### Expected behavior <!-- What did you expect or want to happen? --> ### Steps to reproduce <!-- For bugs please provide steps to reproduce the issue. 1. Please set `g:neomake_logfile`, e.g. `:let g:neomake_logfile = '/tmp/neomake.log'` first. 2. Look at the logfile for the generated output, which might help revealing the issue already. You can use `make tail_log` from Neomake's source directory for following the logfile in a separate terminal. 3. Please describe how you run Neomake: manually (how?), via automake config, or via some custom autocommand(s) (which?). You can create a minimal vimrc like the following in Neomake's source directory, and use it with `(n)vim -u minimal.init.vim`: ``` set noloadplugins let &runtimepath = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . ',' . &runtimepath runtime plugin/neomake.vim let g:neomake_logfile = '/tmp/neomake.log' ``` --> ### Output from :NeomakeInfo <!-- 1. Paste the output from `:NeomakeInfo` here. You can use `:NeomakeInfo!` (with a bang at the end) to copy it to your clipboard. 2. If relevant (it is always useful with bug reports) paste the contents of the logfile (via `g:neomake_logfile`). -->