" vim match-up - even better matching " " Maintainer: Andy Massimino " Email: a@normed.space " let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! matchup#text_obj#delimited(is_inner, visual, type) " {{{1 let l:v_motion_force = matchup#motion_force() " get the current selection, move to the _start_ the of range if a:visual let l:selection = getpos("'<")[1:2] + getpos("'>")[1:2] call matchup#pos#set_cursor(getpos("'<")) endif " motion forcing let l:forced = a:visual ? '' : l:v_motion_force " determine if operator is able to act line-wise (i.e., for inner) let l:linewise_op = index(g:matchup_text_obj_linewise_operators, \ v:operator) >= 0 if v:operator ==# 'g@' let l:save_reg = v:register let l:spec = matchlist(g:matchup_text_obj_linewise_operators, \ '^g@\%(,\(.\+\)\)\?') if !empty(l:spec) if empty(l:spec[1]) let l:linewise_op = 1 else execute 'let l:linewise_op =' l:spec[1] endif endif elseif v:operator ==# ':' \ && index(g:matchup_text_obj_linewise_operators, \ visualmode()) >= 0 let l:linewise_op = 1 endif " set the timeout fairly high call matchup#perf#timeout_start(725) " try up to six times for [l:local, l:try_again] in (v:count == 1 \ || v:count > g:matchup_delim_count_max) \ ? a:is_inner ? [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]] \ : [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2]] \ : a:is_inner ? [[1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 2], [0, 2]] \ : [[1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] let l:count = v:count1 + l:try_again " we use v:count1 on the first try and increment each successive time " find the open-close block then narrow down to local after let [l:open_, l:close_] = matchup#delim#get_surrounding( \ a:type, l:count, { 'local': 0 }) if empty(l:open_) if a:visual normal! gv else " TODO: can this be simplified by making omaps <expr>? " invalid text object, try to do nothing " cause a drop into normal mode call feedkeys("\<c-\>\<c-n>\<esc>", 'n') " and undo the text vim enters if necessary call feedkeys(":call matchup#text_obj#undo(" \ .undotree().seq_cur.")\<cr>:\<c-c>", 'n') endif return endif if l:local let [l:open, l:close] = matchup#delim#get_surround_nearest(l:open_) if empty(l:open) let [l:open, l:close] = [l:open_, l:open_.links.next] endif else let [l:open, l:close] = [l:open_, l:open_.links.close] endif " no way to specify an empty region so we need to use some tricks let l:epos = [l:open.lnum, l:open.cnum] let l:epos[1] += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:open) if !a:visual && a:is_inner \ && matchup#pos#equal(l:close, matchup#pos#next(l:epos)) " TODO: cpo-E if v:operator ==# 'c' " this is apparently the most reliable way to handle " the 'c' operator, although it raises a TextChangedI " and fills registers with a space (from targets.vim) call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:close) silent! execute "normal! i \<esc>v" elseif stridx('<>', v:operator) < 0 let l:byte = line2byte(l:close.lnum) + l:close.cnum - 1 call feedkeys(l:byte.'go', 'n') endif return endif let [l:l1, l:c1, l:l2, l:c2] = [l:open.lnum, l:open.cnum, \ l:close.lnum, l:close.cnum] " whether the pair has at least one line in between them let l:line_count = l:l2 - l:l1 + 1 " special case: if inner and the current selection coincides " with the open and close positions, try for a second time " this allows vi% in [[ ]] to work if a:visual && a:is_inner && l:selection == [l:l1, l:c1, l:l2, l:c2] continue endif " adjust the borders of the selection if a:is_inner let l:c1 += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:open) let [l:l1, l:c1] = matchup#pos#next(l:l1, l:c1)[1:2] let l:sol = (l:c2 <= 1) let [l:l2, l:c2] = matchup#pos#prev(l:l2, l:c2)[1:2] " don't select only indent at close while matchup#util#in_indent(l:l2, l:c2) let l:c2 = 1 let [l:l2, l:c2] = matchup#pos#prev(l:l2, l:c2)[1:2] let l:sol = 1 endwhile " include the line break if we had wrapped around if a:visual && l:sol let l:c2 = strlen(getline(l:l2))+1 endif if !a:visual " otherwise adjust end pos if l:sol let [l:l2, l:c2] = matchup#pos#next(l:l2, l:c2)[1:2] endif " toggle exclusive: difference between di% and dvi% let l:inclusive = 0 if !l:sol && matchup#pos#smaller_or_equal( \ [l:l1, l:c1], [l:l2, l:c2]) let l:inclusive = 1 endif if l:forced ==# 'v' let l:inclusive = !l:inclusive endif " sometimes operate in visual line motion (re-purpose force) " cf src/normal.c:1824 if empty(l:v_motion_force) \ && l:c2 <= 1 && l:line_count > 1 && !l:inclusive let l:l2 -= 1 if l:c1 <= 1 || matchup#util#in_indent(l:l1, l:c1-1) let l:forced = 'V' let l:inclusive = 1 else " end_adjusted let l:c2 = strlen(getline(l:l2)) + 1 if l:c2 > 1 let l:c2 -= 1 let l:inclusive = 1 endif endif endif if !l:inclusive let [l:l2, l:c2] = matchup#pos#prev(l:l2, l:c2)[1:2] endif endif " check for the line-wise special case if l:line_count > 2 && l:linewise_op && strlen(l:close.match) > 1 if l:c1 != 1 let l:l1 += 1 let l:c1 = 1 endif let l:l2 = l:close.lnum - 1 let l:c2 = strlen(getline(l:l2))+1 endif " if this would be an empty selection.. if !a:visual && (l:l2 < l:l1 || l:l1 == l:l2 && l:c1 > l:c2) if v:operator ==# 'c' call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:l1, l:c1) silent! execute "normal! i \<esc>v" elseif stridx('<>', v:operator) < 0 let l:byte = line2byte(l:l1) + l:c1 - 1 call feedkeys(l:byte.'go', 'n') endif return endif else let l:c2 += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:close) " special case for delete operator if !a:visual && v:operator ==# 'd' \ && strpart(getline(l:l2), l:c2) =~# '^\s*$' \ && strpart(getline(l:l2), 0, l:c1-1) =~# '^\s*$' let l:c1 = 1 let l:c2 = strlen(getline(l:l2))+1 endif endif " in visual line mode, force new selection to not be smaller " (only check line numbers) if a:visual && visualmode() ==# 'V' \ && (l:l1 > l:selection[0] || l:l2 < l:selection[2]) continue endif " in other visual modes, try again if we didn't reach a bigger range if a:visual && visualmode() !=# 'V' \ && !matchup#pos#equal(l:selection[0:1], l:selection[2:3]) \ && (l:selection == [l:l1, l:c1, l:l2, l:c2] \ || matchup#pos#larger([l:l1, l:c1], l:selection[0:1]) \ || matchup#pos#larger(l:selection[2:3], [l:l2, l:c2])) continue endif break endfor " set the proper visual mode for this selection let l:select_mode = (v:operator ==# ':') \ ? visualmode() \ : (l:forced !=# '') \ ? l:forced \ : 'v' if &selection ==# 'exclusive' let [l:l2, l:c2] = matchup#pos#next_eol(l:l2, l:c2)[1:2] endif " apply selection execute 'normal!' l:select_mode normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:l1, l:c1) normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:l2, l:c2) if exists('l:save_reg') execute 'normal! "' . l:save_reg endif endfunction function! matchup#text_obj#undo(seq) if undotree().seq_cur > a:seq silent! undo endif endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#text_obj#double_click() " {{{1 let [l:open, l:close] = [{}, {}] call matchup#perf#timeout_start(0) let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_current('all', 'both_all') if !empty(l:delim) let l:matches = matchup#delim#get_matching(l:delim, 1) if len(l:matches) > 1 && has_key(l:delim, 'links') let [l:open, l:close] = [l:delim.links.open, l:delim.links.close] endif endif if empty(l:open) || empty(l:close) call feedkeys("\<2-LeftMouse>", 'nt') return endif let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = [l:close.lnum, l:close.cnum] let l:cnum += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:close) if &selection ==# 'exclusive' let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = matchup#pos#next_eol(l:lnum, l:cnum)[1:2] endif call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:open) normal! v call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:lnum, l:cnum) if l:delim.side ==# 'close' normal! o endif endfunction " }}}1 let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: fdm=marker sw=2