title: "vim#highlight API"
description: "vim#highlight API provides some basic functions and values for getting and setting highlight info."

# [Available APIs](../../) >> vim#highlight

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- [Intro](#intro)
- [Functions](#functions)

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## Intro

vim#highlight API provides some basic functions and values for getting and setting highlight info.

## Functions

| function name             | description                              |
| ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| `group2dict(name)`        | get a dict of highligh group info        |
| `hi(info)`                | run highligh command base on info        |
| `hide_in_normal(name)`    | hide a group in normal                   |
| `hi_separator(a, b)`      | create separator for group a and group b |
| `syntax_at(...)`          | get syntax info at a position            |
| `syntax_of(pattern, ...)` | get syntax info of a pattern             |