signature': 'string $param | mysql_xdevapi\SqlStatement', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\SqlStatement'}, \ 'execute': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\Result', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\Result'}, \ 'getNextResult': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\Result', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\Result'}, \ 'getResult': { 'signature': 'void | 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'integer'}, \ 'hasData': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'nextResult': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\Result', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\Result'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\statement': { \ 'name': 'mysql_xdevapi\Statement', \ 'constants': { \ 'EXECUTE_ASYNC': '1', \ 'BUFFERED': '2', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getNextResult': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\Result', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\Result'}, \ 'getResult': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\Result', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\Result'}, \ 'hasMoreResults': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'mysql_xdevapi\table': { \ 'name': 'mysql_xdevapi\Table', \ 'properties': { \ 'name': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'delete': { 'signature': 'void | mysql_xdevapi\TableDelete', 'return_type': 'mysql_xdevapi\TableDelete'}, \ 'existsInDatabase': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 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bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'mysqli': { \ 'name': 'mysqli', \ 'properties': { \ 'affected_rows': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'connect_errno': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'connect_error': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'errno': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'error_list': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'array'}, \ 'error': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'field_count': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'client_info': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'client_version': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'host_info': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'protocol_version': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'server_info': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'server_version': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'info': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'insert_id': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'mixed'}, \ 'sqlstate': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'thread_id': { 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{ 'signature': '[ int $option] | mysqli_result', 'return_type': 'mysqli_result'}, \ 'use_result': { 'signature': 'void | mysqli_result', 'return_type': 'mysqli_result'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'poll': { 'signature': 'array &$read, array &$error, array &$reject, int $sec [, int $usec = 0] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['mysqlnd_uh'] = { \'mysqlnduhconnection': { \ 'name': 'MysqlndUhConnection', \ 'methods': { \ 'changeUser': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, string $user, string $password, string $database, bool $silent, int $passwd_len | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'charsetName': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, int $close_type | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, string $host, string $use", string $password, string $database, int $port, string $socket, int $mysql_flags | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'endPSession': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'escapeString': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, string $escape_string | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getAffectedRows': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorNumber': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getErrorString': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFieldCount': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getHostInformation': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLastInsertId': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getLastMessage': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getProtocolInformation': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServerInformation': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServerStatistics': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getServerVersion': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getSqlstate': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getStatistics': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getThreadId': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getWarningCount': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'init': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'killConnection': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, int $pid | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'listFields': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, string $table, string $achtung_wild | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'listMethod': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, string $query, string $achtung_wild, string $par1 | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'moreResults': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'nextResult': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'ping': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'query': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, string $query | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'queryReadResultsetHeader': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection, mysqlnd_statement $mysqlnd_stmt | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'reapQuery': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 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'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'txRollback': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'useResult': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_connection $connection | resource', 'return_type': 'resource'}, \ }, \}, \'mysqlnduhpreparedstatement': { \ 'name': 'MysqlndUhPreparedStatement', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'execute': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_prepared_statement $statement | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'prepare': { 'signature': 'mysqlnd_prepared_statement $statement, string $query | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['oauth'] = { \'oauth': { \ 'name': 'OAuth', \ 'properties': { \ 'debug': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'sslChecks': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'debugInfo': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $consumer_key, string $consumer_secret [, string $signature_method = OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1 [, int $auth_type = 0]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'disableDebug': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'disableRedirects': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'disableSSLChecks': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enableDebug': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enableRedirects': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enableSSLChecks': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'fetch': { 'signature': 'string $protected_resource_url [, array $extra_parameters [, string $http_method [, array $http_headers]]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'generateSignature': { 'signature': 'string $http_method, string $url [, mixed $extra_parameters] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getAccessToken': { 'signature': 'string $access_token_url [, string 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'return_type': 'PharData'}, \ 'convertToExecutable': { 'signature': '[ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension]]] | Phar', 'return_type': 'Phar'}, \ 'copy': { 'signature': 'string $oldfile, string $newfile | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'decompress': { 'signature': '[ string $extension] | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'decompressFiles': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'delMetadata': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'delete': { 'signature': 'string $entry | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'extractTo': { 'signature': 'string $pathto [, string|array $files [, bool $overwrite = FALSE]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isWritable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetSet': { 'signature': 'string $offset, string $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'offsetUnset': { 'signature': 'string $offset | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setAlias': { 'signature': 'string $alias | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setDefaultStub': { 'signature': '[ string $index [, string $webindex]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setMetadata': { 'signature': 'mixed $metadata | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setSignatureAlgorithm': { 'signature': 'int $sigtype [, string $privatekey] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setStub': { 'signature': 'string $stub [, int $len = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'compressAllFilesBZIP2': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'compressAllFilesGZ': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getAlias': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getMetadata': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getModified': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getPath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSignature': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getStub': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'hasMetadata': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isBuffering': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isCompressed': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'isFileFormat': { 'signature': 'int $format | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetExists': { 'signature': 'string $offset | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'offsetGet': { 'signature': 'string $offset | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'startBuffering': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stopBuffering': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'uncompressAllFiles': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'apiVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'canCompress': { 'signature': '[ int $type = 0] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'canWrite': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'createDefaultStub': { 'signature': '[ string $indexfile [, string $webindexfile]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSupportedCompression': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getSupportedSignatures': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'interceptFileFuncs': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'isValidPharFilename': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, bool $executable = TRUE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'loadPhar': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, string $alias] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'mapPhar': { 'signature': '[ string $alias [, int $dataoffset = 0]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'mount': { 'signature': 'string $pharpath, string $externalpath | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'mungServer': { 'signature': 'array $munglist | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'running': { 'signature': '[ bool $retphar = TRUE] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'unlinkArchive': { 'signature': 'string $archive | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'webPhar': { 'signature': '[ string $alias [, string $index = "index.php" [, string $f404 [, array $mimetypes [, callable $rewrites]]]]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'pharexception': { \ 'name': 'PharException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void 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| void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'pht\thread': { \ 'name': 'pht\Thread', \ 'methods': { \ 'addClassTask': { 'signature': 'string $className [, mixed $...ctorArgs] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addFileTask': { 'signature': 'string $fileName [, mixed $...globals] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addFunctionTask': { 'signature': 'callable $func [, mixed $...funcArgs] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'join': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'taskCount': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'pht\vector': { \ 'name': 'pht\Vector', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ int $size = 0 [, mixed $value = 0]] | Vector', 'return_type': 'Vector'}, \ 'deleteAt': { 'signature': 'int $offset | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'insertAt': { 'signature': 'mixed $value, int $offset | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'lock': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'pop': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'push': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'resize': { 'signature': 'int $size [, mixed $value = 0] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'shift': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'size': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'unlock': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'unshift': { 'signature': 'mixed $value | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'updateAt': { 'signature': 'mixed $value, int $offset | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['quickhash'] = { \'quickhashinthash': { \ 'name': 'QuickHashIntHash', \ 'constants': { \ 'CHECK_FOR_DUPES': '1', \ 'DO_NOT_USE_ZEND_ALLOC': '2', \ 'HASHER_NO_HASH': '256', \ 'HASHER_JENKINS1': '512', \ 'HASHER_JENKINS2': '1024', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'int $key [, int $value] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 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'QuickHashIntSet', \ 'constants': { \ 'CHECK_FOR_DUPES': '1', \ 'DO_NOT_USE_ZEND_ALLOC': '2', \ 'HASHER_NO_HASH': '256', \ 'HASHER_JENKINS1': '512', \ 'HASHER_JENKINS2': '1024', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'int $key | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'int $size [, int $options]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'delete': { 'signature': 'int $key | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'exists': { 'signature': 'int $key | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'saveToFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'saveToString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'loadFromFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $size [, int $options]] | QuickHashIntSet', 'return_type': 'QuickHashIntSet'}, \ 'loadFromString': { 'signature': 'string $contents [, int $size [, int $options]] | QuickHashIntSet', 'return_type': 'QuickHashIntSet'}, \ }, \}, \'quickhashintstringhash': { \ 'name': 'QuickHashIntStringHash', \ 'constants': { \ 'CHECK_FOR_DUPES': '1', \ 'DO_NOT_USE_ZEND_ALLOC': '2', \ 'HASHER_NO_HASH': '256', \ 'HASHER_JENKINS1': '512', \ 'HASHER_JENKINS2': '1024', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'int $key, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'int $size [, int $options = 0]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'delete': { 'signature': 'int $key | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'exists': { 'signature': 'int $key | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'int $key | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'saveToFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'saveToString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'int $key, string $value | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'update': { 'signature': 'int $key, string 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'int'}, \ 'saveToFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'saveToString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'string $key, int $value | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'update': { 'signature': 'string $key, int $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'loadFromFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $size = 0 [, int $options = 0]] | QuickHashStringIntHash', 'return_type': 'QuickHashStringIntHash'}, \ 'loadFromString': { 'signature': 'string $contents [, int $size = 0 [, int $options = 0]] | QuickHashStringIntHash', 'return_type': 'QuickHashStringIntHash'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['rar'] = { \'rararchive': { \ 'name': 'RarArchive', \ 'methods': { \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getComment': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getEntries': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getEntry': { 'signature': 'string $entryname | RarEntry', 'return_type': 'RarEntry'}, \ 'isBroken': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isSolid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setAllowBroken': { 'signature': 'bool $allow_broken | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'open': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, string $password = NULL [, callable $volume_callback = NULL]] | RarArchive', 'return_type': 'RarArchive'}, \ }, \}, \'rarentry': { \ 'name': 'RarEntry', \ 'constants': { \ 'HOST_MSDOS': '0', \ 'HOST_OS2': '1', \ 'HOST_WIN32': '2', \ 'HOST_UNIX': '3', \ 'HOST_MACOS': '4', \ 'HOST_BEOS': '5', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_READONLY': '1', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_HIDDEN': '2', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SYSTEM': '4', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DIRECTORY': '16', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ARCHIVE': '32', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DEVICE': '64', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_WIN_NORMAL': '128', \ 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'ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK': '40960', \ 'ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET': '49152', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'extract': { 'signature': 'string $dir [, string $filepath = "" [, string $password = NULL [, bool $extended_data = FALSE]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getAttr': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getCrc': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFileTime': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getHostOs': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMethod': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPackedSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStream': { 'signature': '[ string $password] | resource', 'return_type': 'resource'}, \ 'getUnpackedSize': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getVersion': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isDirectory': { 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'ReflectionMethod'}, \ 'getDefaultProperties': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getDocComment': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getEndLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getExtension': { 'signature': 'void | ReflectionExtension', 'return_type': 'ReflectionExtension'}, \ 'getExtensionName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFileName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getInterfaceNames': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getInterfaces': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getMethod': { 'signature': 'string $name | ReflectionMethod', 'return_type': 'ReflectionMethod'}, \ 'getMethods': { 'signature': '[ int $filter] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getModifiers': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 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'mixed $class, string $name [, bool $return] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'reflectionexception': { \ 'name': 'ReflectionException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'reflectionextension': { \ 'name': 'ReflectionExtension', \ 'properties': { \ 'name': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $name', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getClasses': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getClassNames': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getConstants': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getDependencies': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getFunctions': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getINIEntries': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'info': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'isPersistent': { 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| void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getClosureScopeClass': { 'signature': 'void | ReflectionClass', 'return_type': 'ReflectionClass'}, \ 'getClosureThis': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getDocComment': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getEndLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getExtension': { 'signature': 'void | ReflectionExtension', 'return_type': 'ReflectionExtension'}, \ 'getExtensionName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFileName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getNamespaceName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getNumberOfParameters': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getNumberOfRequiredParameters': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getParameters': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getReturnType': { 'signature': 'void | ReflectionType', 'return_type': 'ReflectionType'}, \ 'getShortName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getStartLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStaticVariables': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'hasReturnType': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'inNamespace': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isClosure': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isDeprecated': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isGenerator': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isInternal': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isUserDefined': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isVariadic': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'returnsReference': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'export': { 'signature': 'string $name [, string $return] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'reflectionfunctionabstract': { \ 'name': 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract', \ 'properties': { \ 'name': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getClosureScopeClass': { 'signature': 'void | ReflectionClass', 'return_type': 'ReflectionClass'}, \ 'getClosureThis': { 'signature': 'void | object', 'return_type': 'object'}, \ 'getDocComment': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getEndLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getExtension': { 'signature': 'void | ReflectionExtension', 'return_type': 'ReflectionExtension'}, \ 'getExtensionName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getFileName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 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| int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStaticVariables': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'hasReturnType': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'inNamespace': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isClosure': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isDeprecated': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isGenerator': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isInternal': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isUserDefined': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isVariadic': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'returnsReference': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'export': { 'signature': 'string $class, string $name [, bool $return = FALSE] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \'reflectionnamedtype': { \ 'name': 'ReflectionNamedType', \ 'methods': { \ 'getName': { 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'return_type': 'ReflectionClass'}, \ 'getProperties': { 'signature': '[ int $filter] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getProperty': { 'signature': 'string $name | ReflectionProperty', 'return_type': 'ReflectionProperty'}, \ 'getReflectionConstant': { 'signature': 'string $name | ReflectionClassConstant', 'return_type': 'ReflectionClassConstant'}, \ 'getReflectionConstants': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getShortName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getStartLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getStaticProperties': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getStaticPropertyValue': { 'signature': 'string $name [, mixed &$def_value] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getTraitAliases': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraitNames': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraits': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'hasConstant': { 'signature': 'string $name | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'hasMethod': { 'signature': 'string $name | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'hasProperty': { 'signature': 'string $name | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'implementsInterface': { 'signature': 'string $interface | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'inNamespace': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isAbstract': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isAnonymous': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isCloneable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isFinal': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isInstance': { 'signature': 'object $object | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isInstantiable': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isInterface': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isInternal': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isIterable': { 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'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'rrdgraph': { \ 'name': 'RRDGraph', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $path', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'save': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'saveVerbose': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setOptions': { 'signature': 'array $options | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'rrdupdater': { \ 'name': 'RRDUpdater', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $path', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'update': { 'signature': 'array $values [, string $time = time()] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['seaslog'] = { \'seaslog': { \ 'name': 'SeasLog', \ 'methods': { \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'alert': { 'signature': 'string $message [, array $content [, string $logger]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'analyzerCount': { 'signature': 'string $level [, string $log_path [, string $key_word]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'analyzerDetail': { 'signature': 'string $level [, string $log_path [, string $key_word [, int $start [, int $limit [, int $order]]]]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'closeLoggerStream': { 'signature': 'int $model, string $logger | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'critical': { 'signature': 'string $message [, array $content [, string $logger]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'debug': { 'signature': 'string $message [, array $content [, string $logger]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'emergency': { 'signature': 'string $message [, array $content [, string $logger]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'error': { 'signature': 'string $message [, array $content [, string $logger]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'flushBuffer': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getBasePath': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getBuffer': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 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\ }, \}, \'sessionhandlerinterface': { \ 'name': 'SessionHandlerInterface', \ 'methods': { \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'destroy': { 'signature': 'string $session_id | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'gc': { 'signature': 'int $maxlifetime | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'open': { 'signature': 'string $save_path, string $session_name | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'string $session_id | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $session_id, string $session_data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['simplexml'] = { \'simplexmlelement': { \ 'name': 'SimpleXMLElement', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $data [, int $options = 0 [, bool $data_is_url = FALSE [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix = FALSE]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'addAttribute': { 'signature': 'string $name [, string $value [, string $namespace]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addChild': { 'signature': 'string $name [, string $value [, string $namespace]] | SimpleXMLElement', 'return_type': 'SimpleXMLElement'}, \ 'asXML': { 'signature': '[ string $filename] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'attributes': { 'signature': '[ string $ns = NULL [, bool $is_prefix = FALSE]] | SimpleXMLElement', 'return_type': 'SimpleXMLElement'}, \ 'children': { 'signature': '[ string $ns [, bool $is_prefix = FALSE]] | SimpleXMLElement', 'return_type': 'SimpleXMLElement'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getDocNamespaces': { 'signature': '[ bool $recursive = FALSE [, bool $from_root = TRUE]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getName': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getNamespaces': { 'signature': '[ bool $recursive = FALSE] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'registerXPathNamespace': { 'signature': 'string $prefix, string $ns | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__toString': { 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'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'xpath': { 'signature': 'string $path | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['snmp'] = { \'snmp': { \ 'name': 'SNMP', \ 'constants': { \ 'ERRNO_NOERROR': '', \ 'ERRNO_GENERIC': '', \ 'ERRNO_TIMEOUT': '', \ 'ERRNO_ERROR_IN_REPLY': '', \ 'ERRNO_OID_NOT_INCREASING': '', \ 'ERRNO_OID_PARSING_ERROR': '', \ 'ERRNO_MULTIPLE_SET_QUERIES': '', \ 'ERRNO_ANY': '', \ 'VERSION_1': '', \ 'VERSION_2C': '', \ 'VERSION_2c': '1', \ 'VERSION_3': '', \ }, \ 'properties': { \ 'max_oids': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'valueretrieval': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'quick_print': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'bool'}, \ 'enum_print': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'bool'}, \ 'oid_output_format': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'oid_increasing_check': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'bool'}, \ 'exceptions_enabled': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'info': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'array'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'int $version, string $hostname, string $community [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'mixed $object_id [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getErrno': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getError': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getnext': { 'signature': 'mixed $object_id | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'mixed $object_id, mixed $type, mixed $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'walk': { 'signature': 'string $object_id [, bool $suffix_as_key = FALSE [, int $max_repetitions [, int $non_repeaters]]] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'snmpexception': { \ 'name': 'SNMPException', \ 'properties': { \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['soap'] = { \'soapclient': { \ 'name': 'SoapClient', \ 'methods': { \ '__call': { 'signature': 'string $function_name, array $arguments | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ '__construct': { 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'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setPersistence': { 'signature': 'int $mode | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'SoapServer': { 'signature': 'mixed $wsdl [, array $options]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'soapvar': { \ 'name': 'SoapVar', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'mixed $data, string $encoding [, string $type_name [, string $type_namespace [, string $node_name [, string $node_namespace]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'SoapVar': { 'signature': 'mixed $data, string $encoding [, string $type_name [, string $type_namespace [, string $node_name [, string $node_namespace]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['solr'] = { \'solrclient': { \ 'name': 'SolrClient', \ 'constants': { \ 'SEARCH_SERVLET_TYPE': '1', \ 'UPDATE_SERVLET_TYPE': '2', \ 'THREADS_SERVLET_TYPE': '4', \ 'PING_SERVLET_TYPE': '8', \ 'TERMS_SERVLET_TYPE': '16', \ 'SYSTEM_SERVLET_TYPE': '32', \ 'DEFAULT_SEARCH_SERVLET': 'select', \ 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_SERVLET': 'update', \ 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$raw_request | SolrUpdateResponse', 'return_type': 'SolrUpdateResponse'}, \ 'rollback': { 'signature': 'void | SolrUpdateResponse', 'return_type': 'SolrUpdateResponse'}, \ 'setResponseWriter': { 'signature': 'string $responseWriter | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setServlet': { 'signature': 'int $type, string $value | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'system': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'threads': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'solrclientexception': { \ 'name': 'SolrClientException', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'sourceline': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'integer'}, \ 'sourcefile': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'zif_name': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getInternalInfo': { 'signature': 'void 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\ 'success': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'solrutils': { \ 'name': 'SolrUtils', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'digestXmlResponse': { 'signature': 'string $xmlresponse [, int $parse_mode = 0] | SolrObject', 'return_type': 'SolrObject'}, \ 'escapeQueryChars': { 'signature': 'string $str | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getSolrVersion': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'queryPhrase': { 'signature': 'string $str | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['sphinx'] = { \'sphinxclient': { \ 'name': 'SphinxClient', \ 'methods': { \ 'addQuery': { 'signature': 'string $query [, string $index = "*" [, string $comment = ""]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'buildExcerpts': { 'signature': 'array $docs, string $index, string $words [, array $opts] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'buildKeywords': { 'signature': 'string $query, string $index, bool $hits | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 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'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['spl_types'] = { \'splbool': { \ 