source plugin/jedi.vim describe 'signatures' before enew set filetype=python end after try | %bwipeout! | catch | endtry end it 'simple' normal odef xyz(number): return normal o normal oxyz() doautocmd CursorHoldI Expect getline(3) == '?!?jedi=0, ?!? (*_*number*_*) ?!?jedi?!?' doautocmd InsertLeave Expect getline(3) == '' end it 'multiple buffers' set hidden new setfiletype python redir => autocmds autocmd jedi_call_signatures * <buffer> redir END Expect autocmds =~# 'jedi_call_signatures' buffer # redir => autocmds autocmd jedi_call_signatures * <buffer> redir END Expect autocmds =~# 'jedi_call_signatures' end it 'simple after CursorHoldI with only parenthesis' noautocmd normal o doautocmd CursorHoldI noautocmd normal istaticmethod() doautocmd CursorHoldI Expect getline(1) == '?!?jedi=0, ?!? (*_*f: Callable[..., Any]*_*) ?!?jedi?!?' end it 'highlights correct argument' noautocmd normal o doautocmd CursorHoldI noautocmd normal iformat(42, "x") " Move to x - highlights "x". noautocmd normal 2h doautocmd CursorHoldI Expect getline(1) == '?!?jedi=0, ?!? (value: object, *_*format_spec: str=...*_*) ?!?jedi?!?' " Move left to 42 - hightlights first argument ("value"). noautocmd normal 4h doautocmd CursorHoldI Expect getline(1) == '?!?jedi=0, ?!? (*_*value: object*_*, format_spec: str=...) ?!?jedi?!?' end it 'no signature' exe 'normal ostr ' python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() Expect getline(1, '$') == ['', 'str '] end it 'signatures disabled' let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 0 exe 'normal ostr( ' python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() Expect getline(1, '$') == ['', 'str( '] let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 1 end it 'command line simple' let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 2 call jedi#configure_call_signatures() exe 'normal ostaticmethod( ' redir => msg python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() redir END Expect msg == "\nstaticmethod(f: Callable[..., Any])" redir => msg doautocmd InsertLeave redir END Expect msg == "\n" normal Sdef foo(a, b): pass exe 'normal ofoo(a, b, c, ' redir => msg python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() redir END Expect msg == "\nfoo(a, b)" end it 'command line truncation' let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 2 call jedi#configure_call_signatures() function! Signature() redir => msg python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() redir END return msg endfunction let funcname = repeat('a', &columns - (30 + (&ruler ? 18 : 0))) put = 'def '.funcname.'(arg1, arg2, arg3, a, b, c):' put = ' pass' execute "normal o\<BS>".funcname."( " Expect Signature() == "\n".funcname."(arg1, …)" exe 'normal sarg1, ' Expect Signature() == "\n".funcname."(…, arg2, …)" exe 'normal sarg2, arg3, ' Expect Signature() == "\n".funcname."(…, a, b, c)" exe 'normal sa, b, ' Expect Signature() == "\n".funcname."(…, c)" g/^/d put = 'def '.funcname.'('.repeat('b', 20).', arg2):' put = ' pass' execute "normal o\<BS>".funcname."( " Expect Signature() == "\n".funcname."(…)" end it 'command line no signature' let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 2 call jedi#configure_call_signatures() exe 'normal ostr ' redir => msg python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() redir END Expect msg == "\n" end end