*pythonsense.txt* For Vim version 7.3 Last change: 2018 May 31 =============================================================================== *pythonsense* Pythonsense provides text selection and motion objects for Python classes, methods, functions, and doc strings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *pythonsense-object-select* The following text objects are provided (see |pythonsense-custom-key-maps| to use your own custom key maps): ac "a class" text object. This includes the entire class, including the header (class name declaration) and decorators, the class body, as well as a blank line if this is given after the class definition. ic "inner class" text object. This is the class body only, thus excluding the class name declaration line and any blank lines after the class definition. af "a function" (or method) text object. This includes the entire function, including the header (function name declaration) and decorators, the function body, as well as a blank line if this is given after the function definition. if "inner function" (or method) text object. This is the function body only, thus excluding the function name declaration line and any blank lines after the function definition. ad "a docstring" text object; includes triple quotes as well as docstring body. id "inner docstring" text object; includes docstring body only, and excludes triple quotes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *pythonsense-object-motion* The following motions are provided (see pythonsense-alternate-motion-keymaps| to use an alternate set of mappings that do not override the native Vim ones, or |pythonsense-custom-key-maps| to use your own custom key maps): {count}]] Move (forward) to the beginning of the next Python class. {count}][ Move (forward) to the end of the current Python class. {count}[[ Move (backward) to beginning of the current Python class (or beginning of the previous Python class if not currently in a class or already at the beginning of a class). {count}[] Move (backward) to end of the previous Python class. {count}]m Move (forward) to the beginning of the next Python method or function. {count}]M Move (forward) to the end of the current Python method or function. {count}[m Move (backward) to the beginning of the current Python method or function (or to the beginning of the previous method or function if not currently in a method/function or already at the beginning of a method/function). {count}[M Move (backward) to the end of the previous Python method or function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *pythonsense-object-information* The following information key maps are also provided: g: Echo information about the current semantic Python location. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *pythonsense-options* g:is_pythonsense_suppress_object_keymaps Specify this in your '~/.vimrc' to disable the object selection key mappings: > let g:is_pythonsense_suppress_object_keymaps = 1 < g:is_pythonsense_suppress_motion_keymaps Specify this in your '~/.vimrc' to disable the motion key mappings: > let g:is_pythonsense_suppress_motion_keymaps = 1 < g:is_pythonsense_suppress_location_keymaps Specify this in your '~/.vimrc' to disable the information key mappings: > let g:is_pythonsense_suppress_location_keymaps = 1 < g:is_pythonsense_alternate_motion_keymaps *pythonsense-alternate-motion-keymaps* Specify this in your '~/.vimrc' to activate an alternate set of key mappings for object motions: > let g:is_pythonsense_alternate_motion_keymaps = 1 < The above option will result in the following motion mappings as opposed to the ones described above: {count}]k Move (forward) to the beginning of the next Python class. {count}]K Move (forward) to the end of the current Python class. {count}[k Move (backward) to beginning of the current Python class (or beginning of the previous Python class if not currently in a class or already at the beginning of a class). {count}[K Move (backward) to end of the previous Python class. {count}]f Move (forward) to the beginning of the next Python method or function. {count}]F Move (forward) to the end of the current Python method or function. {count}[f Move (backward) to the beginning of the current Python method or function (or to the beginning of the previous method or function if not currently in a method/function or already at the beginning of a method/function). {count}[F Move (backward) to the end of the previous Python method or function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *pythonsense-custom-key-maps* If you are unhappy with the default key-mappings you can define your own which will individually override the default ones. However, instead of doing so in your "~/.vimrc", you need to do so in a file located in your "~/.vim/ftplugin/python/" directory, so that this key mappings are only enabled when editing a Python file. Furthermore, you should make sure that you limit the key mapping to the buffer scope. For example, to override yet replicate the default mappings you would define, the following in "~/.vim/ftplugin/python/pythonsense-custom.vim": > map <buffer> ac <Plug>(PythonsenseOuterClassTextObject) map <buffer> ic <Plug>(PythonsenseInnerClassTextObject) map <buffer> af <Plug>(PythonsenseOuterFunctionTextObject) map <buffer> if <Plug>(PythonsenseInnerFunctionTextObject) map <buffer> ad <Plug>(PythonsenseOuterDocStringTextObject) map <buffer> id <Plug>(PythonsenseInnerDocStringTextObject) map <buffer> ]] <Plug>(PythonsenseStartOfNextPythonClass) map <buffer> ][ <Plug>(PythonsenseEndOfPythonClass) map <buffer> [[ <Plug>(PythonsenseStartOfPythonClass) map <buffer> [] <Plug>(PythonsenseEndOfPreviousPythonClass) map <buffer> ]m <Plug>(PythonsenseStartOfNextPythonFunction) map <buffer> ]M <Plug>(PythonsenseEndOfPythonFunction) map <buffer> [m <Plug>(PythonsenseStartOfPythonFunction) map <buffer> [M <Plug>(PythonsenseEndOfPreviousPythonFunction) map <buffer> g: <Plug>(PythonsensePyWhere) < You do not need to specify all the key mappings if you just want to customize a few. Simply provide your own key mapping to each of the "<Plug>" mappings you want to override, and these will be respected, while any "<Plug>" maps that are not so explicitly bound will be assigned to the default key maps. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: