" Verilog/SystemVerilog support functions " Language: Verilog/SystemVerilog " Maintainer: Vitor Antunes <vitor.hda@gmail.com> "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Omni completion functions " " Requires ctags from: " https://github.com/fishman/ctags " https://github.com/exuberant-ctags/ctags " ctags must be run with --extra=+q " {{{ function! verilog#Complete(findstart, base) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Phase 1: Find and return prefix of completion if a:findstart let linenr = line('.') let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') let prefixpos = -1 let s:instname = '' let s:insttype = '' " Define start position depending on relation with end of line if start == col('$') let wordpos = start else let wordpos = start - 1 endif " Search for keywords in line while start > 0 if line[start - 1] == ']' " Skip over [...] while start > 0 let start -= 1 if line[start - 1] == '[' break endif endwhile else if line[start - 1] == '.' " Found separator let prefixpos = start elseif prefixpos >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\(\s\|(\)' " Stop when a whitespace or an open parentheses are found break endif endif let start -= 1 endwhile " Determine prefix word if prefixpos >= 0 let s:prefix = strpart(line, start, prefixpos - start) let s:word = strpart(line, prefixpos, wordpos - prefixpos) if s:prefix == '.' " Get instance info and break from while loop let values = s:GetInstanceInfo(linenr, start) let s:instname = values[0] let s:insttype = values[1] endif endif return prefixpos endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Phase 2: Search for type definition in tags file if exists("s:prefix") && s:prefix != '' call verilog#Verbose("Prefix: " . s:prefix) call verilog#Verbose("Word : " . s:word) if s:insttype != '' " Process an instance call verilog#Verbose("Process instance") if exists("s:word") let tags = taglist('^' . s:insttype . '\.' . s:word) else let tags = taglist('^' . s:insttype . '\.') endif call verilog#Verbose("Number of tags found: " . len(tags)) if s:instname != '' " In instances only return ports let tags = s:FilterPorts(tags) " Filter out hierarchical ports call filter(tags, 'len(split(v:val["name"], "\\.")) > 2 ? 0 : 1') call verilog#Verbose("Number of tags after filtering: " . len(tags)) " Remove the module name prefix call map(tags, 'strpart(v:val["name"], len(s:insttype . "."))') if (v:version >= 704) return {'words' : tags} else return tags endif else " In parameter list only return constants let tags = s:FilterConstants(tags) " Filter out hierarchical ports call filter(tags, 'len(split(v:val["name"], "\\.")) > 2 ? 0 : 1') call verilog#Verbose("Number of tags after filtering: " . len(tags)) " Remove the module name prefix call map(tags, 'strpart(v:val["name"], len(s:insttype . "."))') if (v:version >= 704) return {'words' : tags} else return tags endif endif elseif s:instname != '' " Process a function/task call call verilog#Verbose("Searching for function") let items = split(s:instname, '\.') if len(items) > 1 let word_list = [s:GetVariableType(items[0])] call extend(word_list, items[1:]) let base = join(word_list, ".") elseif len(items) == 1 let base = s:instname endif call verilog#Verbose("Searching tags starting with " . base) let tags = s:FilterPortsOrConstants(taglist('^' . base . '\.')) call map(tags, 'strpart(v:val["name"], len(base . "."))') if (v:version >= 704) return {'words' : tags} else return tags endif else " Process an object call verilog#Verbose("Process object") let idx = match(s:prefix, '\.') if idx >= 0 let object = strpart(s:prefix, 0, idx) else let object = s:prefix endif let type = s:GetVariableType(object) if type != "" " Check if this is a class defined type let newtype = s:GetClassDefaultParameterValue("", type) if newtype != "" let type = newtype endif " Search for inherited tags let tags = s:GetInheritanceTags(type, object) call verilog#Verbose("Searching tags starting with " . type) let localtags = taglist('^' . type . '\.' . s:word) let localtags = s:AppendSignature(localtags) " Filter out parameters call filter(localtags, 'v:val["kind"] != "c"') " Remove the variable type prefix call map(localtags, 'strpart(v:val["name"], len(type)+1)') let tags += localtags " Break if no tags were found if len(tags) == 0 return -1 endif " Filter out hierarchical ports call filter(tags, 'len(split(v:val, "\\.")) > 1 ? 0 : 1') if (v:version >= 704) return {'words' : tags} else return tags endif endif return -1 endif else return -1 endif endfunction " Search file for instance information: " * name " * type (typically a module name, but can also be a function/task/etc) " * line number function! s:GetInstanceInfo(linenr, column) let linenr = a:linenr let line = getline(linenr) let start = a:column let instname = "" let insttype = "" let ininstdecl = 0 let ininsttype = 0 let p = 0 let b = 0 call verilog#Verbose("Searching for instance info, starting on line " . linenr) while linenr > 0 while start > 0 " Give up if a ; is found. if line[start - 1] == ';' call verilog#Verbose("Giving up instance info search, on line " . linenr) break " Skip over (...) elseif line[start - 1] == ')' || p > 0 if line[start - 1] == ')' call verilog#Verbose("Skipping parentheses, started on line " . linenr) endif while start > 0 if line[start - 1] == ')' let p += 1 elseif line[start - 1] == '(' let p -= 1 if p == 0 call verilog#Verbose("Skipping parentheses, ended on line " . linenr) break endif endif let start -= 1 endwhile " Skip over [...] elseif line[start - 1] == ']' || b > 0 if line[start - 1] == ']' call verilog#Verbose("Skipping brackets, started on line " . linenr) endif while start > 0 if line[start - 1] == ']' let b += 1 elseif line[start - 1] == '[' let b -= 1 if b == 0 call verilog#Verbose("Skipping brackets, ended on line " . linenr) break endif endif let start -= 1 endwhile " An unmatched opening parentheses indicate start of instance " From here backward search for the instance declaration elseif line[start - 1] == '(' && p == 0 if line[start - 2] == '#' let ininsttype = -1 call verilog#Verbose("Found instance parameter declaration on line " . linenr) else let ininstdecl = -1 call verilog#Verbose("Found instance declaration name start, on line " . linenr) endif elseif ininstdecl < 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w' let ininstdecl = start elseif ininstdecl > 0 && ininsttype == 0 && (line[start - 1] =~ '\s' || start == 1) if start == 1 && line[start - 1] !~ '\s' let instname = strpart(line, 0, ininstdecl) else let instname = strpart(line, start, ininstdecl - start) endif call verilog#Verbose("Found instance name \"" . instname . "\", on line " . linenr) let ininsttype = -1 elseif ininsttype < 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w' let ininsttype = start elseif ininsttype > 0 && (line[start - 1] =~ '\s' || start == 1) if start == 1 && line[start - 1] !~ '\s' let insttype = strpart(line, 0, ininsttype) else let insttype = strpart(line, start, ininsttype - start) endif call verilog#Verbose("Found instance type \"" . insttype . "\", on line " . linenr) break endif let start -= 1 endwhile " Break search when instance type is found if ininsttype > 0 break endif " Give up if a ; is found. if line[start - 1] == ';' call verilog#Verbose("Giving up instance info search, on line " . linenr) break endif " Check next line let linenr -= 1 let line = getline(linenr) let start = len(line) endwhile call verilog#Verbose("Found instance. Name: »" . instname . "« Type: »" . insttype . "«") return [instname, insttype, linenr] endfunction " Append signature to functions and tasks function s:AppendSignature(tags) let newtags = [] for t in a:tags if t["kind"] == "t" || t["kind"] == "f" let t["name"] = t["name"] . "()" endif call add(newtags, t) endfor return newtags endfunction " Get list of inheritance tags function s:GetInheritanceTags(class, object) call verilog#Verbose("Searching inheritance of " . a:object) let tags = [] let inheritance = a:class let classtag = taglist('^' . inheritance . '$') while exists('classtag[0]["inherits"]') call