local _extensions = require "telescope._extensions" local telescope = {} -- TODO(conni2461): also table of contents for tree-sitter-lua -- TODO: Add pre to the works -- ---@pre [[ -- ---@pre ]] ---@brief [[ --- Telescope.nvim is a plugin for fuzzy finding and neovim. It helps you search, --- filter, find and pick things in Lua. --- --- Getting started with telescope: --- 1. Run `:checkhealth telescope` to make sure everything is installed. --- 2. Evaluate it is working with --- `:Telescope find_files` or --- `:lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files()` --- 3. Put a `require("telescope").setup()` call somewhere in your neovim config. --- 4. Read |telescope.setup| to check what config keys are available and what you can put inside the setup call --- 5. Read |telescope.builtin| to check which builtin pickers are offered and what options these implement --- 6. Profit --- --- The below flow chart illustrates a simplified telescope architecture: --- <pre> --- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ --- │ ┌────────┐ │ --- │ │ Multi │ ┌───────+ │ --- │ │ Select │ ┌───────┐ │ Entry │ │ --- │ └─────┬──* │ Entry │ ┌────────+ │ Maker │ │ --- │ │ ┌───│Manager│────│ Sorter │┐ └───┬───* │ --- │ ▼ ▼ └───────* └────────┘│ │ │ --- │ 1────────┐ 2───┴──┐ │ │ --- │ ┌─────│ Picker │ │Finder│◀────┘ │ --- │ ▼ └───┬────┘ └──────* │ --- │ ┌────────┐ │ 3────────+ ▲ │ --- │ │Selected│ └───────│ Prompt │─────────┘ │ --- │ │ Entry │ └───┬────┘ │ --- │ └────────* ┌───┴────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────────┐ │ --- │ │ ▲ 4─────────┐│ Prompt │ │(Attach)│ │Actions │ │ --- │ ▼ └──▶ │ Results ││ Buffer │◀─┤Mappings│◀─┤User Fn │ │ --- │5─────────┐ └─────────┘└────────┘ └────────┘ └────────┘ │ --- ││Previewer│ │ --- │└─────────┘ telescope.nvim architecture │ --- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ --- --- + The `Entry Maker` at least defines --- - value: "raw" result of the finder --- - ordinal: string to be sorted derived from value --- - display: line representation of entry in results buffer --- --- * The finder, entry manager, selected entry, and multi selections --- comprises `entries` constructed by the `Entry Maker` from --- raw results of the finder (`value`s) --- --- Primary components: --- 1 Picker: central UI dedicated to varying use cases --- (finding files, grepping, diagnostics, etc.) --- see :h telescope.builtin --- 2 Finder: pipe or interactively generates results to pick over --- 3 Prompt: user input that triggers the finder which sorts results --- in order into the entry manager --- 4 Results: listed entries scored by sorter from finder results --- 5 Previewer: preview of context of selected entry --- see :h telescope.previewers --- </pre> --- --- A practical introduction into telescope customization is our --- `developers.md` (top-level of repo) and `:h telescope.actions` that --- showcase how to access information about the state of the picker (current --- selection, etc.). --- <pre> --- To find out more: --- https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim --- --- :h telescope.setup --- :h telescope.command --- :h telescope.builtin --- :h telescope.themes --- :h telescope.layout --- :h telescope.resolve --- :h telescope.actions --- :h telescope.actions.state --- :h telescope.actions.set --- :h telescope.actions.utils --- :h telescope.actions.generate --- :h telescope.actions.history --- :h telescope.previewers --- </pre> ---@brief ]] ---@tag telescope.nvim ---@config { ["name"] = "INTRODUCTION" } --- Setup function to be run by user. Configures the defaults, pickers and --- extensions of telescope. --- --- Usage: --- <code> --- require('telescope').setup{ --- defaults = { --- -- Default configuration for telescope goes here: --- -- config_key = value, --- -- .. --- }, --- pickers = { --- -- Default configuration for builtin pickers goes here: --- -- picker_name = { --- -- picker_config_key = value, --- -- ... --- -- } --- -- Now the picker_config_key will be applied every time you call this --- -- builtin picker --- }, --- extensions = { --- -- Your extension configuration goes here: --- -- extension_name = { --- -- extension_config_key = value, --- -- } --- -- please take a look at the readme of the extension you want to configure --- } --- } --- </code> ---@param opts table: Configuration opts. Keys: defaults, pickers, extensions ---@eval { ["description"] = require('telescope').__format_setup_keys() } function telescope.setup(opts) opts = opts or {} if opts.default then error "'default' is not a valid value for setup. See 'defaults'" end require("telescope.config").set_defaults(opts.defaults) require("telescope.config").set_pickers(opts.pickers) _extensions.set_config(opts.extensions) end --- Load an extension. --- - Notes: --- - Loading triggers ext setup via the config passed in |telescope.setup| ---@param name string: Name of the extension function telescope.load_extension(name) return _extensions.load(name) end --- Register an extension. To be used by plugin authors. ---@param mod table: Module function telescope.register_extension(mod) return _extensions.register(mod) end --- Use telescope.extensions to reference any extensions within your configuration. <br> --- While the docs currently generate this as a function, it's actually a table. Sorry. telescope.extensions = require("telescope._extensions").manager telescope.__format_setup_keys = function() local names = require("telescope.config").descriptions_order local descriptions = require("telescope.config").descriptions local result = { "<pre>", "", "Valid keys for {opts.defaults}" } for _, name in ipairs(names) do local desc = descriptions[name] table.insert(result, "") table.insert(result, string.format("%s*telescope.defaults.%s*", string.rep(" ", 70 - 20 - #name), name)) table.insert(result, string.format("%s: ~", name)) for _, line in ipairs(vim.split(desc, "\n")) do table.insert(result, string.format(" %s", line)) end end table.insert(result, "</pre>") return result end return telescope