'name': 'SplBool', \ 'constants': { \ '__default': 'FALSE', \ 'false': 'FALSE', \ 'true': 'TRUE', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getConstList': { 'signature': '[ bool $include_default = FALSE] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'splenum': { \ 'name': 'SplEnum', \ 'constants': { \ '__default': 'NULL', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getConstList': { 'signature': '[ bool $include_default = FALSE] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $initial_value [, bool $strict]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'splfloat': { \ 'name': 'SplFloat', \ 'constants': { \ '__default': '0', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $initial_value [, bool $strict]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'splint': { \ 'name': 'SplInt', \ 'constants': { \ '__default': '0', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $initial_value [, bool $strict]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'splstring': { \ 'name': 'SplString', \ 'constants': { \ '__default': '''''', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $initial_value [, bool $strict]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'spltype': { \ 'name': 'SplType', \ 'constants': { \ '__default': 'NULL', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ mixed $initial_value [, bool $strict]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['sqlite3'] = { \'sqlite3': { \ 'name': 'SQLite3', \ 'methods': { \ 'busyTimeout': { 'signature': 'int $msecs | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'changes': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE [, string $encryption_key = ""]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'createAggregate': { 'signature': 'string $name, mixed $step_callback, mixed $final_callback [, int $argument_count = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'createCollation': { 'signature': 'string $name, callable $callback | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'createFunction': { 'signature': 'string $name, mixed $callback [, int $argument_count = -1 [, int $flags = 0]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'enableExceptions': { 'signature': '[ bool $enableExceptions = FALSE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'exec': { 'signature': 'string $query | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'lastErrorCode': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'lastErrorMsg': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'lastInsertRowID': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'loadExtension': { 'signature': 'string $shared_library | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'open': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE [, string $encryption_key = ""]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'openBlob': { 'signature': 'string $table, string $column, int $rowid [, string $dbname = "main" [, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY]] | resource', 'return_type': 'resource'}, \ 'prepare': { 'signature': 'string $query | SQLite3Stmt', 'return_type': 'SQLite3Stmt'}, \ 'query': { 'signature': 'string $query | SQLite3Result', 'return_type': 'SQLite3Result'}, \ 'querySingle': { 'signature': 'string $query [, bool $entire_row = FALSE] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'escapeString': { 'signature': 'string $value | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'version': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'sqlite3result': { \ 'name': 'SQLite3Result', \ 'methods': { \ 'columnName': { 'signature': 'int $column_number | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'columnType': { 'signature': 'int $column_number | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'fetchArray': { 'signature': '[ int $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'finalize': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'numColumns': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'reset': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'sqlite3stmt': { \ 'name': 'SQLite3Stmt', \ 'methods': { \ 'bindParam': { 'signature': 'mixed $sql_param, mixed &$param [, int $type] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'bindValue': { 'signature': 'mixed $sql_param, mixed $value [, int $type] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'execute': { 'signature': 'void | SQLite3Result', 'return_type': 'SQLite3Result'}, \ 'getSQL': { 'signature': '[ bool $expanded = FALSE] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'paramCount': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'readOnly': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'reset': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let 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'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'readFrame': { 'signature': '[ string $class_name = "stompFrame"] | stompframe', 'return_type': 'stompframe'}, \ 'send': { 'signature': 'string $destination, mixed $msg [, array $headers] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'setReadTimeout': { 'signature': 'int $seconds [, int $microseconds] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'subscribe': { 'signature': 'string $destination [, array $headers] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'unsubscribe': { 'signature': 'string $destination [, array $headers] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'stompexception': { \ 'name': 'StompException', \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 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'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getNrClass': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getSvmType': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getSvrProbability': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'load': { 'signature': 'string $filename | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'predict_probability': { 'signature': 'array $data | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'predict': { 'signature': 'array $data | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'save': { 'signature': 'string $filename | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['ming'] = { \'swfaction': { \ 'name': 'SWFAction', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $script', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'swfbitmap': { \ 'name': 'SWFBitmap', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'mixed $file [, mixed $alphafile]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getHeight': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getWidth': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ }, \}, \'swfbutton': { \ 'name': 'SWFButton', \ 'methods': { \ 'addAction': { 'signature': 'SWFAction $action, int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addASound': { 'signature': 'SWFSound $sound, int $flags | SWFSoundInstance', 'return_type': 'SWFSoundInstance'}, \ 'addShape': { 'signature': 'SWFShape $shape, int $flags | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'setAction': { 'signature': 'SWFAction $action | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setDown': { 'signature': 'SWFShape $shape | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setHit': { 'signature': 'SWFShape $shape | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMenu': { 'signature': 'int $flag | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setOver': { 'signature': 'SWFShape $shape | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setUp': { 'signature': 'SWFShape $shape | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swfdisplayitem': { \ 'name': 'SWFDisplayItem', \ 'methods': { \ 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'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'remove': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rotate': { 'signature': 'float $angle | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rotateTo': { 'signature': 'float $angle | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'scale': { 'signature': 'float $dx, float $dy | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'scaleTo': { 'signature': 'float $x [, float $y] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setDepth': { 'signature': 'int $depth | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMaskLevel': { 'signature': 'int $level | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMatrix': { 'signature': 'float $a, float $b, float $c, float $d, float $x, float $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setName': { 'signature': 'string $name | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setRatio': { 'signature': 'float $ratio | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'skewX': { 'signature': 'float $ddegrees | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'skewXTo': { 'signature': 'float $degrees | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'skewY': { 'signature': 'float $ddegrees | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'skewYTo': { 'signature': 'float $degrees | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swffill': { \ 'name': 'SWFFill', \ 'methods': { \ 'moveTo': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rotateTo': { 'signature': 'float $angle | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'scaleTo': { 'signature': 'float $x [, float $y] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'skewXTo': { 'signature': 'float $x | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'skewYTo': { 'signature': 'float $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swffont': { \ 'name': 'SWFFont', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $filename', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getAscent': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getDescent': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getLeading': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getShape': { 'signature': 'int $code | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getUTF8Width': { 'signature': 'string $string | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getWidth': { 'signature': 'string $string | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ }, \}, \'swffontchar': { \ 'name': 'SWFFontChar', \ 'methods': { \ 'addChars': { 'signature': 'string $char | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addUTF8Chars': { 'signature': 'string $char | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swfgradient': { \ 'name': 'SWFGradient', \ 'methods': { \ 'addEntry': { 'signature': 'float $ratio, int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $alpha = 255] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'swfmorph': { \ 'name': 'SWFMorph', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getShape1': { 'signature': 'void | SWFShape', 'return_type': 'SWFShape'}, \ 'getShape2': { 'signature': 'void | SWFShape', 'return_type': 'SWFShape'}, \ }, \}, \'swfmovie': { \ 'name': 'SWFMovie', \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'object $instance | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'addExport': { 'signature': 'SWFCharacter $char, string $name | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addFont': { 'signature': 'SWFFont $font | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ int $version]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'importChar': { 'signature': 'string $libswf, string $name | SWFSprite', 'return_type': 'SWFSprite'}, \ 'importFont': { 'signature': 'string $libswf, string $name | SWFFontChar', 'return_type': 'SWFFontChar'}, \ 'labelFrame': { 'signature': 'string $label | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'nextFrame': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'output': { 'signature': '[ int $compression] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'remove': { 'signature': 'object $instance | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'save': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $compression = -1] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'saveToFile': { 'signature': 'resource $x [, int $compression = -1] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setbackground': { 'signature': 'int $red, int $green, int $blue | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setDimension': { 'signature': 'float $width, float $height | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFrames': { 'signature': 'int $number | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setRate': { 'signature': 'float $rate | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'startSound': { 'signature': 'SWFSound $sound | SWFSoundInstance', 'return_type': 'SWFSoundInstance'}, \ 'stopSound': { 'signature': 'SWFSound $sound | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'streamMP3': { 'signature': 'mixed $mp3file [, float $skip = 0] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'writeExports': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swfprebuiltclip': { \ 'name': 'SWFPrebuiltClip', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'mixed $file', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'swfshape': { \ 'name': 'SWFShape', \ 'methods': { \ 'addFill': { 'signature': 'int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $alpha = 255] | SWFFill', 'return_type': 'SWFFill'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'drawArc': { 'signature': 'float $r, float $startAngle, float $endAngle | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'drawCircle': { 'signature': 'float $r | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'drawCubic': { 'signature': 'float $bx, float $by, float $cx, float $cy, float $dx, float $dy | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'drawCubicTo': { 'signature': 'float $bx, float $by, float $cx, float $cy, float $dx, float $dy | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'drawCurve': { 'signature': 'float $controldx, float $controldy, float $anchordx, float $anchordy [, float $targetdx [, float $targetdy]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'drawCurveTo': { 'signature': 'float $controlx, float $controly, float $anchorx, float $anchory [, float $targetx [, float $targety]] | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'drawGlyph': { 'signature': 'SWFFont $font, string $character [, int $size] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 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$point | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'noMultiple': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swfsprite': { \ 'name': 'SWFSprite', \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'object $object | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'labelFrame': { 'signature': 'string $label | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'nextFrame': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'remove': { 'signature': 'object $object | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFrames': { 'signature': 'int $number | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'startSound': { 'signature': 'SWFSound $sount | SWFSoundInstance', 'return_type': 'SWFSoundInstance'}, \ 'stopSound': { 'signature': 'SWFSound $sount | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swftext': { \ 'name': 'SWFText', \ 'methods': { \ 'addString': { 'signature': 'string $string | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addUTF8String': { 'signature': 'string $text | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getAscent': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getDescent': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getLeading': { 'signature': 'void | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getUTF8Width': { 'signature': 'string $string | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'getWidth': { 'signature': 'string $string | float', 'return_type': 'float'}, \ 'moveTo': { 'signature': 'float $x, float $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setColor': { 'signature': 'int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $a = 255] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFont': { 'signature': 'SWFFont $font | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setHeight': { 'signature': 'float $height | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setSpacing': { 'signature': 'float $spacing | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swftextfield': { \ 'name': 'SWFTextField', \ 'methods': { \ 'addChars': { 'signature': 'string $chars | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addString': { 'signature': 'string $string | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'align': { 'signature': 'int $alignement | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ int $flags]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'setBounds': { 'signature': 'float $width, float $height | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setColor': { 'signature': 'int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $a = 255] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setFont': { 'signature': 'SWFFont $font | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setHeight': { 'signature': 'float $height | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setIndentation': { 'signature': 'float $width | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setLeftMargin': { 'signature': 'float $width | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setLineSpacing': { 'signature': 'float $height | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setMargins': { 'signature': 'float $left, float $right | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setName': { 'signature': 'string $name | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setPadding': { 'signature': 'float $padding | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'setRightMargin': { 'signature': 'float $width | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swfvideostream': { \ 'name': 'SWFVideoStream', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $file]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getNumFrames': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'setDimension': { 'signature': 'int $x, int $y | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['swoole'] = { \'swoole\async': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Async', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'dnsLookup': { 'signature': 'string $hostname, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'string $filename, callable $callback [, integer $chunk_size [, integer $offset]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'readFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'array $settings | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $filename, string $content [, integer $offset [, callable $callback]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'writeFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename, string $content [, callable $callback [, string $flags]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\atomic': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Atomic', \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': '[ integer $add_value] | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'cmpset': { 'signature': 'integer $cmp_value, integer $new_value | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'integer $value | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'sub': { 'signature': '[ integer $sub_value] | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\buffer': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Buffer', \ 'methods': { \ 'append': { 'signature': 'string $data | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'expand': { 'signature': 'integer $size | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': 'integer $offset, integer $length | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'recycle': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'substr': { 'signature': 'integer $offset [, integer $length [, bool $remove]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'integer $offset, string $data | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\channel': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Channel', \ 'methods': { \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'pop': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'push': { 'signature': 'string $data | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'stats': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\client': { \ 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'void'}, \ 'pipe': { 'signature': 'string $socket | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'recv': { 'signature': '[ string $size [, string $flag]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'resume': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'send': { 'signature': 'string $data [, string $flag] | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'sendfile': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $offset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendto': { 'signature': 'string $ip, integer $port, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'array $settings | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'sleep': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'wakeup': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\connection\iterator': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Connection\Iterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | Connection', 'return_type': 'Connection'}, \ 'key': { 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'ReturnType'}, \ 'getsockname': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'isConnected': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'recv': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'send': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'sendfile': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'sendto': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'addFile': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'execute': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'getDefer': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'post': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'setCookies': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'setData': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'setDefer': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'setHeaders': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'setMethod': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'query': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'call_user_func_array': { 'signature': 'callable $callback, array $param_array | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'call_user_func': { 'signature': 'callable $callback [, mixed $...] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'cli_wait': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'create': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'getuid': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'resume': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'suspend': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\event': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Event', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'int $fd, callable $read_callback [, callable $write_callback [, string $events]] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'defer': { 'signature': 'mixed $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'del': { 'signature': 'string $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'exit': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'int $fd [, string $read_callback [, string $write_callback [, string $events]]] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'wait': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $fd, string $data | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\exception': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Exception', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\http\client': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Http\Client', \ 'properties': { \ 'errCode': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ 'sock': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'addFile': { 'signature': 'string $path, string $name [, string $type [, string $filename [, string $offset]]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'download': { 'signature': 'string $path, string $file, callable $callback [, integer $offset] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'execute': { 'signature': 'string $path, string $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'string $path, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'isConnected': { 'signature': 'void | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'on': { 'signature': 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'string'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\http\response': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Http\Response', \ 'methods': { \ 'cookie': { 'signature': 'string $name [, string $value [, string $expires [, string $path [, string $domain [, string $secure [, string $httponly]]]]]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'end': { 'signature': '[ string $content] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'gzip': { 'signature': '[ string $compress_level] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'header': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value [, string $ucwords] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'initHeader': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'rawcookie': { 'signature': 'string $name [, string $value [, string $expires [, string $path [, string $domain [, string $secure [, string $httponly]]]]]] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'sendfile': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, int $offset] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'status': { 'signature': 'string $http_code | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $content | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\http\server': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Http\Server', \ 'methods': { \ 'on': { 'signature': 'string $event_name, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addlistener': { 'signature': 'string $host, integer $port, string $socket_type | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addProcess': { 'signature': 'swoole_process $process | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'after': { 'signature': 'integer $after_time_ms, callable $callback [, string $param] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'bind': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, integer $uid | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'clearTimer': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'swoole_timer_clear': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, boolean $reset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'confirm': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'connection_info': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, integer $reactor_id] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'connection_list': { 'signature': 'integer $start_fd [, integer $pagesize] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'defer': { 'signature': 'callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'array $settings | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'exist': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'finish': { 'signature': 'string $data | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getClientInfo': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, integer $reactor_id] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'getClientList': { 'signature': 'integer $start_fd [, integer $pagesize] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getLastError': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'heartbeat': { 'signature': 'boolean $if_close_connection | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'listen': { 'signature': 'string $host, integer $port, string $socket_type | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'pause': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'protect': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, boolean $is_protected] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'reload': { 'signature': 'void | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'resume': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'send': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $data [, integer $reactor_id] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendfile': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $filename [, integer $offset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendMessage': { 'signature': 'integer $worker_id, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendto': { 'signature': 'string $ip, integer $port, string $data [, string $server_socket] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendwait': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'shutdown': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stats': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': '[ integer $worker_id] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'task': { 'signature': 'string $data [, integer $dst_worker_id [, callable $callback]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'taskwait': { 'signature': 'string $data [, float $timeout [, integer $worker_id]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'taskWaitMulti': { 'signature': 'array $tasks [, double $timeout_ms] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'tick': { 'signature': 'integer $interval_ms, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\lock': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Lock', \ 'methods': { \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'lock_read': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'lock': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'trylock_read': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'trylock': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'unlock': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\mmap': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Mmap', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'open': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, string $size [, string $offset]] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\mysql\exception': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\MySQL\Exception', \ 'properties': { \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\mysql': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\MySQL', \ 'methods': { \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'array $server_config, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getBuffer': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'on': { 'signature': 'string $event_name, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'query': { 'signature': 'string $sql, callable $callback | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\process': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Process', \ 'constants': { \ 'IPC_NOWAIT': '256', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'close': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'exec': { 'signature': 'string $exec_file, string $args | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'exit': { 'signature': '[ string $exit_code] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'freeQueue': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'name': { 'signature': 'string $process_name | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'pop': { 'signature': '[ integer $maxsize] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'push': { 'signature': 'string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'read': { 'signature': '[ integer $maxsize] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'statQueue': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'useQueue': { 'signature': 'integer $key [, integer $mode] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'write': { 'signature': 'string $data | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'alarm': { 'signature': 'integer $interval_usec | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'daemon': { 'signature': '[ boolean $nochdir [, boolean $noclose]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'kill': { 'signature': 'integer $pid [, string $signal_no] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'signal': { 'signature': 'string $signal_no, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'wait': { 'signature': '[ boolean $blocking] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\redis\server': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Redis\Server', \ 'constants': { \ 'NIL': '1', \ 'ERROR': '0', \ 'STATUS': '2', \ 'INT': '3', \ 'STRING': '4', \ 'SET': '5', \ 'MAP': '6', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'setHandler': { 'signature': 'string $command, string $callback [, string $number_of_string_param [, string $type_of_array_param]] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addlistener': { 'signature': 'string $host, integer $port, string $socket_type | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addProcess': { 'signature': 'swoole_process $process | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'after': { 'signature': 'integer $after_time_ms, callable $callback [, string $param] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'bind': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, integer $uid | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'clearTimer': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'swoole_timer_clear': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, boolean $reset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'confirm': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'connection_info': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, integer $reactor_id] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'connection_list': { 'signature': 'integer $start_fd [, integer $pagesize] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'defer': { 'signature': 'callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'on': { 'signature': 'string $event_name, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'array $settings | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'exist': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'finish': { 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'boolean'}, \ 'sendfile': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $filename [, integer $offset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendMessage': { 'signature': 'integer $worker_id, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendto': { 'signature': 'string $ip, integer $port, string $data [, string $server_socket] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendwait': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'shutdown': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stats': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': '[ integer $worker_id] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'task': { 'signature': 'string $data [, integer $dst_worker_id [, callable $callback]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'taskwait': { 'signature': 'string $data [, float $timeout [, integer $worker_id]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'taskWaitMulti': { 'signature': 'array $tasks [, double $timeout_ms] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'tick': { 'signature': 'integer $interval_ms, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'format': { 'signature': 'string $type [, string $value] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\serialize': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Serialize', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'pack': { 'signature': 'string $data [, int $is_fast] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'unpack': { 'signature': 'string $data [, string $args] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\server': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Server', \ 'methods': { \ 'addlistener': { 'signature': 'string $host, integer $port, string $socket_type | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'addProcess': { 'signature': 'swoole_process $process | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'after': { 'signature': 'integer $after_time_ms, callable $callback [, string $param] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'bind': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, integer $uid | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'clearTimer': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'swoole_timer_clear': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'close': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, boolean $reset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'confirm': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'connection_info': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, integer $reactor_id] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'connection_list': { 'signature': 'integer $start_fd [, integer $pagesize] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'defer': { 'signature': 'callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ '__destruct': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'on': { 'signature': 'string $event_name, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'array $settings | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'exist': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'finish': { 'signature': 'string $data | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'getClientInfo': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, integer $reactor_id] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'getClientList': { 'signature': 'integer $start_fd [, integer $pagesize] | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getLastError': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'heartbeat': { 'signature': 'boolean $if_close_connection | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'listen': { 'signature': 'string $host, integer $port, string $socket_type | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'pause': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'protect': { 'signature': 'integer $fd [, boolean $is_protected] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'reload': { 'signature': 'void | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'resume': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'send': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $data [, integer $reactor_id] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendfile': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $filename [, integer $offset] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendMessage': { 'signature': 'integer $worker_id, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendto': { 'signature': 'string $ip, integer $port, string $data [, string $server_socket] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'sendwait': { 'signature': 'integer $fd, string $data | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'shutdown': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'stats': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'stop': { 'signature': '[ integer $worker_id] | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'task': { 'signature': 'string $data [, integer $dst_worker_id [, callable $callback]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'taskwait': { 'signature': 'string $data [, float $timeout [, integer $worker_id]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'taskWaitMulti': { 'signature': 'array $tasks [, double $timeout_ms] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'tick': { 'signature': 'integer $interval_ms, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\table': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Table', \ 'constants': { \ 'TYPE_INT': '1', \ 'TYPE_STRING': '7', \ 'TYPE_FLOAT': '6', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'column': { 'signature': 'string $name, string $type [, integer $size] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'create': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'decr': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $column [, integer $decrby] | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'del': { 'signature': 'string $key | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'destroy': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'exist': { 'signature': 'string $key | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'string $row_key, string $column_key | integer', 'return_type': 'integer'}, \ 'incr': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $column [, integer $incrby] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | ReturnType', 'return_type': 'ReturnType'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'set': { 'signature': 'string $key, array $value | VOID', 'return_type': 'VOID'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\timer': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\Timer', \ 'static_methods': { \ 'after': { 'signature': 'int $after_time_ms, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'exists': { 'signature': 'integer $timer_id | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'tick': { 'signature': 'integer $interval_ms, callable $callback [, string $param] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'swoole\websocket\frame': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\WebSocket\Frame', \}, \'swoole\websocket\server': { \ 'name': 'Swoole\WebSocket\Server', \ 'methods': { \ 'exist': { 'signature': 'integer $fd | boolean', 'return_type': 'boolean'}, \ 'on': { 'signature': 'string $event_name, callable $callback | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'push': { 'signature': 'string $fd, string $data [, string $opcode [, string $finish]] | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'start': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \ 'static_methods': { \ 'pack': { 'signature': 'string $data [, string $opcode [, string $finish [, string $mask]]] | binary', 'return_type': 'binary'}, \ 'unpack': { 'signature': 'binary $data | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['sync'] = { \'syncevent': { \ 'name': 'SyncEvent', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $name [, bool $manual = FALSE [, bool $prefire = FALSE]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'fire': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'reset': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'wait': { 'signature': '[ int $wait = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'syncmutex': { \ 'name': 'SyncMutex', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $name]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'lock': { 'signature': '[ int $wait = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'unlock': { 'signature': '[ bool $all = FALSE] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'syncreaderwriter': { \ 'name': 'SyncReaderWriter', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $name [, bool $autounlock = TRUE]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'readlock': { 'signature': '[ int $wait = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'readunlock': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'writelock': { 'signature': '[ int $wait = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'writeunlock': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'syncsemaphore': { \ 'name': 'SyncSemaphore', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $name [, int $initialval = 1 [, bool $autounlock = TRUE]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'lock': { 'signature': '[ int $wait = -1] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'unlock': { 'signature': '[ int &$prevcount] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'syncsharedmemory': { \ 'name': 'SyncSharedMemory', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $name, int $size', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'first': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'size': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['tidy'] = { \'tidy': { \ 'name': 'tidy', \ 'properties': { \ 'errorBuffer': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'body': { 'signature': 'void | tidyNode', 'return_type': 'tidyNode'}, \ 'cleanRepair': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'diagnose': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getConfig': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getHtmlVer': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getOpt': { 'signature': 'string $option | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getOptDoc': { 'signature': 'string $optname | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getRelease': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getStatus': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'head': { 'signature': 'void | tidyNode', 'return_type': 'tidyNode'}, \ 'html': { 'signature': 'void | tidyNode', 'return_type': 'tidyNode'}, \ 'isXhtml': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isXml': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'parseFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE]]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'parseString': { 'signature': 'string $input [, mixed $config [, string $encoding]] | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'repairFile': { 'signature': 'string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE]]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'repairString': { 'signature': 'string $data [, mixed $config [, string $encoding]] | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'root': { 'signature': 'void | tidyNode', 'return_type': 'tidyNode'}, \ }, \}, \'tidynode': { \ 'name': 'tidyNode', \ 'properties': { \ 'value': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'name': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'type': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'column': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'proprietary': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'bool'}, \ 'id': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 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'number'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options]] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'connectUri': { 'signature': 'string $uri | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'copy': { 'signature': 'string $path | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'ext': { 'signature': 'string $name, int $options, string $key, string $value | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'fwmKeys': { 'signature': 'string $prefix, int $max_recs | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getIterator': { 'signature': 'void | TokyoTyrantIterator', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrantIterator'}, \ 'num': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'out': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 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'mixed'}, \ 'tune': { 'signature': 'float $timeout [, int $options = TokyoTyrant::RDBT_RECON] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'vanish': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ }, \}, \'tokyotyrantexception': { \ 'name': 'tokyotyrantexception', \ 'properties': { \ 'code': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ 'message': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'file': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'string'}, \ 'line': { 'initializer': '', 'type': 'int'}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'tokyotyrantiterator': { \ 'name': 'TokyoTyrantIterator', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'add': { 'signature': 'string $key, number $increment [, int $type = 0] | number', 'return_type': 'number'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options]] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'connectUri': { 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'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'putNr': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'putShl': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value, int $width | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'restore': { 'signature': 'string $log_dir, int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = TRUE] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'setMaster': { 'signature': 'string $host, int $port, int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = TRUE] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'size': { 'signature': 'string $key | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'stat': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'sync': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'tune': { 'signature': 'float $timeout [, int $options = TokyoTyrant::RDBT_RECON] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'vanish': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ }, \}, \'tokyotyrantquery': { \ 'name': 'TokyoTyrantQuery', \ 'methods': { \ 'addCond': { 'signature': 'string $name, int $op, string $expr | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'TokyoTyrantTable $table', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'hint': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'metaSearch': { 'signature': 'array $queries, int $type | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'out': { 'signature': 'void | TokyoTyrantQuery', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrantQuery'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'search': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'setLimit': { 'signature': '[ int $max [, int $skip]] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'setOrder': { 'signature': 'string $name, int $type | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'tokyotyranttable': { \ 'name': 'TokyoTyrantTable', \ 'methods': { \ 'add': { 'signature': 'string $key, number $increment [, int $type = 0] | number', 'return_type': 'number'}, \ 'genUid': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'get': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getIterator': { 'signature': 'void | TokyoTyrantIterator', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrantIterator'}, \ 'getQuery': { 'signature': 'void | TokyoTyrantQuery', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrantQuery'}, \ 'out': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'put': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'putCat': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys [, string $value] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'putKeep': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys [, string $value] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'putNr': { 'signature': 'mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'putShl': { 'signature': 'string $key, string $value, int $width | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'setIndex': { 'signature': 'string $column, int $type | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'connect': { 'signature': 'string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options]] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'connectUri': { 'signature': 'string $uri | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'copy': { 'signature': 'string $path | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'ext': { 'signature': 'string $name, int $options, string $key, string $value | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'fwmKeys': { 'signature': 'string $prefix, int $max_recs | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'num': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'restore': { 'signature': 'string $log_dir, int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = TRUE] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'setMaster': { 'signature': 'string $host, int $port, int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = TRUE] | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'size': { 'signature': 'string $key | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'stat': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'sync': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'tune': { 'signature': 'float $timeout [, int $options = TokyoTyrant::RDBT_RECON] | TokyoTyrant', 'return_type': 'TokyoTyrant'}, \ 'vanish': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes']['ui'] = { \'ui\area': { \ 'name': 'UI\Area', \ 'constants': { \ 'Ctrl': '', \ 'Alt': '', \ 'Shift': '', \ 'Super': '', \ 'Down': '', \ 'Up': '', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'getParent': { 'signature': 'void | UI\Control', 'return_type': 'UI\Control'}, \ 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'int $index | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getOrientation': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isPadded': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'getParent': { 'signature': 'void | UI\Control', 'return_type': 'UI\Control'}, \ 'getTopLevel': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isEnabled': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isVisible': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'ui\controls\button': { \ 'name': 'UI\Controls\Button', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'string $text', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getText': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getParent': { 'signature': 'void | UI\Control', 'return_type': 'UI\Control'}, \ 'getTopLevel': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'isEnabled': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'isVisible': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, 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'', \ 'Round': '', \ 'Bevel': '', \ }, \}, \'ui\draw\matrix': { \ 'name': 'UI\Draw\Matrix', \ 'methods': { \ 'isInvertible': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'multiply': { 'signature': 'UI\Draw\Matrix $matrix | UI\Draw\Matrix', 'return_type': 'UI\Draw\Matrix'}, \ }, \}, \'ui\draw\path': { \ 'name': 'UI\Draw\Path', \ 'constants': { \ 'Winding': '', \ 'Alternate': '', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ int $mode = UI\Draw\Path::Winding]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \'ui\draw\pen': { \ 'name': 'UI\Draw\Pen', \}, \'ui\draw\stroke': { \ 'name': 'UI\Draw\Stroke', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ int $cap = UI\Draw\Line\Cap::Flat [, int $join = UI\Draw\Line\Join::Miter [, float $thickness = 1 [, float $miterLimit = 10]]]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'getCap': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getJoin': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getMiterLimit': { 'signature': 'void | float', 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'Yaf_Plugin_Abstract', \ 'methods': { \ 'dispatchLoopShutdown': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'dispatchLoopStartup': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'postDispatch': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'preDispatch': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'preResponse': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'routerShutdown': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'routerStartup': { 'signature': 'Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'yaf_registry': { \ 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{ \ 'getType': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getPrevious': { 'signature': 'void | Throwable', 'return_type': 'Throwable'}, \ 'getCode': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'getFile': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getLine': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTrace': { 'signature': 'void | array', 'return_type': 'array'}, \ 'getTraceAsString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__toString': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ '__clone': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'yar_server': { \ 'name': 'Yar_Server', \ 'properties': { \ '_executor': { 'initializer': '', 'type': ''}, \ }, \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': 'Object $obj', 'return_type': ''}, \ 'handle': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, 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'signature': 'mixed $offset | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'iterator': { \ 'name': 'Iterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'iteratoraggregate': { \ 'name': 'IteratorAggregate', \ 'methods': { \ 'getIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Traversable', 'return_type': 'Traversable'}, \ }, \}, \'serializable': { \ 'name': 'Serializable', \ 'methods': { \ 'serialize': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'unserialize': { 'signature': 'string $serialized | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'throwable': { \ 'name': 'Throwable', \ 'methods': { \ 'getMessage': { 'signature': 'void | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getCode': { 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'CommonMark\Interfaces\IVisitor $visitor | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'commonmark\interfaces\ivisitor': { \ 'name': 'CommonMark\Interfaces\IVisitor', \ 'constants': { \ 'Done': '', \ 'Enter': '', \ 'Leave': '', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'enter': { 'signature': 'IVisitable $visitable | ?int|IVisitable', 'return_type': '?int|IVisitable'}, \ 'leave': { 'signature': 'IVisitable $visitable | ?int|IVisitable', 'return_type': '?int|IVisitable'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['interfaces']['spl'] = { \'countable': { \ 'name': 'Countable', \ 'methods': { \ 'count': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ }, \}, \'outeriterator': { \ 'name': 'OuterIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'getInnerIterator': { 'signature': 'void | Iterator', 'return_type': 'Iterator'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'recursiveiterator': { \ 'name': 'RecursiveIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'getChildren': { 'signature': 'void | RecursiveIterator', 'return_type': 'RecursiveIterator'}, \ 'hasChildren': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'seekableiterator': { \ 'name': 'SeekableIterator', \ 'methods': { \ 'seek': { 'signature': 'int $position | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'current': { 'signature': 'void | mixed', 'return_type': 'mixed'}, \ 'key': { 'signature': 'void | scalar', 'return_type': 'scalar'}, \ 'next': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'rewind': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'valid': { 'signature': 'void | bool', 'return_type': 'bool'}, \ }, \}, \'splobserver': { \ 'name': 'SplObserver', \ 'methods': { \ 'update': { 'signature': 'SplSubject $subject | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \'splsubject': { \ 'name': 'SplSubject', \ 'methods': { \ 'attach': { 'signature': 'SplObserver $observer | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'detach': { 'signature': 'SplObserver $observer | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'notify': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['interfaces']['date_time'] = { \'datetimeinterface': { \ 'name': 'DateTimeInterface', \ 'constants': { \ 'ATOM': '"Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"', \ 'COOKIE': '"l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"', \ 'ISO8601': '"Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"', \ 'RFC822': '"D, d M y H:i:s O"', \ 'RFC850': '"l, d-M-y H:i:s T"', \ 'RFC1036': '"D, d M y H:i:s O"', \ 'RFC1123': '"D, d M Y H:i:s O"', \ 'RFC2822': '"D, d M Y H:i:s O"', \ 'RFC3339': '"Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"', \ 'RFC3339_EXTENDED': '"Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"', \ 'RSS': '"D, d M Y H:i:s O"', \ 'W3C': '"Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"', \ }, \ 'methods': { \ 'diff': { 'signature': 'DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute = FALSE] | DateInterval', 'return_type': 'DateInterval'}, \ 'format': { 'signature': 'string $format | string', 'return_type': 'string'}, \ 'getOffset': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTimestamp': { 'signature': 'void | int', 'return_type': 'int'}, \ 'getTimezone': { 'signature': 'void | DateTimeZone', 'return_type': 'DateTimeZone'}, \ '__wakeup': { 'signature': 'void', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \}, \} let g:phpcomplete_builtin['interfaces']['data_structures'] = { \'ds\collection': { \ 'name': 'Ds\Collection', \ 'methods': { \ 'clear': { 'signature': 'void | void', 'return_type': 'void'}, \ 'copy': { 'signature': 'void | Ds\Collection', 'return_type': 'Ds\Collection'}, \ 'isEmpty': { 'signature': 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