verilog#Verbose("Following class " . a:class) call verilog#Verbose(inheritance . " inherits " . classtag[0]["inherits"]) let inheritance = classtag[0]["inherits"] " First check if inheritance is a parameter of the class let localtags = taglist('^' . a:class . '.' . inheritance . '$') if len(localtags) == 1 && localtags[0]["kind"] == "c" call verilog#Verbose(a:class . " inherits from a parameter") let parameter = inheritance " Search for parameter initialization in object declaration line let inheritance = s:GetObjectParameterValue(a:object, parameter) if inheritance == "" " Search for parameter default value in class declaration let inheritance = s:GetClassDefaultParameterValue(a:class, parameter) if inheritance == "" call verilog#Verbose("No default inheritance found") return tags endif endif call verilog#Verbose(a:class . " inherits from " . inheritance) endif " Get tags from inherited class let localtags = taglist('^' . inheritance . '.' . s:word) let localtags = s:AppendSignature(localtags) call map(localtags, 'strpart(v:val["name"], len(inheritance)+1)') let tags += localtags let classtag = taglist('^' . inheritance . '$') endwhile return tags endfunction " Searches for declaration of "word" and returns its type function s:GetVariableType(word) let position = getpos(".") if searchdecl(a:word, 0) == 0 let line = getline('.') let line = substitute(line, '\v^\s*(const|rand|randc)', '', '') let line = substitute(line, '\v^\s*(static|protected|local)', '', '') let type = split(line)[0] call verilog#Verbose("Found declation for: " . a:word . " (" . type . ")") call setpos(".", position) return type endif return 0 endfunction " Searches for declaration of "object" and returns "parameter" initialization value function s:GetObjectParameterValue(object, parameter) let position = getpos(".") if searchdecl(a:object, 0) == 0 let line = getline('.') if match(line, 'type\s\+' . a:parameter . '\s*=\s*\w\+') >= 0 let value = substitute(line, '.*\<type\s\+' . a:parameter . '\s*=\s*\(\w\+\).*', '\1', '') " TODO If type was not found search in the previous line call verilog#Verbose("Found variable initialization value: " . a:parameter . " = " . value) call setpos(".", position) return value endif endif call verilog#Verbose("Initialization of " . a:parameter . " was not found in " . a:object . " declaration") call setpos(".", position) return "" endfunction " Searches for declaration of "class" and returns default "parameter" value function s:GetClassDefaultParameterValue(class, parameter) if a:class == "" call verilog#Verbose("Search for default value of parameter " . a:parameter . " in current class") let declaration = {'cmd': '/.*type\s\+' . a:parameter . '\s*='} let contents = readfile(@%) else call verilog#Verbose("Search for default value of parameter " . a:parameter . " of class " . a:class) let declaration = taglist('^' . a:class . '$')[0] let contents = readfile(declaration.filename) endif if declaration.cmd[0] == '/' " Find index through pattern let pattern = strpart(declaration.cmd, 1, len(declaration.cmd) - 2) let match_idx = match(contents, pattern) else " Calculate index from line number let match_idx = declaration.cmd - 1 endif if match_idx >= 0 " Search for parameter in class declaration while match_idx < len(contents) && contents[match_idx] !~ ';' && contents[match_idx] !~ a:parameter let match_idx += 1 endwhile if contents[match_idx] !~ a:parameter call verilog#Verbose("No declaration of " . a:parameter . " was found in class " . a:class) return "" endif " Find value assignment in current line let pattern = 'type\s\+' . a:parameter . '\s*=\s*\w\+' let idx_start = match(contents[match_idx], pattern) if idx_start >= 0 let idx_end = matchend(contents[match_idx], pattern) - 1 let result = contents[match_idx][idx_start : idx_end] let result = substitute(split(result, '=')[1], '^\s*\(.