local cr = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<CR>", true, false, true) local esc = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<Esc>", true, false, true) local set_curpos = function(pos) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { pos[1], pos[2] - 1 }) end local set_lines = function(lines) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, lines) end local check_lines = function(lines) assert.are.same(lines, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false)) end local check_curpos = function(pos) assert.are.same({ pos[1], pos[2] - 1 }, vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) end describe("dot-repeat", function() before_each(function() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) end) it("can add static delimiter pairs", function() set_lines({ "test" }) vim.cmd("normal ysiWb") vim.cmd("normal! ..") check_lines({ "(((test)))" }) end) it("can delete static delimiter pairs", function() set_lines({ "(((test)))" }) vim.cmd("normal dsb") vim.cmd("normal! ..") check_lines({ "test" }) end) it("can change static delimiter pairs", function() set_lines({ "(((test)))" }) vim.cmd("normal csba") vim.cmd("normal! ..") check_lines({ "<<<test>>>" }) end) it("can add non-static delimiter pairs based on user input", function() set_lines({ "here", "are", "some", "lines" }) vim.cmd("normal ysiwffunc_name" .. cr) set_curpos({ 2, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal! .") set_curpos({ 3, 4 }) vim.cmd("normal! .") set_curpos({ 4, 2 }) vim.cmd("normal! .") check_lines({ "func_name(here)", "func_name(are)", "func_name(some)", "func_name(lines)", }) end) it("can delete non-static delimiter pairs", function() set_lines({ [[<div id="test"]], [[ class="another"]], [[ some="other stuff">]], [[ <div id="bruh"]], [[ class="hi"]], [[ some="more things">]], [[ hello]], [[ <h2>]], [[ hello world]], [[ </h2>]], [[ </div>]], [[</div>]], }) set_curpos({ 9, 5 }) vim.cmd("normal dsT..") check_lines({ [[]], [[ ]], [[ hello]], [[ ]], [[ hello world]], [[ ]], [[ ]], [[]], }) end) it("can change non-static delimiter pairs", function() set_lines({ [[<div id="test"]], [[ class="another"]], [[ some="other stuff">]], [[ <div id="bruh"]], [[ class="hi"]], [[ some="more things">]], [[ hello]], [[ <h2>]], [[ hello world]], [[ </h2>]], [[ </div>]], [[</div>]], }) set_curpos({ 4, 15 }) vim.cmd("normal csTh1" .. cr) check_lines({ [[<div id="test"]], [[ class="another"]], [[ some="other stuff">]], [[ <h1>]], [[ hello]], [[ <h2>]], [[ hello world]], [[ </h2>]], [[ </h1>]], [[</div>]], }) set_curpos({ 1, 5 }) vim.cmd("normal! .") check_lines({ [[<h1>]], [[ <h1>]], [[ hello]], [[ <h2>]], [[ hello world]], [[ </h2>]], [[ </h1>]], [[</h1>]], }) end) it("can replace non-static delimiter pairs based on user input", function() set_lines({ "func_name(here)", "func_name(are)", "func_name(some)", "func_name(lines)", }) vim.cmd("normal csfnew_name" .. cr) vim.cmd("normal j.j.j.") check_lines({ "new_name(here)", "new_name(are)", "new_name(some)", "new_name(lines)", }) end) it("can perform a dot-repeat deletion without moving the cursor", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false, }) set_lines({ "'here'", "'there is'", "'another'", "'line'", }) set_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal ds'") vim.cmd("normal j.j.j.3k") check_curpos({ 1, 3 }) end) it("can perform a dot-repeat addition without moving the cursor", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false, }) set_lines({ "here", "there is", "another", "line", }) set_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiwfhi" .. cr) vim.cmd("normal j.j.j.3k") check_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal yss]") vim.cmd("normal j.j.j.3k") check_curpos({ 1, 3 }) check_lines({ "[hi(here)]", "[hi(there) is]", "[hi(another)]", "[hi(line)]", }) end) it("can perform a dot-repeat addition, moving the cursor to the beginning of the surround", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = "begin", }) set_lines({ "here", "there is", "another", "line", }) set_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw'") vim.cmd("normal j.j.j.3k") check_curpos({ 1, 1 }) end) it("can perform a dot-repeat addition (containing `.`) without moving the cursor", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false, }) set_lines({ "here", "there is", "another", "line", }) set_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw.") vim.cmd("normal j.j.j.3k") check_curpos({ 1, 3 }) end) it("does not have improper dot-repeat cursor functionality when other dots are inputted", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false, }) set_lines({ "this is a line", "there is another", }) set_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw)") vim.cmd("normal :echo 'this. is. a. dot.'" .. cr) vim.cmd("normal j.") check_curpos({ 2, 3 }) end) it("maintains cursor position correctly after dot-repeating after cancelling a motion", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false, }) set_lines({ "this is a line", "there is another", }) set_curpos({ 1, 3 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw" .. esc) set_curpos({ 2, 13 }) vim.cmd("normal ..") check_curpos({ 2, 13 }) check_lines({ "this is a line", "there is .another.", }) end) end)