\{-\}\)\(\s\|,\)*$', '\1', '') return result else call verilog#Verbose("Found parameter " . a:parameter . "but failed to find assignment in the same line") return "" endif else call verilog#Verbose("Parameter default value not found") return "" endif endfunction " Filter tag list to only return ports function s:FilterPorts(tags) let tags = a:tags call filter(tags, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] == "p" : 1') return tags endfunction " Filter tag list to only return constants function s:FilterConstants(tags) let tags = a:tags call filter(tags, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] == "c" : 1') return tags endfunction " Filter tag list to only return ports or constants function s:FilterPortsOrConstants(tags) let tags = a:tags call filter(tags, 'has_key(v:val, "kind") ? v:val["kind"] == "p" || v:val["kind"] == "c" : 1') return tags endfunction " }}} "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Common functions " {{{ " Verbose messaging " Only displays messages if b:verilog_verbose or g:verilog_verbose is defined function verilog#Verbose(message) if verilog#VariableExists("verilog_verbose") echom a:message endif endfunction " Configuration control " Pushes value to list only if new " Based on: http://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/6619/append-to-global-variable-and-completion function verilog#PushToVariable(variable, value) let list = verilog#VariableGetValue(a:variable) if (count(list, a:value) == 0) call add(list, a:value) endif call verilog#VariableSetValue(a:variable, list) endfunction function verilog#PopFromVariable(variable, value) let list = verilog#VariableGetValue(a:variable) call verilog#VariableSetValue(a:variable, filter(list, "v:val !=# a:value")) endfunction " Get variable value " Searches for both b:variable and g:variable, with this priority. " If the variable name includes '_lst' it is automatically split into a " list. function verilog#VariableGetValue(variable) if exists('b:' . a:variable) let value = eval('b:' . a:variable) elseif exists('g:' . a:variable) let value = eval('g:' . a:variable) else let value = '' endif if a:variable =~ '_lst' return split(value, ',') else return value endif endfunction " Set variable value " Searches for both b:variable and g:variable, with this priority. " If none exists, g: will be used " If the variable name includes '_lst' the value argument is assumed to " be a list. function verilog#VariableSetValue(variable, value) if a:variable =~ '_lst' let value = join(a:value, ',') else let value = a:value endif if exists('b:' . a:variable) exec 'let b:' . a:variable . ' = value' else exec 'let g:' . a:variable . ' = value' endif endfunction " Checks for variable existence function verilog#VariableExists(variable) return exists('b:' . a:variable) || exists('g:' . a:variable) endfunction " }}} "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Command completion functions " {{{ function verilog#CompleteCommand(lead, command, cursor) " Get list with current values in variable if (a:command =~ 'Folding') let current_values = verilog#VariableGetValue("verilog_syntax_fold_lst") elseif (a:command =~ 'Indent') let current_values = verilog#VariableGetValue("verilog_disable_indent_lst") elseif (a:command =~ 'ErrorUVM') let current_values = verilog#VariableGetValue("verilog_efm_uvm_lst") endif " Create list with valid completion values depending on command type if (a:command =~ 'FoldingAdd') let valid_completions = [ \ 'all', \ 'class', \ 'function', \ 'task', \ 'specify', \ 'interface', \ 'clocking', \ 'covergroup', \ 'sequence', \ 'property', \ 'comment', \ 'define', \ 'instance' \ ] if (exists('g:verilog_syntax_custom')) let valid_completions += keys(g:verilog_syntax_custom) endif if (empty(filter(current_values, 'v:val =~ "^block"'))) let valid_completions += [ \ 'block', \ 'block_nested', \ 'block_named' \ ] endif for item in current_values call filter(valid_completions, 'v:val !=# item') endfor elseif (a:command =~ 'DisableIndentAdd') let valid_completions = [ \ 'module', \ 'interface', \ 'class', \ 'package', \ 'covergroup', \ 'program', \ 'generate', \ 'sequence', \ 'property', \ 'method', \ 'preproc', \ 'conditional', \ 'eos' \ ] for item in current_values call filter(valid_completions, 'v:val !=# item') endfor elseif (a:command =~ 'ErrorUVMAdd') let valid_completions = [ \ 'all', \ 'info', \ 'warning', \ 'error', \ 'fatal', \ ] for item in current_values call filter(valid_completions, 'v:val !=# item') endfor else let valid_completions = current_values endif " If a:lead already includes other comma separated values, then remove " all from the list of valid values except the last let lead_list = split(a:lead, ',') call verilog#Verbose('Current lead values list: [' . join(lead_list, ',') . '] (length = ' . len(lead_list) . ')') call verilog#Verbose('Valid completions: [' . join(valid_completions, ',') . '] (length = ' . len(valid_completions) . ')') if (a:lead =~ ',$') let initial_lead = lead_list let real_lead = "" else if (len(lead_list) > 1) let initial_lead = lead_list[0:-2] let real_lead = lead_list[-1] else let initial_lead = [] let real_lead = a:lead endif endif call verilog#Verbose('Removing [' . join(initial_lead, ',') . '] from completion value list') call verilog#Verbose('Searching using lead: "' . real_lead . '"') for item in initial_lead call filter(valid_completions, 'v:val !=# item') endfor let completion_list = filter(valid_completions, 'v:val =~ "^" . real_lead') if (len(initial_lead) > 0) return map(completion_list, 'join(initial_lead, ",") . "," . v:val') else return completion_list endif endfunction " }}} "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " External functions " {{{ function verilog#GotoInstanceStart(line, column) let values = s:GetInstanceInfo(a:line, col('$')) if values[2] != "" call cursor(values[2], a:column) endif endfunction function verilog#FollowInstanceTag(line, column) let values = s:GetInstanceInfo(a:line, col('$')) if exists("g:verilog_navigate_split") exec "wincmd ".g:verilog_navigate_split endif if values[1] != "" execute "tag " . values[1] endif endfunction function verilog#ReturnFromInstanceTag() if winnr('$') > 1 && exists("g:verilog_navigate_split") if exists("g:verilog_navigate_split_close") exec g:verilog_navigate_split_close else exec "quit" endif else exec "pop" endif endfunction function verilog#FollowInstanceSearchWord(line, column) let @/='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>' call verilog#FollowInstanceTag(a:line, a:column) exec "normal!" . @/ normal! n endfunction " }}} "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Command to control errorformat and compiler " {{{ function! verilog#VerilogErrorFormat(...) " Choose tool if (a:0 == 0) let l:tool = inputlist([ \"1. VCS", \"2. Modelsim", \"3. iverilog", \"4. cver", \"5. Leda", \"6. Verilator", \"7. NCVerilog", \"8. SpyGlass", \]) echo "\n" if (l:tool == 1) let l:tool = "vcs" elseif (l:tool == 2) let l:tool = "msim" elseif (l:tool == 3) let l:tool = "iverilog" elseif (l:tool == 4) let l:tool = "cver" elseif (l:tool == 5) let l:tool = "leda" elseif (l:tool == 6) let l:tool = "verilator" elseif (l:tool == 7) let l:tool = "ncverilog" else let l:tool = "spyglass" endif else let l:tool = tolower(a:1) endif " Choose error level if (a:0 <= 1) if (l:tool == "vcs") let l:mode = inputlist([ \"1. check all", \"2. ignore lint", \"3. ignore lint and warnings" \]) echo "\n" elseif ( \ l:tool == "msim" || \ l:tool == "cver" || \ l:tool == "verilator" || \ l:tool == "ncverilog" || \ l:tool == "spyglass" \ ) let l:mode = inputlist([ \"1. check all", \"2. ignore warnings" \]) echo "\n" if (l:mode == 2) let l:mode = 3 endif else let l:mode = 1 endif else let l:mode = a:2 endif if (l:mode <= 1) let g:verilog_efm_level = "lint" elseif (l:mode <= 2) let g:verilog_efm_level = "warning" else let g:verilog_efm_level = "error" endif call verilog#Verbose("Configuring errorformat with: tool=" . l:tool . "; mode=" . l:mode) if (index(['vcs', 'modelsim', 'iverilog', 'cver', 'leda', 'verilator', 'ncverilog', 'spyglass'], l:tool) >= 0) execute 'compiler! '. l:tool echo 'Selected errorformat for "' . l:tool . '"' else echoerr 'Unknown tool name "' . l:tool . '"' endif endfunction " }}} " vi: sw=2 sts=2: